Protect (move)

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まもる Protect
Type  Normal
Category  Status
PP  10 (max. 16)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  +3
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Self: Affects the user
Introduced  Generation II
Condition  Cute
Appeal  1
Jam  0  
Can avoid being startled by others.
Condition  Cute
Appeal  0  
Raises the score if the Voltage is low.
Condition  Cute
Appeal  0  
Jamming  0  

Protect (Japanese: まもる Protect) is a non-damaging Template:Type2 move introduced in Generation II.


Generation II - III

Protects the user from all effects of moves that target it during the turn it is used, including damage. This does not include damage afflicted by weather conditions it is susceptible to, or damage from status ailment that it obtained on a previous turn. Using Protect, Detect, or Endure consecutively decreases the chance of success by 50% each use, whether it is successful or not. Protect cannot prevent the effects of Perish Song.

Generation IV - V

Protect now has a 50% chance of success on the current turn if Protect, Detect, Endure, Fast Guard, or Wide Guard was used successfully on the previous turn. Protect fails if the user goes last in the turn.

The following moves cannot be stopped by Protect:

Move Type Cat.
Acupressure  Normal  Status
Curse  ???  Status
Doom Desire  Steel  Special
Feint  Normal  Physical
Future Sight  Psychic  Special
Imprison  Psychic  Status
Perish Song  Normal  Status
Psych Up  Normal  Status
Role Play  Psychic  Status
Shadow Force  Ghost  Physical
Transform  Normal  Status

Additionally, Feint lifts Protect's protection for the rest of the turn.

In Diamond and Pearl Lock-On, Mind Reader, and No Guard give moves a (100 - move accuracy)% chance to hit through Protect. Thunder during rain and Blizzard during hail have a 30% chance to hit. One-hit knockout moves always fail when Protect is successful, even if Lock-On, Mind Reader, or No Guard is in use.


Generation II

By leveling up

#   Pokémon Type Level
0007 Squirtle Squirtle
Water 28
0008 Wartortle Wartortle
Water 31
0009 Blastoise Blastoise
Water 31
0090 Shellder Shellder
Water 25
0091 Cloyster Cloyster
Water Ice --
0098 Krabby Krabby
Water 34
0099 Kingler Kingler
Water 38
0138 Omanyte Omanyte
Rock Water 37
0139 Omastar Omastar
Rock Water 37
0204 Pineco Pineco
Bug --
0205 Forretress Forretress
Bug Steel --
Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.
Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form gets STAB
from this move.

By TM17

All Pokémon that can learn TMs in Generation II can learn Protect.

Generation III

By leveling up

#   Pokémon Type Level
0007 Squirtle Squirtle
Water 28
0008 Wartortle Wartortle
Water 31
0009 Blastoise Blastoise
Water 31
0090 Shellder Shellder
Water 25
0090 Shellder Shellder
Water 29
0091 Cloyster Cloyster
Water Ice --
0098 Krabby Krabby
Water 41
0098 Krabby Krabby
Water 39
0099 Kingler Kingler
Water 49
0099 Kingler Kingler
Water 42
0138 Omanyte Omanyte
Rock Water 37
0139 Omastar Omastar
Rock Water 37
0204 Pineco Pineco
Bug --
0205 Forretress Forretress
Bug Steel --
0258 Mudkip Mudkip
Water 37
0259 Marshtomp Marshtomp
Water Ground 42
0260 Swampert Swampert
Water Ground 46
0269 Dustox Dustox
Bug Poison 17
0279 Pelipper Pelipper
Water Flying 25
0304 Aron Aron
Steel Rock 34
0305 Lairon Lairon
Steel Rock 37
0306 Aggron Aggron
Steel Rock 37
0313 Volbeat Volbeat
Bug 29
0324 Torkoal Torkoal
Fire 27
0341 Corphish Corphish
Water 23
0341 Corphish Corphish
Water 22
0342 Crawdaunt Crawdaunt
Water Dark 23
0342 Crawdaunt Crawdaunt
Water Dark 22
0347 Anorith Anorith
Rock Bug 31
0348 Armaldo Armaldo
Rock Bug 31
0361 Snorunt Snorunt
Ice 25
0362 Glalie Glalie
Ice 25
0372 Shelgon Shelgon
Dragon 30
0373 Salamence Salamence
Dragon Flying 30
0381 Latios Latios
Dragon Psychic 25
Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.
Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form gets STAB
from this move.

By TM17

All Pokémon that can learn TMs in Generation III can learn Protect.

Generation IV

By leveling up

#   Pokémon Type Level
0007 Squirtle Squirtle
Water 22
0008 Wartortle Wartortle
Water 24
0009 Blastoise Blastoise
Water 24
0090 Shellder Shellder
Water 16
0091 Cloyster Cloyster
Water Ice --
0098 Krabby Krabby
Water 29
0099 Kingler Kingler
Water 32
0138 Omanyte Omanyte
Rock Water 34
0139 Omastar Omastar
Rock Water 34
0204 Pineco Pineco
Bug --
0205 Forretress Forretress
Bug Steel --
0258 Mudkip Mudkip
Water 37
0259 Marshtomp Marshtomp
Water Ground 42
0260 Swampert Swampert
Water Ground 46
0269 Dustox Dustox
Bug Poison 17
0279 Pelipper Pelipper
Water Flying 25
0304 Aron Aron
Steel Rock 32
0305 Lairon Lairon
Steel Rock 34
0306 Aggron Aggron
Steel Rock 34
0313 Volbeat Volbeat
Bug 29
0324 Torkoal Torkoal
Fire 36
0341 Corphish Corphish
Water 23
0342 Crawdaunt Crawdaunt
Water Dark 23
0347 Anorith Anorith
Rock Bug 25
0348 Armaldo Armaldo
Rock Bug 25
0361 Snorunt Snorunt
Ice 22
0362 Glalie Glalie
Ice 22
0372 Shelgon Shelgon
Dragon 30
0373 Salamence Salamence
Dragon Flying 30
0381 Latios Latios
Dragon Psychic 25
0410 Shieldon Shieldon
Rock Steel --
0411 Bastiodon Bastiodon
Rock Steel --
0412 Burmy Burmy
Bug --
0412 Burmy Burmy
Bug --
0412 Burmy Burmy
Bug --
0413 Wormadam Wormadam
Bug Grass 10
0413 Wormadam Wormadam
Bug Ground 10
0413 Wormadam Wormadam
Bug Steel 10
0414 Mothim Mothim
Bug 10
0475 Gallade Gallade
Psychic Fighting 50
0481 Mesprit Mesprit
Psychic 16
Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.
Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form gets STAB
from this move.

By TM17

All Pokémon that can learn TMs in Generation IV can learn Protect, except Regigigas.

Generation V

By leveling up

#   Pokémon Type Level
0007 Squirtle Squirtle
Water 22
0008 Wartortle Wartortle
Water 24
0009 Blastoise Blastoise
Water 24
0090 Shellder Shellder
Water 16
0091 Cloyster Cloyster
Water Ice --
0098 Krabby Krabby
Water 29
0099 Kingler Kingler
Water 32
0138 Omanyte Omanyte
Rock Water 34
0139 Omastar Omastar
Rock Water 34
0204 Pineco Pineco
Bug --
0205 Forretress Forretress
Bug Steel --
0258 Mudkip Mudkip
Water 37
0259 Marshtomp Marshtomp
Water Ground 42
0260 Swampert Swampert
Water Ground 46
0269 Dustox Dustox
Bug Poison 17
0279 Pelipper Pelipper
Water Flying 25
0304 Aron Aron
Steel Rock 32
0305 Lairon Lairon
Steel Rock 34
0306 Aggron Aggron
Steel Rock 34
0313 Volbeat Volbeat
Bug 29
0324 Torkoal Torkoal
Fire 36
0341 Corphish Corphish
Water 23
0342 Crawdaunt Crawdaunt
Water Dark 23
0347 Anorith Anorith
Rock Bug 25
0348 Armaldo Armaldo
Rock Bug 25
0361 Snorunt Snorunt
Ice 22
0362 Glalie Glalie
Ice 22
0372 Shelgon Shelgon
Dragon 30
0373 Salamence Salamence
Dragon Flying 30
0381 Latios Latios
Dragon Psychic 25
0410 Shieldon Shieldon
Rock Steel --
0411 Bastiodon Bastiodon
Rock Steel --
0412 Burmy Burmy
Bug --
0412 Burmy Burmy
Bug --
0412 Burmy Burmy
Bug --
0413 Wormadam Wormadam
Bug Grass 10
0413 Wormadam Wormadam
Bug Ground 10
0413 Wormadam Wormadam
Bug Steel 10
0414 Mothim Mothim
Bug 10
0475 Gallade Gallade
Psychic Fighting 50
0481 Mesprit Mesprit
Psychic 16
0541 Kurumayu Kurumayu
Bug Grass 20
0543 Fushide Fushide
Bug Poison 15
0544 Hoiiga Hoiiga
Bug Poison 15
0545 Pendra Pendra
Bug Poison 15
0562 Desumasu Desumasu
Ghost --
0563 Desukaan Desukaan
Ghost --
0564 Purotoga Purotoga
Water Rock 11
0565 Abagoura Abagoura
Water Rock 11
0594 Mamanbou Mamanbou
Water 21
0616 Chobomaki Chobomaki
Bug 28
Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.
Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form gets STAB
from this move.

By TM17

All Pokémon that can learn TMs in Generation V can learn Protect, except Regigigas.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Pokémon is protected from all attacks for a set amount of turns. Protect ends on the user's turn.

In the anime

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures


  • In Generation II, after the "[Pokémon's name] protected itself!" message appears, another message saying that the opponent's Pokémon's move missed appears. The second message was removed in Generation III, likely to avoid redundancy.

In other languages

  • Chinese: 守住 Shǒuzhù
  • Dutch: Bescherming
  • French: Abri
  • German: Schutzschild
  • Greek: Προστασία
  • Hindi: Bachao, Rakshaw Kavach
  • Italian: Protezione
  • Korean: 방어 Bang'eo
  • Portuguese: Proteção, Proteger
  • Spanish: Protección

Generation II TMs
Generation II HMs
Generation III TMs
Generation III HMs
Generation IV TMs
Generation IV HMs
01020304 • 05 (DPPtHGSS) • 060708
Generation V TMs
Generation V HMs

Template:Project MoveDex notice