User:Ztash/List of Best Wishes series episodes in Danish

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Unova League arc

Code Screenshot Danish title English title DK broadcast Notes
BW001 BW001.png I Zekroms skygge!
In the shadow of Zekrom!
In the Shadow of Zekrom! March 10, 2012
BW002 BW002.png Iris og Axew!
Iris and Axew!
Enter Iris and Axew! March 10, 2012
BW003 BW003.png Sand, vand og Sandile!!
Sand, water, and Sandile!
A Sandile Gusher of Change! Unknown
BW004 BW004.png Kampklubben og Tepigs valg
The battle club and Tepig's choice!
The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice! Unknown
BW005 BW005.png Tre ledere - tre trusler!
Three leaders - three threats!
Triple Leaders, Team Threats! Unknown
BW006 BW006.png En plads fuld af drømme!
A room full of dreams!
Dreams by the Yard Full! Unknown
BW007 BW007.png Snivy er en svær fangst!
Snivy us a hard catch!
Snivy Plays Hard to Catch! Unknown
BW008 BW008.png Darmanitan reddes fra klokken!
Darmanitan is being saved from the bell!
Saving Darmanitan From the Bell! Unknown
BW009 BW009.png Axews træning!
Axew's training!
The Bloom Is on Axew! Unknown
BW010 BW010.png Rivalers kamp om klubmesterskabet!
Rivals' battle for the club championship!
A Rival Battle for Club Champ! Unknown
BW011 BW011.png Et hjem til Dwebble!
A home for Dwebble!!
A Home for Dwebble! Unknown
BW012 BW012.png Her kommer Trubbish-holdet!
Here comes the Trubbish team!
Here Comes the Trubbish Squad! Unknown
BW013 BW013.png Minccino - pæn og ordentlig!
Minccino - neat and tidy!
Minccino—Neat and Tidy Unknown
BW014 BW014.png En nat i Nacrene City-museet!
A night in the Nacrene City museum!
A Night in the Nacrene City Museum! Unknown
BW015 BW015.png Kampen ifølge Lenora!
The battle according to Lenora!
The Battle According to Lenora! Unknown
BW016 BW016.png Omkamp i Nacrene-salen!
Rematch in the Nacrene gym
Rematch at the Nacrene Gym! Unknown
BW017 BW017.png Scarggy - klækket og vild!
Scarggy - hatched and wild!
Scraggy—Hatched to be Wild! Unknown
BW018 BW018.png Sewaddle og Burgh i Pinwheel-skoven!
Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest!
Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest! Unknown
BW019 BW019.png En kenders hævn!
A connoisseur's revenge!
A Connoisseur's Revenge! Unknown
BW020 BW020.png Danser med Ducklett-trioen!
Dancing with the Ducklett trio!
Dancing With the Ducklett Trio! Unknown
BW021 BW021.png Gothitelles fortabte verden!
The lost world of Gothitelle!
The Lost World of Gothitelle! Unknown
BW022 BW022.png Når Venipede bisser!
When Venipede stampede!
A Venipede Stampede! Unknown
* BW023.png No Danish title No English title Unknown
* BW024.png No Danish title No English title Unknown
BW023 BW025.png Kampen om Kryp-typernes kærlighed!
The battle for the love of the Bug Types!
Battling For The Love of Bug-Types! Unknown
BW024 BW025.png Emolga den uimodståelige!
Emolga the irresistible!
Emolga the Irresistible! Unknown
BW025 BW025.png Emolga og den nye Volt Switch!?
Emolga and the new Volt Switch
Emolga and the New Volt Switch! Unknown
BW026 BW026.png Det uhyggelige Litwick-slot!
The scary Litwick castle!
Scare at the Litwick Mansion! Unknown
BW027 BW027.png Vejen til at blive Dragemester!
The path to become a Dragon Master!
The Dragon Master's Path! Unknown
BW028 BW028.png Oshawotts tabte muslingeskal!
Oshawott's lost seashell!
Oshawott's Lost Scalchop! Unknown
BW029 BW029.png Cottonee bliver forelsket!!
Cottonee falls in love!!
Cottonee in Love! Unknown
BW030 BW030.png En UFO til Elgyem!
A UFO for Elgyem!
A UFO for Elgyem! Unknown
BW031 BW031.png Ash og Trip's tredje kamp!!
Ash and Trip's third battle!
Ash and Trip's Third Battle! Unknown
BW032 BW032.png At se frygten i øjnene!
Facing fear!
Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open! Unknown
BW033 BW033.png Iris and Excadrill imod Drage-buster!
Iris and Excadrill against Dragon Buster!
Iris and Excadrill Against the Dragon Buster! Unknown
BW034 BW034.png Fang en Roggenrola!
Catch a Roggenrola!
Gotta Catch A Roggenrola! Unknown
BW035 BW035.png Hvor blev du af, Audion?
Where did you go, Audino?
Where Did You Go, Audino? Unknown
BW036 BW036.png Archeops i den moderne verden!!
Archeops in the modern world!!
Archeops In The Modern World! Unknown
BW037 BW037.png Eb Fiskekender i en lusket konkurrence!
A Fishinf Conoisseur in a Fishy Competition!
A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition! Unknown
BW038 BW038.png Filmtid! Zorua i "Legendon om Pokémon-ridderen"!
Movie time! Zorua in "The legend of the Pokémon knight"!
Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokémon Knight"! Unknown
BW039 BW039.png Gensynskampe i Nimbasa!
Reunion battles in Nimbasa!
Reunion Battles In Nimbasa! Unknown
BW040 BW040.png Cilan mod Trip, Ash mod Georgia!!
Cilan versus Trip, Ash versus Georgia!
Cilan Versus Trip, Ash Versus Georgia! Unknown
BW041 BW041.png Klubkampens intense opgør: Emolga mod Sawk!
The intense showdown of the blub battles: Emolga versus Sawk!
The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk! Unknown
BW042 BW042.png Klubkampfinalen: En helts udfald!
The club battle finale: A hero's outcome!
Club Battle Finale: A Hero's Outcome! Unknown
BW043 BW043.png Meowths luskede taktik!
Meowth's fishy tactics
Meowth's Scrafty Tactics! Unknown
BW044 BW044.png Purrloin, sød eller lusket?
Purrloin: Sweet or sneaky?
Purrloin: Sweet or Sneaky? Unknown
BW045 BW045.png Beheeyem, Duosion, og drømmetyven!
Beheeyem, Duosion, and the dream thief!
Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief! Unknown
BW046 BW046.png Fejden på Beartic-bjerget!
The feud at Beartic Mountain!
The Beartic Mountain Feud! Unknown
BW047 BW047.png Krisetilstand i undergrunden!
A state of crisis in the underground!
Crisis From the Underground Up! Unknown
BW048 BW048.png Kampen om undergrunden!
The battle for the underground!
Battle for the Underground! Unknown
BW049 BW049.png Elesa, entusiastisk sal-leder!
Elesa, an enthusiastic gym leader!
Enter Elesa, Electrifying Gym Leader! Unknown
BW050 BW050.png En blændende kamp i Nimbasa-salen!
A dazzling battle in the Nimbasa gym!
Dazzling the Nimbasa Gym! Unknown
BW051 BW051.png På vildspor i Stempel-ræset!
Astray at the Stamp Rally!
Lost at the Stamp Rally! Unknown
BW052 BW052.png Ash mod Championen!
Ash versus the Champion!
Ash Versus the Champion! Unknown
BW053 BW053.png En Maractus-musical!
A Maractus musical!
A Maractus Musical! Unknown
BW054 BW054.png Sawbucks fire årstider!
The four seasons of Sawsbuck
The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck! Unknown
BW055 BW055.png Scraggy og den krævende Gothita!
Scraggy and the demanding Gothita!
Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita! Unknown
BW056 BW056.png Den ensomme Deino!
The lonely Deino!
The Lonely Deino! Unknown
BW057 BW057.png Den Mægtige Accel-vogter redder dagen!
The Mighty Accel Guardian saves the day!
The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue! Unknown
BW058 BW058.png Tid til broderlig kærlighed!
Time for brotherly love!
A Call for Brotherly Love! Unknown
BW059 BW059.png Kampen mod Legendernes hærgen! (Del 1)
The battle against the havoc of the Legends! (Part 1)
Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 1 Unknown
BW060 BW060.png Kampen mod Legendernes hærgen! (Del 2)
The battle against the havoc of the Legends! (Part 2)
Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 2 Unknown
BW061 BW061.png Kampen mod Minernes Konge!
The battle against the King of the Mines!
Battling the King of the Mines! Unknown
BW062 BW062.png Krise i Chargestone-grotten!
Crisis in Chargestone Cave!
Crisis at Chargestone Cave! Unknown
BW063 BW063.png Spændingen ved at Udviklingsbytte!
The excitement of an evolution trade!
Evolution Exchange Excitement!
BW064 BW064.png Udforskningen af Heltens Ruin!
The exploration of the Hero's Ruin!
Explorers of the Hero's Ruin! Unknown
BW065 BW065.png Kampen mød Bøllen!
The battle against the Bully!
Battling the Bully! Unknown
BW066 BW066.png Ballade med Bouffalant!
Trouble with Bouffalant!
Baffling the Bouffalant! Unknown
BW067 BW067.png Cilan går i luften!
Cilan takes off!
Cilan Takes Flight! Unknown
BW068 BW068.png En utrolig Aerial-kamp!
An incredible Aerial Battle
An Amazing Aerial Battle! Unknown
BW069 BW069.png Tårnhøj succes!
Towering success!
Climbing the Tower of Success! Unknown
BW070 BW070.png Klubsplosionen begynder!
The clubsplosion begins!
The Clubsplosion Begins! Unknown
BW071 BW071.png Jagten på Klubultimativen!
The search for the Clubultimate!
Search for the Clubultimate! Unknown
BW072 BW072.png En forrygende klubsplosion!
A terrific clubsplosion!
A Clubsplosion of Excitement! Unknown
BW073 BW073.png Klubsplosion-turneringen afgøres!
The Clubsplosion Tournament concludes!
Commanding the Clubsplosion Crown! Unknown
BW074 BW074.png Kampen mod Bladtyvene!
The battle against the Lead Thieves!
Battling the Leaf Thieves! Unknown
BW075 BW075.png En genskabelseskonfrontation! (Del 1)
A recreation confrontation (Part 1)!
A Restoration Confrontation! Part 1 Unknown
BW076 BW076.png En Genskabelseskonfrontation! (Del 2)
A recreation confrontation (Part 2)!
A Restoration Confrontation! Part 2 Unknown
BW077 BW077.png Udvikling ved hjælp af Ild!
Evolution through the use of Fire!
Evolution by Fire! Unknown
BW078 BW078.png Vogtere af Bjergets Vogter!
Guardians of the Guardian of the Mountain!
Guarding the Guardian of the Mountain! Unknown
BW079 BW079.png Advarsel: Kampen kan være iskold!
Warning: The battle may be icy!
Caution: Icy Battle Conditions! Unknown
BW080 BW080.png Den store Kender-kamp!
The grand Connoisseurs Battle!
'Clash of the Connoisseurs! Unknown
BW081 BW081.png Ferroseed i krise!
Ferroseed in crisis!
Crisis at Ferroseed Research! Unknown
BW082 BW082.png En legendarisk forsvarsstyrke!
A legendary defense force!
An Epic Defense Force! Unknown
BW083 BW083.png Rock og rul i Virbank-salen! (Del 1)
Rock 'n' roll in the Virbank Gym! (Part 1)
Rocking the Virbank Gym! Part 1 Unknown
BW084 BW084.png Rock og rul i Virbank-salen! (Del 2)
Rock 'n' roll in the Virbank Gym! (Part 2)
Rocking the Virbank Gym! Part 2 Unknown

Best Wishes! Season 2

Code Screenshot Danish title English title DK broadcast Notes
BW085 BW085.png Alt for Meloetta!
Everything for Meloetta!
All for the Love of Meloetta! Unknown
BW086 BW086.png Piplup, Pansage og alle tiders møde!
Piplup, Pansage, and a fantastic meeting!
Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times! Unknown
BW087 BW087.png Ekspedition til Onix-øen!
The expedition to Onix Island!
Expedition to Onix Island! Unknown
BW088 BW088.png Mysteriet om den forsvundne Cubchoo!
The mystery of the lost Cubchoo!
The Mystery of the Missing Cubchoo! Unknown
BW089 BW089.png Iris og den vilde Dragonite!
Iris and the savage Dragonite!
Iris and the Rogue Dragonite! Unknown
BW090 BW090.png Trængslen om Junior Cuppen!
The congestion the Junior Cup!
Jostling for the Junior Cup! Unknown
BW091 BW091.png En stædig Pokémon i kamp!
A stubborn Pokémon battling!
Battling Authority Once Again! Unknown
BW092 BW092.png Ash, Iris og Trip: Og så var der tre!
Ash, Iris and Trip: And then there were three!
Ash, Iris and Trip: Then There Were Three! Unknown
BW093 BW093.png Farvel, Junior Cup - Goddag, eventyr!
Goodbye, Junior Cup - Hello, adventure!
Goodbye, Junior Cup - Hello Adventure! Unknown
BW094 BW094.png Vejen til Humilau!
The road to Humilau!
The Road to Humilau! Unknown
BW095 BW095.png Røre i Børnehaven!
Unrest at the Kindergarten!
Unrest at the Nursery! Unknown
BW096 BW096.png Meloetta og Undervandstemplet!
Meloetta and the Undersea Temple!
Meloetta and the Undersea Temple! Unknown
BW097 BW097.png Unova i fare!
Unove in danger!
Unova's Survival Crisis! Unknown
BW098 BW098.png Skønheder i kamp for pragt og prestige!
Beauties battling for glory and prestige
Beauties Battling for Pride and Prestige! Unknown
BW099 BW099.png En jord-til-luft dobbeltkamp!
A ground to air double battle!
A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team! Unknown
BW100 BW100.png Hjem til landsbyen!
Home to the village!
A Village Homecoming! Unknown
BW101 BW101.png Drayden mod Iris: Fortid, nutid og fremtid!
Drayden versus Iris: Past, present, and future!
Drayden Versus Iris: Past, Present, and Future! Unknown
BW102 BW102.png Team Eevee og Pokémon-redningsholdet!
Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad!
Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad! Unknown
BW103 BW103.png Så går starten på Unova-ligaen!
And the Unove League commences
Curtain Up, Unova League! Unknown
BW104 BW104.png Slå din modstander!
Beat your opponent!
Mission: Defeat Your Rival! Unknown
BW105 BW105.png En afstikker fra ligaen!
A break from the league!
Lost at the League! Unknown
BW106 BW106.png Et show spækket med stærk strategi!
A show full of strong strategy!
Strong Strategy Steals the Show! Unknown
BW107 BW107.png Camerons hemmelige våben!
Cameron's secret weapon!
Cameron's Secret Weapon! Unknown
BW108 BW108.png En udvikling i Unova-ligaen!
An evolution in the Unova League
A Unova League Evolution! Unknown
BW109 BW109.png Nye steder... kendte ansigter!
New places... familiar faces!
New Places... Familiar Faces! Unknown
BW110 BW110.png Navnet er N!
The name is N!
The Name's N! Unknown
BW111 BW111.png Der er en ny Sal-leder i byen!
There's a new gym leader in town!
There's a New Gym Leader in Town! Unknown
BW112 BW112.png Team Plasmas Pokémon-komplot!
Team Plasma's Pokémon conspiracy!
Team Plasma's Pokémon Power Plot! Unknown
BW113 BW113.png Lyset på Floccesy Ranch!
The light of Floccesy Ranch!
The Light of Floccesy Ranch! Unknown
BW114 BW114.png Red Braviary!
Save Braviary!
Saving Braviary! Unknown
BW115 BW115.png Pokémon Havnepatruljen!
The Pokémon Habor Patrol!
The Pokémon Harbor Patrol! Unknown
BW116 BW116.png En rødglødende genforening!
A red-hot reunion!
The Fires of a Red-Hot Reunion! Unknown
BW117 BW117.png Team Plasmas Pokémon-manipulation!
Team Plasma's Pokémon manipulation!
Team Plasma's Pokémon Manipulation! Unknown
BW118 BW118.png Tågens hemmeligheder!
The secrets of the fog!
Secrets From Out of the Fog! Unknown
BW119 BW119.png Meowth, Colress og Team Rivalisering!
Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry!
Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry! Unknown
BW120 BW120.png Ash, N og idealernes sammenstød!
Ash, N, and the clash of ideals!
Ash and N: A Clash of Ideals! Unknown
BW121 BW121.png Team Plasma og Opvågningsceremonien!
Team Plasma and the Awakening Ceremony!
Team Plasma and the Awakening Ceremony! Unknown
BW122 BW122.png Bag sandhed og idealer!
Behind truth and ideals!
What Lies Beyond Truth and Ideals! Unknown
BW123 BW123.png Farvel, Unova! Med kurs mod nye eventyr!
Goodbye, Unova! With the course for new adventures!
Farewell, Unova! Setting Sail for New Adventures! Unknown
BW124 BW124.png Fare, sød som honning!
Danger, sweet as honey!
Danger, Sweet as Honey! Unknown
BW125 BW125.png Cilan og sagen om Purrloin-vidnet!
Cilan and the case of the Purrloin witness!
Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness! Unknown
BW126 BW126.png Kroningen af Muslingeskalkongen!
The coronation of the Seashell King!
Crowning the Scalchop King! Unknown
BW127 BW127.png Illusionernes ø!
The island of illusions!
The Island of Illusions! Unknown
BW128 BW128.png Sådan fanger man en Rotom!
How to catch a Rotom!
To Catch a Rotom! Unknown
BW129 BW129.png Decolores pirater!
The pirates of Decolore
The Pirates of Decolore! Unknown
BW130 BW130.png Butterfree og mig!
Butterfree and me!
Butterfree and Me! Unknown
BW131 BW131.png Vejen der fører til afsked!
The path that leads to goodbye!
The Path That Leads to Goodbye! Unknown
BW132 BW132.png På jagt efter et ønske!
Searching for a wish!
Searching for a Wish! Unknown
BW133 BW133.png Ufoen fra Capacia-øen!
The UFO of Capacia Islans
Capacia Island UFO! Unknown
BW134 BW134.png Journalisten fra en anden region!
The journalist from another region!
The Journalist from Another Region! Unknown
BW135 BW135.png Mysteriet på Den Øde Ø!
The mystery on the Deserted Island
Mystery on a Deserted Island! Unknown
BW136 BW136.png En Pokémon af en anden farve!
A Pokémon of a different color!
A Pokémon of a Different Color! Unknown
BW137 BW137.png En fest for en heltekomet!
A party for a hero comet!
Celebrating the Hero's Comet! Unknown
BW138 BW138.png Giv den gas, Gogoat!
Rock out, Gogoat!
Go, Go Gogoat! Unknown
BW139 BW139.png Team Rockets chokerende rekruttering!
Team Rocket's shocking recruitment!
Team Rocket's Shocking Recruit! Unknown
BW140 BW140.png Striaton-salens overlevelse!
The survival of the Striaton Gym!
Survival of the Striaton Gym! Unknown
BW141 BW141.png Held og lykke til vi mødes igen!
Good luck until we meet again!
Best Wishes Until We Meet Again! Unknown
BW142 BW142.png Drømmen fortsætter!
The dream continues!
The Dream Continues! Unknown