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PS480 : At Liberty on Liberty Garden
Black & White arc
PS482 : To Make a Musical
VS Kirikizan
VIZ Media mini-volume Adventure 21 in Vol. 7
Kurokawa mini-volume Chapter 21 in Vol. 3
Shogakukan full volume Chapter 481 in Vol. 46
VIZ Media full volume Adventure 21 in Vol. 4
Series Pokémon Adventures

Sandstorm (Japanese: VS キリキザン VS Bisharp), titled VS Bisharp in the Shogakukan Asia translation, is the 481st chapter of the Pokémon Adventures manga, and the 21st chapter of the Black & White arc.

It is subtitled Bisharp (Japanese: 砂漠 Desert) in the VIZ Media translation and Sandstorm in the Shogakukan Asia translation.


Black and White arrive on Route 4 after finding their next target is Nimbasa City. However, a sandstorm hinders their progress, and as White runs off to go buy sandstorm gear, Black sits at the library to study for his next Gym battle. He quickly runs into a group of Workers taking a break, playing a game of card flip. After a brief chat, the person who organized the card flip points at a Drilbur in the site, and tells Black to guess which side of the line his Bisharp created the Drilbur will pop up next. However, after a Worker falls in the holes dug by Drilbur, the person organizing the game realizes that he must be a fake Worker. After a short battle where Maractus is defeated by Bisharp, the fake Worker's identity is revealed as a Team Plasma Grunt. Shortly after, Black figures out the person organizing the Drilbur game is Grimsley of the Elite Four. He asks for a battle to get information, but if Black loses, he'll have to give up all of his Badges.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the Pokémon Adventures manga, please see the history page.
201 Spoilers end here. 201


Pokémon debuts




In other languages

PS480 : At Liberty on Liberty Garden
Black & White arc
PS482 : To Make a Musical
Project Manga logo.png This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.