If you were looking for the glitch move , see TM34 (move) .
TM034 わざマシン034 Move Machine 034
Pokémon Global Link artwork
Introduced in Generation I
Generation I
Generation II
TMs and HMs
Generation III
TMs and HMs (R S E )
Generation III
TM Case (FR LG )
Generation IV
TMs and HMs
Generation V
TMs and HMs
Generation VI
TMs and HMs
Generation VII
TMs (S M US UM )
Generation VII
TM Case (P E )
Generation VIII
Generation IX
TM034 (Japanese: わざマシン034 Move Machine 034 ), known as TM34 prior to Generation IX , is a TM introduced in Generation I . It teaches a compatible Pokémon a move . The move it teaches depends on the game. For compatibility, refer to the move's page.
In the core series games
Generation I
In Generation I , TMs can only be used once.
Purchase price
Sell price
Prize for defeating Brock
$ 1000
Generation II
In Generation II , TMs can only be used once.
Generation III
In Generation III , TMs can only be used once.
Generation IV
In Generation IV , TMs can only be used once.
Generation V
In Generation V , TMs can be used any number of times.
Generation VI
In Generation VI , TMs can be used any number of times.
Generation VII
In Generation VII , TMs can be used any number of times.
Purchase price
Sell price
Silph Co.
Generation VIII
In Pokémon Sword and Shield , TMs can be used any number of times.
In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl , TMs can only be used once.
Generation IX
In Generation IX , TMs can only be used once.
In the spin-off games
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series
TMs in the Mystery Dungeon series are named only by the move they teach. For example, Attract is the item that teaches the move Attract . Most TMs, however, correspond to a TM in the core series' contemporaneous games.
TMs in Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team and in Explorers of Time, Darkness , and Sky can only be used once before becoming Used TMs . In Gates to Infinity , TMs can be used any number of times. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon , some TMs can only be used once while rainbow-colored TMs can be used any number of times.
In Rescue Team DX , TMs can only be used once. Whilst the available TMs are the same as those in Pokémon Sun and Moon , the TM list order is the same as for Super Mystery Dungeon (that is, in the TM order for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire ), with newly added TMs added to the end of the list.
Purchase price
Sell price
Mt. Thunder * , Great Canyon , Mt. Blaze * , Frosty Forest * , Mt. Freeze * , Magma Cavern * , Sky Tower , Howling Forest , Stormy Sea , Silver Trench , Fiery Field , Lightning Field , Northwind Field , Northern Range , Pitfall Valley , Buried Relic , Wish Cave , Desert Region , Southern Cavern , Wyvern Hill , Solar Cave , Darknight Relic , Grand Sea , Joyous Tower , Far-Off Sea , Purity Forest Kecleon Shop (Joyous Tower, Purity Forest)Monster Houses (all) Buried items (Buried Relic)Pokémon Square shopJob rewards (D-★)
Apple Woods , Mt. Horn , Foggy Forest , Steam Cave , Amp Plains , Crystal Cave , Crystal Crossing , Chasm Cave , Dark Hill , Sealed Ruin , Dusk Forest * , Deep Dusk Forest , Treeshroud Forest , Brine Cave , Hidden Land , Temporal Tower * , Mystifying Forest , Blizzard Island , Surrounded Sea , Miracle Sea , Spacial Rift , Dark Crater , Concealed Ruins , Bottomless Sea , Mystery Jungle , Lake Afar , Happy Outlook , Mt. Mistral , Shimmer Hill , Lost Wilderness , Midnight Forest , Zero Isle North B31-B74FD , Zero Isle East , Zero Isle West , Zero Isle South , Final Maze Kecleon Shops (Mystifying Forest* , Mt. Travail , Concealed Ruins, Mystery Jungle, Lake Afar* , Happy Outlook* , Mt. Mistral* , Shimmer Hill* , Midnight Forest* , Zero Isle East, Zero Isle West, Zero Isle South B1-B89F, Destiny Tower S , Oblivion Forest S , Treacherous Waters S , Southeastern Islands S , Inferno Cave S , Star Cave B9-B15FS , Murky Forest S , Fortune Ravine S , Spring Cave S , Southern Jungle S , Boulder Quarry S , Left Cave Path S , Right Cave Path S , Limestone Cavern S )Monster Houses (Amp Plains, Quicksand Cave , Crystal Cave, Crystal Crossing, Sealed Ruin, Treeshroud Forest, Hidden Land, Temporal Tower* , Mystifying Forest, Blizzard Island, Crevice Cave , Surrounded Sea, Miracle Sea, Mt. Travail, The Nightmare , Spacial Rift, Dark Crater, Concealed Ruins, Marine Resort , Bottomless Sea, Shimmer Desert , Mt. Avalanche , Giant Volcano , World Abyss , Mystery Jungle, Serenity River , Landslide Cave , Labyrinth Cave , Zero Isle West, Zero Isle South, Star CaveS , Sky Peak Mountain Path S , Murky ForestS , Eastern CaveS , Fortune RavineS , Spring CaveS , Southern JungleS , Boulder QuarryS , Limestone CavernS , Barren Valley S , Spacial Cliffs S , Dark Ice Mountain S , Vast Ice Mountain S )Treasure Town Kecleon WaresJob rewards (C-★9) Hidden Stairs (Mystifying Forest, Mt. Travail, Lake Afar, Happy Outlook, Mt. Mistral, Shimmer Hill, Midnight Forest, Zero Isle East, Oblivion Forest, Treacherous Waters, Southeastern Islands, Inferno Cave)S Spinda's Café (Silver Ticket big win; Gold Ticket win and big win)S Sometimes received as a reward from Numel found on Sky Peak Mountain PathS
In the anime
TM34 in Pokémon Origins
Pokémon Origins
TM34 (Bide ) appeared in File 1: Red . Much like in Pokémon Red and Blue , it was given to Red by Brock as a reward for defeating him in a Gym battle .
In the manga
Pokémon Adventures
Although not mentioned by its specific number, in Toasty!! Battle Against Toxapex , Henry revealed he had used the TM for Sunny Day on his Thwackey in preparation for dealing with Nessa 's Toxapex during their Gym battle.