Team Up (TCG)

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Revision as of 08:27, 15 December 2021 by Daniel Carrero (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "\|deck([0-5])={{TCG\|([^\|]*)}}" to "|deck$1=$2")
← Lost Thunder
TCG expansions
Unbroken Bonds →
Team Up
Cards in set English: 196
Japanese: 118
Set number English: 79
Japanese: 72
Release date English: February 1, 2019
Japanese: December 7, 2018
Theme Decks

Relentless Flame (Fire)
Torrential Cannon (Water)

Super-Burst Impact
Tag Bolt
Double Blaze

Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon—Team Up (Japanese: タッグボルト Tag Bolt) is the name given to the ninth main expansion of cards from the Sun & Moon Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (the Sun & Moon Era in Japan). The set continues to feature Generation VII Pokémon, Pokémon-GX, and Prism Star cards in the card game.


Pokémon Team Up for Battle!

TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX are here, brand-new cards that feature paired-up and powered-up Pokémon! The Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon—Team Up expansion offers amazing battle teams like Pikachu & Zekrom-GX, Eevee & Snorlax-GX, and Gengar & Mimikyu-GX, plus even more Pokémon-GX: Lycanroc-GX, Hoopa-GX, Cobalion-GX, and others! When the teams put their moves into motion, it's a total free-for-all. Check out the awesome action and dynamic duos in the Sun & Moon—Team Up expansion!


Tag Bolt logo

Team Up is the name given to the ninth main expansion of the Sun & Moon Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as Tag Bolt, the ninth expansion in the Pokémon Card Game Sun & Moon Era. It is based on Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, featuring Generation I Pokémon and the Kanto region. The English expansion was released on February 1, 2019, while the Japanese expansion was released on December 7, 2018.

Team Up introduced TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX which featured two Pokémon that shared at least one type. They were Basic Pokémon cards and have higher HP than regular Pokémon-GX. When a TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX is Knocked Out, the opponent takes three Prize cards instead of two. TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX may have a + sign next to the attack's Energy cost of the GX attack, where if there were more Energy cards attached to the Pokémon than the ones required to perform that attack, an additional effect may be applied. There were yellow lines on the top-left and bottom-right corners of the card border. A TAG TEAM label in a yellow bar was located below the Stage and the card name. The TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX rule box took the place of the regular Pokémon-GX rule box. TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX generally came in four types of prints, Regular card, Full Art card, alternate art Full Art card, and Secret Rainbow Rare card.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
14/181 Charizard Fire Cracked Ice Holo Relentless Flame Theme Deck exclusive
14/181 Charizard Fire Cosmos Holo Kanto Powers Mini Tin 5-Pack Collection exclusive
19/181 Moltres Fire Cosmos Holo "Team Up" stamp gift with purchase exclusive (various countries)
25/181 Blastoise Water Cracked Ice Holo Torrential Cannon Theme Deck exclusive
40/181 Zapdos Lightning Non Holo Battle Arena Deck—Rayquaza-GX exclusive
45/181 Zebstrika Lightning "16" Pikachu Deck stamp Battle Academy exclusive
45/181 Zebstrika Lightning "23" Pikachu Deck stamp Battle Academy exclusive
99/181 Jirachi Metal Non Holo Battle Arena Deck—Ultra Necrozma-GX exclusive
119/181 Dragonite Dragon Cosmos Holo Dragon Tins exclusive
140/181 Erika's Hospitality Su Non Holo Team Up Build & Battle Box & Battle Arena Deck—Rayquaza-GX exclusive
152a/181 Pokémon Communication I Reverse Holo Yellow A Alternate art 2020 Season International Championships Oceania promo
152a/181 Pokémon Communication I Reverse Holo Yellow A Alternate art 2020 Season International Championships Oceania promo - Staff
152a/181 Pokémon Communication I Reverse Holo Yellow A Alternate art 2020 Season International Championships Oceania promo - Top 8
152a/181 Pokémon Communication I Reverse Holo Yellow A Alternate art 2020 Season International Championships Oceania promo - Champion
152a/181 Pokémon Communication I Reverse Holo Yellow A Alternate art 2020 Season International Championships Europe promo
152a/181 Pokémon Communication I Reverse Holo Yellow A Alternate art 2020 Season International Championships Europe promo - Staff
152a/181 Pokémon Communication I Reverse Holo Yellow A Alternate art 2020 Season International Championships Europe promo - Top 8
152a/181 Pokémon Communication I Reverse Holo Yellow A Alternate art 2020 Season International Championships Europe promo - Champion
152a/181 Pokémon Communication I Reverse Holo Yellow A Alternate art 2020 Season International Championships North America promo
152a/181 Pokémon Communication I Reverse Holo Yellow A Alternate art 2020 Season International Championships North America promo - Staff
152a/181 Pokémon Communication I Reverse Holo Yellow A Alternate art 2020 Season International Championships North America promo - Top 8
152a/181 Pokémon Communication I Reverse Holo Yellow A Alternate art 2020 Season International Championships North America promo - Champion
152b/181 Pokémon Communication I Yellow A Alternate art Trainer's Toolkit exclusive

Set lists

Team Up
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/181 Celebi & VenusaurTag Team GX Grass Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
2/181 Weedle Grass Common Promotion
3/181 Weedle Grass Common Promotion
4/181 Kakuna Grass Uncommon Promotion
5/181 Beedrill Grass Rare Promotion
6/181 Paras Grass Common Promotion
7/181 Parasect Grass Rare Promotion
8/181 Exeggcute Grass Common Promotion
9/181 Pinsir Grass Rare Promotion
10/181 Shaymin Prism Star Grass Rare Prism Promotion
11/181 Charmander Fire Common Promotion
12/181 Charmander Fire Common Promotion
13/181 Charmeleon Fire Uncommon Promotion
14/181 Charizard Fire Rare Promotion
15/181 Vulpix Fire Common Promotion
16/181 Ninetales Fire Rare Promotion
17/181 Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
18/181 Rapidash Fire Uncommon Promotion
19/181 Moltres Fire Rare Holo Promotion
20/181 Litten Fire Common Promotion
21/181 Torracat Fire Uncommon Promotion
22/181 Squirtle Water Common Promotion
23/181 Squirtle Water Common Promotion
24/181 Wartortle Water Uncommon Promotion
25/181 Blastoise Water Rare Promotion
26/181 Psyduck Water Common Promotion
27/181 Golduck Water Uncommon Promotion
28/181 Staryu Water Common Promotion
29/181 Magikarp Water Common Promotion
30/181 Gyarados Water Rare Holo Promotion
31/181 Lapras Water Rare Promotion
32/181 Articuno Water Rare Holo Promotion
33/181 Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
34/181 Alolan Geodude Lightning Common Promotion
35/181 Alolan Geodude Lightning Common Promotion
36/181 Alolan Graveler Lightning Uncommon Promotion
37/181 Alolan Golem Lightning Rare Promotion
38/181 Voltorb Lightning Common Promotion
39/181 Electrode Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
40/181 Zapdos Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
41/181 Mareep Lightning Common Promotion
42/181 Flaaffy Lightning Uncommon Promotion
43/181 AmpharosGX Lightning Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
44/181 Blitzle Lightning Common Promotion
45/181 Zebstrika Lightning Rare Promotion
46/181 Emolga Lightning Common Promotion
47/181 Joltik Lightning Common Promotion
48/181 Galvantula Lightning Rare Promotion
49/181 Helioptile Lightning Common Promotion
50/181 Heliolisk Lightning Uncommon Promotion
51/181 Tapu Koko Prism Star Lightning Rare Prism Promotion
52/181 Zeraora Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
53/181 Gengar & MimikyuTag Team GX Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
54/181 Nidoran♀ Psychic Common Promotion
55/181 Nidorina Psychic Uncommon Promotion
56/181 Nidoqueen Psychic Rare Promotion
57/181 Nidoran♂ Psychic Common Promotion
58/181 Nidorino Psychic Uncommon Promotion
59/181 Nidoking Psychic Rare Promotion
60/181 Tentacool Psychic Common Promotion
61/181 Tentacruel Psychic Uncommon Promotion
62/181 Grimer Psychic Common Promotion
63/181 Muk Psychic Rare Promotion
64/181 Alolan Marowak Psychic Rare Promotion
65/181 Starmie Psychic Rare Promotion
66/181 Mr. Mime Psychic Rare Promotion
67/181 Mr. MimeGX Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
68/181 Jynx Psychic Uncommon Promotion
69/181 Cosmog Psychic Common Promotion
70/181 Cosmoem Psychic Uncommon Promotion
71/181 Mankey Fighting Common Promotion
72/181 Primeape Fighting Rare Promotion
73/181 Hitmonlee Fighting Uncommon Promotion
74/181 Hitmonchan Fighting Uncommon Promotion
75/181 Omanyte Fighting Uncommon Promotion
76/181 Omastar Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
77/181 Kabuto Fighting Uncommon Promotion
78/181 Kabutops Fighting Rare Promotion
79/181 Larvitar Fighting Common Promotion
80/181 Pupitar Fighting Uncommon Promotion
81/181 Pancham Fighting Common Promotion
82/181 LycanrocGX Fighting Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
83/181 Alolan Grimer Darkness Common Promotion
84/181 Alolan Muk Darkness Rare Promotion
85/181 Tyranitar Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
86/181 Poochyena Darkness Common Promotion
87/181 Mightyena Darkness Rare Promotion
88/181 Absol Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
89/181 Spiritomb Darkness Uncommon Promotion
90/181 Zorua Darkness Common Promotion
91/181 Zoroark Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
92/181 Vullaby Darkness Common Promotion
93/181 Mandibuzz Darkness Rare Promotion
94/181 Pangoro Darkness Rare Promotion
95/181 Yveltal Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
96/181 HoopaGX Darkness Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
97/181 IncineroarGX Darkness Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
98/181 Skarmory Metal Rare Promotion
99/181 Jirachi Metal Rare Holo Promotion
100/181 Bronzor Metal Common Promotion
101/181 Bronzong Metal Rare Promotion
102/181 Ferroseed Metal Common Promotion
103/181 Ferrothorn Metal Rare Promotion
104/181 Pawniard Metal Common Promotion
105/181 Bisharp Metal Rare Promotion
106/181 CobalionGX Metal Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
107/181 Honedge Metal Common Promotion
108/181 Doublade Metal Uncommon Promotion
109/181 Aegislash Metal Rare Holo Promotion
110/181 Klefki Metal Common Promotion
111/181 Alolan Ninetales Fairy Rare Holo Promotion
112/181 Mimikyu Fairy Rare Promotion
113/181 Latias & LatiosTag Team GX Dragon Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
114/181 Alolan Exeggutor Dragon Rare Promotion
115/181 Alolan Exeggutor Dragon Rare Promotion
116/181 Dratini Dragon Common Promotion
117/181 Dratini Dragon Common Promotion
118/181 Dragonair Dragon Uncommon Promotion
119/181 Dragonite Dragon Rare Holo Promotion
120/181 Eevee & SnorlaxTag Team GX Colorless Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
121/181 Pidgey Colorless Common Promotion
122/181 Pidgey Colorless Common Promotion
123/181 Pidgeotto Colorless Common Promotion
124/181 Pidgeot Colorless Rare Promotion
125/181 Meowth Colorless Common Promotion
126/181 Persian Colorless Uncommon Promotion
127/181 Farfetch'd Colorless Uncommon Promotion
128/181 Kangaskhan Colorless Uncommon Promotion
129/181 Tauros Colorless Uncommon Promotion
130/181 Aerodactyl Colorless Rare Promotion
131/181 Lugia Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
132/181 Zangoose Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
133/181 Bill's Analysis Su Rare Holo Promotion
134/181 Black Market Prism Star St Rare Prism Promotion
135/181 Brock's Grit Su Uncommon Promotion
136/181 Buff Padding I Uncommon Promotion
137/181 Dana Su Uncommon Promotion
138/181 Dangerous Drill I Uncommon Promotion
139/181 Electrocharger I Uncommon Promotion
140/181 Erika's Hospitality Su Rare Holo Promotion
141/181 Evelyn Su Uncommon Promotion
142/181 Fairy Charm UB I Uncommon Promotion
143/181 Grass Memory I Uncommon Promotion
144/181 Ingo & Emmet Su Uncommon Promotion
145/181 Jasmine Su Uncommon Promotion
146/181 Judge Whistle I Uncommon Promotion
147/181 Lavender Town St Uncommon Promotion
148/181 Metal Goggles I Uncommon Promotion
149/181 Morgan Su Uncommon Promotion
150/181 Nanu Su Uncommon Promotion
151/181 Nita Su Uncommon Promotion
152/181 Pokémon Communication I Uncommon Promotion
153/181 Return Label I Uncommon Promotion
154/181 Sabrina's Suggestion Su Uncommon Promotion
155/181 Unidentified Fossil I Uncommon Promotion
156/181 Viridian Forest St Uncommon Promotion
157/181 Water Memory I Uncommon Promotion
158/181 Wondrous Labyrinth Prism Star St Rare Prism Promotion
159/181 Celebi & VenusaurTag Team GX Grass Rare Ultra Promotion
160/181 Magikarp & WailordTag Team GX Water Rare Ultra Promotion
161/181 Magikarp & WailordTag Team GX Water Rare Ultra Promotion
162/181 Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning Rare Ultra Promotion
163/181 AmpharosGX Lightning Rare Ultra Promotion
164/181 Gengar & MimikyuTag Team GX Psychic Rare Ultra Promotion
165/181 Gengar & MimikyuTag Team GX Psychic Rare Ultra Promotion
166/181 HoopaGX Darkness Rare Ultra Promotion
167/181 IncineroarGX Darkness Rare Ultra Promotion
168/181 CobalionGX Metal Rare Ultra Promotion
169/181 Latias & LatiosTag Team GX Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
170/181 Latias & LatiosTag Team GX Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
171/181 Eevee & SnorlaxTag Team GX Colorless Rare Ultra Promotion
172/181 Brock's Grit Su Rare Ultra Promotion
173/181 Dana Su Rare Ultra Promotion
174/181 Erika's Hospitality Su Rare Ultra Promotion
175/181 Evelyn Su Rare Ultra Promotion
176/181 Ingo & Emmet Su Rare Ultra Promotion
177/181 Jasmine Su Rare Ultra Promotion
178/181 Morgan Su Rare Ultra Promotion
179/181 Nanu Su Rare Ultra Promotion
180/181 Nita Su Rare Ultra Promotion
181/181 Sabrina's Suggestion Su Rare Ultra Promotion
182/181 Celebi & VenusaurTag Team GX Grass Rare Rainbow Promotion
183/181 Magikarp & WailordTag Team GX Water Rare Rainbow Promotion
184/181 Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning Rare Rainbow Promotion
185/181 AmpharosGX Lightning Rare Rainbow Promotion
186/181 Gengar & MimikyuTag Team GX Psychic Rare Rainbow Promotion
187/181 HoopaGX Darkness Rare Rainbow Promotion
188/181 IncineroarGX Darkness Rare Rainbow Promotion
189/181 CobalionGX Metal Rare Rainbow Promotion
190/181 Latias & LatiosTag Team GX Dragon Rare Rainbow Promotion
191/181 Eevee & SnorlaxTag Team GX Colorless Rare Rainbow Promotion
192/181 Dangerous Drill I Rare Secret Promotion
193/181 Electrocharger I Rare Secret Promotion
194/181 Judge Whistle I Rare Secret Promotion
195/181 Metal Goggles I Rare Secret Promotion
196/181 Pokémon Communication I Rare Secret Promotion

Tag Bolt
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/095 C Celebi & VenusaurTag Team GX Grass RR Promotion
002/095 C Weedle Grass C Promotion
003/095 C Weedle Grass C Promotion
004/095 C Kakuna Grass C Promotion
005/095 C Beedrill Grass U Promotion
006/095 C Paras Grass C Promotion
007/095 C Parasect Grass U Promotion
008/095 C Exeggcute Grass C Promotion
009/095 C Pinsir Grass U Promotion
010/095 C Charmander Fire C Promotion
011/095 C Charmander Fire C Promotion
012/095 C Charmeleon Fire C Promotion
013/095 C Charizard Fire R Promotion
014/095 C Vulpix Fire C Promotion
015/095 C Ninetales Fire U Promotion
016/095 C Ponyta Fire C Promotion
017/095 C Rapidash Fire C Promotion
018/095 C Moltres Fire R Promotion
019/095 C Magikarp & WailordTag Team GX Water RR Promotion
020/095 C Squirtle Water C Promotion
021/095 C Squirtle Water C Promotion
022/095 C Wartortle Water C Promotion
023/095 C Blastoise Water R Promotion
024/095 C Psyduck Water C Promotion
025/095 C Golduck Water C Promotion
026/095 C Staryu Water C Promotion
027/095 C Magikarp Water C Promotion
028/095 C Gyarados Water R Promotion
029/095 C Lapras Water U Promotion
030/095 C Articuno Water R Promotion
031/095 C Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning RR Promotion
032/095 C Alolan Geodude Lightning C Promotion
033/095 C Alolan Geodude Lightning C Promotion
034/095 C Alolan Graveler Lightning C Promotion
035/095 C Alolan Golem Lightning U Promotion
036/095 C Voltorb Lightning C Promotion
037/095 C Electrode Lightning R Promotion
038/095 C Gengar & MimikyuTag Team GX Psychic RR Promotion
039/095 C Nidoran♀ Psychic C Promotion
040/095 C Nidorina Psychic C Promotion
041/095 C Nidoqueen Psychic U Promotion
042/095 C Nidoran♂ Psychic C Promotion
043/095 C Nidorino Psychic C Promotion
044/095 C Nidoking Psychic U Promotion
045/095 C Tentacool Psychic C Promotion
046/095 C Tentacruel Psychic C Promotion
047/095 C Grimer Psychic C Promotion
048/095 C Muk Psychic U Promotion
049/095 C Starmie Psychic U Promotion
050/095 C Mr. Mime Psychic U Promotion
051/095 C Jynx Psychic C Promotion
052/095 C Mankey Fighting C Promotion
053/095 C Primeape Fighting U Promotion
054/095 C Hitmonlee Fighting C Promotion
055/095 C Hitmonchan Fighting C Promotion
056/095 C Omanyte Fighting U Promotion
057/095 C Omastar Fighting R Promotion
058/095 C Kabuto Fighting U Promotion
059/095 C Kabutops Fighting U Promotion
060/095 C Latias & LatiosTag Team GX Dragon RR Promotion
061/095 C Alolan Exeggutor Dragon U Promotion
062/095 C Dratini Dragon C Promotion
063/095 C Dratini Dragon C Promotion
064/095 C Dragonair Dragon C Promotion
065/095 C Dragonite Dragon R Promotion
066/095 C Eevee & SnorlaxTag Team GX Colorless RR Promotion
067/095 C Pidgey Colorless C Promotion
068/095 C Pidgey Colorless C Promotion
069/095 C Pidgeotto Colorless C Promotion
070/095 C Pidgeot Colorless U Promotion
071/095 C Meowth Colorless C Promotion
072/095 C Persian Colorless C Promotion
073/095 C Farfetch'd Colorless C Promotion
074/095 C Kangaskhan Colorless U Promotion
075/095 C Tauros Colorless U Promotion
076/095 C Aerodactyl Colorless U Promotion
077/095 A Escape Rope I U Promotion
078/095 C Judge Whistle I U Promotion
079/095 B Unidentified Fossil I C Promotion
080/095 A Ultra Ball I U Promotion
081/095 A Rare Candy I U Promotion
082/095 C Pokémon Communication I U Promotion
083/095 C Buff Padding I U Promotion
084/095 C Erika's Hospitality Su R Promotion
085/095 B Judge Su U Promotion
086/095 B Cynthia Su U Promotion
087/095 C Brock's Grit Su U Promotion
088/095 C Sabrina's Suggestion Su U Promotion
089/095 C Bill's Analysis Su R Promotion
090/095 C Lavender Town St U Promotion
091/095 C Viridian Forest St U Promotion
092/095 A Aqua Patch I TR Promotion
093/095 A Field Blower I TR Promotion
094/095 A Choice Band I TR Promotion
095/095 B Volkner Su TR Promotion
096/095 C Celebi & VenusaurTag Team GX Grass SR Promotion
097/095 C Celebi & VenusaurTag Team GX Grass SR Promotion
098/095 C Magikarp & WailordTag Team GX Water SR Promotion
099/095 C Magikarp & WailordTag Team GX Water SR Promotion
100/095 C Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning SR Promotion
101/095 C Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning SR Promotion
102/095 C Gengar & MimikyuTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
103/095 C Gengar & MimikyuTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
104/095 C Latias & LatiosTag Team GX Dragon SR Promotion
105/095 C Latias & LatiosTag Team GX Dragon SR Promotion
106/095 C Eevee & SnorlaxTag Team GX Colorless SR Promotion
107/095 C Erika's Hospitality Su SR Promotion
108/095 C Brock's Grit Su SR Promotion
109/095 C Sabrina's Suggestion Su SR Promotion
110/095 C Celebi & VenusaurTag Team GX Grass HR Promotion
111/095 C Magikarp & WailordTag Team GX Water HR Promotion
112/095 C Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning HR Promotion
113/095 C Gengar & MimikyuTag Team GX Psychic HR Promotion
114/095 C Latias & LatiosTag Team GX Dragon HR Promotion
115/095 C Eevee & SnorlaxTag Team GX Colorless HR Promotion
116/095 C Pokémon Communication I UR Promotion
117/095 C Judge Whistle I UR Promotion
118/095 A Brooklet Hill St UR Promotion


English Venusaur and
Celebi pack
English Pikachu and
Zekrom pack
English Gengar and
Mimikyu pack
English Eevee and
Snorlax pack
Japanese Tag Bolt pack
English Team Up
booster box
Japanese Tag Bolt
booster box
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Tag Bolt set is released in Japanese and Korean, only available in unlimited edition. Since the Sun & Moon era, Japanese 1st edition cards are no longer printed. The Team Up set is released in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, with cards also available as Reverse Holos.

In other languages

Language Title
French Duo de Choc
German Teams sind Trumpf
Italian Gioco di Squadra
Korean 태그볼트 Tag Bolt
Brazilian Portuguese União de Aliados
Spanish Unión de Aliados

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Sun & Moon Series
SM Black Star Promos
Sun & Moon: Forest ShadowRoaring HeatBright TideSun & Moon Prerelease Kit
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Lycanroc & Alolan Raichu
Guardians Rising: Guardians Rising Prerelease KitSteel SunHidden Moon
Lugia Legendary Battle DeckHo-Oh Legendary Battle DeckBattle Arena Decks: Black Kyurem vs. White Kyurem
Burning Shadows: Burning Shadows Prerelease KitRock SteadyLuminous Frost
McDonald's Collection 2017Shining Legends
Crimson Invasion: Crimson Invasion Prerelease KitDestruction FangClanging Thunder
Ultra Prism: Ultra Prism Prerelease KitImperial CommandMach Strike
Forbidden Light: Forbidden Light Build & Battle BoxTropical TakedownTwilight Rogue
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Alolan Sandslash & Alolan NinetalesMcDonald's Collection 2018
Celestial Storm: Celestial Storm Build & Battle BoxLeaf ChargeHydro Fury
Battle Arena Decks—Mega Charizard X vs. Mega BlastoiseDragon Majesty
Lost Thunder: Lost Thunder Build & Battle BoxBlazing VolcanoStorm Caller
Team Up: Team Up Build & Battle BoxRelentless FlameTorrential Cannon
Detective Pikachu
Unbroken Bonds: Unbroken Bonds Build & Battle BoxLightning LoopBattle Mind
Let's Play, Pikachu!Let's Play, Eevee!
Unified Minds: Unified Minds Build & Battle BoxSoaring StormLaser Focus
Hidden FatesMcDonald's Collection 2019Battle Arena Decks—Rayquaza-GX vs. Ultra Necrozma-GX
Cosmic Eclipse: Cosmic Eclipse Build & Battle BoxTowering HeightsUnseen Depths
Battle Academy 2020
Sun & Moon Era
SM-P Promotional cards
Pikachu's New Friends
Collection SunCollection Moon: Sun & Moon Starter SetPremium Trainer Box
Rockruff Full Power DeckTogedemaru DeckTurtonator DeckSun & Moon
Islands Await YouAlolan Moonlight: Tapu Bulu-GX Enhanced Starter Set
Facing a New TrialAsh vs Team Rocket Deck Kit
To Have Seen the Battle RainbowDarkness that Consumes Light
Shining Legends
Awakened HeroesUltradimensional Beasts
GX Battle BoostSolgaleo-GX & Lunala-GX Legendary Starter Set
Ultra SunUltra Moon: Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Premium Trainer Box
Ultra ForceUltra Sun & Ultra Moon Deck Build Boxes
Forbidden Light
Dragon StormChampion Road
Sky-Splitting Charisma
Thunderclap SparkGX Starter DecksFairy Rise
Super-Burst Impact
Dark OrderGX Ultra ShinyEevee-GX Starter Sets
Tag Bolt: Tag Team GX Premium Trainer Box
Night UnisonTrainer Battle DecksFull Metal Wall
Double Blaze: Tag Team GX Deck Build Box
Sun & Moon Family Pokémon Card GameGG EndSky LegendGreat Detective Pikachu
Miracle Twin: Tag Team GX Starter Sets
Remix BoutDream League
Alter Genesis
Tag All StarsExtra Regulation Box