Team GO Rocket Grunt (Trainer class)

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Team GO Rocket Grunt
GOロケット団のしたっぱ GO Team Rocket Underling
GO Team GO Rocket Grunt M.pngGO Team GO Rocket Grunt F.png
Models from Pokémon GO
Other names
Introduced in Generation VII
Appears in Pokémon GO
Gender Both
Counterpart {{{counterpart}}}
Notable members Jessie, James
Anime debut
TCG debut [[(TCG)|]]
TCG card {{{card}}}
Manga debut {{{manga}}}

Team GO Rocket Grunts (Japanese: GOロケット団のしたっぱ GO Team Rocket Underling) are members of Team GO Rocket in Pokémon GO. They invade PokéStops, use hot air balloons and battle using Shadow Pokémon to defend their claims.

Defeating a Team GO Rocket Grunt in a Trainer Battle rewards the player with GO Stardust icon.png500. The Grunt will abandon the PokéStop (if not flee via hot air balloon), and leave one of the Shadow Pokémon used in battle, which can then be captured during the bonus challenge. Since November 5, 2019, starting in selected locations, a defeated Team GO Rocket Grunt will also leave behind a Mysterious Component needed to assemble a Rocket Radar.

When using a Super Rocket Radar, Decoy Grunts may be found disguised as Giovanni. Upon interacting with the PokéStop, they will reveal themselves to be Grunts and challenge the player to battle.


GO Team GO Rocket Grunt M 2.pngGO Team GO Rocket Grunt F 2.png
Models before battle from
Pokémon GO
VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt M.pngVSTeam GO Rocket Grunt F.png
VS models from
Pokémon GO
Spr GO Team GO Rocket Grunt M.pngSpr GO Team GO Rocket Grunt F.png
Icons from
Pokémon GO

Trainer list

140Kabuto.png This article contains old or outdated information, or has not been updated in a while.
Please check the content of this article and update it as required.
A Grunt's prebattle quote hinting at specializing in Fire-type Pokémon

The possible Shadow Pokémon used by each Team GO Rocket Grunt are based on the Grunt's gender and type specialty, which is hinted at by the quote on the prebattle screen. Team GO Rocket Grunts will always send out their Pokémon in the same order, with each of their three Pokémon independently and randomly selected from separate pools. The odds of each Grunt appearing and which Pokémon they use are not uniformly distributed. Team GO Rocket Grunts will also never use Protect Shields.

After a Grunt is defeated, they will abandon one of their Shadow Pokémon used in battle, which can then be captured during the bonus challenge. Although Grunts usually abandon the first Pokémon used, some have a small chance of abandoning the second instead. For Grunts that may abandon either the first or second Shadow Pokémon, the bonus challenge encounter is random for every player; for instance, if two players defeat a Team GO Rocket Grunt at the same PokéStop invasion, whose team consisted of Houndour, Houndoom, and Arcanine, one player may encounter Houndour while the other encounters Houndoom.

The following lists the possible Pokémon that may be used by each Team GO Rocket Grunt since July 9, 2022. Green-colored cells denote the pools of Pokémon that may be encountered during the bonus challenge.[1]

For a list of all past Team GO Rocket Grunt rotations, see Team GO Rocket Grunt (Trainer class)/Pokémon change history.
GO Normal M.png Normal does not mean weak. VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt M.png
#1 #2 #3
RattataShadowWhismurShadowPatratShadow RaticateShadowLoudredShadowBidoofShadow RaticateShadowUrsaringShadowBibarelShadow
GO Fighting M.png This buff physique isn't just for show! VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt F.png
#1 #2 #3
MachopShadowMakuhitaShadow HitmonleeShadowHitmonchanShadow MachokeShadowHitmonleeShadowHitmonchanShadow
GO Flying M.png Battle against my Flying-type Pokémon! VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt F.png
#1 #2 #3
MurkrowShadowStarlyShadowDucklettShadow GolbatShadowStaraviaShadow GyaradosShadowDragoniteShadowCrobatShadow
GO Poison M.png Coiled and ready to strike! VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt F.png
#1 #2 #3
Nidoran♂ShadowZubatShadowFoongusShadow NidorinaShadowNidorinoShadow MukShadowWeezingShadow
GO Ground M.png You'll be defeated into the ground! VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt M.png
#1 #2 #3
GeodudeShadowHippopotasShadow GravelerShadowHippopotasShadow GolemShadowCameruptShadowHippowdonShadow
GO Rock M.png Let's rock and roll! VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt M.png
#1 #2 #3
SudowoodoShadowLarvitarShadow GravelerShadowLileepShadowAnorithShadow GolemShadowPupitarShadowTyranitarShadow
GO Bug M.png Go, my super bug Pokémon! VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt M.png
#1 #2 #3
WeedleShadowShuckleShadow BeedrillShadowSkorupiShadow PinsirShadowForretressShadowScizorShadow
GO Ghost M.png!
VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt M.png
#1 #2 #3
MisdreavusShadowSableyeShadowDuskullShadow BanetteShadowDusclopsShadow SableyeShadowBanetteShadowDusknoirShadow
GO Steel M.png You're no match for my iron will! VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt M.png
#1 #2 #3
SandshrewShadow DiglettShadow AronShadow SandshrewShadow

LaironShadow MetangShadow



GO Fire M.png Do you know how hot Pokémon fire breath can get? VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt M.png
#1 #2 #3
CyndaquilShadowNumelShadow MagmarShadowQuilavaShadow NinetalesShadowTyphlosionShadowCameruptShadow
GO Water M.png These waters are treacherous! VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt M.png
#1 #2 #3
MagikarpShadow MagikarpShadow MagikarpShadowGyaradosShadow
GO Water M.png These waters are treacherous! VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt F.png
#1 #2 #3
TotodileShadowMudkipShadow CroconawShadowMarshtompShadow FeraligatrShadowSwampertShadow
GO Grass M.png Don't tangle with us! VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt M.png
#1 #2 #3
ChikoritaShadowCacneaShadow CacturneShadow MeganiumShadowCacturneShadowAmoongussShadow
GO Electric M.png Get ready to be shocked! VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt F.png
#1 #2 #3
MareepShadowShinxShadow VoltorbShadowElectabuzzShadow ElectabuzzShadowAmpharosShadowLuxrayShadow
GO Psychic M.png Are you scared of psychics that use unseen power? VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt M.png
#1 #2 #3
GirafarigShadowKadabraShadow GirafarigShadowRaltsShadow AlakazamShadowHypnoShadowMetangShadow
GO Ice M.png You're gonna be frozen in your tracks. VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt F.png
#1 #2 #3
SandshrewShadowSwinubShadow SandslashShadowSnoverShadow CloysterShadowLaprasShadowAbomasnowShadow
GO Dragon M.png ROAR! ...How'd that sound? VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt F.png
#1 #2 #3
ExeggutorShadowDratiniShadow ExeggutorShadowFlygonShadow DragonairShadowDragoniteShadowFlygonShadow
GO Dark M.png Wherever there is light, there is also shadow. VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt F.png
#1 #2 #3
RattataShadowPurrloinShadow RaticateShadowStunkyShadow RaticateShadowCacturneShadowHonchkrowShadow
GO Fairy M.png Check out my cute Pokémon! VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt F.png
#1 #2 #3
SnubbullShadowRaltsShadow SnubbullShadowGranbullShadowKirliaShadow GranbullShadowKirliaShadow
  • Don't bother—I've already won.
  • Get ready to be defeated!
  • Winning is for winners.
VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt F.png
#1 #2 #3
SnorlaxShadow PoliwrathShadowSnorlaxShadowGardevoirShadow GyaradosShadowSnorlaxShadowDragoniteShadow
Decoy Grunt
Boss Decoy
VSTeam GO Rocket Grunt F.png
#1 #2 #3
BellsproutShadow RaticateShadowWeepinbellShadow RaticateShadowSnorlaxShadow

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese GO火箭隊手下 GO Huǒjiànduì Sáuhah
Mandarin GO火箭隊手下 GO Huǒjiànduì Shǒuxià
France Flag.png French Sbire de la Team GO Rocket
Germany Flag.png German Team GO Rocket-Rüpel
Italy Flag.png Italian Recluta del Team GO Rocket
South Korea Flag.png Korean GO로켓단의 조무래기 GO Roket-dan Jomuraegi
Brazil Flag.png Brazilian Portuguese Recruta da Equipe GO Rocket
Spain Flag.png Spanish Recluta del Team GO Rocket
Thailand Flag.png Thai ลูกสมุนแก๊งโกร็อกเกต Luksamun Gang GO Rocket
Turkey Flag.png Turkish GO Roket Takımı Serseri



Team Rocket GruntTeam Aqua GruntTeam Magma Grunt
Team Galactic GruntTeam Plasma GruntTeam Flare Grunt
Team Skull GruntTeam Rainbow Rocket Grunt
Team GO Rocket GruntTeam Yell GruntTeam Star Grunt