Wizards Black Star Promos (TCG)

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Throughout their occupation of the Pokémon Trading Card Game, Wizards of the Coast produced many exclusive cards for promotional events such as tournaments, special events or through Pokémon-related merchandise.

Promotional cards are typically rarer than cards found in Expansion sets and some Promotional cards are rarer than others, depending on what promotion they were released through. The majority of Wizards' Promotional cards are part of a numbered collection, the rest are exact reprints of cards from Expansion sets with a special stamp or miscellaneous cards available though certain events.

In the lists below, each of the cards are designated "--", as they all have "Promotional rarity". In the cases of holographic or reverse-holographic cards, they are indicated in brackets.

Promo Collection

The symbol for the numbered Promotional cards is a black star with the word "PROMO" across it.
  • Wizards produced a total of 53 numbered Promotional cards before they lost their licence. Had they kept their rights to produce the cards longer, it is likely more Promotional cards would have been produced, as the Vending Machine Cards were a collection Wizards certainly planned to bring into English. Most of these cards were speculated to have been released in Jamboree with the remainder as Promotional cards, but it was not to be.
  • Some Vending Machine Cards did make an appearance in English. Pikachu (#27), Machamp (#43), Magmar (#44), Scyther (#45), Electabuzz (#46), Articuno (#48) and Snorlax (#49) were all translated.
  • All of the Promotional cards have featured as either Japanese Promotional cards or in a special Japanese set. The only exception is Mew (#8 and #9), which appeared in the Japanese Fossil Expansion.
  • The Promotional cards released in connection with Pokémon: The First Movie in cinemas have a gold foil stamp with "Kids WB Presents: Pokémon: The First Movie" on the card art.
  • The Promotional cards Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos released in connection with Pokémon: The Movie 2000 in cinemas have different card art to their Japanese All Nippon Airways Promotional counterparts.
No. Card Name Type Rarity Promotion
1 Pikachu Lightning -- Pokémon League (July 1999)
2 Electabuzz Lightning -- Pokémon: The First Movie
3 Mewtwo Psychic -- Pokémon: The First Movie
4 Pikachu Lightning -- Pokémon: The First Movie
5 Dragonite Colorless -- Pokémon: The First Movie
6 Arcanine Fire -- Pokémon League (March 2000)
7 Jigglypuff Colorless -- Pokémon: The First Movie Soundtrack
8 Mew Psychic -- Pokémon League (January 2000)
9 Mew Psychic (H) Pokémon League (April 2000)
10 Meowth Colorless (H) Pokémon Trading Card Game (Game Boy)
11 Eevee Colorless (H) Pokémon League (June 2000)
12 Mewtwo Psychic -- Nintendo Power Magazine (April 2000)
13 Venusaur Grass (H) Pokémon Trading Card Game Guide
14 Mewtwo Psychic -- Pokémon: The First Movie Video/DVD
15 Cool Porygon Colorless (H) Pokémon Stadium Nintendo 64 Bundle
16 Computer Error T -- Pokémon League (May 2000)
17 Dark Persian Colorless (H) Nintendo Power Magazine (August 2000)
18 Team Rocket's Meowth Colorless -- Pokémon League (August 2000)
19 Sabrina's Abra Psychic -- Nintendo Power Magazine (October 2000)
20 Psyduck Water -- Pokémon League (September 2000)
21 Moltres Fire -- Pokémon: The Movie 2000
22 Articuno Water -- Pokémon: The Movie 2000
23 Zapdos Lightning -- Pokémon: The Movie 2000
24 _____'s Pikachu Lightning (H) Wizards Mail Giveaway (September-November 2000)
25 Flying Pikachu Lightning -- Pokémon League (August 2001)
26 Pikachu Lightning -- Pokémon League (August 2001)
27 Pikachu Lightning -- Pokémon: The Movie 2000 Video/DVD
28 Surfing Pikachu Lightning -- Pokémon League (August 2001)
29 Marill Water -- Pokémon League (December 2000)
30 Togepi Colorless -- Pokémon League (January 2001)
31 Cleffa Colorless -- Pokémon League (February 2001)
32 Smeargle Colorless -- Pokémon League (March 2001)
33 Scizor Metal -- Pokémon League (June 2001)
34 Entei Fire (RH) Pokémon: The Movie 3
35 Pichu Lightning (RH) Pokémon League (April 2001)
36 Igglybuff Colorless -- Pokémon League (May 2001)
37 Hitmontop Fighting -- Pokémon League (July 2001)
38 Unown J Psychic -- Pokémon: The Movie 3 Video/DVD
39 Misdreavus Psychic -- Pokémon League (September 2001)
40 Pokémon Center T -- New York Pokémon Center Opening (November 2001)
41 Lucky Stadium T -- New York Pokémon Center Opening (November 2001)
42 Pokémon Tower T -- Pokémon League (January 2002)
43 Machamp Fighting -- Pokémon League (February 2002)
44 Magmar Fire -- Pokémon League (March 2002)
45 Scyther Grass -- Pokémon League (April 2002)
46 Electabuzz Lightning -- Pokémon League (May 2002)
47 Mew Psychic -- Pokémon League (June 2002)
48 Articuno Water -- Pokémon League (July 2002)
49 Snorlax Colorless -- Pokémon League (August 2002)
50 Celebi Grass -- Pokémon 4Ever
51 Rapidash Fire -- Pokémon Center/Nintendo Power Magazine (November 2002)
52 Ho-Oh Fire -- Pokémon Center/Nintendo Power Magazine (November 2002)
53 Suicune Water -- Pokémon 4Ever Video/DVD

Prerelease Collection

  • The Prerelease cards are reprints of one selected card from an Expansion with a foil "PRERELEASE" stamp in the bottom right corner of the character art. These cards were released through Pokémon League events, unlike special Prerelease tournaments that Nintendo hold now. Like the Nintendo Prereleases, these cards were available to League competitors before the initial release of the Expansion set.
  • Wizards only produced 5 of these cards. Officially there are only 4, as the Raichu was printed with a Prerelease stamp accidentally. Wizards reclaimed most of these, but some are still in the hands of collectors, making the Prerelease Raichu a very rare card.
Card Name Type Rarity Promotion
Raichu (Base Set) Lightning (H) N/A – Accidental Print Run
Clefable (Jungle) Colorless (H) Pokémon League (August 1999)
Aerodactyl (Fossil) Fighting (H) Pokémon League (October 1999)
Dark Gyarados (Team Rocket) Water (H) Pokémon League (April 2000)
Misty's Seadra (Gym Heroes) Water (H) Pokémon League (July 2000)

"W" Collection

  • These cards are reprints of one selected card from an Expansion with a gold foil "W" (Wizards of the Coast's old logo) stamp in the bottom right corner of the character art. These cards were released through Pokémon-related media.
Card Name Type Rarity Promotion
Pikachu (Jungle) Lightning -- The Duelist Magazine (September 1999)
Kabuto (Fossil) Fighting -- Top Deck Magazine (December 1999)
Wartortle (Base Set 2) Water -- Top Deck Magazine (March 2000)
Dark Arbok (Team Rocket) Grass -- Hong Kong Pokémon League (February 2001)
Dark Charmeleon (Team Rocket) Fire -- Kraft Giveaway (Austrialia)
Misty's Psyduck (Gym Heroes) Water -- Top Deck Magazine (August 2000)
Brock's Vulpix (Gym Challenge) Fire -- Top Deck Magazine (March 2001)

Miscellaneous Promotional Cards

  • These are cards that do not fit into any of the above categories, released through a spectrum of Pokémon-related promotions. They are normally reprints of cards from Expansion sets with a special stamp, jumbo versions of cards, or unique cards.
Card Name Type Rarity Promotion
Pikachu [Red Cheek] (Base Set) Lightning -- E3 Convention 1999
Pikachu [Yellow Cheek] (Base Set) Lightning -- E3 Convention 1999
Pikachu (Base Set) Lightning -- PokéTour 1999
Pikachu [Jumbo] (Base Set) Lightning -- Top Deck Magazine (February 2000)
Meowth [Gold Border] (Jungle) Colorless -- Betty Crocker Fruit Rolls
Articuno, Moltres & Zapdos [Jumbo] Colorless -- Warner Bros. Store
Ancient Mew Psychic (RH) Pokémon: The Movie 2000 (in theaters)
Rainbow Energy (Team Rocket) E (H) Pokémon League (January 2002)
Fighting Energy (Base Set) E (H) Pokémon League (February 2002)
Fire Energy (Base Set) E (H) Pokémon League (March 2002)
Grass Energy (Base Set) E (H) Pokémon League (April 2002)
Lightning Energy (Base Set) E (H) Pokémon League (May 2002)
Psychic Energy (Base Set) E (H) Pokémon League (June 2002)
Water Energy (Base Set) E (H) Pokémon League (July 2002)
Recycle Energy (Neo Genesis) E (H) Pokémon League (August 2002)

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