
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 04:47, 18 November 2008 by ShinjiLover (talk | contribs)
This user's favorite color is purple.
This user's favorite color is blue.
This user's favorite color is black.
This user's favorite color is red.
This user rejects your pathetic attempts of classification.
This user is a player of Pokémon Pearl Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Yellow Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Red Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon FireRed Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Sapphire Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Emerald Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Ruby Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Silver Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Ranger.
This user is a player of Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.
This user is a player of Pokémon Channel.
This user is a player of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Hitokage.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Hinoarashi.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Kimori.
This user's first partner Pokémon is Naetoru.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Raichu.
This user's birthday is August 15.
This user is 16 years old.
This user has black hair.
This user doesn't get enough sleep.
This user thinks that a baby Kangaskhan would be awesome.
This user had to send in about a million postcards to win that hat.
This user has too many usertags.
This user does NOT liek Mudkipz.

Template:User Leo

This user does not like shipping.
This user is not in a relationship.
This user likes Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl.
This user likes the original series of the Pokémon animated series.
This user likes Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire.
This user's BitTorrent client is μTorrent.
This user was an early supporter of Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.
This user is a player of Super Smash Bros. Melee.
This user has Pokémon games from every generation.
This user's favorite baby Pokémon is Erekiddo.
This user's favorite baby Pokémon is Manene.
This user's favorite baby Pokémon is Bubyi.
This user's favorite baby Pokémon is Gonbe.
This user's favorite baby Pokémon is Pichu.
This user's favorite baby Pokémon is Tamanta.

Template:User Dog

This user likes dogs.

Template:User Cat

Pull my finger!
This user thinks that Bidoof is the strongest Pokémon of all.
This user is intelligent.
This user types quickly.
This user can read Unown writing!
This user is a Champion!
This user has earned eight Gym badges!
This user has earned five colored Frontier Prints!
This user knows HTML.
This user is a trainer of all types.
This user is a twerp.
This user is a Pokémon Breeder.
This user is a Pokémon Trainer.
This user is asexual.
This user is a beast.
This user is insane.
This user likes mythical creatures.
This user is obsessed with Japan.
This user eats candy.
This user is a fangirl.
This user likes to create Fakémon.
This user loves nature.
This user prefers the nighttime.

Template:User Spiders

This user doesn't like lame hook-up lines.

Template:User Poképhilia

This user is easily angered.
This user is a slacker.
This user likes it when it snows.
This user is an evil genius.
This user is a good friend.
This user spends too much time on the computer.
This user has a five star Trainer Card!
This user likes it when it rains.
This user cannot swim.
This user enjoys studying about outer space.
This user is happy!
This user supports the use of renewable energy.
This user likes to sleep.
This user's blasting off again!
This user has many relatives.
This user watches ice hockey.
This user has a Mew.
This user is an advocate of gay rights.
This user does not care about politics.
This user likes dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.
This user collects Pokémon dolls.
This user contributes using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
File:.png This user has an obsession with Shinji.
File:ShinjiDP.png This user loves Shinji.
File:Reiji.jpg This user loves Reiji.
File:Roark in the anime.jpg This user loves Hyouta.
File:Gary Oak.JPG This user loves Shigeru.
File:Jackie.jpg This user loves Jackie.

About Me

I am a 16 year old girl who has an obssession, if it can be called that, with Pokémon. I enjoy the anime and the games, but I've never read the manga. However, I might be getting the manga for Christmas. . We'll see how that goes.

My favorite character in Pokémon is Paul/Shinji, and my favorite Pokémon is Raichu. I am also making a fanfiction about Pokémon.

My Fanfic

The main character is Nareta. She grew up in Fuschia City with her guardian Koga. Her parents died when she was young because Team Rocket preformed experiements on them in hopes to create the ultimate kind of hybrid. She doesn't let that bother her, however. When she first began as a trainer, she had a Pichu with her who saved from Team Rocket. She was as rude as they come. The first Pokemon she ever caught was a giant Charmander from a Charmander sanctuary. To prepare for her Gym battle at the Pewter Gym, she caught a Psyduck. Along the way, she also caught a Bulbasaur, an Eevee, and a Growlithe. After catching Growlithe, she met a boy named Ash Ketchum. He changed her life and made her a better person. Before she became so, however, she was kidnapped by Team Rocket and forced to join them. Giovanni was going to her as an experiment as well. Since I don't want to reveal spoilers, like anyone wants to read my fic anyway, I won't go much further into the Team Rocket arc.

In Johto, she met a boy named Paul. She wanted to go on a cruise, Paul had an extra ticket, end of that. They seperated after the cruise, but met up again at Nareta's third gym battle. They travelled together afterwards. During the course of her journey, she caught a Snubbull, a Murkrow, a Wooper, and a Larvitar. Snubbull and Murkrow never evolved. She recieved an egg from a man for helping him. That egg hatched into a Houndour.

During Johto, Paul's Elekid took a liking to Nareta's Raichu. The feelings were not mutual.

In Hoenn, Nareta began participating in Contests. She had caught Poochyena, Meditite, Spheal, Trapinch, and Bagon. For contests, she caught Grumpig. (More info for Hoenn to come). After Hoenn, she was brainwashed by a Pokémon who had developed his powers to take over the world. She had also captured him soon after. He became the only Pokémon not to listen to her.

Paul and Nareta took a break, because of Nareta's demands, at Paul's Brothers' home. Upon having his brother return home, Reggie was fairly shocked, but ecstatic to see his 'new friend'. They both spent one year there, and then continued on their journey, at Paul's demand. When with Reggie, Nareta had befriended a Buizel, but never caught her. Buizel now follows Nareta, even though she insists that Buizel stay with Reggie.

During the course of her Sinnoh journey, she caught a Giant Drifloon, a Chatot, a Mime Jr., despite her fear of clowns, a Gible, and a Shinx. Gible evolved into Gabite, but not Garchomp yet. Her Drifloon was also a baby, along with her Mime Jr. Shinx evolved all the way to a Luxray. She still enjoyed contests and participated in them.

Nareta's Teams


Pichu > Pikachu > Raichu (Small)

Height: 1'04"

Weight: 25 lbs.

Attacks: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Iron Tail, Quick Attack, Hyper Beam, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Protect

Personality: Raichu is kind and caring, but will show it off if she doesn't like you. She is a take-charge kind of Pokémon, and will do anything to protect her friends. Even if she doesn't care about the person, if Nareta likes them she will be nice to them as well. Intelligent and stubborn, she will stand up for what she believes in and will not let anyone else tell her otherwise. She is strong-willed and very strong.

Hitokage > Rizado > Rizadon (Giant)

Height: 8'10"

Weight: 496 lbs.

Attacks: Seismic Toss, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, DragonBreath, Wing Attack, Metal Claw, Brick Break, Fly, Overheat, Scary Face

Personality: Although big and fierce, Rizadon has a soft side. In fact, he is just a big teddy bear. Many Pokémon and people are afraid of this tame Rizadon, but that's only because of his size. The only time he would fight is if Nareta wanted him to. Rizadon is very competitive, but won't let that get in the way of anything his trainer wants him to do. When given the chance, he will gladly show off his tremendous Speed, and Defense. He may not be the smartest of the bunch, but he is the most kind-hearted.

Kodakku > Gorudakku

Attacks: Psybeam, Psychic, Brick Break, Surf, Hydro Pump, Counter, Slash

Personality: Gorudakku is a big show-off. He will always flex his muscles, epsecially for the ladies, but mostly Nareta. Whenever a Pokémon crushes on Nareta, Gorudakku will be there to tell it off. Gorudakku always gets jealous. He knows he's special, knowing both Psybeam and Psychic from birth, and loves to use those moves.

Fushigidane > Fushigiso

Attacks: Vine Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Tackle, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, SolarBeam

Personality: Fushigiso is extremely nice and loves his trainer. He doesn't easily fall in love, but had fallen in love with a female Fushigiso. When challenged by another, bigger Fishigiso, it immediately agreed, beating its all-offense tactics with strategy and speed. He is Nareta's fatest Pokémon. The story with the female Fushigiso proves that he would do anything for the one he loves. However, it is also extremely carefree and relaxed.

Ibui > Burakki (Shiny)

Attacks: Shadow Ball, Beat Up, Assurance, Iron Tail, Tackle, Snatch, Thief, Moonlight

Personality: As an Ibui, he was extremely happy and laid-back, but once he evolved, he was confused about his life. Many questions, like 'why am I here?', and 'what is my purpose?' usually ran through his mind. Nevertheless, he always fought gallantly. He tries to prove he's better than everyone else and will even take on Pokémon types (i.e., fighting, bug) that he is weak against to show everyone what he's made of. He's usually angry, but cares for some people.

Gadi > Uindie

Attacks: Take Down, Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Stomp, Fire Spin, Bite, ExtremeSpeed

Personality: Even as a Gadi, he was extremely mischevious. When he wanted to do something, he'd do it no matter the consequences. Before Nareta got ahold of him as a Gadi, he was a thief, stealing anything he could get his hands on. However, Uindie is deathly afraid of Ghost-Type Pokémon, refusing to fight them.



Attacks: Bite, Headbutt, Ice Fang, Metronome, Smellingsalt, Close Combat

Personality: Although fierce, Nareta's Buru is a nice Pokémon. He seems to also be incredibly clumsy and not smart at times, but he makes up for it by having the strength that was previously brought on by Nareta's Rizadon.


Attacks: Shadow Ball, Aerial Ace, Wing Attack, Drill Peck, Sky Attack, Fly

Personality: Yamikarasu very easily falls in love and is extremely affection. However, he does not like men, seemingly only warming up to men when Nareta does or when they're a male Yamikarasu. He is very protective of Nareta and acts a lot like Nareta's Gorudakku.

Deribiru > Heruga

Attacks: Fire Blast, Reversal, Fire Fang, Flamethrower, Payback, Bite

Personality: Heruga is a very angry Pokémon and doesn't care about many people. However, when Nareta's life was put in danger, Heruga evolved and saved her life, showing that underneath the tough exterior lies a softy. He loves Nareta, thinking of her as his mother, and will do anything for her and the ones she loves. He is like a carbon copy of Nareta's Burakki.

Upa > Nuo

Attacks: Earthquake, Water Gun, Mud Bomb, Slam, Stockpile, Spit Up

Personality: Although it doesn't look like it, and doesn't act like it either, Nuo is extremely intelligent. He wears a yellow bandana around his neck. He will also lay down his life for the one's he loves. This is actually Nareta's smartest Joto Pokémon and is like Nareta's Fushigiso.

Yogirasu > Sanagirasu > Bangirasu

Attacks: Hyper Beam, Dark Pulse, Bite, Focus Blast, Iron Head

Personality: As a Yogirasu, he was very scared of people and Pokémon. But once he grew older, he was one of the happiest and most carefree Bangirasu Nareta had ever seen. However, she hasn't seen a lot of Bangirasu. Bangirasu is a mishevious, but calm, Pokémon. When he wants to, he'll pull pranks on Nareta. He acts like Nareta's Uindie.


Pochiena > Guraena

Attacks: Bite, Shadow Ball, Sucker Punch, Poison Fang, Dig

Personality: As a Pochiena, she was very much a cry baby. Once she evolved, she began to mature and now is a loyal Pokémon. She is well respected by Nareta's other Pokémon.

Asanan > Charemu

Attacks: Fire Punch, Hi Jump Kick, Force Palm, Psychic, Bullet Punch

Personality: Charemu prefers to use her hands instead of her feet. She is also one of Nareta's most serious Pokémon, besides her Burakki, of course. Sometimes Charemu is used in contests; however, because Charemu prefers battles, Nareta does not make her participate in a contest if she doesn't want to.

Tamazarashi > Todogura > Todozeruga

Attacks: Sheer Cold, Aurora Beam, Water Pulse, Giga Impact, Hail

Personality: Even as a Tamazarashi, she was extremely playful. However, when she evolved, she grew less and less playful. Now she can be very serious at times. This is the only Pokémon Nareta has that knows a one-hit KO move.

Nukkura > Biburaba > Furaigon

Attacks: Sand Tomb, Dragon Pulse, Hyper Beam, Rock Tomb, Fury Cutter

Personality: Her Furaigon is one of the most loyal of her Pokémon. He is also very playful.

Tatsubei > Komoru > Bomanda

Attacks: Fly, Bite, Headbutt, DragonBreath, Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor

Personality: Bomanda is a tough Pokémon, taking on any opponent. She loves Nareta very much and hates losing because she feels she's letting Nareta down.


Fuwante > Fuwaraido

Attacks: Ominous Wind, Gust, Facade, Stockpile, Spit Up, Shadow Ball, Fly

Personality: As a Fuwante, he would constantly smother Nareta with affection as he was only a baby, resulting in turning her voice into a squeaky version of her original voice. Once he evolved, he became more mature and less affectionate, asking Nareta for her affection instead of simply taking it.

Fukamaru > Gabaito

Attacks: DragonBreath, Shadow Claw, Dig, Sand Tomb, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast

Personality: Fukamaru is usually seen jumping out of his Monster Ball and digging into any source of food available. However, in recent times, Fukamaru has become less and less of a menace, now waiting for Nareta to tell him it's all right to eat. He evolved to help Nareta win in a battle against her pycho rival, Zakura, whose name frequently gets mispronounced 'Sakura' by Nareta.


Attacks: Peck, Hyper Voice, Aerial Ace, Mimic, Defog

Personality: Perappu frequently is seen mimicing Nareta whenever she says something. Perappu is one of Nareta's smartest Pokémon, aside from her Fushigiso. She is usually atop of Nareta's shoulder when Nareta has her and will repeat one thing from every sentence Nareta says, and sometimes even what Shinji says.



Attacks: Psybeam, Psychic, Zen Headbutt, Hypnosis, Drain Punch, Assist, Dream Eater

Personality: Suripa was a bad Pokémon, hell-bent on taking over the world before Nareta caught him. After Nareta captured him, he became increasingly lazy, never listening to a word she said to him. He has many different powers, evolving and working at them himself when he wanted to be the dictator of the world, and often uses them to tease Nareta. He has been seen to be able to swtich people's bodies, mute people, and show them the past. However, no one but him knows exactly how much he can do. Finally, after a long while, Suripa became loyal to Nareta after she saved him.

Korinku > Rukushio > Rentora

Attacks: Thunder Fang, Thunder, Rain Dance, Superpower, Discharge

Personality: Although Rentora looks fierce, she is a big cuddler and loves to try and sit on Nareta. Because of her weight, Nareta has tried to stop her before. Rentora seems to think she is still a Korinku.


Attacks: Psybeam, Mimic, Barrier, Wake-Up Slap, Future Sight

Personality: Manene is extremely shy and Nareta's first baby Pokémon from the Shinou region. He's always cuddling up to Nareta, drinking from his bottle, and crying for his 'Papa', Shinji. However, even though he seems like a Mama's boy and seems to be spoiled, he will fight in battles and do very well. He also participates in contests and loves to show off for Nareta.

Befriended But Never Caught


Attacks: Water Gun, Ice Beam, Sonicboom, Aqua Jet, Water Pulse, Brine

Personality: Buizeru, although never technically captured, is extremely loyal to Nareta and will do whatever she says. She has even followed Nareta when Nareta wanted her to stay with Reiji.


Attacks: Poison Sting, Twineedle, Double-Edge, Silver Wind

Personality: Before Nareta saved Supia, he was completely afraid of her and would attack her whenever she came near him. However, when the culprit of tearing off his wing came after him again, Nareta saved him. He was later loyal to her and now stays with Reiji.


Attacks (Used): Hyper Beam, Protect, Transform

Personality: Myu is a playful Pokémon who is very protective of Nareta for reasons unknown.

[Lugia|Rugia]] (Baby)

Attacks: Unknown

Personality: This is a playful Pokémon, baby of the mother Rugia, who couldn't fly until she met Nareta. She immediately took a liking to Nareta and always wanted to play with her.

Rugia (Mother)

Attacks (Used): Sky Attack, Hydro Pump, Aeroblast

Personality: Rugia is a very serious Pokémon who had almost no self confidence before she became friends with Nareta. This was the first legendary Pokémon to actually do what Nareta said.


Attacks: Gust, Quick Attack, Peck, Fly, Brave Bird

Personality: Poppo was found injured in the forest by a Habunake. Nareta saved his life at the cost of her arm, which was almost lost because of the poison flowing through it by Habinake's Poison Tail. Afterwards, once Nareta tried to leave him in the wild, he followed her and wouldn't stay, so now he stays with Reiji.

Kentaurosu (Baby)

Attacks (Used): Take Down, Horn Attack, Tackle

Personality: Kentaurosu was a very resiliant Pokémon who always tried to act tough.


Attacks: Unknown

Personality: The only thing Nareta knows about Himeguma was that Himeguma was a bit of a cry baby.

Other Pokémon Caught

Yadon > Yadoran

Attacks: Zen Headbutt, Confuse Ray, Water Pulse, Ice Beam

Personality: This Pokémon was extremely lazy and laid-back, until he evolved that is. Now he is high-strung and appears to get on Nareta's nerves.

More to come

Pokémon Used in Contests

Banebu > Bupiggu

Attacks: Psychic, Psybeam, Power Gem, Magic Coat, Bounce

Personality: As a Banebu, he was very hyper, always bouncing around and getting on Nareta's nerves. Nareta tried to ignore this, knowing it was just in his nature to do so. Finally, once he evolved, he calmed down considerably and was able to participate in contests.

More to come