Windswept Sky (Dream World)

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Reason: Amount of Dream Points that Unova Pokémon need to find them

Windswept Sky ひらけた空
Open Sky
After obtaining 4 Badges and 2,500BW/1,500B2W2 Dream Points

The Windswept Sky (Japanese: ひらけた空 Open Sky) was an area of the Island of Dreams in the Pokémon Dream World. If the player tucked in a Flying-type Pokémon, the odds of this area being visited were increased.


Pokémon Level Availability Ability Featured moves Mini-games
ButterfreeBW Lv. 10 Default Tinted Lens A Confusion Psychic Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Roost Flying
C Air Cutter Flying
Pidgey Lv. 10 Default Big Pecks A Gust Flying Pokémon Seek Ice Cream Scoop
Open the Treasure Box
B Steel Wing Steel
C Secret Power Normal
Spearow Lv. 10 Default Sniper A Peck Flying Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Faint Attack Dark
C Steel Wing Steel
Zubat Lv. 10 Default Infiltrator A Supersonic Normal Sky Race
Collect Gems
Sky Race
Collect Gems
B Hypnosis Psychic
C Super Fang Normal
Aerodactyl Lv. 10 Default Unnerve A Bite Dark Sky Race Sky Race
B Assurance Dark
C Stealth Rock Rock
HoothootBW Lv. 10 Default Tinted Lens A Foresight Normal Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B Night Shade Ghost
C Recycle Normal
Ledyba Lv. 10 Default Rattled A Comet Punch Normal Ice Cream Scoop
Open the Treasure Box
Pokémon Seek
Open the Treasure Box
B Bug Bite Bug
C ThunderPunch Electric
Hoppip Lv. 10 Default Infiltrator A Synthesis Grass Pokémon Seek/Ice Cream Scoop
Open the Treasure Box
Pokémon Seek
Open the Treasure Box
B Encore Normal
C Bounce Flying
Yanma Lv. 10 Default Frisk A Quick Attack Normal Sky Race Sky Race
Collect Gems
B Feint Normal
C Giga Drain Grass
Murkrow Lv. 10 Default Prankster A Peck Flying Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Confuse Ray Ghost
C Roost Flying
Gligar Lv. 10 Default Immunity A Sand-Attack Ground Sky Race
Open the Treasure Box
Sky Race
Open the Treasure Box
B Feint Normal
C Tailwind Flying
Delibird Lv. 10 Default Insomnia A Present Normal Sky Race Pokémon Seek
B Ice Shard Ice
C Focus Punch Fighting
Taillow Lv. 10 Default Scrappy A Peck Flying Wailord's Water Spout
Collect Gems
Wailord's Water Spout
Collect Gems
B Endure Normal
C Brave Bird Flying
WingullBW Lv. 10 Default Rain Dish A Water Gun Water Wailord's Water Spout Wailord's Water Spout
B Twister Dragon
C Shock Wave Electric
SwabluBW Lv. 10 Default Cloud Nine A Peck Flying Wailord's Water Spout Wailord's Water Spout
B FeatherDance Flying
C Roost Flying
Staravia Lv. 14 Default Reckless A Wing Attack Flying Wailord's Water Spout
Collect Gems
Wailord's Water Spout
Collect Gems
B FeatherDance Flying
C Tailwind Flying
PidoveB2W2 Lv. 10 Default* Rivalry A Gust Flying Open the Treasure Box Open the Treasure Box
B Hypnosis Psychic
C Morning Sun Normal
SigilyphB2W2 Lv. 10 Default* Tinted Lens A Hypnosis Psychic Collect Gems Collect Gems
B Stored Power Psychic
C Heat Wave Fire
DucklettB2W2 Lv. 10 Default* Hydration A Defog Flying Sky Race Sky Race
B Brine Water
C Me First Normal
EmolgaB2W2 Lv. 10 After 5000
Motor Drive A Quick Attack Normal Sky Race Sky Race
B Air Slash Flying
C Charm Normal
Skarmory Lv. 10 After 7500
Weak Armor A Peck Flying Wailord's Water Spout
Open the Treasure Box
Wailord's Water Spout
Open the Treasure Box
B Drill Peck Flying
C Roost Flying
Tropius Lv. 10 After 7500
Harvest A Gust Flying Wailord's Water Spout
Open the Treasure Box
Wailord's Water Spout
Open the Treasure Box
B Leech Seed Grass
C Silver Wind Bug
DrifloonBW Lv. 10 After 7500
Flare Boost A Minimize Normal Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B Hypnosis Psychic
C Skill Swap Psychic
ChatotBW Lv. 10 After 7500
Big Pecks A Mirror Move Flying Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B Nasty Plot Dark
C Role Play Psychic
  • If the Pokémon is available by Default, the Pokémon is available upon unlocking the area.
  • The Abilities listed are the Abilities the Pokémon will obtain when obtained from Dream World.
  • The moves the Pokémon has when obtained will depend on the points gained after completing mini-games.
  • Gender unknown Pokémon will have the mini-games to be played to obtain them under both the male and female headers.


Item Availability
Quick Ball Default
Hyper Potion Default
Aspear Berry Default
Persim Berry Default
Aguav Berry Default
Iapapa Berry Default
Pomeg Berry Default
Kelpsy Berry Default
Qualot Berry Default
Hondew Berry Default
Grepa Berry Default
Tamato Berry Default
Pass Orb Default
Ultra Ball After 7500 Points
Stardust After 7500 Points
SilverPowder After 7500 Points
Metronome After 7500 Points
Star Piece After 10000 Points
Wide Lens After 10000 Points
  • If the item is available by Default, the item
    is available upon unlocking the area.

In other languages

Language Title
European French Vaste Ciel
German Horizont
Italian Settimo Cielo
Korean 드넓은 하늘 Deu-neol-beun Haneul
European Spanish Alto Cielo

See also

Pokémon Dream World areas
Pleasant ForestWindswept SkySparkling SeaSpooky ManorRugged MountainIcy CaveDream Park
Pokémon Café Forest

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.