Poni Plains

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Poni Plains ポニの広野
Poni Plains
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Poni Plains SM.png
Map description: The plains that lead to the northern part of Poni island. There is also a path connecting to Poni Meadow from here.
Location: North of Poni Grove
Southeast of Poni Meadow
Southwest of Poni Coast
Region: Alola
Generations: VII
Alola Poni Plains Map.png
Location of Poni Plains in Alola.
Pokémon world locations

Poni Plains (Japanese: ポニの広野 Poni Plains) is a location on Poni Island in Alola, located north of Poni Grove, southeast of Poni Meadow, and southwest of Poni Coast.



Item Location Games
Carbos Carbos At the southeastern-most point  S  M 
TM Dark VI TM60 (Quash) From Ace Trainer Cole east of the Poni Grove entrance for defeating him  S  M 
PP Max PP Max At the base of the palm tree north and slightly northeast of the Poni Grove entrance (hidden)  S  M 
Star Piece Star Piece In the rocky area in the northwest, down the eastern ledge (requires Tauros Charge)  S  M 
TM Electric VI TM24 (Thunderbolt) In the rocky area in the northwest, down the western ledge (requires Tauros Charge)  S  M 
X Defense X Defense On a ledge in the northeast, east of the Poni Meadow entrance  S  M 

Dropped after ambush encounters

Sometimes, after a Pokémon from rustling grass is defeated or captured, it will drop an item.

Item Location Games
Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sometimes dropped by Raticate or Gumshoos from rustling grass  S  M 
Black Belt Black Belt Sometimes dropped by Hariyama from rustling grass  S  M 

Sometimes, after a Pokémon from a flying shadow is defeated or captured, it will drop an item.

Item Location Games
Sharp Beak Sharp Beak Sometimes dropped by Fearow from flying shadows  S  M 
Health Wing Health Wing Sometimes dropped by Fearow from flying shadows  S  M 
Swift Wing Swift Wing Sometimes dropped by Fearow from flying shadows  S  M 
Genius Wing Genius Wing Sometimes dropped by BraviaryS/MandibuzzM from flying shadows  S  M 
Muscle Wing Muscle Wing Sometimes dropped by BraviaryS/MandibuzzM from flying shadows  S  M 

Sometimes, after a Pokémon from a rustling tree is defeated or captured, it will drop an item.

Item Location Games
Wiki Berry Wiki Berry Sometimes dropped by Primeape from rustling trees  S  M 
Cell Battery Cell Battery Sometimes dropped by Emolga from rustling trees  S  M 

Sometimes, after a Pokémon from a rustling bush is defeated or captured, it will drop an item.

Item Location Games
Absorb Bulb Absorb Bulb Sometimes dropped by CottoneeS/PetililM from rustling bushes  S  M 
Aguav Berry Aguav Berry Sometimes dropped by Scyther from rustling bushes  S  M 

Found in smashed rocks

Sometimes, after smashing rocks with Tauros Charge, items can be found in the debris.

Item Location Games
Stardust Stardust Sometimes found in smashed rocks  S  M 
Star Piece Star Piece Sometimes found in smashed rocks  S  M 
Comet Shard Comet Shard Sometimes found in smashed rocks  S  M 

Berry pile

The Berry pile can have two sizes: a small pile that yields three random Berries or a large pile that yields four to five Berries. The first Berry in a large pile is fixed. In large piles, the player will always find a high level Crabrawler hiding among the Berries that the player must defeat in order to collect them; small piles only occasionally have low level Crabrawler hiding among the Berries. The Berry pile regenerates daily.

Item Location Games
Rindo Berry Rindo Berry From the pile of Berries by the Berry tree (random, daily)  S  M 
Occa Berry Occa Berry From the pile of Berries by the Berry tree (random, daily)  S  M 
Wacan Berry Wacan Berry From the pile of Berries by the Berry tree (random, daily)  S  M 
Shuca Berry Shuca Berry From the pile of Berries by the Berry tree (random, daily)  S  M 
Passho Berry Passho Berry From the pile of Berries by the Berry tree (random, daily)  S  M 
Yache Berry Yache Berry From the pile of Berries by the Berry tree (random, daily)  S  M 
Maranga Berry Maranga Berry The first Berry from a large pile of Berries by the Berry tree (random, daily)  S  M 

Zygarde Cube

Item Location Games
Key Zygarde Cell Sprite.png Zygarde Cell By the first palm tree north and slightly west of the Poni Grove entranceDay  S  M 
Key Zygarde Cell Sprite.png Zygarde Cell In the rocky area in the northwest, on the second ledge down (requires Tauros Charge)  S  M 
Key Zygarde Cell Sprite.png Zygarde Cell In the corner of land east of the Trainer Tips sign north of the Poni Grove entranceNight  S  M 


  Pokémon     Allies     Games     Location     Levels     Rate  
Day Night
Seven small fields of grass scattered in the middle
Raticate Raticate
020AMS6.png Raticate S M
Grass Grass
54-57 - 30%
Tauros Tauros
128 Tauros
241 Miltank
Grass Grass
54-57 10%
Miltank Miltank
241 Miltank
128 Tauros
Grass Grass
54-57 10%
Cottonee Cottonee
546MS6.png Cottonee S M
Grass Grass
54-57 20%
Petilil Petilil
548MS6.png Petilil S M
Grass Grass
54-57 20%
Trumbeak Trumbeak
732MS6.png Trumbeak S M
Grass Grass
54-57 30%
Gumshoos Gumshoos
735MS6.png Gumshoos S M
Grass Grass
54-57 30% -
Two large fields of grass in the north and around central tree
Raticate Raticate
020AMS6.png Raticate S M
Grass Grass
54-57 - 30%
Hypno Hypno
097MS6.png Hypno S M
Grass Grass
54-57 20%
Tauros Tauros
128 Tauros
241 Miltank
Grass Grass
54-57 10%
Miltank Miltank
241 Miltank
128 Tauros
Grass Grass
54-57 10%
Cottonee Cottonee
546MS6.png Cottonee S M
Grass Grass
54-57 20%
Petilil Petilil
548MS6.png Petilil S M
Grass Grass
54-57 20%
Trumbeak Trumbeak
732MS6.png Trumbeak S M
Grass Grass
54-57 10%
Gumshoos Gumshoos
735MS6.png Gumshoos S M
Grass Grass
54-57 30% -
Three fields of grass by the mountains
Raticate Raticate
020AMS6.png Raticate S M
Grass Grass
54-57 - 10%
Fearow Fearow
022MS6.png Fearow S M
Grass Grass
54-57 20%
Tauros Tauros
128 Tauros
241 Miltank
Grass Grass
54-57 10%
Miltank Miltank
241 Miltank
128 Tauros
Grass Grass
54-57 10%
Cottonee Cottonee
546MS6.png Cottonee S M
Grass Grass
54-57 20%
Petilil Petilil
548MS6.png Petilil S M
Grass Grass
54-57 20%
Trumbeak Trumbeak
732MS6.png Trumbeak S M
Grass Grass
54-57 10%
Gumshoos Gumshoos
735MS6.png Gumshoos S M
Grass Grass
54-57 10% -
Mudsdale Mudsdale
750MS6.png Mudsdale S M
Grass Grass
54-57 20%
Three fields of grass on the coastline
Raticate Raticate
020AMS6.png Raticate S M
Grass Grass
54-57 - 30%
Tauros Tauros
128 Tauros
241 Miltank
Grass Grass
54-57 10%
Miltank Miltank
241 Miltank
128 Tauros
Grass Grass
54-57 10%
Pelipper Pelipper
279MS6.png Pelipper S M
Grass Grass
54-57 20%
Cottonee Cottonee
546MS6.png Cottonee S M
Grass Grass
54-57 20%
Petilil Petilil
548MS6.png Petilil S M
Grass Grass
54-57 20%
Trumbeak Trumbeak
732MS6.png Trumbeak S M
Grass Grass
54-57 10%
Gumshoos Gumshoos
735MS6.png Gumshoos S M
Grass Grass
54-57 30% -
Ambush encounters
Rustling grass
Raticate Raticate
020AMS6.png Raticate S M
Rustling grass Rustling grass
54-57 - 70%
Hariyama Hariyama
297MS6.png Hariyama S M
Rustling grass Rustling grass
54-57 30%
Gumshoos Gumshoos
735MS6.png Gumshoos S M
Rustling grass Rustling grass
54-57 70% -
Shadows of flying Pokémon
Fearow Fearow
022MS6.png Fearow S M
Shadow Shadow
54-57 70%
Braviary Braviary
628MS6.png Braviary S M
Shadow Shadow
54-57 30%
Mandibuzz Mandibuzz
630MS6.png Mandibuzz S M
Shadow Shadow
54-57 30%
Rustling trees
Primeape Primeape
057MS6.png Primeape S M
Rustling tree Rustling tree
54-57 80%
Emolga Emolga
587MS6.png Emolga S M
Rustling tree Rustling tree
54-57 20%
Rustling bushes
Scyther Scyther
123MS6.png Scyther S M
Rustling bush Rustling bush
54-57 30%
Cottonee Cottonee
546MS6.png Cottonee S M
Rustling bush Rustling bush
54-57 70%
Petilil Petilil
548MS6.png Petilil S M
Rustling bush Rustling bush
54-57 70%
Pile of Berries by Berry tree
Crabrawler Crabrawler
739MS6.png Crabrawler S M
Berry pile Berry pile
54-57 100%
Exclusively from Island Scan
Conkeldurr Conkeldurr
Grass Grass
57 OneMo
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Trainer Pokémon
Ace Trainer Angela
Ace Trainer Angela
アヤナ Ayana
Reward: $4,012
Cloyster Cloyster Lv.58
No item
Lurantis Lurantis Lv.59
No item
Hiker Ryan
Hiker Ryan
ユウダイ Yūdai
Reward: $1,760
Lycanroc Lycanroc
Midday Form
No item
Gigalith Gigalith Lv.55
No item
Veteran Leon
Veteran Leon
レオン Leon
Reward: $5,192
Skarmory Skarmory Lv.59
No item
Gyarados Gyarados Lv.59
No item
Vikavolt Vikavolt Lv.59
No item
After defeating all other Trainers in the area
Ace Trainer Cole
Ace Trainer Cole
タケル Takeru
Reward: $3,876
Drampa Drampa Lv.56
No item
Goodra Goodra Lv.57
Held Dragonium Z Sprite.png Dragonium Z

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 波尼曠野 Bōnèih Kwongyéh
Mandarin 波尼曠野 / 波尼旷野 Bōní Kuàngyě
France Flag.png French Plaine de Poni
Germany Flag.png German Ebene von Poni
Italy Flag.png Italian Prateria di Poni
South Korea Flag.png Korean 포니광야 Poni Gwangya
Spain Flag.png Spanish Llanura de Poni

Melemele Trial Completion.png Akala Trial Completion.png Ula'ula Trial Completion.png Poni Trial Completion.png
Melemele IslandAkala IslandUla'ula IslandPoni IslandAether Paradise
Iki TownHau'oli City (Outskirts)Heahea CityPaniola TownKonikoni CityRoyal AvenueMalie City
Tapu VillagePo TownSeafolk VillagePokémon League
Trial sites
Verdant CavernBrooklet HillWela Volcano ParkLush JungleHokulani Observatory
Thrifty Megamart (Abandoned Site)Exeggutor IslandVast Poni CanyonSeafolk Village
Mahalo TrailTrainers' SchoolHau'oli CemeteryBerry fieldsMelemele MeadowSeaward CaveKala'e BayTen Carat Hill
Tide Song HotelPaniola RanchMelemele SeaDiglett's TunnelBattle Royal DomeMemorial HillAkala OutskirtsRuins of Life
Hano Grand ResortHano BeachMalie GardenMount HokulaniBlush MountainUla'ula BeachAether HouseHaina Desert
Ruins of AbundanceUla'ula MeadowLake of the MooneLake of the SunneShady HousePoni WildsAncient Poni Path
Poni Breaker CoastRuins of HopeAltar of the SunneAltar of the MooneMount LanakilaRuins of Conflict
Poni GrovePoni PlainsPoni MeadowResolution CavePoni CoastPoni GauntletBattle Tree
Festival PlazaPoké PelagoBig Wave BeachSandy CaveHeahea BeachPikachu ValleyDividing Peak Tunnel
Kantonian GymPoni BeachPlains GrottoTeam Rocket's Castle
Ultra Space
Ultra Deep SeaUltra MegalopolisMegalo TowerUltra JungleUltra DesertUltra Plant
Ultra ForestUltra CraterUltra RuinUltra Space Wilds

Project Locations logo.png This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.