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Wound Medicine
Pokémon Global Link artwork
Introduced in Generation I
Generation I Items
Generation II Items
Generation III Items
Generation IV Medicine
Generation V Medicine
Generation VI Medicine
Generation VII Medicine
Generation VIII Medicine
Generation IX Medicine
Power 30

The Potion (Japanese: キズぐすり Wound Medicine) is a type of medicine introduced in Generation I. It can be used to restore a Pokémon's HP.

It has four improved counterparts: Super Potion, Hyper Potion, Max Potion, and Full Restore.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
$300 $150
$200 $100
BDSP $300 $150
$200 $50


When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it heals the Pokémon by 20 HP.

In Pokémon Yellow, it also increases the friendship when used on the starter Pikachu.

In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, it heals the Pokémon by 60 HP.

Wonder Launcher

The Potion appears as a Wonder Launcher item. It costs 2 points to use.


Games Description
Stad Restores HP that have been lost in battle by 20 HP.
GSC Restores Pokémon HP by 20.
RSEColoXD Restores the HP of a Pokémon by 20 points.
FRLG A spray-type wound medicine. It restores the HP of one Pokémon by 20 points.
A spray-type medicine for wounds. It restores the HP of one Pokémon by just 20 points.
A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 20 HP to an injured Pokémon.
SwShBDSP A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 20 HP to a single Pokémon.
LA A topical medicine meant to be applied to Pokémon. It can be used to restore 60 HP to a single Pokémon.
SV A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 20 HP to a Pokémon.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
In the player's PC at the start of the game
Route 1, Viridian City, Viridian Forest, Mt. Moon
ViridianY, Pewter, and Cerulean Poké Marts
GSC Routes 25, 29, 30, 31C, and 32GS, New Bark Town, Dark Cave, Sprout Tower, Union Cave Cherrygrove, Violet, Azalea, Ecruteak, and Lavender Poké Marts, Goldenrod Department Store, Celadon Department Store, Cianwood City Pharmacy, Just a Souvenir Shop (before exposing Team Rocket)
RSE In the player's PC at the start of the game
Routes 102, 104, and 116E, Oldale Town, Petalburg Woods
Oldale, Petalburg, Rustboro, Slateport, and Mauville Poké Marts, Lilycove Department Store
FRLG In the player's PC at the start of the game
Route 1, Viridian City, Viridian Forest, Mt. Moon
Viridian, Pewter, and Cerulean Poké Marts
Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5–6) (hidden recurring item, group B), Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7–8) (hidden recurring item, group B)
Colo In the player's Bag at the start of the game Phenac Poké Mart
XD Pokémon HQ Lab, Agate Village, Gateon Port Gateon and Agate Poké Marts
DPPt Routes 201, 202, 205DP, and 206DP, Verity LakefrontDP, Jubilife CityPt, Trainers' SchoolPt, Ravaged PathPt, Oreburgh Mine, Eterna Forest, Floaroma MeadowDP, Valley Windworks, Wayward CaveDP, Great MarshDP All Poké Marts, Veilstone Department Store, Celestic Town shop
HGSS Routes 29, 30, and 31, New Bark Town, Dark Cave, Sprout Tower, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, Victory Road All Poké Marts, Goldenrod Department Store, Celadon Department Store, Cianwood City Pharmacy, Just a Souvenir Shop (before exposing Team Rocket)
PW Refreshing Field, Suburban Area, Volcano Path, Rally
BW Routes 1 and 2, Dreamyard All Poké Marts, Shopping Mall Nine
B2W2 Routes 1 and 19, Aspertia City, Floccesy Town, Floccesy Ranch Castelia Sewers (daily)
Hidden Grottoes
All Poké Marts, Shopping Mall Nine
Join Avenue (souvenir)
Big Stadium and Small Court (defeat a Trainer that appears after obtaining 3-4 Badges)
Pokéstar Studios (possible gift after completing a movie)
XY Vaniville Town, Aquacorde Town, Santalune Forest All Poké Marts, Aquacorde Town Potions shop
ORAS In the player's Bag at the start of the game
Routes 102, 104, and 116, Oldale Town, Petalburg Woods
All Poké Marts, Lilycove Department Store
Held by wild Zigzagoon (50% chance)
SMUSUM Route 1, Trainers' School, Hau'oli City All Poké Marts, Thrifty Megamart
PE Routes 1 and 3, Viridian Forest, Pewter City, Mt. Moon All Poké Marts, Celadon Department Store
Regenerates daily (hidden): Viridian City
Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5–6), Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7–8)
SwSh In the player's Bag at the start of the game
Routes 1 and 2, Wedgehurst
All Poké Marts
BDSP Routes 201, 202, 205, and 206, Verity Lakefront, Oreburgh Mine, Eterna Forest, Floaroma Meadow, Valley Windworks, Wayward Cave, Great Marsh All Poké Marts, Veilstone Department Store, Celestic Town shop, Ramanas Park shop
LA Jubilife Village (×5; from Volo after defeating him)
Jubilife Village (×3; reward for completing Request 3: "What Did Shinx's Ears Look Like?")
Crafting: 1 Oran Berry and 1 Medicinal Leek
General Store, base camp stores
Temple of Sinnoh (purchasable from Volo, during Mission 17: "Atop Mount Coronet" only)
Stone Portal (purchasable from Volo, during Mission 18: "The Counterpart" only)
SV Cabo Poco, Levincia, Mesagoza, Alfornada Cavern, Asado Desert, Casseroya Lake, Inlet Grotto, Poco Path, East Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Four), South Province (Area Five), West Province (Area One) All Poké Marts, Porto Marinada auction
Alfornada Cavern, Asado Desert, Dalizapa Passage, Glaseado Mountain, East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Four), South Province (Area Five), South Province (Area Six), West Province (Area One), West Province (Area Two), West Province (Area Three) (sparkling overworld items)



Artwork from
Scarlet and Violet


Bag sprite from
Legends Arceus

In spin-off games

A Potion in Detective Pikachu

Detective Pikachu

Potions appear during Chapter 4 of Detective Pikachu, where they are used by an aspiring Pokémon Ranger named Milo Green. He is first seen using one to heal an injured Ducklett, and again later to restore a Feebas. Milo mentions that he receives his Potions from Dr. Waals, who makes them from the ingredients he collects at Lake Cappucci.

Pokémon Conquest

In Pokémon Conquest, the Potion can be used to heal a Pokémon by 20 HP.

A Potion can be purchased from any Shop for 300-210 gold, and sold for 150-195 gold.


Games Description
Conq. Restores 20 HP.

Pokémon GO

A Potion in Pokémon GO

Potions can be used outside of battle to heal a Pokémon by 20 HP. They cannot be used during battle.


Games Description
GO A spray-type medicine that restores the HP of one Pokémon by 20 points.


Potions are obtainable starting at level 5. The player is awarded Potions when they level up to any level from 5 to 9.

Potions can be also be repeatably obtained by

Pokémon Trading Card Game series

The Potion card is available in Pokémon Trading Card Game and Pokémon Card GB2: Here Comes Team GR!, and the Potion Energy card is available only in the latter game.

Potion (GB1) Potion (GB2) Potion Energy (GB2)
Potion in Pokémon UNITE

Pokémon UNITE

In Pokémon UNITE, the Potion restores some of the player's Pokémon's HP.

In the anime

Main series

A Potion in the anime

Regular Potions have been used on occasion in the anime. Usually, Brock, Cilan, and Clemont carry them in their respective backpacks, and they use them to heal injured Pokémon. Potions seem to sting slightly whenever used, suggesting that they not only heal but sterilize the wound. Tracey has also been seen with some regular Potions that need to be taken orally.

In A Conspiracy to Conquer!, Clemont used a Potion on Meowth, although this happened off-screen, and the Potion bottle was only briefly seen when Clemont put it back into his backpack.

In The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair!, multiple Potions were seen in Professor Kukui's medical kit.

In Rocking Clawmark Hill!, Professor Kukui used a Potion to heal the Rockruff he was taking care of.

In Lulled to La-La Land!, Lillie mentioned Potions as some of the items she had brought with her to the camp she and her classmates were having. In the dub, they were mistakenly referred to as "lotions".

In a flashback in Don't Ignore the Small Stufful!, Wicke used a Potion on an injured Whimsicott.

In Healing the Healer!, Goh used a Potion to treat a wound on Suicune's leg.

In These Could be the Starts of Something Big!, Quillon was seen using a Potion on an injured Beartic.

In The Road Most Traveled!, Ash used a Potion to treat Latias's injured wing.

In JN139, Brock used a Potion on an injured Hatenna.

In JN142, Brock used a Potion to heal an injured Spearow.

In JN146, Ash used one of Brock's Potions to treat an injured Latios's wounds.

In HZ001, a student of the Indigo Academy used a Potion to heal his Machoke after losing in a battle.

Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer

A Potion in the Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer

In the Pokémon Masters Animated Trailer, Brock used a Potion to heal Rosa's Snivy after it was injured by an Energy Ball fired by a Beauty's Lotad.

In the manga

A Potion in Pocket Monsters DP

Pokémon Adventures

Emerald arc

In Chipping Away at Regirock, Crystal's Phanpy picked up a Potion for Emerald during his Battle Pyramid challenge.

Diamond & Pearl arc

In A Conk on Cranidos's Cranium, Pearl used a Potion to heal his Chimchar, Chimler.

Black & White arc

In Listening to Pokémon, Black used some Potions to heal his Pokémon after having a battle with N.

Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon arc

In The Announcement and the Prize, Sun used a Potion to heal his Litten, Dollar, after his battle against the Masked Royal during the Iki Town festival.

Pocket Monsters DP

In PMDP02, Red threw a Potion at Clefairy in order to let it recover some health, but Weavile prevented him from doing so by using Embargo.

In the TCG

Main article: Potion (Base Set 94)

The Potion was introduced as a Trainer card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English Original Series (the Japanese Original Era) in the Base Set expansion with artwork by Keiji Kinebuchi. It was later released as an Item card in the Black & White expansion with new artwork by Ayaka Yoshida, first released in the Japanese Beginning Set. This card has since been released numerous times throughout the course of the TCG.

In the Base Set, Expedition Base Set, and EX Unseen Forces prints, this Trainer card allows the player to remove two damage counters from one of their Pokémon. In the Black & White, XY, and Sun & Moon Series prints, this Trainer card allows the player to heal 30 damage from one of their Pokémon.


  • In Generation VII, of the Potions that heal a specific amount of HP (Potion, Super Potion, and Hyper Potion), Potion is the most cost-effective at the normal price, as it is 1 HP per $10, while Hyper Potion is the least cost-effective with 1 HP per $12.5, and Super Potion is in the middle with 1 HP per $11.67.
    • Prior to Generation VII, of the Potions that heal a specific amount of HP (Potion, Super Potion, and Hyper Potion), Potion is the least cost-effective at the normal price, only giving 1 HP per $15, while Hyper Potion is the most cost-effective with 1 HP per $6, and Super Potion is in the middle with 1 HP per $14.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 傷藥 Sēungyeuhk
Mandarin 傷藥 / 伤药 Shāngyào
Danish Trylle drik*
Dutch Drankje*
French Potion
German Trank
Indonesian Obat Luka
Italian Pozione
Korean 상처약 Sangcheo Yak
Polish Mikstura
Portuguese Poção
Russian Эликсир Eliksir*
Элексир Eleksir
Spanish Poción
Swedish Magisk dryck*
Helande dryck*
Thai ยารักษาแผล Ya Raksa Phlae
Vietnamese Thuốc chữa thương

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.