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* [[Virgil]] is Ash's only Unova [[rival]] not seen in the opening.
* [[Virgil]] is Ash's only Unova [[rival]] not seen in the opening.
* This is the first opening of a [[Pokémon League]] arc that doesn't show all or most [[Legendary Pokémon]] known to date.
* This is the first opening of a [[Pokémon League]] arc that doesn't show all or most [[Legendary Pokémon]] known to date.
* {{AP|Charizard}} giving a thumbs up to the camera could be foreshadowing its [[BW116|eventual return]].


Revision as of 00:55, 30 April 2021

554Darumaka.png The subject of this article has no official English name.
The name currently in use is a fan translation of the Japanese name.

Best Wishes!
Japanese opening themes
Summerly Slope
OPJ15 2.png
Yajirushi ni Natte!
Be an Arrow!
BW OP 02
Artist 松本梨香
Rica Matsumoto
Lyrics 戸田昭吾
Akihito Toda
Composer たなか ひろかず
Hirokazu Tanaka
Arrangement たなか ひろかず
Hirokazu Tanaka
Pikachu Records CD
Title ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ! シーズン2
Pocket Monsters Best Wishes! Season 2
Catalog no. ZMCP-6093

Be an Arrow! (Japanese: やじるしになって! Yajirushi ni Natte!) is the second Japanese opening theme of Pokémon the Series: Black & White. It debuted in BW085, replacing Best Wishes!. It was also used in M15.

For Best Wishes! Season 2: Episode N, which started with BW109, a remixed version was used, Be an Arrow! 2013, which was replaced by Summerly Slope in BW123.

Opening animation: Version 1 (BW085BW108)

OP text

Japanese English
The mysterious creatures of this planet
Pocket Monsters...
"Pokémon" for short!
Now, the story of Satoshi and Pokémon,
Their meetings, adventures, and battles
Are about to begin!


The animation begins with Ash, Iris, and Cilan running down a long corridor while multiple arrows of various colors fly in the direction they're running towards. A glowing arrow flies around the screen until it turns into Ash and Pikachu with an orange pillar in front of them. A second arrow swirls around and turns into Iris and Axew with a purple pillar next to them. A third arrow turns into Cilan with a green pillar underneath him. Ash, Pikachu, Iris, Axew, and Cilan all pose in front of the Best Wishes! logo. The three Trainers jump out of view and the words "Season 2" are added onto the Best Wishes! logo.

The scene changes to several Pokémon from varying generations running through a grassy field. After changing to a different group of a Pokémon, Ash, Iris, and Cilan are seen running near a body of water with several Pokémon swimming near them. As they continue running, Meloetta enters the scene and playfully steals Ash's hat. The scene moves to Professor Oak's laboratory, where Professor Oak, Delia Ketchum, and Tracey stand in the field of Ash's various Pokémon. When Charizard is shown onscreen, it turns around to give a thumbs up.

Ash then runs into an area resembling some ruins. As he runs, multiple stone pillars suddenly erupt from the ground, forcing Ash to jump back. Ash looks back to see Pikachu jumping in to destroy the pillars with Thunderbolt. Pikachu is successful, and gives Ash a peace sign to show his satisfaction. Elsewhere, a Keldeo begins glowing as it stands on top of a large block of ice with Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion. A wall of ice breaks to reveal Kyurem, who then causes a split screen to show Black Kyurem and White Kyurem.

On top of a building, Alder, Cynthia, Caitlin, Drayden, and Marlon stand before Ash, Cilan, and Iris. Dawn enters the scene with her Piplup, who fires a Hydro Pump. After BW094, Dawn is replaced by Cameron, who has his Riolu use Vacuum Wave. Jessie, James, and Meowth each get individual closeups.

Stephan and his Sawk do several karate poses. Trip poses with his Serperior. Bianca and her Emboar run through a city, only to clumsily fall onto their faces. Ash, Iris, Cilan, Dawn, Trip, Stephan, and Bianca all pose with their Pokémon, only to quickly fly into the air as if they were using Quick Attack. They all fly towards a building and combine into a giant arrow that collides with it. The animation ends with a group shot of Ash, Pikachu, Iris, Axew, Cilan, and Ash's Pokémon.




Ash's Pokémon in Be an Arrow!


TV Size

Japanese English
つっぱしる やじるし ひとつ!
しなやかな やじるし ひとつ!
かんがえる やじるし ひとつ!
それが いまのおれたち!

緑の山をこえ まっ白な雲ぬい
荒野をいろどりすすもう やじるしになって!
とつぜん曲がってみたり ねじれたりふるえたり
はなればなれになることも ないわけじゃない

道が見えなくなって ときどき途方にくれる
だけどそばには こいつがいてくれる!
まぶしい太陽でさえ ときには雲にかくれる
だけど出会いがいつでも 光をくれる

あつすぎる やじるし ひとつ!
きそいあう やじるし ふたつ!
たすけあう やじるし みっつ!
だから こころおれない

そのさきへ やじるし すすめ!
いまよりも やじるし ひかれ!
ユメに つきさされ!
One swiftly running arrow!
One supple arrow!
One thinking arrow!
That's us now!

Cross the green mountain, remove the white clouds
Let's colorfully push through the wilderness, become an arrow!
Even if we suddenly turn around, twist, and shake
There's no way that we'll get separated!

Sometimes I can no longer see the road, and don't know where to go
But you will always be by my side!
Even the bright sun is hidden by the clouds sometimes
But meetings will always bring light!

One too hot arrow!
Two competitive arrows!
Three helpful arrows!
So the heart will never break!

Aim forward as an arrow!
Shine greater than even now as an arrow!
Thrust toward your dream!

Full Version

Japanese English
つっぱしる やじるし ひとつ!
しなやかな やじるし ひとつ!
かんがえる やじるし ひとつ!
それが いまのおれたち!

緑の山をこえ まっ白な雲ぬい
荒野をいろどりすすもう やじるしになって!
とつぜん曲がってみたり ねじれたりふるえたり
はなればなれになることも ないわけじゃない

わかりあえないまま 一日が終わるなんて
まっぴらごめんだぜ こころ見せあおう!

いわよりも やじるし つよく!
そらよりも やじるし たかく!
なによりも やじるし やさしく!
そうさ いつかおれたち!

あくびが出ちゃうような ゆるゆるの午後もある
それでもかけ声ひとつで 束になれるぜ!
びびってスピードダウン なんてのもあるけれど
気がつきゃ勝手にこの足が また走ってる!

いまのままでいいのか ひとり夜の星を見る
だけどほんとは そんなの ガラじゃない!
「ユメを信じてすすめば きっときみはだいじょうぶ」
なかまたちのこの言葉 かみしめて!

つっぱしる やじるし ひとつ!
しなやかな やじるし ひとつ!
かんがえる やじるし ひとつ!
それが いまのおれたち!

そのさきへ やじるし すすめ!
いまよりも やじるし ひかれ!
ユメに つきさされ!

道が見えなくなって ときどき途方にくれる
だけどそばには こいつがいてくれる!
まぶしい太陽でさえ ときには雲にかくれる
だけど出会いがいつでも 光をくれる

あつすぎる やじるし ひとつ!
きそいあう やじるし ふたつ!
たすけあう やじるし みっつ!
だから こころおれない

そのさきへ やじるし すすめ!
いまよりも やじるし ひかれ!
そのさきへ やじるし すすめ!
たくさんの やじるし ひかれ!
きみも そのひとつ!!
One swiftly running arrow!
One supple arrow!
One thinking arrow!
That's us now!

Cross the green mountain, remove the white clouds
Let's colorfully push through the wilderness, become an arrow!
Even if we suddenly turn around, twist, and shake
There's no way that we'll get separated!

If we can't come to an agreement and the day is ending
I'll sincerely apologize, let's show each other our hearts!

An arrow stronger than the rock!
An arrow higher than the sky!
An arrow kinder than everything!
Yeah, someday that will be us!

There are leisurely afternoons that cause yawns
But with one cheer from someone, we gather together!
Though there are times I get a shock and slow down
I find my feet taking the liberty and myself still running!

I wonder to myself under the night stars if we'll be alright
But honestly, that's not my job to wonder!
"If you believe in your dreams, you will be definitely be fine"
I reflect on my companions' words!

One swiftly running arrow!
One supple arrow!
One thinking arrow!
That's us now!

Aim forward as an arrow!
Shine greater than even now as an arrow!
Thrust toward your dream!

Sometimes I can no longer see the road, and don't know where to go
But you will always be by my side!
Even the bright sun is hidden by the clouds sometimes
But meetings will always bring light!

One too hot arrow!
Two competitive arrows!
Three helpful arrows!
So the heart will never break!

Aim forward as an arrow!
Shine greater than even now as an arrow!
Aim forward as an arrow!
Let a lot of arrows shine!
You are one of them too!!

Opening animation spoilers



Various errors from the Smash preview
  • In the preview shown on Pokémon Smash!, there were several errors present in the group shot of Ash's Pokémon:
    • Buizel's stomach fur isn't colored in, making it the same as the rest of his body.
    • Part of the sky appears to show through Staraptor.
    • The bottom half of Corphish's claws are colored the same as the top half.
    • Professor Oak's eyebrows are gray instead of black.
    • The cut on Bayleef's head leaf is missing.
    • The rings around Torkoal's neck and stomach are missing.
      • All of these errors were corrected when the opening actually debuted in BW085 except Bayleef's missing cut and Torkoal's missing rings.
  • Primeape is seen in the shot with the rest of Ash’s Pokémon despite having never resided at Professor Oak's lab, as it is training with Anthony. Also, Charizard was still at the Charicific Valley at the time, and Squirtle is with the Squirtle Squad.


  1. BW085 - BW093: The original animation.
  2. BW094 - BW108: Cameron and Riolu replaced Dawn and Piplup.

Opening animation: Version 2 (BW109BW122)

やじるしになって! 2013
OPJ15 3.png
Yajirushi ni Natte! 2013
Be an Arrow! 2013
BW OP 02
Artist 松本梨香
Rica Matsumoto
Lyrics 戸田昭吾
Akihito Toda
Composer たなか ひろかず
Hirokazu Tanaka
Arrangement たなか ひろかず
Hirokazu Tanaka

OP text

Japanese English
The mysterious creatures of this planet
Pocket Monsters...
"Pokémon" for short!
Now, the story of Satoshi and Pokémon,
Their meetings, adventures, and battles
Are about to begin!


The animation begins with a background image of Reshiram with its eyes glowing blue. Ash, Cilan, Iris, and N all make dramatic poses as N's necklace glows. The scene changes to the Best Wishes! logo, which is then adorned with the Season 2 and Episode N pieces. At the Aspertia Gym, Iris, Cilan, and N watch as Ash and his Oshawott face Cheren and his Herdier. A cloaked N walks in a snowy mountainous area with Anthea and Concordia in the background.

James smiles confidently with one eye closed while Jessie poses with a rose in her hand with Meowth standing behind her. A shot of Ghetsis, Colress, Aldith, Barret, Weiss, Schwarz and other four Team Plasma Grunts pans to the side while a map of Unova is burned to reveal the Team Plasma logo behind it. The logo is revealed to be part of a helicopter that Aldith and Barret ride in while their Liepard blasts a building in front of them with Hyper Beam. The explosion causes Ash, Iris, and Cilan, to duck as they watch it from below. The Genesect Army quickly shift into their High-Speed Flight Forms and races off into the sky.

Pikachu fires an Electro Ball; Ash's Oshawott dodges attacks while using Aqua Jet; Axew fires off a Dragon Rage; Dragonite attacks with a Flamethrower. Colress is shown with several Pokémon under his control. In the White Ruins, Pikachu uses Iron Tail to fight off a controlled Beartic. After Pikachu is knocked away, Boldore steps in to combat Beartic as well. Beartic smacks Boldore away, who simply retaliates with a Rock Blast. Axew and Oshawott run away from an attacking Mienshao, but Oshawott stays behind and attacks it with Razor Shell.

Ash, Iris, Cilan, and N run on top of a bridge while being attacked by several Shadow Balls. Several of Team Plasma's Pokémon are defeated by Looker, Jessie, James, and Meowth. Ghetsis waves his arm, signaling Reshiram to burst out of the ground. As it hovers above Ash, Pikachu, Iris, Cilan, and N, Reshiram attacks with Blue Flare, only for it to be deflected by a Flamethrower. A surprised Ash looks up to see his Charizard, who confidently looks back at him. Charizard attacks with another Flamethrower, while the scene changes to a group shot of Ash, Iris, Cilan, N, Colress, Aldith, Barret, two other Team Plasma Grunts, Jessie, James, Meowth, Looker, and a large shot of Ghetsis looking down on them all.





TV Size

Japanese English
つっぱしる やじるし ひとつ!
しなやかな やじるし ひとつ!
かんがえる やじるし ひとつ!
それが いまのおれたち!

あくびが出ちゃうような ゆるゆるの午後もある
それでもかけ声ひとつで 束になれるぜ!
びびってスピードダウン なんてのもあるけれど
気がつきゃ勝手にこの足が また走ってる!

いまのままでいいのか ひとり夜の星を見る
だけどほんとは そんなの ガラじゃない!
「ユメを信じてすすめば きっときみはだいじょうぶ」
なかまたちのこの言葉 かみしめて!

いわよりも やじるし つよく!
そらよりも やじるし たかく!
なによりも やじるし やさしく!
そうさ いつかおれたち!

そのさきへ やじるし すすめ!
たくさんの やじるし ひかれ!
きみも そのひとつ!!
One swiftly running arrow!
One supple arrow!
One thinking arrow!
That's us now!

There are leisurely afternoons that cause yawns
But with one cheer from someone, we gather together!
Though there are times I get a shock and slow down
I find my feet taking the liberty and myself still running!

I wonder to myself under the night stars if we'll be alright
But honestly, that's not my job to wonder!
"If you believe in your dreams, you will be definitely be fine"
I reflect on my companions' words!

An arrow stronger than the rock!
An arrow higher than the sky!
An arrow kinder than everything!
Yeah, someday that will be us!

Aim forward as an arrow!
Let a lot of arrows shine!
You are one of them too!!

Opening animation spoilers


  • This is the only opening so far that, along with the main characters, is mainly focused on a villainous team, in this case, Team Plasma.
  • This is the first Japanese opening to use clips from previous episodes alongside new animations.
  • The scene where Team Plasma's Liepard blasts a Hyper Beam at a building references a scene in the never-aired original BW023 and BW024, which were supposed to mark the debut of Team Plasma in the anime.
The error


  • When Ash is confronting Cheren, Herdier's tail is brown instead of blue.

OS: Aim to Be a Pokémon MasterThe RivalsOK!Aim to Be a Pokémon Master (Whiteberry version)Ready Go!
AG: Advance AdventureChallenger!!Pokémon Symphonic MedleyBattle FrontierSpurt!
DP: Together / Together2008High Touch! / High Touch! 2009The Greatest - Everyday! / The Greatest - Everyday! (Band Version)
BW: Best Wishes!Be an Arrow! / Be an Arrow! 2013Summerly Slope
XY: V (Volt) / Mega V (Mega Volt)Mad-Paced GetterXY&Z
SM: Alola!!Aim to Be a Pokémon Master -20th Anniversary-Future ConnectionYour Adventure
JN: One, Two, ThreeAim to Be a Pokémon Master -with my friends-
HZ: Heart-Pounding DiaryHaloWill
Other: A New OathWe are the Pichu Brothers!Koko

Best Wishes! (song)
Japanese opening themes
Summerly Slope
Project Music logo.png This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.