Amity Square

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Amity Square Unknown
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
File:Amity Square.JPG
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: North of Hearthome City
Region: Sinnoh
Generations: IV
File:Sinnoh Amity Square Map.png
Location of Amity Square in Sinnoh.
Pokémon world locations

Amity Square (Japanese: ふれあいひろば Contact Plaza) is a park in Sinnoh where trainers can walk around with their Pokémon and talk to them to check their moods. Amity Square is located north of Hearthome City. The setup in Amity Square is identical to the Pikachu interaction system that was in Pokémon Yellow. Only certain small Pokémon can be taken for walks in Amity Square, usually of a "cute" appearance. Pokémon will fetch accessories or berries for their owners every 200 steps.

In Pokémon Platinum, more Pokémon are allowed in than before, and the area has been expanded and redesigned. It now includes a rather large pool of water.

Pokémon permitted

File:Amity entrance.PNG
The entrance in Platinum

Before National Dex

After National Dex

Platinum only

Items that can be found

By the player in Diamond and Pearl

By the player's Pokémon

Pokémon partner Available items
Pikachu or Shroomish
File:Amitypikachu.png or File:Amityshroomish.png


File:Yellowfluff.png Yellow Fluff
File:Brownfluff.png Brown Fluff
File:Orangefluff.png Orange Fluff
File:Smallleaf.png Small Leaf
File:Redfeather.png Red Feather
File:Yellowfeather.png Yellow Feather


File:Blackmoustache.png Black Moustache
File:Nomel.png Nomel
File:Bigscale.png Big Scale
File:Amityrounderstone.png Glitter Boulder
File:Cornn.png Cornn

Very Rare

File:Purplescale.png Purple Scale
File:Belue.png Belue
Clefairy or Skitty
File:Amityclefairy.png or File:Amityskitty.png


File:Whitefluff.png White Fluff
File:Orangefluff.png Orange Fluff
File:Amitywhitefeather.png White Feather
File:Smallleaf.png Small Leaf
File:Amityroundstone.png Round Pebble
File:Amitybluescale.png Blue Scale


File:Amitywhitebeard.png White Beard
File:Bigscale.png Big Scale
File:Amitythinmushroom.png Thin Mushroom
File:Durin.png Durin
File:Cornn.png Cornn

Very Rare

File:Amitystump.png Stump
Psyduck or Pachirisu
File:Amitysyduck.png or File:Amitypachirisu.png


File:Amitynarrowscale.png Narrow Scale
File:Amityministone.png Mini Pebble
File:Amitygreenscale.png Green Scale
File:Amityjaggedboulder.png Jagged Boulder
File:Amitysnaggystone.png Snaggy Pebble
File:Brownfluff.png Brown Fluff
File:Amityroundstone.png Round Pebble
File:Amityrounderstone.png Glitter Boulder
File:Blackmoustache.png Black Moustache
File:Amityshedhorn.png Shed Horn


File:Cornn.png Cornn
File:Rabuta.png Rabuta
File:Spelon.png Spelon
File:Belue.png Belue
File:Pamtre.png Pamtre
File:Durin.png Durin
File:Magost.png Magost

Very Rare

File:Amitythickmushroom.png Thick Mushroom
Torchic or Drifloon
File:Amitytorchic.png or File:Amitydrifloon.png


File:Pinkfluff.png Pink Fluff
File:Redfeather.png Red Feather
File:Yellowfeather.png Yellow Feather
File:Amityblackbeard.png Black Beard
File:Amitynarrowscale.png Narrow Scale
File:Whitefluff.png White Fluff


File:Amitywhitemoustache.png White Moustache
File:Amityshedclaw.png Shed Claw
File:Amitynarrowleaf.png Narrow Leaf

Very Rare

File:Purplescale.png Purple Scale
Buneary or Happiny
File:Amitybuneary.png or File:Amityappiny.png


File:Amitypinkscale.png Pink Scale
File:Amitysnaggystone.png Snaggy Pebble
File:Amityshedhorn.png Shed Horn
File:Yellowfeather.png Yellow Feather
File:Amityshedclaw.png Shed Claw
File:Blackfluff.png Black Fluff
File:Pinkfluff.png Pink Fluff


File:Amityjaggedboulder.png Jagged Boulder
File:Amitybigleaf.png Big Leaf
File:Amitygreenscale.png Green Scale
File:Cornn.png Cornn
File:Nomel.png Nomel
File:Watmel.png Watmel
File:Magost.png Magost
File:Rabuta.png Rabuta

Very Rare

File:Glitterstone.png Black Pebble
File:Pamtre.png Pamtre
File:Belue.png Belue


File:Amitypinkscale.png Pink Scale
File:Amitywhitefeather.png White Feather
File:Amitythinmushroom.png Thin Mushroom
File:Amitybluescale.png Blue Scale
File:Bluefeather.png Blue Feather
File:Amityjaggedboulder.png Jagged Boulder


File:Amityroundstone.png Round Pebble
File:Amitybigleaf.png Big Leaf
File:Amitywhitebeard.png White Beard

Very Rare

File:Amityblackbeard.png Black Beard

In the anime

In Top-Down Training!, Paul battled Cynthia in a location called 自然公園 Natural Park, which was called Amity Square in the dub.


In other languages

  • Spanish: Plaza Amistad
  • Italian: Parco Concordia

Coal Badge.png Forest Badge.png Cobble Badge.png Fen Badge.png Relic Badge.png Mine Badge.png Icicle Badge.png Beacon Badge.png
Twinleaf TownSandgem TownJubilife CityOreburgh CityFloaroma TownEterna CityHearthome City
Solaceon TownVeilstone CityPastoria CityCelestic TownCanalave CitySnowpoint CitySunyshore City
Pokémon LeagueFight AreaSurvival AreaResort Area
Lake Verity (Lakefront) • Oreburgh GateOreburgh MineOreburgh Mining MuseumGlobal Terminal/Global Wonder Station
Ravaged PathFloaroma MeadowValley WindworksEterna ForestOld ChateauUnderground/Grand Underground
Wayward CaveMount CoronetAmity SquareLost TowerHallowed TowerSolaceon RuinsManiac TunnelLake Valor (Lakefront)
Great MarshPokémon MansionTrophy GardenFuego IronworksIron IslandLake Acuity (Lakefront) • Spear PillarVictory Road
Pal Park/Ramanas ParkContest HallBattle ZoneBattle ParkBattle Tower/Battle FrontierStark MountainSnowpoint Temple
Spring PathSendoff SpringTurnback CaveFullmoon IslandNewmoon IslandSeabreak PathFlower ParadiseHall of Origin
Access to
Distortion World
See also
Project Locations logo.png This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.