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Iron Bundle (Pokémon)
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 14:30, 21 October 2023 by Mine4017(talk | contribs)(→In other languages: Added Brazilian Portuguese from Paradox Rift (TCG) (https://tcg.pokemon.com/pt-br/expansions/paradox-rift/))
Iron Bundle fires a blast of ice from its apparatus
Iron Bundle is a red Pokémon resembling a robotic bird. Its face is covered in white plating with two three-pointed crests above its blue eyes. Black markings surround its circular eyes, and it has a light yellow beak and feet. There is a single blue spot on its stomach. Its feet have two digits each. A metallic ring is visible around its neck (which hides a wire allowing it to extend its head over long distances), and its "bag" is attached to its body by a black and blue cable.
There are only two reported sightings of Iron Bundle. According to an article from an October issue of Occulture magazine, Iron Bundle was described in the Violet Book as a being that resembled Delibird possessing a spherical apparatus from which it would fire huge blasts of ice to propel itself through snowy lands. An unproven theory suggests it is the product of a long-gone civilization, as supported by ancient writings that describe the design and usage of machines resembling the Iron Bundle. While asleep, it turns itself off, causing the energy on its belly spot and "bag" to disappear, making them black.
Iron Bundle has the longest Japanese Pokémon name in romaji, with 15 letters.
This name is longer than the character limit of Pokémon nicknames in the Western releases of the games, which is 12 characters.
Iron Bundle is based on Delibird. Its extendable head may be based on the jack-in-the-box or similar toys. The spherical device it carries around may be inspired by snow globes or snow blowers, and its feet resemble water skis.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.