A Dairy Tale Ending (Japanese: ミルタンク!リベンジバトル!!Miltank! Revenge Battle!!) is the 159th episode of the Pokémon animated series. It was first broadcast in Japan on August 10, 2000, and in the United States on August 18, 2001.
Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
Whitney takes our heroes to her uncle's Miltank farm in the outskirts of Goldenrod City. Here they sample the finest in Miltank dairy products and learn how to groom and care for these Pokémon. Ash realizes this is a great opportunity to study Miltank first-hand and hopes it will help him against Whitney's Miltank in their next battle. After learning about Miltank and coming out victorious in a battle against Team Rocket, Ash realizes the answer to overcoming Whitney's strongest Pokémon is good old-fashioned team-work.
After Ash's Pokémon recover, Whitney takes the group to spend a day at her uncle's dairy farm. Later, Team Rocket, having just returned from their wild Magnet Train handcar ride from Goldenrod to Saffron, attempt to raid the pantry for all of the dairy products they can find, but they are discovered by Whitney and forced to flee. Ash gives chase, and Pikachu attacks the trio, causing them to drop the stolen food. Jessie and James send out Arbok and Weezing respectively, and Whitney sends out Miltank. Miltank hits the trio with a Rollout attack and sends them blasting off. Later, the group is brushing the farm's Miltank, but the one that Ash is brushing decides to walk away. Ash grabs Miltank's tail, and she responds by kicking him into a fence. Afterward, Milton shows the group the milking machine.
As Whitney is practicing her Miltank's Rollout, Ash recalls how it made short work of his Pokémon in their earlier Gymbattle. However, Whitney's training is cut short by Team Rocket, who returns in a giant rolling barrel. They recite their motto and use arms that sprout from the ends of the barrel to grab Miltank and Pikachu. Ash turns to face the barrel and sends out Cyndaquil, which uses Tackle, stopping the barrel's advance. Ash then uses Totodile's Water Gun to carve trenches in the hill. They cause the barrel to bounce and shake so violently that James snaps the control levers, dropping Miltank and Pikachu. Pikachu launches a Thunder Shock, which causes the barrel to explode, sending Team Rocket blasting off again.
Ash and Whitney agree to have another battle, with Cyndaquil, Totodile, and Pikachu facing off against Miltank. Ash starts with Cyndaquil, but it is quickly defeated by Miltank's Rollout attack. Next, Ash uses Totodile and again has him use Water Gun to dig trenches in the ground. Totodile then launches himself into the air with another Water Gun and lands on top of Miltank. However, Whitney orders Miltank to shake him off, and she does before striking him down with Rollout. Ash recalls the defeated Totodile to his Lure Ball before he even hits the ground. Finally, Ash sends out Pikachu and orders him to use Agility. Pikachu's speed causes Miltank to hit some of the trenches in her attempts to attack. As Miltank comes round for another attack, Pikachu positions himself at the bottom of one of the trenches. As Miltank rolls over the top, Pikachu tosses her into the air. Pikachu then uses Thunderbolt on the airborne Miltank and wins the match.
Whitney offers Ash the Plain Badge, much to his surprise, since it was not an official Gym battle. However, she and Milton convince him that beating a Gym Leader's top Pokémon fair and square is what counts, and he accepts it.
The Miltank dairy may be based on Moomoo Farm, though it is found to the west of Route 38, while the dairy in this episode is located just outside Goldenrod City.
The episode's English dub title is a pun of the phrase "a fairy tale ending".
This episode was partially adapted into the book Winner Takes All.
This episode is featured on the Crash of the Dairy volume of the High Voltage Collection series, a series of select Johto League Champions episodes on VHS.
When Ash asks how his Pokémon are, his arms are by his side. When the Nurse Joy replies in the next shot, his arms are raised at chest-height.
Nurse Joy remarks about how well Ash's Totodile and Pikachu fared against Whitney compared to other Trainers' Pokémon. She left out mention of Cyndaquil, even though all three were shown recovering.
Jessie says that they were on a magnet train when in fact they were on a magnet hand car.
When Whitney tells Ash that one Miltank hates having its tail grabbed, her socks disappear.
When Whitney and her Miltank train on a hill, Miltank uses Rollout down the hill, but appears to be spinning in the opposite direction. When she goes back up the hill, her spin is the same.
Whitney refers to a Miltank as "he", despite Miltank being an all-female species.
In the Polish dub, the Plain Badge is simply referred to as a "Badge".
At the end of the episode, the narrator says that "the journey continues" as Ash and his friends "follow the road to Johto", even though the group is already in Johto.