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The Pokémon Lottery Corner (Japanese: ポケモンくじ抽選コーナー Pokémon Lottery Drawing Corner) or the Loto-ID (Japanese: IDくじ ID Lottery) is a feature in the Generation II, III, IV, VI, VII, and VIII core series games that gives the player a periodic opportunity to receive a reward for owning a Pokémon with a certain OT ID number. The Loto-ID is held at the at the Loto-ID Center (Japanese: IDくじセンター抽選コーナー ID Lottery Center Drawing Corner).

Each day (or each week in Generation II), a random ID number is generated; if the player has a Pokémon with the same or a similar ID, they will receive a prize. In order for a Pokémon's ID to be eligible for an award, one or more consecutive corresponding digits of the Pokémon's ID and the random ID must be the same, starting from the rightmost digit. For example, if the current lottery number is 12345, a Pokémon with the ID 12340 will not win, and one with the ID 12305 will win for matching only the last digit (except in Generations II and III, which do not give rewards for matching only one digit). Even if the player resets the game, the number for that day will still be the same.

A similar feature is present in Black 2 and White 2 and Gen VII games with the Raffle Shops and Lottery shops respectively. Those, however, aren't based on any factor.

Generation II

Main article: Radio in the Pokémon world → Lucky Number Show

In Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, the Lucky Number Show is part of the Lucky Channel, a radio program broadcast on channel 8.5 in Johto. Each Friday, a random ID number is generated and then broadcast on the Lucky Channel throughout the following week. The player can bring a Pokémon with an ID number matching that week's lucky number to a receptionist on the ground floor of the Goldenrod Radio Tower to receive a prize. When the receptionist is spoken to, the IDs of all Pokémon in the player's party and in the currently selected Box of the Pokémon Storage System are checked for matches, and a prize is awarded if one is found. The player can speak to the receptionist to check for matches multiple times in one week, but once a prize has been received, the player will not be able to participate again until after the lucky number changes at the start of the next Friday.


  • If the player has not drawn a lottery ticket that day
"Hi, are you here for the Lucky Number Show? Want me to check the ID numbers of your Pokémon? If you get lucky, you win a prize. This week's ID number is <number>. Let see if you have a match.
"The Loto Ticket number is <number>. I need to run a check on this number to see if it matches any of your Pokémon's ID numbers. Please wait."
  • If the player loses
"Nope, none of your ID numbers match."
  • If the player wins
"Congratulations! We have a match with the ID number of <winning Pokémon> in your party/PC Box.
  • If last two digits match
"Ooh, you've matched the last two numbers. You've won third prize, a PP Up.
  • If last three digits match
"Hey! You've matched the last three numbers! You've won second prize, an Exp.Share!"
  • If all digits match
"Wow! You have a perfect match of all five numbers! We have a grand prize winner! You have won a Master Ball!
  • When talking to the receptionist again after drawing a ticket
"Please come back next week for the next Lucky Number."

Generation III

In Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, the lottery is part of the Pokémon Lottery Corner on the ground floor of the Lilycove Department Store, where it is conducted by the right receptionist. The winning ID number changes daily, and the game looks for matches by examining the IDs of all Pokémon in the player's party and in all PC Boxes (but not Pokémon in the Day Care). The player may only check for matches once a day, and this occurs at the same time that they are told what the winning ID is.


  • If the player has not drawn a lottery ticket that day
"This is the Pokémon Lottery Corner. All shoppers visiting our Department Store get to draw a Pokémon Loto Ticket. If the Loto Ticket's number matches the ID number of any of your Pokémon, you will receive a fabulous gift. Would you like to draw a Pokémon Loto Ticket?"
No: "Please do visit us again."
Yes: "Please pick a Loto Ticket. ... ... ..."
"The Loto Ticket number is <number>. I need to run a check on this number to see if it matches any of your Pokémon's ID numbers. Please wait."
  • If the player loses
"I'm sorry. None of the numbers matched."
  • If the player wins
"Congratulations! The ID number of your PC-boxed/team's <winning Pokémon's nickname> matches your Loto Ticket's number!
  • If two digits match
"Two digits matched, so you win the third prize! You've won the PP Up!"
  • If three digits match
"Three digits matched, so you win the second prize! You've won the Exp. Share!"
  • If four digits match
"Four digits matched, so you win the first prize! You've won the Max Revive!"
  • If all digits match
"Oh, my goodness, all five digits matched! You've won the jackpot prize! You've won the Master Ball!"
"Please do visit again."
  • When talking to the receptionist again after drawing a ticket
"Please come back tomorrow."

Generation IV

In Generation IV, the winning ID number is determined using the same mechanic as Pokémon outbreaks and Great Marsh Pokémon. Therefore, players in the same group will have the same winning number on any given day, and resetting the game will not change the day's winning number, unlike in Generation III.

In Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, the lottery is part of the Pokémon Lottery Corner on the ground floor of the Jubilife TV building, where it is conducted by a receptionist named Felicity. The winning ID number changes daily, and the game looks for matches by examining the IDs of all Pokémon in the player's party and in all PC Boxes (but not Pokémon in the Day Care). In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the player may only check for matches once a day, and this occurs at the same time that they are told what the winning ID is. This is changed in Pokémon Platinum so that the player may check for matches multiple times in one day; however, after winning a prize, they may not participate again for the rest of the day.

In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Felicity and the Pokémon Lottery Corner appear on the ground floor of the Goldenrod Radio Tower; the lottery in these games works the same way that it does in Platinum.


Main article: Felicity → Quotes

Generation VI

In Pokémon X and Y, the Loto-ID is at the Loto-ID Center on Estival Avenue in Lumiose City, where it is conducted by the front receptionist. The winning ID number changes daily, and the game looks for matches by examining the IDs of all Pokémon in the player's party and in all PC Boxes (but not Pokémon in the Day Care). Although the number remains the same throughout the day, the player may check for matches multiple times in one day until they win a prize, after which they may not participate again for the rest of the day.

The Pokémon Lottery Corner on the ground floor of the Lilycove Department Store makes a reappearance in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.


Pokémon X and Y

  • If the player has not drawn a lottery ticket that day
"This is the Loto-ID Center! If your drawn number matches the ID No. of any of your Pokémon, you could win fabulous prizes! Try your luck today! Would you like to draw a Loto Ticket?"
No: "Please do visit again!"
Yes: "Certainly! Good luck! ... ... ... Here's the result! Your Loto Ticket number is <number>! Let's see if it matches the ID No. of any of your Pokemon! ... ... ..."
  • If the player loses
"I'm sorry. You didn't get a match..."
"Please do visit again!"
  • If the player wins
"The ID No. of the <winning Pokémon's nickname> in your PC Box matches your Loto Ticket number!/The ID No. of your team's <winning Pokémon's nickname> matches your Loto Ticket number!
  • If last digit matches
"OK. One digit matched. Your luck is OK, I guess! You've won the fourth prize, a Moomoo Milk!"
"Please do visit again!"
  • If two digits match
"Two digits matched! You have good luck! You've won the third prize, a PP Up!"
"Please do visit again!"
  • If three digits match
"Oh! Three digits matched! Your luck is really special! You've won the second prize, a PP Max!"
"Please do visit again!"
  • If four digits match
"Great! Four digits matched! You have excellent luck! You've won the first prize, a Rare Candy!"
"Please do visit again!"
  • If all digits match
"Oh my goodness, all five digits matched! You have incredible luck! You've won the jackpot prize, a Master Ball!"
"Please do visit again!"
  • When talking to the receptionist again after drawing a ticket
"You can draw a Loto Ticket once a day. Please come back tomorrow! Please do visit again!"

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

  • If the player has not drawn a lottery ticket that day
"This is the Pokémon Lottery Corner. All shoppers visiting our department store gets to draw a Pokémon Loto Ticket. If the Loto Ticket's number matches the ID number of any of your Pokémon, you will receive a fabulous gift. Would you like to try it?"
No: "We look forward to seeing you again soon!"
Yes: "Please pick a Loto Ticket. ... ... ... ... The Loto Ticket is <number>. I need to check this number to see if it matches any of your Pokémon's ID numbers. Please wait a moment. ... ... ..."
  • If the player loses
"I'm sorry."
"None of the numbers matched."
"We look forward to seeing you again soon!"
  • If the player wins
"The ID No. of the <winning Pokémon's nickname> in your PC Box matches your Loto Ticket number!/The ID No. of your team's <winning Pokémon's nickname> matches your Loto Ticket number!"
  • If last digit matches
"One digit matched, so you win fourth prize! You've won a Moomoo Milk!"
"We look forward to seeing you again soon!"
  • If two digits match
"Two digits match, so you win the third prize! You've won a PP Up!"
"We look forward to seeing you again soon!"
  • If three digits match
"Three digits match, so you win second prize, a PP Max!"
"We look forward to seeing you again soon!"
  • If four digits match
"Four digits matched, so you win first prize! You've won a Rare Candy!"
"We look forward to seeing you again soon!"
  • If all digits match
"My goodness, all five digits matched! You've won the jackpot prize, a Master Ball!"
"We look forward to seeing you again soon!"
  • When talking to the receptionist again after drawing a ticket
"You can only win once a day. Please come again tomorrow! We look forward to seeing you again soon!"

Generation VII

In Pokémon Sun, Moon, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the Loto-ID is located at the Alola Tourist Bureau in Hau'oli City, where it is conducted by the left receptionist. The winning ID number changes daily, and the game looks for matches by examining the last five digits of the IDs of all Pokémon in the player's party and in all PC Boxes (but not Pokémon in the Nursery). Unlike in previous games, the game must be saved prior to drawing a Loto Ticket and the player cannot do multiple checks in one day.


  • If the player has not drawn a lottery ticket that day
"This is the Loto-ID Center! If your drawn number matches the ID No. of any of your Pokémon, you could win fabulous prizes! Try your luck today! Would you like to draw a Loto Ticket?"
No: "Please do visit again!"
Yes: "Would you please save the game before your drawing?"
No: "Please do visit again!"
Yes: "Certainly! Good luck! ... ... ... Here's the result! Your Loto Ticket number is <number>! Let's see if it matches the ID No. of any of your Pokémon!"
  • If the player loses
"I'm sorry. You didn't get a match..."
"Please do visit again!"
  • If the player wins
"Congratulations! Spectacularly, the ID number of your team's <winning Pokémon's nickname> matches your Loto Ticket's number!" (if in the party) / "Congratulations! The ID No. of your team's <winning Pokémon's nickname> matches your Loto Ticket number!" (if in the PC)
  • If last digit matches
"OK. One digit matched. Your luck is OK, I guess! You've won the fourth prize, a Moomoo Milk!"
"Please do visit again!"
  • If two digits match
"Two digits matched! You have good luck! You've won the third prize, a PP Up!"
"Please do visit again!"
  • If three digits match
"Oh! Three digits matched! Your luck is really special! You've won the second prize, a PP Max!"
"Please do visit again!"
  • If four digits match
"Great! Four digits matched! You have excellent luck! You've won the first prize, a Rare Candy!"
"Please do visit again!"
  • If five digits match
"Oh my goodness, five digits matched! You have incredible luck! You've won the jackpot prize, a Master Ball!"
"Please do visit again!"
  • When talking to the receptionist again after drawing a ticket
"You can draw a Loto Ticket once a day. Please come back tomorrow!"
"Please do visit again!"

Generation VIII

In Pokémon Sword and Shield, The Loto-ID is done at the PC of any Pokémon Center where it is conducted by Rotomi. The winning ID number changes daily, and the game looks for matches by examining the last five digits of the IDs of all Pokémon in the player's party and in all PC Boxes (but not Pokémon in the Nursery). Like in the previous generation, the game must be saved prior to drawing a Loto Ticket and the player cannot do multiple checks in one day.


  • If the player has not drawn a lottery ticket that day
"I’ve now connected to the serverzzz at the Loto-ID Center! We’ll draw a number, and if it’zzz a match for the ID No. of any of your Pokémon, you could win fabulous prizzzes! Ready to save your progress and try your luck?"
"Then here we go... Bezzzt of luck to you!"
"Here’zzz your number: <number>! Let’s see if it matches any Pokémon’s ID number!"
  • If the player loses
"Rough luck—you didn’t get a match! But you can try it again tomorrow! Zzzt!"
  • If the player wins
If in party: "Oh! Congratulationzzz! That’zzz amazing! The number matches up with the ID No. of your sweet <Pokémon>!"
If in Box: "Oh! Congratulationzzz! That’zzz amazing! The number matches up with the ID No. of <Pokémon> in your Boxes!"
  • If last digit matches
"Look! The last digit matched! Zzzt! I guess that’zzz just so-so luck, but buck up! You’ve won the fourth-tier prize—a nice bottle of Moomoo Milk!"
  • If two digits match
"The last two digitzzz matched! You’ve got pretty good luck! You’ve won the third-tier prize—a PP Up!"
  • If three digits match
"Oh! The last three digitzzz matched! Your luck is really special! You’ve won the second-tier prize—a PP Max!"
  • If four digits match
"Amazzzing! The last four digitzzz matched! You’ve got excellent luck! You’ve won the first-tier prize—a Rare Candy!"
  • If five digits match
"And, oh my goodnezzz, all five digitzzz match! It’s marvelouzzz! It’s miraculouzzz! You’ve won the top prize—a Master Ball! Zzzt!"
"Looking forward to your nexzzzt attempt!"
  • When the player chooses try Loto-ID after drawing a ticket
"Only one drawing per day, love! Zzzt! Come back tomorrow for another go!"


Game 1 digit 2 digits 3 digits 4 digits 5 digits
GSC None Nothing PP Up PP Up Exp. Share Exp. Share Exp. Share Exp. Share Master Ball Master Ball
RSE None Nothing PP Up PP Up Exp. Share Exp. Share Max Revive Max Revive Master Ball Master Ball
DP Fashion Case Backdrop* PP Up PP Up Exp. Share Exp. Share Max Revive Max Revive Master Ball Master Ball
PtHGSS Ultra Ball Ultra Ball PP Up PP Up Exp. Share Exp. Share Max Revive Max Revive Master Ball Master Ball
Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk PP Up PP Up PP Max PP Max Rare Candy Rare Candy Master Ball Master Ball


The Backdrops that the player can win in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are Ranch, City at Night, Snowy Town, Fiery, Outer Space, Cumulus Cloud, Desert, Flower Patch, Future Room, Open Sea, Total Darkness, Tatami Room, and Gingerbread Room.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese ID抽籤中心的抽獎區 ID Chāuchīm Jūngsām-dīk Chāujéung Kēui
Mandarin ID抽籤中心的抽獎區 ID Chōuqiān Zhōngxīn-de Chōujiǎng Qū *
ID抽签中心的抽奖一角 ID Chōuqiān Zhōngxīn-de Chōujiǎng Yījiǎo *
French Loterie Pokémon (III, IV)
Loterie ID (VI, VII)
German Pokémon-Lotterie (III, IV)
ID-Lotterie-Zentrum (VI, VII)
Italian Angolo Lotteria Pokémon (III, IV)
Centro Lotteria ID (XY, VII)
Angolo LotteriaORAS
Korean 포켓몬 추첨 제비뽑기 코너 Pokémon Chucheom Jebippopgi Koneo (IV)
ID 추첨센터 추첨 코너 ID Chucheom Senteo Chucheom Koneo (VI, VII)
Spanish Despacho de Lotería Pokémon (III, IV, ORAS)
Administración de Lotería ID (XY, VII)

This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.