Amity Square: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Qprime (talk | contribs)
Found a Big Leaf via a Shroomish in Amity square. Wasn't on list, so I added it under "Rare" -- as that's my best guess (given nobody seems to have done it in over close to 10 years.).
Qprime (talk | contribs)
m Html got me. Fixed.
Line 178: Line 178:
! colspan=2 style="background: #{{Locationcolor/light|land}}; {{roundytr|5px}}" | Available items
! colspan=2 style="background: #{{Locationcolor/light|land}}; {{roundytr|5px}}" | Available items
|- style="background: #fff"
|- style="background: #fff"
| rowspan=13 |
| rowspan=14 |
{| style="text-align:center; margin:auto"
{| style="text-align:center; margin:auto"
| {{p|Pikachu}}<br/>[[File:025OD DP.png]]
| {{p|Pikachu}}<br/>[[File:025OD DP.png]]
Line 197: Line 197:
| [[File:Accessory Yellow Feather Sprite.png]] [[Accessory#Feathers|Yellow Feather]]
| [[File:Accessory Yellow Feather Sprite.png]] [[Accessory#Feathers|Yellow Feather]]
|- style="background: #fff"
|- style="background: #fff"
| rowspan=5 | Rare
| rowspan=6 | Rare
| [[File:Accessory Black Moustache Sprite.png]] [[Accessory#Facial Hair|Black Moustache]]
| [[File:Accessory Black Moustache Sprite.png]] [[Accessory#Facial Hair|Black Moustache]]
|- style="background: #fff"
|- style="background: #fff"

Revision as of 05:54, 24 February 2015

Amity Square redirects here. For the homonymous location in Fiore, see Fall City.
Amity Square ふれあいひろば
Contact Square
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: The square is a place where Trainers can stroll peacefully with Pokémon.
Location: North of Hearthome City
Region: Sinnoh
Generations: IV

Location of Amity Square in Sinnoh.
Pokémon world locations
Amity Square in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Amity Square (Japanese: ふれあいひろば Contact Square) is a park in Sinnoh where Trainers can walk around with their Pokémon and talk to them to check their moods. It is located north of Hearthome City.

The setup in Amity Square is identical to the Pikachu interaction system that was in Pokémon Yellow. Only certain small Pokémon can be taken for walks in Amity Square, usually of a "cute" appearance. Pokémon will fetch Accessories or Berries for their owners every 200 steps.

In Pokémon Platinum, more Pokémon are allowed in than before, and the area has been expanded and redesigned. It now includes a rather large pool of water on the west side, with a model of the Sinnoh region within. Rather than being able to cross the entire square as in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, it has been separated into exclusive east and west sides, each only accessible via their respective gate. Of special note, Pokémon Platinum allows all three of the Sinnoh starter Pokémon and their entire evolution families.

The rock huts serve no purpose in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl; however, in Pokémon Platinum, they contain warp points that send the player to another rock hut in the park. Each hut contains three warp points, accessed by walking to the front, left, or right while inside the hut.

After taking an allowable Pokémon for a walk, players will find that their party has been fully healed.

Amity Square West Gate
Stroll with Your Pokémon!

Amity Square East Gate
Stroll with Your Pokémon!

Pokémon permitted

Before National Pokédex After National Pokédex
Pikachu Clefairy Pikachu Clefairy
Psyduck TurtwigPt Jigglypuff Psyduck
GrotlePt TorterraPt Torchic Shroomish
ChimcharPt MonfernoPt Skitty TurtwigPt
InfernapePt PiplupPt GrotlePt TorterraPt
PrinplupPt EmpoleonPt ChimcharPt MonfernoPt
Pachirisu Drifloon InfernapePt PiplupPt
Buneary Happiny PrinplupPt EmpoleonPt
Pachirisu Drifloon
Buneary Happiny


Item Location Games
TM Normal TM43 (Secret Power) Lower west side of the grass field, near the west entrance that is south of the man with Pikachu  D  P 
TM Normal TM43 (Secret Power) On the rock in the middle of the island  Pt 
TM Normal TM45 (Attract) Upper-east side of the grass field near the boy with Drifloon  D  P 
TM Normal TM45 (Attract) Near the warp in the middle-center north of the lake  Pt 
Spooky Plate Spooky Plate Next to the second rock hut that is near the east-side entrance, to the right of the boy with Drifloon  D  P 
Spooky Plate Spooky Plate On a ledge reachable by warping from the first rock hut in the east entrance: left, left, right  Pt 
Amulet Coin Amulet Coin Hidden in a rock hut to the left of the boy with Drifloon  D  P 
Amulet Coin Amulet Coin Behind the bench, all the way north from the east entrance  Pt 

Berry and Accessories man

In Pokémon Platinum, a man who, once a day, will give the player five of a Berry or one Accessory appears in the eastern side of the park. When the player enters the Square, the man will be in one of the isolated locations only accessible through the teleporters in the huts (the teleporter on the north side of a hut will always lead to one of the huts connected to the park's entrance/exit).

So long as the player stays within the park, the man will always offer the same item, but if the player has not accepted an item from the man, he may change the item he offers (as well as his position) if the player exits and reenters the park (such that the scene changes).

Berries Accessories
Cornn Berry Cornn Berry Glitter Boulder
Magost Berry Magost Berry Black Pebble
Rabuta Berry Rabuta Berry Mini Pebble
Nomel Berry Nomel Berry Big Scale
Spelon Berry Spelon Berry Big Leaf
Pamtre Berry Pamtre Berry Thick Mushroom
Watmel Berry Watmel Berry Stump
Durin Berry Durin Berry
Belue Berry Belue Berry

Found by the player's Pokémon

Pokémon partner Available items
or Shroomish
Common Yellow Fluff
Brown Fluff
Orange Fluff
Small Leaf
Red Feather
Yellow Feather
Rare Black Moustache
Spelon Berry Spelon Berry
Big Scale
Glitter Boulder
Cornn Berry Cornn Berry
Big Leaf
Very Rare Purple Scale
Belue Berry Belue Berry
or Skitty
Common White Fluff
Orange Fluff
White Feather
Small Leaf
Round Pebble
Blue Scale
Mini Pebble
Rare White Beard
Big Scale
Thin Mushroom
Durin Berry Durin Berry
Cornn Berry Cornn Berry
Magost Berry Magost Berry
Rabuta Berry Rabuta Berry
Nomel Berry Nomel Berry
Very Rare Stump
or Pachirisu
Common Narrow Scale
Mini Pebble
Green Scale
Small Leaf
Jagged Boulder
Snaggy Pebble
Brown Fluff
Round Pebble
Glitter Boulder
Black Moustache
Shed Horn
Rare Cornn Berry Cornn Berry
Rabuta Berry Rabuta Berry
Spelon Berry Spelon Berry
Belue Berry Belue Berry
Pamtre Berry Pamtre Berry
Durin Berry Durin Berry
Watmel Berry Watmel Berry
Magost Berry Magost Berry
Nomel Berry Nomel Berry
Very Rare Thick Mushroom
or Drifloon
Common Pink Fluff
Red Feather
Yellow Feather
Black Beard
Narrow Scale
White Fluff
Rare White Moustache
Shed Claw
Narrow Leaf
Cornn Berry Cornn Berry
Very Rare Purple Scale
or Happiny
Common Pink Scale
Snaggy Pebble
Shed Horn
Yellow Feather
Shed Claw
Black Fluff
Pink Fluff
Rare Jagged Boulder
Big Leaf
Green Scale
Cornn Berry Cornn Berry
Nomel Berry Nomel Berry
Watmel Berry Watmel Berry
Magost Berry Magost Berry
Rabuta Berry Rabuta Berry
Very Rare Black Pebble
Pamtre Berry Pamtre Berry
Belue Berry Belue Berry
Common Pink Scale
White Feather
Thin Mushroom
Blue Scale
Blue Feather
Jagged Boulder
Rare Round Pebble
Big Leaf
White Beard
Very Rare Black Beard
or Grotle
or Torterra
Common Green Scale
Snaggy Pebble
Shed Horn
Jagged Boulder
Shed Claw
Brown Fluff
Rare Glitter Boulder
Round Pebble
Black Moustache
Cornn Berry Cornn Berry
Nomel Berry Nomel Berry
Watmel Berry Watmel Berry
Magost Berry Magost Berry
Rabuta Berry Rabuta Berry
Very Rare Thick Mushroom
Pamtre Berry Pamtre Berry
Belue Berry Belue Berry
Spelon Berry Spelon Berry
Durin Berry Durin Berry
or Monferno
or Infernape
Common Blue Scale
Round Pebble
Orange Fluff
White Feather
Small Leaf
Brown Fluff
White Fluff
Rare White Beard
Thin Mushroom
Big Scale
Cornn Berry Cornn Berry
Nomel Berry Nomel Berry
Watmel Berry Watmel Berry
Magost Berry Magost Berry
Rabuta Berry Rabuta Berry
Very Rare Stump
Pamtre Berry Pamtre Berry
Belue Berry Belue Berry
Spelon Berry Spelon Berry
Durin Berry Durin Berry
or Prinplup
or Empoleon
Common Narrow Scale
Red Feather
Black Beard
Pink Fluff
Yellow Feather
Rare Shed Claw
Narrow Leaf
White Beard
Cornn Berry Cornn Berry
Nomel Berry Nomel Berry
Watmel Berry Watmel Berry
Magost Berry Magost Berry
Rabuta Berry Rabuta Berry
Very Rare Purple Scale
Pamtre Berry Pamtre Berry
Belue Berry Belue Berry
Spelon Berry Spelon Berry
Durin Berry Durin Berry

In the anime

Amity Square in the anime*

In Top-Down Training!, Paul battled Cynthia in a location called 自然公園 Nature Park, which was called Amity Square in the dub.


In other languages

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 溝通廣場 Gōutōng Guǎngchǎng
Finnish Ystävyystori
European French Square Paisible
German Platz der Treue
Italian Parco Concordia
Korean 상호교류광장 Sangho Gyoryu Gwangjang
European Spanish Plaza Amistad

Twinleaf TownSandgem TownJubilife CityOreburgh CityFloaroma TownEterna CityHearthome City
Solaceon TownVeilstone CityPastoria CityCelestic TownCanalave CitySnowpoint CitySunyshore City
Pokémon LeagueFight AreaSurvival AreaResort Area
Lake Verity (Lakefront) • Oreburgh GateOreburgh MineOreburgh Mining MuseumGlobal Terminal/Global Wonder Station
Ravaged PathFloaroma MeadowValley WindworksEterna ForestOld ChateauUnderground/Grand Underground
Wayward CaveMount CoronetAmity SquareLost TowerHallowed TowerSolaceon RuinsManiac TunnelLake Valor (Lakefront)
Great MarshPokémon MansionTrophy GardenFuego IronworksIron IslandLake Acuity (Lakefront) • Spear PillarVictory Road
Pal Park/Ramanas ParkContest HallBattle ZoneBattle ParkBattle Tower/Battle FrontierStark MountainSnowpoint Temple
Spring PathSendoff SpringTurnback CaveFullmoon IslandNewmoon IslandSeabreak PathFlower ParadiseHall of Origin
Access to
Distortion World
See also

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.