Tapu Village connects Route 13 with Route 14 to the south and Route 15 to the north. The area is the site of a former settlement on the south side of Ula'ula Island. It mostly consists of ruined buildings that were destroyed by Tapu Bulu, as retribution for the construction of the Thrifty Megamart on its sacred grounds. As a result, the only functional structure in the village is the Pokémon Center. To the north, a stairway leads up to Mount Lanakila.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
When you reach the branching path near the Pokémon Center, you find Hau waiting for you. He reminds you that you both are almost to the Aether House, where the next captain is supposed to be. He then notices some construction workers and is excited that there really is a Pokémon League being built atop the mountain. Hau informs you that other regions have a group of powerful Trainers called the Elite Four, and wonders if they or the Island kahunas would be stronger.
Route 15
Route 15
Route 15 encompasses the waters off the southwest side of Ula'ula Island. The Aether House stands just outside Tapu Village, and a sandy beach on the route's north end leads to Route 16. Although it is possible to skim the waves with Lapras Paddle, there are several large boulders near the surface that will hinder travel without another Ride Pokémon.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Aether House is the Aether Foundation's largest base on Alola's main islands. The building serves as an orphanage for human children and Pokémon. Acerola is among the children who live here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Step inside Aether House and Hau enters right behind you. The two of you are separately pulled into battle by a couple of Preschoolers trying to protect the place while Acerola is away. When the battles end, Acerola is just arriving. Hau asks where Lillie is, and she responds by saying that Lillie and Hapu should be along shortly. Acerola suggests getting the trial done first, and reveals herself as the trial captain. Speak to her again to learn that her trial takes place at the abandoned site where the supermarket used to be.
Team Skull Trouble
Exit the building to find Lillie standing up to a Team Skull Grunt, who seems to think she has a rare Pokémon in her bag. Defeat his single Pokémon and he runs off. Afterward, Lillie explains that she wanted to take a walk on her own to feel what it is like traveling as a Trainer, so she and Hapu split up. Nebby tried to get out of her bag and was spotted by Team Skull. While shopping, she was looking for something to help you on your journey and gives you five Luxury Balls. Acerola leaves the building and asks you to follow her back to Tapu Village, while Lillie goes inside to rest. Retrace your steps and head south from the village to Route 14.
Route 14
Route 14
Route 14 is mainly comprised of a black sand beach. The area is considered sacred to Tapu Bulu, who was angered by the construction work. This led it to destroy both the lighthouse and the Thrifty Megamart in a rage. Another supermarket was eventually built on Royal Avenue. The ruined building is now a favorite spot for Ghost-type Pokémon.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Follow the beach to the trial gate to find Acerola. She explains that since the old building is full of Ghost Pokémon, the goal of her trial is to find the Totem Pokémon and snap a photo of it with the Poké Finder. It likes to play hide-and-seek, but taking photos of the other Ghost Pokémon inside should lead it into revealing itself to get in on the fun. The trial begins as soon as you enter the building. There are no wild Pokémon to be found until the trial is complete.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Captain Acerola's Trial
Sales Floor
Debris scattered throughout the building forces visitors into a linear path. When you reach the second checkout land, the conveyor belt starts moving all by itself! Inspect it to launch the Poké Finder and reveal a hidden Gastly. Snapping a photo attracts its attention, and the Pokémon pulls you into battle. Afterward, the conveyor belt stops moving and you spot a Pikachu running westward. Approach the westernmost checkout lane and suddenly a nearby shopping cart starts moving on its own! Go investigate to find a Haunter this time. Take a pic and defeat it in battle, just like before. When the battle ends, you notice another Pikachu leading you farther back into the building. Follow the path to the northeast corner, where you see a couple of dolls suddenly start levitating! Pull up the Poké Finder to reveal a Gengar. When you reach the back door, you hear the lock suddenly click open!
Back Room
When you reach the back room, you feel a pair of eyes sizing you up, then the Poké Finder launches on its own. Spin around to find a Mimikyu standing right behind you!
VS Totem Mimikyu
When the battle begins, the Totem Mimikyu is surrounded by an aura that raises every stat by one stage. As in other trials, it is recommended to focus on the Totem Pokémon first and any allies afterward. The Ghost/Fairy Pokémon has the Disguise Ability—the first time it's hit with a damaging move, its disguise is busted and it takes no damage. Use Steel- and Ghost-type attacks, like Decidueye's Spirit Shackle, for best results. The ally Haunter and Gengar that it may call are also vulnerable to Dark and Psychic attacks.
After the Totem Pokémon and its allies are defeated, you find yourself outside the building with Acerola. She inspects your photos and compliments you on your accomplishment, saying that it's very difficult to get a shot of Mimikyu. She rewards you with the Ghostium Z and teaches you the pose for Never-Ending Nightmare. With the trial complete, the captain gives you permission to catch the wild Pokémon in the old building, and also gives you ten Dusk Balls. She chuckles at your recounting of the trial, saying that there is no back room to the building. She gets an uneasy feeling and wanders off, while a pair of Pikachu ears can be seen moving beyond the fence behind you...