→Trivia: Added a trivia about the weight too low, without density speculation. But i think it must be said. Added also the Wailord records in HP on all pkmns, the mystery dungeon and pokèmon go trivia, and the comparison trivia with blue whales.
** It's also the sixth Pokèmon with highest HP ever, and the only one with this base number in this stat.
** It's also the sixth Pokèmon with highest HP ever, and the only one with this base number in this stat.
* Despite Wailord is the tallest and the biggest (in terms of body size) Pokémon ever, it's not the heaviest Pokémon.
* Despite Wailord is the tallest and the biggest (in terms of body size) Pokémon ever, it's not the heaviest Pokémon.
** Its weight, even if is superheavy for the Pokémon average, is really too light for its size. Whales in nature have a weight which counts lot of tonnes, and Wailord is "only" 398 kilos. The reason of this is not specified, the Pokédex category "Float Whale" suggests that the body of Wailord is so big because is full of air but this is not confirmed by anything official. This weight may also have been chosen for game mechanics, because a number several tonnes would be difficult to calculate in moves which interest the weight.
** Its weight, even if is superheavy for the Pokémon average, is really too light for its size. Whales in nature have a weight which counts lot of tonnes, and Wailord is "only" 398 kilos. The reason of this is not specified, the Pokédex category "Float Whale" suggests that the body of Wailord is so big because is full of air but this is not confirmed by anything official. This weight may also have been chosen for game mechanics, because a number of several tonnes would be difficult to calculate in moves which interest the weight.
* In the games [[Pokémon Colosseum]] and [[Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness]], Wailord was resized to fit in the battlefield. In [[Pokémon Battle Revolution]], however, its size matches its Pokédex entry.
* In the games [[Pokémon Colosseum]] and [[Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness]], Wailord was resized to fit in the battlefield. In [[Pokémon Battle Revolution]], however, its size matches its Pokédex entry.
* In [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon]] Red/Blue Rescue Team and Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky Wailord's sprite matches the size scale, and it's so big that its body literally shrouds most Body Size 1 Pokèmon if they are near to it.
* In [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon]] Red/Blue Rescue Team and Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky Wailord's sprite matches the size scale, and it's so big that its body literally shrouds most Body Size 1 Pokèmon if they are near to it.
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* Wailord and {{p|Wailmer|its pre-evolution}}'s [[Egg Group]]s ({{egg|Field}} and {{egg|Water 2}}) are unique.
* Wailord and {{p|Wailmer|its pre-evolution}}'s [[Egg Group]]s ({{egg|Field}} and {{egg|Water 2}}) are unique.
* In {{game|Black and White|s 2|Pokémon Black 2 and White 2}}, the {{player}} can get the [[List of Medals in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2|Wailord Watcher Medal]] by spotting a Wailord in the [[Marine Tube]].
* In {{game|Black and White|s 2|Pokémon Black 2 and White 2}}, the {{player}} can get the [[List of Medals in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2|Wailord Watcher Medal]] by spotting a Wailord in the [[Marine Tube]].
* Wailord is really smaller than the {{wp|blue whale}}, the animal which inspired its design and concept. The size of a blue whale is 30.0 mt in lenght and the biggest exemplar was 33.0 mt long , Wailord maximum size is 14.5 mt in lenght. So, Wailord is big just like a cub of a blue whale.
* Wailord is really smaller than the {{wp|blue whale}}, the animal which inspired its design and concept. The average size of a blue whale is 30.0 mt in lenght and the biggest exemplar was 33.0 mt long , Wailord maximum size is 14.5 mt in lenght. So, Wailord is big just like a cub of a blue whale.
** However Wailord is the biggest Pokémon ever, like the blue whale is for animals.
** However Wailord is the living biggest Pokémon ever known, like the blue whale is for animals.
Wailord is a huge Pokémon based on the blue whale. It has small beady eyes, a huge mouth, and a throat that is lined with grooves. It has a blue back with and four white spots, and a tan, grooved underbelly. It has two pairs of fins along its sides and a horizontal tail at the back. It is the tallest known Pokémon.
When it is jumping out of the water, it makes a giant splash due to its large size. It can dive deep at 10,000 feet (3,000 meters) in one breath. It lives in the sea in large groups called pods. A pod of Wailord travels together in order to search for food, and is able to eat large quantities at one time, such as schools of Wishiwashi. When a Wailmer is attacked by its predators Sharpedo or Dhelmise, its whole pod works to defend it.
A Wailord appeared in PK19, where both Pikachu and Meowth's groups landed on top of it. It was eventually disturbed by Seviper's Haze and was prompted to use Brine, which sent them all blasting off.
Multiple Wailord appeared in Leading a Stray!, alongside a Wailmer that was separated from its family. Ash spent much of the episode helping Wailmer get back to its pod. By the end of the episode, it evolved into a Wailord.
Wailord, the Float Whale Pokémon. Wailord is the largest Pokémon yet discovered. When diving out of the water in pursuit of its prey, it makes quite an impressive sight.
Wailord, the Float Whale Pokémon. Wailord is the largest Pokémon yet to be discovered. It is able to jump high into the air, creating gigantic pillars of water.
NA: At a massive 47 feet 7 inches long, Wailord is the largest Pokémon found so far. It's as big as a five-story building! Also, Wailords can dive to almost 10,000 feet with only one breath of air. That's nearly two miles down and almost four times the height of the tallest modern buildings!
PAL: With a height of 14.5 metres, Wailord is the largest Pokémon discovered thus far. 14.5 metres - that's roughly the size of a five-storey building! Also, Wailord can dive to a depth of 3,000 metres on only one breath. That's more than twice the height of Ben Nevis! Some remarkable stats for a remarkable Pokémon.
Wailord is the largest of all identified Pokémon up to now. This giant Pokémon swims languorously in the vast open sea, eating massive amounts of food at once with its enormous mouth.
When chasing prey, Wailord herds them by leaping out of the water and making a humongous splash. It is breathtaking to see this Pokémon leaping out of the sea with others in its pod.
It breathes through nostrils that it raises above the sea. By inhaling to its maximum capacity, a Wailord can dive close to 10,000 feet beneath the waves.
Wailord is the largest of all identified Pokémon up to now. This giant Pokémon swims languorously in the vast open sea, eating massive amounts of food at once with its enormous mouth.
When chasing prey, Wailord herds them by leaping out of the water and making a humongous splash. It is breathtaking to see this Pokémon leaping out of the sea with others in its pod.
With 170 base HP stat, Wailord has the highest HP of all Water-type Pokémon.
It's also the sixth Pokèmon with highest HP ever, and the only one with this base number in this stat.
Despite Wailord is the tallest and the biggest (in terms of body size) Pokémon ever, it's not the heaviest Pokémon.
Its weight, even if is superheavy for the Pokémon average, is really too light for its size. Whales in nature have a weight which counts lot of tonnes, and Wailord is "only" 398 kilos. The reason of this is not specified, the Pokédex category "Float Whale" suggests that the body of Wailord is so big because is full of air but this is not confirmed by anything official. This weight may also have been chosen for game mechanics, because a number of several tonnes would be difficult to calculate in moves which interest the weight.
In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team and Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky Wailord's sprite matches the size scale, and it's so big that its body literally shrouds most Body Size 1 Pokèmon if they are near to it.
Wailord is the only Pokémon in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia that doesn't need to be captured to be added to the Browser; its Browser entry explains that it is too big to capture.
In Pokémon GO if a Wailord is left in a gym with at least 4-5 Pokémon of other trainers, it will be shown separated from them in the gym main screen because its model is really big.
Wailord is really smaller than the blue whale, the animal which inspired its design and concept. The average size of a blue whale is 30.0 mt in lenght and the biggest exemplar was 33.0 mt long , Wailord maximum size is 14.5 mt in lenght. So, Wailord is big just like a cub of a blue whale.
However Wailord is the living biggest Pokémon ever known, like the blue whale is for animals.
This Pokémon is based on the blue whale, the largest known animal to ever exist. It also resembles a submarine, a blimp, and a torpedo.
Name origin
Wailord is a combination of whale, wail (referring to the sounds or songs that whales and this Pokémon might make), and lord.
Whaloh is a combination of whale, 吠える hoeru (to bellow), and 王 ō (king).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.