Backpacker (Trainer class)

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バックパッカー Backpacker
Spr B2W2 Backpacker M.pngSpr B2W2 Backpacker F.png
Male and female Backpacker sprites from Black 2 and White 2
Other names
Introduced in Generation V
Appears in Black and White, Black 2 and White 2
Gender Both
Counterpart {{{counterpart}}}
Notable members Professor Juniper (formerly), Cedric Juniper (formerly)
Anime debut
TCG debut [[(TCG)|]]
TCG card {{{card}}}
Manga debut {{{manga}}}

A Backpacker (Japanese: バックパッカー Backpacker) is a type of Trainer class introduced in Generation V. They are young men and women who carry large backpacks with them.

Backpackers use many different types of Pokémon. They will always have just one Pokémon in their party unless they are involved in a Triple Battle, Rotation Battle, or the Battle Subway. Some will give out Max Repels when defeated.

A large number of Backpackers can be found in Nacrene City.


Spr BW Backpacker M.pngSpr BW Backpacker F.png Spr B2W2 Backpacker M.pngSpr B2W2 Backpacker F.png
Images from
Black and White
Images from
Black 2 and White 2
Backpacker m OD.pngBackpacker f OD.png
Overworld sprites from
Generation V

Trainer List

Pokémon Black/White


  • Even though Backpackers typically only use one Pokémon, their sprites show them with a few Poké Balls attached to their backpacks, apparently for quick access to them.
  • According to an NPC, Professor Juniper and her father were once backpackers.

In other languages

Language Title
France Flag.png French Randonneur ()
Randonneuse ()
Germany Flag.png German Backpacker
Italy Flag.png Italian Giramondo
Spain Flag.png Spanish Mochilero ()
Mochilera ()

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Trainer classes in the Pokémon core series
Unova Ace TrainerArtistBackersBackpackerBakerBattle GirlBikerBlack BeltChampionClerk
CyclistDancerDepot AgentDoctorElite FourFishermanGAME FREAKGentlemanGym Leader*
NurseNursery AideParasol LadyPilotPokéfanPKMN BreederPKMN RangerPokémon Trainer*Policeman
PreschoolerPsychicRich BoyRoughneckSchool KidScientistSmasherSocialiteStrikerSubway Boss
SwimmerTeam PlasmaTeam Plasma GruntThe RichesBWTwinsVeteranWaiterWaitressWorkerYoungster
BeautyB2W2Boss TrainerB2W2GuitaristB2W2
Pokéstar Studios only:B2W2
A-list ActorActorActressBig StarCelebrityChic ActressChild StarComedian
Fine ActorMovie StarNew ActressStar ActorSuit ActorUnique StarVeteran Star
Pokémon World Tournament only:B2W2
Junior RepresentativeMaster RepresentativeSenior Representative
World ChampionWorld FinalistWorld Runner-up
Blueberry Academy only:SV
BB League ChampionBB League Elite FourBlueberry Academy Director
DirectorInstructorLeague ClubStudentTop Champion
Project CharacterDex logo.png This Trainer Class article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.