Dedenne is a bipedal, orange, rodent-like {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} with a round body. It has round black ears with pale yellow interiors, black eyes, a tiny nose, and a prominent upper incisor with a slight point. On each cheek is a circular, dark orange electric sac with two black whiskers. The upper whiskers have branches and resemble antennae, while the lower whiskers are simple. There is a thick black stripe down its back and it has a pale yellow belly. It has stubby limbs with three digits on each paw and a long, thin black tail with a tuft of fur on the tip.
Dedenne is a bipedal, orange, rodent-like {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} with a round body. It has round black ears with pale yellow interiors, black eyes, a tiny nose, and a prominent upper incisor with a slight point. On each cheek is a circular, dark orange electric sac with two black whiskers. The upper whiskers have branches and resemble antennae, while the lower whiskers are simple. There is a thick black stripe down its back and it has a pale yellow belly. It has stubby limbs with three digits on each paw and a long, thin black tail with a tuft of fur on the tip.
Dedenne's upper whiskers serve as antennae that can send and receive electrical waves. This allows it to communicate with others of its kind over great distances, sharing locations of food or electricity, and sense its surroundings. The simple, lower whiskers are organs that can fire electricity. However, Dedenne is small and its electricity-generating organ is under-developed, making it unable to generate a lot of electricity on its own. It absorbs electricity from other electric Pokémon, or from homes and buildings by plugging its tail into outlets; Dedenne are known to live near humans due to this behavior. When it is low on charge, it curls up and sleeps. As mentioned in the [[Sleep style|Sleep Style Dex]], Dedenne will occasionally fall asleep while sucking its tail. It is believed that Dedenne does this to how happy it feels from asorbing all that electricity.
Dedenne's upper whiskers serve as antennae that can send and receive electrical waves. This allows it to communicate with others of its kind over great distances, sharing locations of food or electricity, and sense its surroundings. The simple, lower whiskers are organs that can fire electricity. However, Dedenne is small and its electricity-generating organ is under-developed, making it unable to generate a lot of electricity on its own. It absorbs electricity from other electric Pokémon, or from homes and buildings by plugging its tail into outlets; Dedenne are known to live near humans due to this behavior. When it is low on charge, it curls up and sleeps. As mentioned in the [[Sleep style|Sleep Style Dex]], Dedenne will occasionally fall asleep while sucking its tail. It is believed that Dedenne does this to how happy it feels from absorbing all that electricity.
Dedenne is a bipedal, orange, rodent-like Pokémon with a round body. It has round black ears with pale yellow interiors, black eyes, a tiny nose, and a prominent upper incisor with a slight point. On each cheek is a circular, dark orange electric sac with two black whiskers. The upper whiskers have branches and resemble antennae, while the lower whiskers are simple. There is a thick black stripe down its back and it has a pale yellow belly. It has stubby limbs with three digits on each paw and a long, thin black tail with a tuft of fur on the tip.
Dedenne's upper whiskers serve as antennae that can send and receive electrical waves. This allows it to communicate with others of its kind over great distances, sharing locations of food or electricity, and sense its surroundings. The simple, lower whiskers are organs that can fire electricity. However, Dedenne is small and its electricity-generating organ is under-developed, making it unable to generate a lot of electricity on its own. It absorbs electricity from other electric Pokémon, or from homes and buildings by plugging its tail into outlets; Dedenne are known to live near humans due to this behavior. When it is low on charge, it curls up and sleeps. As mentioned in the Sleep Style Dex, Dedenne will occasionally fall asleep while sucking its tail. It is believed that Dedenne does this to how happy it feels from absorbing all that electricity.
It’s small and its electricity-generating organ is not fully developed, so it uses its tail to absorb electricity from people’s homes and charge itself.
Dedenne love electricity, so they tend to live near humans. One often comes to mylab to feed on the electricity. Speaking of which, I was pretty shocked when it erased some of my data!
Raises your Extra Tasty rate by 4%. The effect lasts until you cook an Extra Tasty dish or change sites.
It's a small Pokémon and its electricity-generating organ is weak, so it uses its tail to absorb electricity from other Pokémon to charge itself. Perhaps happy with all the electricity it absorbed, it sometimes falls asleep while sucking on its tail.
Dedenne appears as a Poké Ball Pokémon. It uses Discharge upon being released. It also appears as a trophy in both versions of the game.
Trophy information
NA: This Electric/Fairy-type Pokémon's round shape and antennae-like whiskers make it very distinctive. It has a habit of sticking its tail into sockets to absorb electricity. Its Discharge attack shoots off in four directions, passing through obstacles and stunning any fighters it hits along the way.
PAL: This Electric- and Fairy-type Pokémon's round shape and antennae-like whiskers make it very distinctive. It has a habit of sticking its tail into sockets to absorb electricity that it fires from its whiskers. Its Discharge attack shoots off in four directions, passing through obstacles and stunning any fighters it hits along the way.
Dedenne returns as a Pokémon summoned from the Poké Ball, retaining the same behavior from the previous game. It also appears as a Spirit.
Dedenne is the only Pokémon with a base stat total of 431.
During the Pokémon of the Year event held in a Japanese Pokémon Day website in February 2021, Dedenne won first place with 68,396 votes and beat Cinccino at second place (54,444 votes) and Sableye in third (45,526 votes).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.