ex Compact Deck (ATCG)

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ex Compact Deck
Release date November 10, 2023

The ex Compact Deck is a catch-up randomized Half Deck product in the Asian Scarlet & Violet Era of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is released exclusively in Indonesia and Thailand.


ex Compact Deck logo (Indonesian)
ex Compact Deck logo (Thai)

The ex Compact Deck product contains one random selection of 18 Half Decks, each containing 30 cards and focusing on one Pokémon ex. The ex Compact Deck is largely a combination of the following Japanese TCG products: the ex Starter Set Pikachu ex & Pawmot, the ex Special Set, the ex Start Decks, the Terastal Starter Sets, and a few SV-P Promotional cards. It also includes reprints of cards from previous sets such as Pokémon Card 151.

The ex Compact Deck exclusively released in Indonesia and Thailand on November 10, 2023.

Set list

ex Compact Deck
No. Mark Card name Type
001/163 G Scyther Grass Promotion
002/163 G Heracross Grass Promotion
003/163 G Cacnea Grass Promotion
004/163 G Tropius Grass Promotion
005/163 G Foongus Grass Promotion
006/163 G Amoonguss Grass Promotion
007/163 G Rowlet Grass Promotion
008/163 G Dartrix Grass Promotion
009/163 G Decidueyeex Grass Promotion
010/163 G Smoliv Grass Promotion
011/163 G Dolliv Grass Promotion
012/163 G Arboliva Grass Promotion
013/163 G Toedscool Grass Promotion
014/163 G Toedscruelex Grass Promotion
015/163 G Charmander Fire Promotion
016/163 G Charmeleon Fire Promotion
017/163 G Charizardex Fire Promotion
018/163 G Vulpix Fire Promotion
019/163 G Magmar Fire Promotion
020/163 G Magmortar Fire Promotion
021/163 G Heat Rotom Fire Promotion
022/163 G Victiniex Fire Promotion
023/163 G Litwick Fire Promotion
024/163 G Lampent Fire Promotion
025/163 G Chandelure Fire Promotion
026/163 G Heatmor Fire Promotion
027/163 G Larvesta Fire Promotion
028/163 G Volcarona Fire Promotion
029/163 G Volcanion Fire Promotion
030/163 G Fuecoco Fire Promotion
031/163 G Crocalor Fire Promotion
032/163 G Charcadet Fire Promotion
033/163 G Armarouge Fire Promotion
034/163 G Poliwag Water Promotion
035/163 G Lapras Water Promotion
036/163 G Buizel Water Promotion
037/163 G Floatzel Water Promotion
038/163 G Froakie Water Promotion
039/163 G Frogadier Water Promotion
040/163 G Greninjaex Water Promotion
041/163 G Wiglett Water Promotion
042/163 G Wugtrio Water Promotion
043/163 G Pikachuex Lightning Promotion
044/163 G Magnemite Lightning Promotion
045/163 G Magnemite Lightning Promotion
046/163 G Magneton Lightning Promotion
047/163 G Magnezone Lightning Promotion
048/163 G Voltorb Lightning Promotion
049/163 G Electrode Lightning Promotion
050/163 G Mewtwoex Lightning Promotion
051/163 G Shinx Lightning Promotion
052/163 G Pincurchin Lightning Promotion
053/163 G Pincurchin Lightning Promotion
054/163 G Pawmi Lightning Promotion
055/163 G Pawmi Lightning Promotion
056/163 G Pawmo Lightning Promotion
057/163 G Pawmo Lightning Promotion
058/163 G Pawmot Lightning Promotion
059/163 G Pawmotex Lightning Promotion
060/163 G Tadbulb Lightning Promotion
061/163 G Bellibolt Lightning Promotion
062/163 G Wattrel Lightning Promotion
063/163 G Kilowattrel Lightning Promotion
064/163 G Miraidonex Lightning Promotion
065/163 G Clefairy Psychic Promotion
066/163 G Clefableex Psychic Promotion
067/163 G Exeggcute Psychic Promotion
068/163 G Exeggutor Psychic Promotion
069/163 G Natu Psychic Promotion
070/163 G Xatu Psychic Promotion
071/163 G Snubbull Psychic Promotion
072/163 G Granbull Psychic Promotion
073/163 G Mawile Psychic Promotion
074/163 G Solrock Psychic Promotion
075/163 G Deoxys Psychic Promotion
076/163 G Cottonee Psychic Promotion
077/163 G Whimsicott Psychic Promotion
078/163 G Dedenne Psychic Promotion
079/163 G Dedenne Psychic Promotion
080/163 G Dedenne Psychic Promotion
081/163 G Oranguru Psychic Promotion
082/163 G Tinkatink Psychic Promotion
083/163 G Greavard Psychic Promotion
084/163 G Houndstoneex Psychic Promotion
085/163 G Paldean Tauros Fighting Promotion
086/163 G Sudowoodo Fighting Promotion
087/163 G Riolu Fighting Promotion
088/163 G Lucario Fighting Promotion
089/163 G Drilbur Fighting Promotion
090/163 G Toedscool Fighting Promotion
091/163 G Toedscruel Fighting Promotion
092/163 G Koraidonex Fighting Promotion
093/163 G Ekans Darkness Promotion
094/163 G Paldean Wooper Darkness Promotion
095/163 G Paldean Clodsire Darkness Promotion
096/163 G Houndour Darkness Promotion
097/163 G Houndoomex Darkness Promotion
098/163 G Seviper Darkness Promotion
099/163 G Salandit Darkness Promotion
100/163 G Salazzle Darkness Promotion
101/163 G Maschiff Darkness Promotion
102/163 G Mabosstiff Darkness Promotion
103/163 G Bombirdier Darkness Promotion
104/163 G Skarmory Metal Promotion
105/163 G Excadrill Metal Promotion
106/163 G Togedemaru Metal Promotion
107/163 G Meltan Metal Promotion
108/163 G Melmetalex Metal Promotion
109/163 G Cufant Metal Promotion
110/163 G Skeledirgeex Metal Promotion
111/163 G Varoom Metal Promotion
112/163 G Dratini Dragon Promotion
113/163 G Dragonair Dragon Promotion
114/163 G Dragoniteex Dragon Promotion
115/163 G Drampa Dragon Promotion
116/163 G Rattata Colorless Promotion
117/163 G Farfetch'd Colorless Promotion
118/163 G Chansey Colorless Promotion
119/163 G Tauros Colorless Promotion
120/163 G Girafarig Colorless Promotion
121/163 G Dunsparce Colorless Promotion
122/163 G Zangoose Colorless Promotion
123/163 G Lillipup Colorless Promotion
124/163 G Herdier Colorless Promotion
125/163 G Stoutland Colorless Promotion
126/163 G Audino Colorless Promotion
127/163 G Bouffalant Colorless Promotion
128/163 G Skwovet Colorless Promotion
129/163 G Greedentex Colorless Promotion
130/163 G Lechonk Colorless Promotion
131/163 G Oinkologne Colorless Promotion
132/163 G Squawkabilly Colorless Promotion
133/163 G Shroodle Colorless Promotion
134/163 G Grafaiaiex Colorless Promotion
135/163 G Flamigo Colorless Promotion
136/163 G Energy Retrieval I Promotion
137/163 G Energy Sticker I Promotion
138/163 G Energy Switch I Promotion
139/163 G Energy Search I Promotion
140/163 G Electric Generator I Promotion
141/163 G Potion I Promotion
142/163 G Crushing Hammer I Promotion
143/163 G Great Ball I Promotion
144/163 G Grabber I Promotion
145/163 G Nest Ball I Promotion
146/163 G Ultra Ball I Promotion
147/163 G Rare Candy I Promotion
148/163 G Switch I Promotion
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I Promotion
150/163 G Poké Ball I Promotion
151/163 G Exp. Share PT Promotion
152/163 G Vitality Band PT Promotion
153/163 G Rocky Helmet PT Promotion
154/163 G Giovanni's Charisma Su Promotion
155/163 G Shauntal Su Promotion
156/163 G Judge Su Promotion
157/163 G Team Star Grunt Su Promotion
158/163 G Youngster Su Promotion
159/163 G Nemona Su Promotion
160/163 G Nemona Su Promotion
161/163 G Boss's Orders Su Promotion
162/163 G Medical Energy Colorless E Promotion
163/163 G Reversal Energy Rainbow E Promotion

Deck lists

Decidueye ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
003/163 G Cacnea Grass
004/163 G Tropius Grass
005/163 G Foongus Grass
006/163 G Amoonguss Grass
007/163 G Rowlet Grass
008/163 G Dartrix Grass
009/163 G Decidueyeex Grass
118/163 G Chansey Colorless
138/163 G Energy Switch I
141/163 G Potion I
143/163 G Great Ball I
145/163 G Nest Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
158/163 G Youngster Su
159/163 G Nemona Su
GRA Basic Grass Energy Grass E 10×

Toedscruel ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
001/163 G Scyther Grass
002/163 G Heracross Grass
010/163 G Smoliv Grass
011/163 G Dolliv Grass
012/163 G Arboliva Grass
013/163 G Toedscool Grass
014/163 G Toedscruelex Grass
122/163 G Zangoose Colorless
132/163 G Squawkabilly Colorless
137/163 G Energy Sticker I
143/163 G Great Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
150/163 G Poké Ball I
153/163 G Rocky Helmet PT
158/163 G Youngster Su
160/163 G Nemona Su
GRA Basic Grass Energy Grass E 10×

Charizard ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
015/163 G Charmander Fire
016/163 G Charmeleon Fire
017/163 G Charizardex Fire
021/163 G Heat Rotom Fire
026/163 G Heatmor Fire
032/163 G Charcadet Fire
033/163 G Armarouge Fire
119/163 G Tauros Colorless
136/163 G Energy Retrieval I
141/163 G Potion I
143/163 G Great Ball I
145/163 G Nest Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
158/163 G Youngster Su
159/163 G Nemona Su
FIR Basic Fire Energy Fire E 10×

Victini ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
019/163 G Magmar Fire
020/163 G Magmortar Fire
021/163 G Heat Rotom Fire
022/163 G Victiniex Fire
023/163 G Litwick Fire
024/163 G Lampent Fire
025/163 G Chandelure Fire
118/163 G Chansey Colorless
138/163 G Energy Switch I
143/163 G Great Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
150/163 G Poké Ball I
152/163 G Vitality Band PT
158/163 G Youngster Su
159/163 G Nemona Su
FIR Basic Fire Energy Fire E 10×

Greninja ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
034/163 G Poliwag Water
035/163 G Lapras Water
038/163 G Froakie Water
039/163 G Frogadier Water
040/163 G Greninjaex Water
041/163 G Wiglett Water
042/163 G Wugtrio Water
126/163 G Audino Colorless
143/163 G Great Ball I
145/163 G Nest Ball I
147/163 G Rare Candy I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
153/163 G Rocky Helmet PT
158/163 G Youngster Su
160/163 G Nemona Su
WAT Basic Water Energy Water E 10×

Pikachu ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
043/163 G Pikachuex Lightning
051/163 G Shinx Lightning
055/163 G Pawmi Lightning
057/163 G Pawmo Lightning
058/163 G Pawmot Lightning
062/163 G Wattrel Lightning
063/163 G Kilowattrel Lightning
135/163 G Flamigo Colorless
136/163 G Energy Retrieval I
140/163 G Electric Generator I
143/163 G Great Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
150/163 G Poké Ball I
158/163 G Youngster Su
159/163 G Nemona Su
LIG Basic Lightning Energy Lightning E 10×

Mewtwo ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
050/163 G Mewtwoex Lightning
067/163 G Exeggcute Psychic
068/163 G Exeggutor Psychic
069/163 G Natu Psychic
070/163 G Xatu Psychic
078/163 G Dedenne Psychic
132/163 G Squawkabilly Colorless
135/163 G Flamigo Colorless
138/163 G Energy Switch I
143/163 G Great Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
150/163 G Poké Ball I
155/163 G Shauntal Su
156/163 G Judge Su
160/163 G Nemona Su
PSY Basic Psychic Energy Psychic E 10×

Pawmot ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
044/163 G Magnemite Lightning
048/163 G Voltorb Lightning
049/163 G Electrode Lightning
052/163 G Pincurchin Lightning
054/163 G Pawmi Lightning
056/163 G Pawmo Lightning
059/163 G Pawmotex Lightning
126/163 G Audino Colorless
141/163 G Potion I
142/163 G Crushing Hammer I
143/163 G Great Ball I
145/163 G Nest Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
158/163 G Youngster Su
160/163 G Nemona Su
LIG Basic Lightning Energy Lightning E 10×

Miraidon ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
045/163 G Magnemite Lightning
046/163 G Magneton Lightning
047/163 G Magnezone Lightning
053/163 G Pincurchin Lightning
060/163 G Tadbulb Lightning
061/163 G Bellibolt Lightning
064/163 G Miraidonex Lightning
120/163 G Girafarig Colorless
138/163 G Energy Switch I
143/163 G Great Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
150/163 G Poké Ball I
152/163 G Vitality Band PT
156/163 G Judge Su
159/163 G Nemona Su
LIG Basic Lightning Energy Lightning E 10×

Clefable ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
065/163 G Clefairy Psychic
066/163 G Clefableex Psychic
071/163 G Snubbull Psychic
072/163 G Granbull Psychic
073/163 G Mawile Psychic
080/163 G Dedenne Psychic
081/163 G Oranguru Psychic
122/163 G Zangoose Colorless
137/163 G Energy Sticker I
141/163 G Potion I
143/163 G Great Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
150/163 G Poké Ball I
158/163 G Youngster Su
160/163 G Nemona Su
PSY Basic Psychic Energy Psychic E 10×

Houndstone ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
074/163 G Solrock Psychic
075/163 G Deoxys Psychic
076/163 G Cottonee Psychic
077/163 G Whimsicott Psychic
079/163 G Dedenne Psychic
082/163 G Tinkatink Psychic
083/163 G Greavard Psychic
084/163 G Houndstoneex Psychic
143/163 G Great Ball I
146/163 G Ultra Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
150/163 G Poké Ball I
151/163 G Exp. Share PT
158/163 G Youngster Su
159/163 G Nemona Su
PSY Basic Psychic Energy Psychic E 10×

Koraidon ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
085/163 G Paldean Tauros Fighting
086/163 G Sudowoodo Fighting
087/163 G Riolu Fighting
088/163 G Lucario Fighting
090/163 G Toedscool Fighting
091/163 G Toedscruel Fighting
092/163 G Koraidonex Fighting
117/163 G Farfetch'd Colorless
143/163 G Great Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
150/163 G Poké Ball I
152/163 G Vitality Band PT
157/163 G Team Star Grunt Su
158/163 G Youngster Su
159/163 G Nemona Su
FIG Basic Fighting Energy Fighting E 10×

Houndoom ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
096/163 G Houndour Darkness
097/163 G Houndoomex Darkness
098/163 G Seviper Darkness
099/163 G Salandit Darkness
100/163 G Salazzle Darkness
101/163 G Maschiff Darkness
102/163 G Mabosstiff Darkness
117/163 G Farfetch'd Colorless
143/163 G Great Ball I
144/163 G Grabber I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
150/163 G Poké Ball I
154/163 G Giovanni's Charisma Su
158/163 G Youngster Su
160/163 G Nemona Su
DAR Basic Darkness Energy Darkness E 10×

Melmetal ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
089/163 G Drilbur Fighting
104/163 G Skarmory Metal
105/163 G Excadrill Metal
106/163 G Togedemaru Metal
107/163 G Meltan Metal
108/163 G Melmetalex Metal
109/163 G Cufant Metal
111/163 G Varoom Metal
143/163 G Great Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
150/163 G Poké Ball I
152/163 G Vitality Band PT
156/163 G Judge Su
157/163 G Team Star Grunt Su
160/163 G Nemona Su
MET Basic Metal Energy Metal E 10×

Skeledirge ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
018/163 G Vulpix Fire
027/163 G Larvesta Fire
028/163 G Volcarona Fire
029/163 G Volcanion Fire
030/163 G Fuecoco Fire
031/163 G Crocalor Fire
110/163 G Skeledirgeex Metal
132/163 G Squawkabilly Colorless
136/163 G Energy Retrieval I
142/163 G Crushing Hammer I
143/163 G Great Ball I
145/163 G Nest Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
158/163 G Youngster Su
160/163 G Nemona Su
FIR Basic Fire Energy Fire E 10×

Dragonite ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
036/163 G Buizel Water
037/163 G Floatzel Water
052/163 G Pincurchin Lightning
112/163 G Dratini Dragon
113/163 G Dragonair Dragon
114/163 G Dragoniteex Dragon
115/163 G Drampa Dragon
121/163 G Dunsparce Colorless
139/163 G Energy Search I
142/163 G Crushing Hammer I
143/163 G Great Ball I
145/163 G Nest Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
158/163 G Youngster Su
159/163 G Nemona Su
WAT Basic Water Energy Water E
LIG Basic Lightning Energy Lightning E

Greedent ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
119/163 G Tauros Colorless
123/163 G Lillipup Colorless
124/163 G Herdier Colorless
125/163 G Stoutland Colorless
128/163 G Skwovet Colorless
129/163 G Greedentex Colorless
130/163 G Lechonk Colorless
131/163 G Oinkologne Colorless
143/163 G Great Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
150/163 G Poké Ball I
156/163 G Judge Su
160/163 G Nemona Su
161/163 G Boss's Orders Su
162/163 G Medical Energy Colorless E
163/163 G Reversal Energy Rainbow E
GRA Basic Grass Energy Grass E
FIR Basic Fire Energy Fire E
WAT Basic Water Energy Water E
LIG Basic Lightning Energy Lightning E
PSY Basic Psychic Energy Psychic E
FIG Basic Fighting Energy Fighting E
DAR Basic Darkness Energy Darkness E
MET Basic Metal Energy Metal E

Grafaiai ex Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
093/163 G Ekans Darkness
094/163 G Paldean Wooper Darkness
095/163 G Paldean Clodsire Darkness
103/163 G Bombirdier Darkness
116/163 G Rattata Colorless
127/163 G Bouffalant Colorless
133/163 G Shroodle Colorless
134/163 G Grafaiaiex Colorless
137/163 G Energy Sticker I
143/163 G Great Ball I
148/163 G Switch I
149/163 G Pokémon Catcher I
150/163 G Poké Ball I
156/163 G Judge Su
157/163 G Team Star Grunt Su
159/163 G Nemona Su
DAR Basic Darkness Energy Darkness E 10×

Pack artwork

SVDs ex Compact Deck pack Indonesian.png
Indonesian ex Compact Deck pack
SVDs ex Compact Deck pack Thai.png
Thai ex Compact Deck pack
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The ex Compact Deck product is exclusively released in Indonesian and Thai, and lacked any Reverse Holos.

In other languages

Language Title
Indonesia Flag.png Indonesian Deck Ringkas ex
Thailand Flag.png Thai ex คอมแพกต์เด็ค ex Compact Deck

External links

Project TCG logo.png This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Traditional Chinese exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
All Stars Collection: All Stars Collection GX Starter Deck
Dreams Come True Collection: Dreams Come True Collection GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Infinite Power: Infinite Power V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter DeckChallenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
V Starter Sets
SV-P Promotional cards
Tactics Decks
Simplified Chinese exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
Storming Emergence: Storming Emergence GX Starter Deck
Lillie's Support BoxBattle EliteEevee-GX Box Sets
Shining Synergy: Shining Synergy GX Starter Deck
Striking CompetitionArceus & Dialga & Palkia GX Premium Deck Building BoxShining Pokémon Poké Ball BoxBattle Party Set
Golden Energy
S-P Promotional cards
Dynamax Clash: Dynamax Clash V Starter DeckDynamax Clash Deck Building Box
Dynamax Tactics
Vivid Portrayals
Brilliant Counterattack
Primordial Arts: Primordial Arts V Starter DeckFamily Pokémon Trading Card Game
Legendary Pikachu Celebration Box SetsScorching SkiesQuadrilateral Connection Box Sets
Polychromatic GatheringDragon ResurgencePokémon Card Display SetsRadiant Energy
Flame Dance of the End
Gallant Galaxy: Gallant Galaxy V Starter DeckGallant Galaxy Deck Building BoxRadiant Energy Second Round
Overshadowed Radiance
SV-P Promotional cards
Thai exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Decks
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Decks
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
ex Compact Deck
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance
Indonesian exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Deck
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Deck
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Tag Team Collection: Tag Team Collection GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
Venusaur & Blastoise Half DeckPikachu & Charizard Half Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
Black Shine
ex Compact Deck
Paradox Encounters
Ace Paradox
Transfiguration Mask
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance