Bunnelby is a small, gray, rabbit-like Pokémon. The tips of its large ears are dark brown and have three finger-like sections each. It has black eyes, a small pink nose, prominent round cheeks, two tiny whiskers on each cheek, and large upper incisors. Its neck is surrounded by a ruff of stiff, brown fur. There are small brown spots on its hind legs and it has brown toes. It also has a fluffy gray tail.
Bunnelby's hand-like ears are strong enough to shovel dirt and chop tree roots. It can dig a nest up to 33 feet in just one night. Bunnelby is very sensitive when it comes to danger. Corviknight is a natural predator of Bunnelby. Should it hear Corviknight's flapping, it will quickly dig a hole to hide underground.
If you see any holes in the ground at the research camp, you can bet Bunnelby dug them. Its huge shovel-like ears let it dig a tremendous amount of soil in one go.
Two Trainers' Bunnelby appeared in The Legend of X, Y, and Z!, with one of them appearing during a flashback.
Three Bunnelby appeared in Mind-Boggling Dynamax!, with two under the ownership of different Trainers and the third being wild. The Trainers' Bunnelby were seen on the train heading to the Wild Area, while the wild one was among the Pokémon seen in the Wild Area.
Bunnelby, the Digging Pokémon. A Normal type. Sensitive to danger, if Bunnelby hears the sound of a Corviknight's wings, it can dig a hole to hide in almost immediately.
Bunnelby was designed by Lee HyunJung.[citation needed]
Bunnelby seems to be based on a rabbit. Its ability to use its ears as digging tools to excavate through earth and roots may be a reference to trowels or shovels.
Name origin
Bunnelby may be a combination of bunny and tunnel. It may also involve wallaby.
Horubee may be a combination of 掘る horu (to dig) or hole, rabbit, and possibly wallaby.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.