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(→‎Trivia: It's his new appearance post-Champion. See the second-to-last paragraph of the game plot section on this page.)
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[[File:Guzma Adventures.png|thumb|200px|Guzma in Pokémon Adventures]]
[[File:Guzma Adventures.png|thumb|200px|Guzma in Pokémon Adventures]]
Guzma debuts in the {{chap|Sun & Moon}}. He is first seen berating a pair of {{tc|Team Skull Grunt|Grunts}} after their attempt to skip out on paying {{adv|Sun}} for his part-time job ended in their defeat. He orders the Grunts to find Sun so that he can teach him a lesson personally.
Guzma debuts in the {{chap|Sun & Moon}}. He is first seen berating a pair of {{tc|Team Skull Grunt|Grunts}} after their attempt to skip out on paying {{adv|Sun}} for his part-time job ended in their defeat. He orders the Grunts to find Sun so that he can teach him a lesson personally.
*Ironically, despite being considered a joke in comparison, his Pokémon end up being stronger than any of the other team bosses in their last battle against the player.


Revision as of 14:02, 21 January 2017

グズマ Guzma
Sun Moon Guzma.png
Art from Sun and Moon
Age 20+
Gender Male
Eye color Gray
Hair color White
Hometown Alola Route 2
Region Alola
Relatives Unnamed mother and father
Trainer class Team Skull Boss, Pokémon Trainer
Generation VII
Games Sun and Moon
Specializes in Bug types
Member of Team Skull
Rank Boss

Guzma (Japanese: グズマ Guzma) is a character introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon. He is the leader of Team Skull. He is the only character in the games to have the Trainer class Team Skull Boss (Japanese: スカルだんかボス Team Skull Boss). He specializes in Bug-type Pokémon.

In the games

Guzma first appears in Malie Garden, taunting Professor Kukui, calling both the professor and himself "fellow rejects who never could become captains." Guzma then criticizes Kukui's idea of building a Pokémon League for Alola; while he agrees that some parts of the island challenge are antiquated, he claims there's no need for a League, as he believes he's the strongest Trainer in the region. To solidify his position, his Grunts have been stealing every piece of Buginium Z across Alola simply to deny its use to other Trainers. When Kukui asks the player to battle Guzma, the boss takes notice of their Z-Ring, and asks why they're taking on the island challenge before immediately dismissing it and accepting Kukui's terms. The player wins, and Guzma leaves, saying he'll remember the encounter.

Later on, the player travels to Po Town to retrieve a Yungoos Team Skull stole from a child living at the Aether House. After getting past an army of Team Skull Grunts and infiltrating their headquarters, the Shady House, the player comes face-to-face with Guzma, who is holding the Yungoos in his personal quarters. He returns the Yungoos after losing to the player again, but vows that he will one day defeat them.

However, it is subsequently revealed that Team Skull's kidnapping of the Yungoos was a distraction meant to draw the player away from the Aether House so Plumeria could abduct Lillie. At this point, Gladion openly betrays Team Skull and recruits both the player and Hau for a mission to rescue Lillie from where Team Skull took her — Aether Paradise. As the player, Hau and Gladion fight through the Aether Foundation Employees who, along with Faba, are guarding Aether Paradise on Lusamine's orders, they discover a large group of Team Skull Grunts personally led by Guzma guarding the path to Lusamine's mansion, revealing that Lusamine has been secretly controlling Team Skull. Gladion rushes ahead to attempt to defeat Guzma and open the path for the player, but fails, leaving the player to battle Guzma one last time themselves. Guzma relents and allows the player to enter Lusamine's mansion after falling once more. A short while later, he rushes to Lusamine's side after she opens the Ultra Wormhole using Nebby's powers, unleashing Ultra Beasts all over Alola. Encouraging Lusamine to capture the Nihilego that appears in the room so it can be used to crush the player and their friends, Guzma ends up in a battle with Hau while Gladion tries to defeat Nihilego and the player fights Lusamine. Upon her defeat, the Ultra Wormhole and Nihilego begin to disappear. Unwilling to let her plans be thwarted, Lusamine enters the portal, taking Guzma with her.

Guzma is not seen again until after the player and Lillie have helped Nebby recover and evolve from Cosmoem into SolgaleoS/LunalaM. The legendary Pokémon transports the player and Lillie into Ultra Space, where they discover Guzma sitting alone, separated from Lusamine. He reveals that once they arrived in Ultra Space, he tried to capture a Nihilego of his own, only for it to use its parasitic powers to control him. Claiming that he has always lived his life making people afraid of him, Guzma admits that this experience has made him feel true fear for the first time, and warns the player and Lillie that they are stupid for coming to Ultra Space and tells them that Lusamine is too far gone into her insanity to be saved. He sits out and watches as the player battles Lusamine and subsequently separates her from the Nihilego she fused with using the aid of SolgaleoS/LunalaM and is saved from Ultra Space along with the others when SolgaleoS/LunalaM uses its powers to return them to the real world. Upon arrival, Hapu meets the group and has Guzma help her take away the unconscious Lusamine on her Mudsdale.

Once the player becomes Champion, it is revealed that Guzma disbanded Team Skull after returning from Ultra Space. To reflect this new start in life, he no longer wears his gold chain bearing Team Skull's insignia, paints a red X over the insignia on his coat, removes his Team Skull tattoos and changes his sunglasses to a symmetrical pair of round lenses. He can be found in his parents' home on Route 2, where he tells the player to meet him on Hau'oli City's beachfront. There, he expresses a continuing desire to finally defeat the player and challenges them once again. Upon his loss, Hala appears and tells him that he cannot win because he does not recognize his opponents' strength. Hala promises to make a fine trainer out of Guzma, and Guzma leaves after gifting the player his lucky charm, a Dawn Stone. In Moon only, he appears as a potential challenger and Multi Battle teammate at the Battle Tree. In Sun, this appearance is fulfilled by Plumeria instead.

Throughout the game, the player can discover hints about Guzma's past and motivations. He was once a prodigy who earned many trophies that are still on display in his parents' home, but his childhood is hinted to have been abusive; he eventually ran away from home after a violent confrontation with his father. Despite his best efforts, he was never able to live up to the standards necessary to become a captain before he grew too old. Becoming disillusioned due to this, he took on the leadership of Team Skull to fight back against Alola's traditions and assert his own strength. He ultimately fell under Lusamine's influence because she was the only adult who ever acknowledged his strength as a Trainer, inspiring his loyalty to her until the events in Ultra Space.


Guzma's Pokémon are kept in Ultra Balls.

First battle

Second battle

Third battle

Fourth battle

Battle Tree

Guzma uses three of these Pokémon in Single Battles, four in Double Battles, and two in Multi Battles.

Bug Unknown
Hyper Cutter or Mold Breaker
Held item:
Bag Pinsirite Sprite.png Pinsirite
Pinsir/ Lv.50
Bug Physical
Fighting Physical
Stone Edge
Rock Physical
Normal Physical
Bug Unknown
Hyper Cutter or Mold Breaker
Held item:
Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Choice Scarf
Pinsir/ Lv.50
Bug Physical
Ground Physical
Close Combat
Fighting Physical
Normal Physical
Dark Flying
Insomnia or Super Luck
Held item:
Bag Darkinium Z Sprite.png Darkinium Z
Honchkrow/ Lv.50
Psychic Special
Dark Pulse
Dark Special
Normal Status
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Dark Flying
Insomnia or Super Luck
Held item:
Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Life Orb
Honchkrow/ Lv.50
Night Slash
Dark Physical
Drill Peck
Flying Physical
Sucker Punch
Dark Physical
Thunder Wave
Electric Status
Poison Fighting
Anticipation or Dry Skin
Held item:
Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Focus Sash
Toxicroak/ Lv.50
Sludge Bomb
Poison Special
Focus Blast
Fighting Special
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Dark Pulse
Dark Special
Poison Fighting
Anticipation or Dry Skin
Held item:
Bag Wide Lens Sprite.png Wide Lens
Toxicroak/ Lv.50
Cross Chop
Fighting Physical
Sucker Punch
Dark Physical
Poison Jab
Poison Physical
Dark Status
Dark Unknown
Limber or Unburden
Held item:
Bag Red Card Sprite.png Red Card
Liepard/ Lv.50
Foul Play
Dark Physical
Sucker Punch
Dark Physical
Sand Attack
Ground Status
Thunder Wave
Electric Status
Dark Unknown
Limber or Unburden
Held item:
Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Focus Sash
Liepard/ Lv.50
Dark Pulse
Dark Special
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Grass Knot
Grass Special
Nasty Plot
Dark Status
Dark Steel
Defiant or Inner Focus
Held item:
Bag Chople Berry Sprite.png Chople Berry
Bisharp/ Lv.50
Iron Head
Steel Physical
Night Slash
Dark Physical
Low Sweep
Fighting Physical
Sucker Punch
Dark Physical
Dark Steel
Defiant or Inner Focus
Held item:
Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Focus Sash
Bisharp/ Lv.50
Dark Status
Sucker Punch
Dark Physical
Metal Burst
Steel Physical
Iron Head
Steel Physical
Poison Water
Merciless or Limber
Held item:
Bag Red Card Sprite.png Red Card
Toxapex/ Lv.50
Baneful Bunker
Poison Status
Poison Special
Water Special
Ice Beam
Ice Special
Poison Water
Merciless or Limber
Held item:
Bag Black Sludge Sprite.png Black Sludge
Toxapex/ Lv.50
Baneful Bunker
Poison Status
Water Physical
Dark Physical
Normal Status
Bug Water
Emergency Exit
Held item:
Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Quick Claw
Golisopod/ Lv.50
First Impression
Bug Physical
Water Physical
Leech Life
Bug Physical
Brick Break
Fighting Physical
Bug Water
Emergency Exit
Held item:
Bag Life Orb Sprite.png Life Orb
Golisopod/ Lv.50
First Impression
Bug Physical
Aqua Jet
Water Physical
Sucker Punch
Dark Physical
Rock Slide
Rock Physical


Pokémon Sun and Moon

Malie Garden
"Battle Royal, huh? Nice idea there, Kukui. You can beat down three Pokémon at once, huh?"
"The hated boss who beats you down, and beats you down, and never lets up... Yeah. Big bad Guzma is here!"
"Greetings, cowering public! We have an exciting bout for you tonight! In the opposing corner, the Pokémon professor Kukui! And in this corner, the boss of Team Skull and the hardest guy around, Guzma!"
"Here we are, Kukui... Fellow rejects who never could become captains. We've got all these moldy old traditions in Alola — the kahunas, the captains... It’s about time we cut out all that silly garbage and make something new for ourselves. Trust me, I get that. Don't get me wrong, though, Kukui. We've got no need for a Pokémon League. After all, everyone already knows who the strongest Trainer is on these islands!"
"So you're one of the kids on his/her island challenge? You don't look like Hala's grandson."
"Tch! This move fanatic is getting me all riled up! You've got a Z-Ring, huh, kid? Why even bother with the island challenge? What’s the point of it?"
It'll make me strong: "No it won't, you dumb kid!"
That's what I want to find out: "Ha! You don’t even know why you’re doing it."
"Watch closely, Kukui. Someday I'm gonna destroy you. But first, I'll destroy everything you care about!"
"Wanna see what destruction looks like? Here it is in human form — it's your boy Guzma!"
  • When defeated
"I see. Great work... I guess."
  • After being defeated
"Guzma!!! What is wrong with you?! Now's the time for your vaunted team to let loose and destroy everything!"
"It was <player>, right? I'll remember you... as someone I'll be happy to beat down anytime!"
Shady House
"The hated boss who beats you down and beats you down and never lets up... Yeah. Big bad Guzma is here!"
"I don't really get you, kid, but at least this is a change of pace. It's not every day someone comes straight to me for a beating!"
I'm not here for you: "No bone to pick with me, huh? Then it's for Yungoos, I guess. How sweet of you to help out a sad little girl. Tch!"
I'm here for the Pokémon: "Oh, Yungoos? How sweet of you to help out a sad little girl. Tch!"
"And you came all the way here just for that, huh? Can't you just watch out for your own Pokémon and stay out of other people's business?! You're one messed up kid! You wanna know what I do when some machine messes up? The first thing I do is give it a nice hard smack! I mean, most of the time I smash it to pieces, but hey, what can you do? Now let's see if I can't fix you!"
  • When defeated
"Yeah, yeah. I gotta admit, that was great!"
  • After being defeated
"Guzma! What is wrong with you?!"
"Yo! Give the Pokémon back to the kid. NOW!"
"I'm gonna beat you down one of these days! No matter whose help I need to do it..."


VSGuzma.pngVSGuzma 2.png
VS model from
Sun and Moon
Guzma SM OD.pngGuzma 2 SM OD.png
Overworld model from
Sun and Moon

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

Guzma in Pokémon Adventures

Guzma debuts in the Sun & Moon arc. He is first seen berating a pair of Grunts after their attempt to skip out on paying Sun for his part-time job ended in their defeat. He orders the Grunts to find Sun so that he can teach him a lesson personally.


  • Ironically, despite being considered a joke in comparison, his Pokémon end up being stronger than any of the other team bosses in their last battle against the player.



Language Name Origin
Japanese グズマ Guzma From Guzmania
English, French,
Dutch, Portuguese
Guzma Same as Japanese name
German Bromley From Bromeliengewächse (German for Bromeliaceae, the family that contains Guzmania)
Italian Guzman From Guzmania and Anastasio Guzmán (which Guzmania is named after)
Spanish Guzmán From Guzmania and Anastasio Guzmán
Korean 구즈마 Gujeuma Transliteration of Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin) 古茲馬 / 古兹马 Gǔzīmǎ Transliteration of Japanese name
Chinese (Cantonese) 古茲馬 Gújīmáh Transliteration of Japanese name
Russian Гузма Guzma Transcription of English name

Team Skull Boss

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 骷髏隊老大 Fūlàuh Deuih Lóuhdaaih
Mandarin 骷髏隊老大 Kūlóu Duì Lǎodà
France Flag.png French Boss Team Skull
Germany Flag.png German Skull-Boss
Italy Flag.png Italian Capo Team Skull
South Korea Flag.png Korean 스컬단의 보스 Seukeol-dan-ui Boseu
Portugal Flag.png European Portuguese Chefe do Team Skull
Russia Flag.png Russian Босс Команды Череп Boss Komandy Cherep
Spain Flag.png Spanish Jefe del Team Skull

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