Hard Stone

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Hard Stone
Hard Stone
Hard Stone
Pokémon Global Link artwork
Introduced in Generation II
Generation II Items
Generation III Items
Generation IV Items
Generation V Items (Held items)
Generation VI Items
Generation VII Items
Generation VIII Other Items
Generation IX Other Items
Power 100

The Hard Stone (Japanese: かたいいし Hard Stone) is a type of held item introduced in Generation II that boosts the power of Rock-type moves.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
N/A $50
N/A $500
SV $3,000 $750

In the Generation V games, the Hard Stone can be sold to an item maniac inside the Icirrus City Pokémon Center for $500.


Generations II and III

Boosts the power of the holder's Rock-type moves by 10%.

Generation IV onward

Boosts the power of the holder's Rock-type moves by 20%.


Games Description
GSC Powers up rock-type moves. (HOLD)
RSEColoXD A hold item that raises the power of Rock-type moves.
FRLG An item to be held by a Pokémon. An unbreakable stone that boosts the power of Rock-type moves.
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is an unbreakable stone that ups the power of Rock-type moves.
XYORAS An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is a durable stone that boosts the power of Rock-type moves.
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's a durable stone that boosts the power of Rock-type moves.
SV An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's a durable stone that boosts the power of the holder's Rock-type moves.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
GSC Route 36Th
RSE Trick House (Third Puzzle) Held by wild Aron (5% chance) and wild Lairon (1% chance)
FRLG Held by wild Onix and wild Graveler (5% chance each)
Colo Held by Shadow Sudowoodo
XD Held by Shadow Lunatone
DPPt Rock Peak RuinsPt Underground
Held by wild Aron, wild Nosepass, and wild Corsola (5% chance each)
HGSS Route 36Th, S.S. Aqua (held by School Kid Ricky's Aipom)SuWe Held by wild Corsola, wild Nosepass, wild Aron, and wild Lairon (5% chance each)
PW Rugged Road
BW Mistralton Cave Dust clouds
Held by wild Corsola, wild Aron, wild Roggenrola, wild Boldore, wild Dwebble, and wild Crustle (5% chance each)
B2W2 Relic Passage Join Avenue (Antique Shop)
Held by wild Corsola, wild Nosepass, wild Aron, wild Lairon, wild Roggenrola, wild Boldore, wild Dwebble, and wild Crustle (5% chance each)
DW* Sparkling Sea
XY Rock Smash
Secret Super Training (Lv. 5 and 6)
Spiky rocks
Held by wild Corsola, wild Nosepass, wild Aron, wild Lairon, wild Roggenrola, and wild Dwebble (5% chance each)
ORAS Trick House (Second Puzzle) Rock Smash (except Mirage spots)
Secret Super Training (Lv. 5 and 6)
Route 114 (from stone seller)
Held by wild Nosepass, wild Aron, wild Lairon, wild Roggenrola, wild Boldore, wild Dwebble, and wild Crustle (5% chance each)
SMUSUM Ten Carat Hill Festival Plaza (Haunted houses)
Poké Pelago (Isle Aphun - all paths)
Ambush encounters (Crustle in Ultra Space WildsUSUM)
Held by wild Roggenrola and wild Boldore (5% chance each)
SwSh Galar Mine Bridge Field (Digging Duo)
Held by wild Roggenrola, wild Boldore, wild Gigalith, wild Dwebble, and wild Crustle (5% chance each)
SwShIA Hidden recurring item (Soothing Wetlands, Brawlers' Cave, Challenge Road, Courageous Cavern)
Cram-o-matic (Rock: 32-40 points)
SwShCT Hidden recurring item (Slippery Slope, Giant's Bed, Snowslide Slope, Tunnel to the Top, Giant's Foot, Roaring-Sea Caves, Frigid Sea, Ballimere Lake, Lakeside Cave)
BDSP Grand Underground
Held by wild Aron, wild Lairon, and wild Corsola (5% chance each)
SV Delibird Presents (Cascarrafa Branch)
Sparkling overworld item (Alfornada Cavern, Dalizapa Passage, South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Four), South Province (Area Five), South Province (Area Six), West Province (Area One), West Province (Area Two), West Province (Area Three))
SVTM Sparkling overworld item (Fellhorn Gorge)
SVID Sparkling overworld item (Area Zero Underdepths, Canyon Biome, Savanna Biome)
Item Printer



Artwork from
Scarlet and Violet


Underground sprite from
Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum
Grand Underground sprite from
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

A Hard Stone was held by the rental Golem that Noland used during his battle against Emerald in Pinsir Me, I Must Be Dreaming and Gotcha Where I Wantcha, Glalie.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 硬石頭 Ngaahng Sehktàuh
Mandarin 硬石頭 / 硬石头 Yìng Shítóu
French Pierre Dure
German Granitstein
Italian Pietradura
Korean 딱딱한돌 Ttakttakhan Dol
Brazilian Portuguese Pedra Dura
Spanish Piedra Dura
Vietnamese Đá cứng

External links

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.