Corphish is a red-shelled, crustacean Pokémon with a short tail similar to a lobster. Its eyes are saucer-like with small pupils, and it has three spikes on top of its head. It possesses four pairs of limbs in total: two large pincers used for gripping prey, and three pairs of legs used for walking. The upper segments of its legs, the underside of its body, and lower halves of its pincers are cream-colored.
A hardy creature, Corphish is able to live in polluted water and eat nearly anything. Though not native to Alola, Corphish set free by Trainers there have easily adapted and thrived in the region. Feebas and Corphish are the only Pokémon known to be able to live in stagnant ditches. Corphish and its evolved form Crawdaunt are the only known Pokémon that do not flee when a swarm of Basculin appears in the lake it lives in.
Corphish, the Ruffian Pokémon. Corphish is exceptional in its ability to survive. It adapts to any environment, will drive out its inhabitants, and claim the territory for its own.
Corphish were originally foreign Pokémon that were imported as pets. They eventually turned up in the wild. This Pokémon is very hardy and has greatly increased its population.
Corphish catches prey with its sharp claws. It has no likes or dislikes when it comes to food - it will eat anything. This Pokémon has no trouble living in filthy water.
Corphish were originally foreign Pokémon that were imported as pets. They eventually turned up in the wild. This Pokémon is very hardy and has greatly increased its population.
Corphish catches prey with its sharp claws. It has no likes or dislikes when it comes to food—it will eat anything. This Pokémon has no trouble living in filthy water.
Corphish can be found in the Hoennregion, but its Pokédex entries claim it came from another region overseas. This would make it the first exotic species in the Pokémon world.
Based on its Pokémon Ruby Pokédex entry, Corphish is probably based on the red swamp crayfish, which, like Corphish, are invasive pests in many areas.
Name origin
Corphish may be a combination of corps (a branch of military servicemen; pronounced as core) or corporal (a member of the military or police force) and crayfish (the species it is based on). Alternatively, it could derive from the archaic Newfoundland fishing term corfish, which are a type of dried fish.
Heigani is a combination of 弊 hei (a bad habit or to harm) or 兵 hei (army/troops) and ebigani (crayfish).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.