Pocket Monsters Film Comic: Difference between revisions

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
In other languages: Screen shot of original series 20 already on page, Orange Island 9 (http://cartoon.media.daum.net/kcomics/view/29854), Gold/Silver 23 (http://cartoon.media.daum.net/kcomics/view/40591). One source says up to Gold/Silv 24 was made
m List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic volumes: tentracruel → tentacruel
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'''Pocket Monsters Film Comic''' is a series of graphic novels published by [[CoroCoro]] in Japan. Each volume of Pocket Monsters Film Comic adapts about four episodes of the [[Pokémon anime]] into comics, plus extra content such as [[Pokédex]] entries and character biographies.
'''Pocket Monsters Film Comic''' (Japanese: '''ポケットモンスター アニメ版''' ''Pocket Monster Animation Version'') is a series of {{pkmn|manga}} based on the [[Pokémon anime]]. Each volume of Pocket Monsters Film Comic adapts several episodes of the anime or an entire movie into comic form.  

While the full Pocket Monsters Film Comic series has not been translated into English by [[VIZ Media]] or [[Chuang Yi]], the first six chapters were translated by VIZ Media in {{OBP|Pokémon Power|magazine}} magazine and published in a book entitled [[Pokémon TV Animation Comic - I Choose You!]]. Beginning in November 2000, the Pokémon Gold and Silver film comics were also serialized in Nintendo Power, but were never released as a collected volume in English.
The volumes also include extra content such as [[Pokédex]] entries, character biographies, and rarely maps. Each volume includes a two-page preview for the next volume.

==List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic volumes==
In Japan, the manga was published in volumes by {{jwp|てんとう虫コミックス|Tentoumushi Comics}}, a {{wp|Shogakukan}} imprint.
{| align="center" style="background: #{{red color light}}; border: 2px solid #{{green color}}; {{roundy|10px}};"
In English, the first subseries of this manga was serialized in English in the six-issue {{OBP|Pokémon Power|magazine}} magazine. The six chapters serialized in the magazine were collected in the English volume [[Pokémon TV Animation Comic - I Choose You!]], published by [[VIZ Media]]. The Episode: Gold and Silver subseries was serialized in [[Nintendo Power]] starting in the November 2000 issue, although unlike the first subseries these translations were not published in volumes.
In {{pmin|Brazil}}, the series was translated into Brazilian Portuguese and published in the [[Pokémon Club]] magazine.
In {{pmin|Greater China|Hong Kong}}, the series was published in Cantonese by Viz Communications China (H.K.) Ltd.
In {{pmin|South Korea}}, the series was published in Korean under the title {{tt|애니코믹스 포켓몬스터|Ani-comics Pokémon}} by 대원씨아이 ''{{wp|Daewon C.I.}}''. All volumes of the original and Orange Islands series, and at least the first 23 volumes of Episode: Gold & Silver, were released.
File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 6 Cantonese.png|Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 6 in Cantonese
File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic KO volume 20.png|Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 20 in Korean
==List of volumes==
===List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic volumes===
{| class="roundtable" style="margin: auto; text-align: center; background: #{{Colorschemelight|Kanto}}; border: 2px solid #{{Colorschemedark|Kanto}};"
! Cover artwork
! Cover artwork
! Volume number
! Volume number
! Episodes included
! Date
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| [[File:None.png|120px]]
! style="min-width: 30em" | Chapters
! Character introduction
! Anime Pokédex
! Other content
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 1.png|120px]]
| 1
| 1
| July 25, 1997
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|4-09-149321-1}}
| [[File:None.png|120px]]
| ポケモン君に決めた! ''[[EP001|Pokémon! I Choose You!]]''<br>たいけつ!ポケモンセンター ''[[EP002|Showdown! Pokémon Center!]]''<br>ポケモンゲットだぜ! ''[[EP003|I Caught a Pokémon!]]''
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Professor Oak}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Delia Ketchum|Ash's mom]], [[Gary Oak|Gary]], [[Nurse Joy|Joy]], [[Officer Jenny|Jenny]]
| {{p|Pikachu}}, {{p|Caterpie}}, {{p|Pidgey}}, {{p|Gengar}}, {{p|Nidorino}}, {{p|Onix}}, {{p|Charmander}}, {{p|Bulbasaur}}, {{p|Squirtle}}, {{p|Gyarados}}, {{p|Ho-Oh}}, {{p|Koffing}}, {{p|Chansey}}, {{p|Meowth}}, {{p|Ekans}}, {{p|Goldeen}}, {{p|Metapod}}, {{p|Pidgeotto}}, {{p|Mankey}}, {{p|Sandshrew}}, {{p|Rattata}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 2.png|120px]]
| 2
| 2
| October 25, 1997
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|4-09-149322-X}}
| [[File:None.png|120px]]
| サムライしょうねんのちょうせん ''[[EP004|Challenge of the Samurai Boy!]]''<br>ニビジムのたたかい! ''[[EP005|Pewter Gym Battle!]]''<br>ピッピとつきのいし ''[[EP006|Clefairy and the Moon Stone]]''<br>ハナダシティのすいちゅうか ''[[EP007|The Suichūka of Cerulean City]]''
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Samurai]], {{ka|Flint}}, [[Seymour]], [[Officer Jenny|Jenny]], [[Sensational Sisters]]
| {{p|Butterfree}}, {{p|Weedle}}, {{p|Kakuna}}, {{p|Beedrill}}, {{p|Pinsir}}, {{p|Onix}}, {{p|Geodude}}, {{p|Zubat}}, {{p|Clefairy}}, {{p|Clefable}}, {{p|Paras}}, {{p|Seel}}, {{p|Staryu}}, {{p|Starmie}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 3.png|120px]]
| 3
| 3
| November 25, 1997
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|4-09-149323-8}}
| ポケモンリーグへのみち ''[[EP008|The Road to the Pokémon League]]''<br>ポケモンひっしょうマニュアル ''[[EP009|Pokémon Victory Manual]]''<br>かくれざとのフシギダネ ''[[EP010|Bulbasaur of the Hidden Village]]''<br>はぐれポケモン・ヒトカゲ ''[[EP011|Stray Pokémon - Charmander]]''
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[A.J.]], [[Giselle]], {{OBP|Joe|EP009}}, [[Melanie]], [[Damian]]
| {{p|Charmander}}, {{p|Bulbasaur}}, {{p|Oddish}}, {{p|Sandshrew}}, {{p|Weepinbell}}, {{p|Graveler}}, {{p|Cubone}}
| Ash and friends' journey map<ref group="note">A map of the [[Kanto]] region, showing the location of the first 11 episodes</ref>
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 4.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 4.png|120px]]
| 4
| 4
| December 25, 1997
| {{ISBN|4-09-149324-6}}
| ゼニガメぐんだんとうじょう! ''[[EP012|Enter the Squirtle Squad!]]''<br>マサキのとうだい ''[[EP013|Bill's Lighthouse]]''<br>でんげきたいけつ!クチバジム ''[[EP014|Electric Shock Showdown! Vermilion Gym]]''<br>サントアンヌごうのたたかい! ''[[EP015|Battle on the St. Anne!]]''
| ゼニガメぐんだんとうじょう! ''[[EP012|Enter the Squirtle Squad!]]''<br>マサキのとうだい ''[[EP013|Bill's Lighthouse]]''<br>でんげきたいけつ!クチバジム ''[[EP014|Electric Shock Showdown! Vermilion Gym]]''<br>サントアンヌごうのたたかい! ''[[EP015|Battle on the St. Anne!]]''
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Samurai]], [[Bill]], [[Lt. Surge]], {{tc|Gentleman}}<!--紳士-->, {{an|Giovanni}}, {{tc|Team Rocket Grunt}}s
| {{p|Squirtle}}, {{p|Krabby}}, {{p|Raticate}}, {{p|Raichu}}, {{p|Persian}}, {{p|Magikarp}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 5.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 5.png|120px]]
| 5
| 5
| February 25, 1998
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|4-09-149325-4}}
| [[File:None.png|120px]]
| ポケモンひょうりゅうき ''[[EP016|Pokémon Adrift]]''<br>きょうだいポケモンのしま ''[[EP017|Island of the Giant Pokémon!?]]''<br>アオプルコのきゅうじつ ''[[EP018|Holiday at Acapulco]]''<br>メノクラゲドククラゲ ''[[EP019|Tentacool Tentacruel]]''
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), {{an|Giovanni}}, [[Gary Oak|Gary]], [[Brutella]], [[Moe]], [[Nastina]], {{an|Professor Oak}}
| {{p|Gyarados}}, {{p|Slowpoke}}, {{p|Slowbro}}, {{p|Horsea}}, {{p|Tentacool}}, {{p|Tentacruel}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 6.png|120px]]
| 6
| 6
| ゆうれいポケモンとなつまつり ''[[EP020|The Ghost Pokémon and the Summer Festival]]''<br>バイバイバタフリー ''[[EP021|Bye-Bye Butterfree]]''<br>ケーシィ!ちょうのうりょくたいけつ! ''[[EP022|Abra! Psychic Showdown!]]''<br>ポケモンタワーでゲットだぜ! ''[[EP023|Capture at the Pokémon Tower!]]''
| April 25, 1998
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|4-09-149326-2}}
| ゆうれいポケモンとなつまつり ''[[EP020|The Ghost Pokémon and the Summer Festival]]''<br>バイバイバタフリー ''[[EP021|Bye Bye Butterfree]]''<br>ケーシィ!ちょうのうりょくたいけつ! ''[[EP022|Abra! Psychic Showdown!]]''<br>ポケモンタワーでゲットだぜ! ''[[EP023|Capture at the Pokémon Tower!]]''
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), Old woman<!--老婆-->, [[Ghost of Maiden's Peak|Mysterious beautiful woman]]<!--謎の美女-->, [[Sabrina]], [[Sabrina's father|Mysterious man]]<!--謎の男-->
| {{p|Abra}}, {{p|Kadabra}}, {{p|Gastly}}, {{p|Haunter}}, {{p|Gengar}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 7.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 7.png|120px]]
| 7
| 7
| May 25, 1998
| {{ISBN|4-09-149327-0}}
| ゴーストVSエスパー! ''[[EP024|Haunter VS Psychic-type!]]''<br>おこらないでねオコリザル! ''[[EP025|Don't Get Angry, Primeape!]]''<br>エリカとクサイハナ ''[[EP026|Erika and Gloom]]''<br>スリーパーとポケモンがえり!? ''[[EP027|Hypno and Pokémon Hypnotism!?]]''
| ゴーストVSエスパー! ''[[EP024|Haunter VS Psychic-type!]]''<br>おこらないでねオコリザル! ''[[EP025|Don't Get Angry, Primeape!]]''<br>エリカとクサイハナ ''[[EP026|Erika and Gloom]]''<br>スリーパーとポケモンがえり!? ''[[EP027|Hypno and Pokémon Hypnotism!?]]''
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Sabrina's father|Mysterious man]]<!--謎の男-->, [[Sabrina]], [[Erika]], Group of teenage girls<!--少女たち-->, {{an|Professor Oak}}, {{tc|Gentleman}}<!--紳士-->
| {{p|Primeape}}, {{p|Mankey}}, {{p|Gloom}}, {{p|Tangela}}, {{p|Psyduck}}, {{p|Drowzee}}, {{p|Hypno}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 8.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 8.png|120px]]
| 8
| 8
| June 25, 1998
| {{ISBN|4-09-149328-9}}
| ロコン!ブリーダーたいけつ! ''[[EP028|Vulpix! Breeder Showdown!]]''<br>かくとうポケモン!だいバトル! ''[[EP029|Fighting Pokémon! The Great Battle!]]''<br>コイルはでんきネズミのユメをみるか!? ''[[EP030|Do Magnemite Dream of Electric Mice!?]]''<br>ディグダがいっぱい! ''[[EP031|Lots of Diglett!]]''
| ロコン!ブリーダーたいけつ! ''[[EP028|Vulpix! Breeder Showdown!]]''<br>かくとうポケモン!だいバトル! ''[[EP029|Fighting Pokémon! The Great Battle!]]''<br>コイルはでんきネズミのユメをみるか!? ''[[EP030|Do Magnemite Dream of Electric Mice!?]]''<br>ディグダがいっぱい! ''[[EP031|Lots of Diglett!]]''
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Suzie]], {{OBP|Anthony|EP029}}, {{OBP|Rebecca|EP029}}, Staff member<!--職員-->, [[Foreman]], [[Gary Oak|Gary]]
| {{p|Vulpix}}, {{p|Hitmonchan}}, {{p|Hitmonlee}}, {{p|Machop}}, {{p|Machoke}}, {{p|Magnemite}}, {{p|Magneton}}, {{p|Muk}}, {{p|Diglett}}, {{p|Dugtrio}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 9.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 9.png|120px]]
| 9
| 9
| July 25, 1998
| {{ISBN|4-09-149329-7}}
| セキチクにんじゃたいけつ! ''[[EP032|Fuchsia Ninja Showdown!]]''<br>ほのおのポケモンだいレース! ''[[EP033|The Great Fire Pokémon Race!]]''<br>ガルーラのこもりうた ''[[EP034|Kangaskhan's Lullaby]]''<br>ミニリュウのでんせつ ''[[EP035|The Legend of Dratini]]''
| セキチクにんじゃたいけつ! ''[[EP032|Fuchsia Ninja Showdown!]]''<br>ほのおのポケモンだいレース! ''[[EP033|The Great Fire Pokémon Race!]]''<br>ガルーラのこもりうた ''[[EP034|Kangaskhan's Lullaby]]''<br>ミニリュウのでんせつ ''[[EP035|The Legend of Dratini]]''
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Koga]] & {{an|Aya}}, [[Lara Laramie|Lara]], [[Dario]], {{OBP|Tommy|EP034}}, [[Tommy's parents|Papa & Mama]], [[Officer Jenny|Jenny]], [[Kaiser]]
| {{p|Venonat}}, {{p|Venomoth}}, {{p|Voltorb}}, {{p|Golbat}}, {{p|Tauros}}, {{p|Growlithe}}, {{p|Ponyta}}, {{p|Rapidash}}, {{p|Kangaskhan}}, {{p|Dratini}}, {{p|Dragonair}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 10 cover.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 10 cover.png|120px]]
| 10
| 10
| August 25, 1998
| {{ISBN|4-09-149330-0}}
| あらしのサイクリングロード ''[[EP036|Stormy Cycling Road]]''<BR>メタモンとものまねむすめ ''[[EP037|Ditto and the Copycat Girl]]''<br>ピカチュウのもり ''[[EP039|Forest of Pikachu]]''<br>イーブイ4きょうだい ''[[EP040|The Four Eevee Brothers]]''
| あらしのサイクリングロード ''[[EP036|Stormy Cycling Road]]''<BR>メタモンとものまねむすめ ''[[EP037|Ditto and the Copycat Girl]]''<br>ピカチュウのもり ''[[EP039|Forest of Pikachu]]''<br>イーブイ4きょうだい ''[[EP040|The Four Eevee Brothers]]''
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Chopper]] & {{an|Aya}}, [[Duplica]], [[Mikey]], {{DL|Eevee brothers|Rainer}}, {{DL|Eevee brothers|Sparky}}, {{DL|Eevee brothers|Pyro}}
| {{p|Cloyster}}, {{p|Shellder}}, {{p|Golem}}, {{p|Ditto}}, {{p|Eevee}}, {{p|Vaporeon}}, {{p|Jolteon}}, {{p|Flareon}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 11.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 11.png|120px]]
| 11
| 11
| November 25, 1998
| {{ISBN|4-09-149411-0}}
| おきろ!カビゴン! ''[[EP041|Wake Up! Snorlax!]]''<br>たいけつ!ポケモンジム! ''[[EP042|Showdown! Pokémon Gym!]]''<br>ナッシーぐんだんだいこうしん! ''[[EP043|The Great Exeggutor Squad March!]]''<br>パラスとパラセクト ''[[EP044|Paras and Parasect]]''
| おきろ!カビゴン! ''[[EP041|Wake Up! Snorlax!]]''<br>たいけつ!ポケモンジム! ''[[EP042|Showdown! Pokémon Gym!]]''<br>ナッシーぐんだんだいこうしん! ''[[EP043|The Great Exeggutor Squad March!]]''<br>パラスとパラセクト ''[[EP044|Paras and Parasect]]''
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]], [[Hippie]]<!--老人-->, [[Yas]], [[Kaz]], [[Pokémon Inspection Agency|Inspector]]<!--検定員-->, [[Melvin]], [[Cassandra]]
| {{p|Snorlax}}, {{p|Exeggcute}}, {{p|Exeggutor}}, {{p|Electabuzz}}, {{p|Scyther}}, {{p|Paras}}, {{p|Parasect}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 12 cover.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 12 cover.png|120px]]
| 12
| 12
| January 25, 1999
| {{ISBN|4-09-149412-9}}
| うたって!プリン! ''[[EP045|Sing! Jigglypuff!]]''<br>ふっかつ!? かせきポケモン! ''[[EP046|Resurrection?! Fossil Pokémon!]]''<br>ラッキーのカルテ ''[[EP047|Chansey's Clinical Records]]''<br>ガーディとコジロウ ''[[EP048|Growlithe and James]]''
| うたって!プリン! ''[[EP045|Sing! Jigglypuff!]]''<br>ふっかつ!? かせきポケモン! ''[[EP046|Resurrection?! Fossil Pokémon!]]''<br>ラッキーのカルテ ''[[EP047|Chansey's Clinical Records]]''<br>ガーディとコジロウ ''[[EP048|Growlithe and James]]''
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Gary Oak|Gary]], [[Jessebelle]], [[Dr. Proctor]], [[Hopkins|Butler]]<!--執事-->, [[James's parents]]<!--コジロウの両親-->
| [[File:None.png|120px]]
| {{p|Charmeleon}}, {{p|Charizard}}, {{p|Jigglypuff}}, {{p|Omastar}}, {{p|Omanyte}}, {{p|Aerodactyl}}, {{p|Kabuto}}, {{p|Kabutops}}, {{p|Chansey}}, {{p|Growlithe}}, {{p|Vileplume}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 13.png|120px]]
| 13
| 13
| February 25, 1999
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|4-09-149413-7}}
| [[File:None.png|120px]]
| げきとう! ポケモンひなまつり ''[[EP052|Fierce Fight! Pokémon Girls' Festival]]''<br>こどものひだよ ぜんいんしゅうごう ''[[EP053|It's Children's Day! Everyone Gather!)]]''<br>ルージュラのクリスマス ''[[Holiday Hi-Jynx|Jynx's Christmas]]''<br>イワークでビバーク ''[[Snow Way Out!|Onix as a Bivouac]]''
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), {{OBP|Timmy|EP053}}, [[Reiko (EP053)|Kindergarten teacher]]<!--保母さん-->, [[Fiorella Cappuccino]], [[Santa Claus|Santa]]
| {{p|Lickitung}}, {{p|Jynx}}, {{p|Lapras}}, {{p|Meowth}}, {{p|Onix}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 14.png|120px]]
| 14
| 14
| April 25, 1999
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|4-09-149414-5}}
| [[File:None.png|120px]]
| カモネギのカモ ''[[EP049|Farfetch'd's Sitting Duck]]''<br>トゲピーはだれのもの!? ''[[EP050|Who Gets to Keep Togepi!?]]''<br>フシギダネのふしぎのはなぞの ''[[EP051|Bulbasaur's Mysterious Flower Garden]]''<br>けいさつけんガーディ ''[[EP054|Police Dog Growlithe]]''
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), {{OBP|Keith|EP049}}, {{tc|Hiker}}<!--山男-->, {{an|Professor Oak}}, [[Officer Jenny|Jenny]]
| {{p|Togepi}}, {{p|Farfetch'd}}, {{p|Growlithe}}, {{p|Bulbasaur}}, {{p|Rhyhorn}}, {{p|Venusaur}}, {{p|Ivysaur}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 15.png|120px]]
| 15
| 15
| July 25, 1999
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|4-09-149415-3}}
| シャッターチャンスはピカチュウ ''[[EP055|Photo Op Pikachu]]''<br>ポケモンけんていしけん!? ''[[EP056|Pokémon Certification Test!?]]''<br>そだてやのひみつ! ''[[EP057|The Secret of the Breeding Center!]]''<br>もえろ!グレンジム! ''[[EP058|Burn! Cinnabar Gym!]]''
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Todd Snap]], [[Pokémon League entrance exam instructor|Teacher]]<!--教官-->, [[Gary Oak|Gary]], [[Blaine]], [[Cassidy]] & [[Butch]]
| {{p|Victreebel}}, {{p|Raticate}}, {{p|Rhydon}}, {{p|Ninetales}}, {{p|Magmar}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 16.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 16.png|120px]]
| 16
| 16
| August 25, 1999
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|4-09-149416-1}}
| [[File:None.png|120px]]
| けっせん!グレンジム! ''[[EP059|Decisive Battle! Cinnabar Gym!]]''<br>カメックスのしま ''[[EP060|Blastoise's Island]]''<br>ハナダジム!すいちゅうのたたかい! ''[[EP061|Cerulean Gym! Underwater Battle!]]''<br>ピッピVSプリン ''[[EP062|Clefairy VS Jigglypuff]]''
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Blaine]], {{an|Daisy}}, [[Oswald]], {{an|Violet}}, [[Officer Jenny|Jenny]], {{ka|Lily}}
| {{p|Charizard}}, {{p|Wartortle}}, {{p|Blastoise}}, {{p|Seel}}, {{p|Dewgong}}, {{p|Clefairy}}, {{p|Jigglypuff}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 17.png|120px]]
| 17
| 17
| December 25, 1999
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|4-09-149417-X}}
| トキワジム! さいごのバッジ! ''[[EP063|Viridian Gym! The Last Badge!]]''<br>ポケモンサーカスのバリヤード ''[[EP064|Mr. Mime from the Pokémon Circus]]''<br>ライバルたいけつ! オーキドけんきゅうじょ ''[[EP065|Rival Showdown! Oak Laboratory]]''<br>ヤドンがヤドランになるとき ''[[EP066|When Slowpoke Becomes Slowbro]]''
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Gary Oak|Gary]], {{an|Giovanni}}, [[Delia Ketchum|Delia]], [[Stella]], {{an|Professor Oak}}, [[Professor Westwood V]]
| {{p|Golem}}, {{p|Machamp}}, {{p|Mr. Mime}}, {{p|Doduo}}, {{p|Arcanine}}, {{p|Slowbro}}, {{p|Slowpoke}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 18.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 18.png|120px]]
| 18
| 18
| ライバルたいけつ!オーキドけんきゅうじょ ''[[EP065|Showdown! Oak Laboratory]]'' <br> ヤドンがヤドランになるとき ''[[EP066|When Slowpoke Becomes Slowbro]]'' <br> なみのりピカチュウのでんせつ ''[[EP067|The Legend of the Surfing Pikachu]]'' <br> しょくぶつえんのクサイハナ ''[[EP068|Gloom of the Botanical Garden]]''
| January 25, 2000
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|4-09-149418-8}}
| [[File:None.png|120px]]
| なみのりピカチュウのでんせつ ''[[EP067|The Legend of the Surfing Pikachu]]'' <br> しょくぶつえんのクサイハナ ''[[EP068|Gloom of the Botanical Garden]]''<br>ポケモン・ザ・ムービー! ''[[EP069|Pokémon the Movie!]]''<br>ニャースのあいうえお ''[[EP070|Meowth's ABCs]]''
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Delia Ketchum|Delia]], {{OBP|Victor|EP067}}, [[Potter]], [[Florinda Showers|Florinda]], {{OBP|Katrina|EP069}}, [[Cleavon Schpielbunk]]
| {{p|Gloom}}, {{p|Wigglytuff}}, {{p|Raichu}}, {{p|Meowth}}, {{p|Persian}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 19.png|120px]]
| 19
| 19
| February 25, 2000
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|4-09-149419-6}}
| [[File:None.png|120px]]
| してんのう・シバとうじょう! ''[[EP071|Enter Elite Four Bruno!]]''<br>げきとつ! ちょうこだいポケモン ''[[EP072|Fierce Battle! Ancient Pokémon]]''<br>ガラガラのホネこんぼう ''[[EP073|Marowak's Bone Club]]''<br>ファイヤー! ポケモンリーグかいかいしき! ''[[EP074|Moltres! Pokémon League Opening Ceremony!]]''<br>ポケモンリーグかいまく! 水のフィールド ''[[EP075|Pokémon League Opens! Water Field!]]''
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Bruno]], [[Charles Goodshow|Mr. Goodshow]], [[Eve]], [[Gary Oak|Gary]], [[Otoshi]], [[Mandi]]
| {{p|Sandslash}}, {{p|Moltres}}, {{p|Marowak}}, {{p|Kingler}}, {{p|Exeggcute}}, {{p|Seadra}}, {{p|Golbat}}
| N/A
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 20.png|120px]]
| 20
| 20
| March 25, 2000
| {{ISBN|4-09-149420-X}}
| 氷のフィールド! ほのおのたたかい! ''[[EP076|Ice Field! Blazing Battle!]]''<br>草のフィールド! いがいなきょうてき! ''[[EP077|Grass Field! Unexpected Rival!]]''<br>ライバルとうじょう! ''[[EP078|A Rival Enters!]]''<br>セキエイスタジアム! VSヒロシ! ''[[EP079|Indigo Stadium! VS Ritchie!]]''<br>ポケモンリーグ! さいごのたたかい! ''[[EP080|Pokémon League! Final Battle!]]''
| [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Misty}}, {{an|Brock}}, [[Team Rocket trio|Team Rocket]] ([[Jessie]] & [[James]]), [[Gary Oak|Gary]], [[Ritchie]], [[Pete Pebbleman]], [[Jeanette Fisher]], {{an|Professor Oak}}, [[Delia Ketchum|Delia]]
| {{p|Nidoran♂}}, {{p|Cloyster}}, {{p|Scyther}}, {{p|Beedrill}}, {{p|Bellsprout}}, {{p|Muk}}, {{p|Ivysaur}}
| N/A

==List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic Episode: Orange Islands volumes==
===List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic Episode: Orange Islands volumes===
The volumes featuring {{Ash}}'s adventures in the [[Orange Islands]] are numbered separately from the original series of volumes. However, on the back covers, volumes 5-9 continue an overall numbering based on the original Pocket Monsters Film Comic. For example, Orange Islands volume 6 is overall the 26th volume of Pocket Monsters Film Comic.
The volumes featuring {{Ash}}'s adventures in the [[Orange Archipelago]] are numbered separately from the original series of volumes.
{| class="roundtable" style="margin: auto; text-align: center; background: #{{Colorschemelight|Orange}}; border: 2px solid #{{Colorschemedark|Orange}};"
{| align="center" style="background: #{{orange color light}}; border: 2px solid #{{orange color}}; {{roundy|10px}};"
! Cover artwork
! Overall volume number
! Orange Islands volume number
! Date
! Chapters
! Cover artwork
! Volume number
! Episodes included
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic Orange Islands 1.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic Orange Islands 1.png|120px]]
| 21
| 1
| 1
| May 25, 1999
| {{ISBN|4-09-149521-4}}
| マサラタウン!あらたなるたびだち! ''[[EP081|Pallet Town! Setting off on a New Journey!]]''<br>ひこうせんはふこうせん!? ''[[EP082|Blimp Accident!?]]''<br>なんごくポケモンとGSボール ''[[EP083|Southern Pokémon and the GS Ball]]''<br>ラプラスをたすけろ! ''[[EP084|Save Lapras!]]''
| マサラタウン!あらたなるたびだち! ''[[EP081|Pallet Town! Setting off on a New Journey!]]''<br>ひこうせんはふこうせん!? ''[[EP082|Blimp Accident!?]]''<br>なんごくポケモンとGSボール ''[[EP083|Southern Pokémon and the GS Ball]]''<br>ラプラスをたすけろ! ''[[EP084|Save Lapras!]]''
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| [[File:None.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic OI 2.png|120px]]
| 22
| 2
| 2
| June 25, 1999
| {{ISBN|4-09-149522-2}}
| オレンジリーグ!ナツカンジム! ''[[EP085|Orange League! Mikan Gym!]]'' <br> きえたポケモンたちのナゾ! ''[[EP086|The Mystery of the Missing Pokémon!]]'' <br> クリスタルのイワーク ''[[EP087|The Crystal Onix]]'' <br> ピンクのポケモンじま ''[[EP088|The Island of Pink Pokémon]]''
| オレンジリーグ!ナツカンジム! ''[[EP085|Orange League! Mikan Gym!]]'' <br> きえたポケモンたちのナゾ! ''[[EP086|The Mystery of the Missing Pokémon!]]'' <br> クリスタルのイワーク ''[[EP087|The Crystal Onix]]'' <br> ピンクのポケモンじま ''[[EP088|The Island of Pink Pokémon]]''
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic OI 3.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic OI 3.png|120px]]
| 23
| 3
| 3
| September 25, 1999
| {{ISBN|4-09-149523-0}}
| カブトのかせきのひみつ! ''[[EP089|The Secret of the Kabuto Fossils!]]'' <br> おどる!ポケモンショーボート! ''[[EP090|Dance! Pokémon Showboat!]]'' <br> さよならコダック!またきてゴルダック? ''[[EP091|Goodbye Psyduck! Come Again Golduck?]]'' <br> セイリングジョーイ!あらなみをこえて! ''[[EP092|Sailing Joy! Cross the Raging Waves!]]''
| カブトのかせきのひみつ! ''[[EP089|The Secret of the Kabuto Fossils!]]'' <br> おどる!ポケモンショーボート! ''[[EP090|Dance! Pokémon Showboat!]]'' <br> さよならコダック!またきてゴルダック? ''[[EP091|Goodbye Psyduck! Come Again Golduck?]]'' <br> セイリングジョーイ!あらなみをこえて! ''[[EP092|Sailing Joy! Cross the Raging Waves!]]''
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic OI 4.png|120px]]
| 24
| 4
| November 25, 1999
| {{ISBN|4-09-149524-9}}
| ネーブルジム!ゆきやまのたたかい! ''[[EP093|Navel Gym! Snowy Mountain Battle!]]'' <br> おおぐいカビゴン!だいパニック! ''[[EP094|Gluttonous Snorlax! Huge Panic!]]'' <br> ゆうれいせんとゆうれいポケモン ''[[EP095|Ghost Ship and Ghost Pokémon!]]'' <br> おニャーさまのじま!? ''[[EP096|Lord Meowth's Island!?]]''
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic OI 5.png|120px]]
| 25
| 5
| May 25, 2000
| {{ISBN|4-09-149525-7}}
| ストライク せんしのほこり ''[[EP097|The Scyther Soldier's Pride]]''<br>みなみのしまだよ ぜんいんしゅうごう! ''[[EP098|It's a Southern Island! Everyone Assemble!]]''<br>してんのうカンナ! こおりのたたかい!! ''[[EP099|Elite Four Prima! Ice Battle!!]]''<br>ニドランのこいものがたり ''[[EP100|Nidoran's Love Story]]''
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic OI 6.png|120px]]
| 26
| 6
| June 25, 2000
| {{ISBN|4-09-149526-5}}
| だいへいげんのコイルたち! ''[[EP101|Magnemite on the Prairie!]]''<br>ちかどうのかいぶつ!? ''[[EP102|Monster in the Sewers!?]]''<br>ユズジム! タイプバトル3VS3 ''[[EP103|Trovita Gym! Type Battle 3 VS 3!!]]''<br>ピカチュウVSニャース!? ''[[EP104|Pikachu VS Meowth!?]]''
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic OI 7.png|120px]]
| 27
| 7
| July 25, 2000
| {{ISBN|4-09-149527-3}}
| リザードン! きみにきめた!! ''[[EP105|Charizard! I Choose You!!]]''<br>ひけしたいけつ! ゼニガメVSカメール ''[[EP106|Firefighting Showdown! Squirtle VS Wartortle]]''<br>もえよ! カビゴン!! ''[[EP107|Burn! Snorlax!!]]''<br>タッグバトル! さいごのジム!! ''[[EP108|Tag Battle! The Final Gym!!]]''
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic OI 8.png|120px]]
| 28
| 8
| August 25, 2000
| {{ISBN|4-09-149528-1}}
| コイキング!しんかのひみつ!! ''[[EP109|Magikarp! The Secret of Evolution!!]]'' <br> ニョロモとカスミ ''[[EP110|Poliwag and Misty]]'' <br> ウイナーズカップ!フルバトル6vs6!! ''[[EP111|Winner's Trophy! Full Battle 6 VS 6!!]]'' <br> ファイナルバトル!カイリューとうじょう! ''[[EP112|Final Battle! Enter Dragonite!!]]''
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic OI 9.png|120px]]
| 29
| 9
| September 25, 2000
| {{ISBN|4-09-149529-X}}
| さよならラプラス! ''[[EP113|Goodbye Lapras!]]'' <br> マルマインだいばくは!? ''[[EP114|Big Electrode Explosion!?]]'' <br> かえってきたマサラタウン! ''[[EP115|Back in Pallet Town!]]'' <br> ライバルたいけつ!サトシvsシゲル!! ''[[EP116|Rival Showdown! Ash vs. Gary!!]]''

==List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic Episode: Gold & Silver volumes==
===List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic Episode: Gold & Silver volumes===
{{incomplete|list|Included chapters}}
The volumes featuring {{Ash}}'s adventures in Johto are numbered separately from the original series of volumes. However, on the back covers, they continue an overall numbering based on the previous Pocket Monsters Film Comics. For example, Gold & Silver volume 25 is overall the 54th volume of Pocket Monsters Film Comic.
The volumes featuring {{Ash}}'s adventures in Johto are numbered separately from the original series of volumes. However, on the back covers, they continue an overall numbering based on the previous Pocket Monsters Film Comics. For example, Gold & Silver volume 25 is overall the 54th volume of Pocket Monsters Film Comic.

{| align="center" style="background: #{{gold color light}}; border: 2px solid #{{silver color}}; {{roundy|10px}};"
{| class="roundtable" style="margin: auto; text-align: center; background: #{{Colorschemelight|Johto}}; border: 2px solid #{{Colorschemedark|Johto}};"
! Cover artwork
! Overall volume number
! Gold & Silver<br>volume number
! Date
! Chapters
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 1.png|120px]]
| 30
| 1
| June 25, 2000
| {{ISBN|4091496210}}
| ワカバタウン!はじまりをつげるかぜのふくまち! ''[[EP117|New Bark Town! The Town Where Winds Telling of a New Beginning Blow!]]''<br>ルーキーのチコリータ! ''[[EP118|The Rookie's Chikorita!]]''<br>げきとつ!ヘラクロスVSカイロス!! ''[[EP119|Fierce Battle! Heracross VS Pinsir!!]]''<br>ドンファンのたに! ''[[EP120|The Valley of Donphan!]]''
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 2.png|120px]]
| 31
| 2
| July 25, 2000
| {{ISBN|4091496229}}
| ホーホーとあやしいもり! ''[[EP121|Hoothoot and the Mysterious Forest!]]''<br>キレイハナのバトルダンシング! ''[[EP122|Bellossom's Battle Dancing!]]''<br>イトマル!だいそうさせん!! ''[[EP123|Spinarak! The Great Investigation!!]]''<br>ブルーのかれいなせいかつ!? ''[[EP124|Snubbull's Magnificent Life!?]]''
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 3.png|120px]]
| 32
| 3
| August 25, 2000
| {{ISBN|4091496237}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 4.png|120px]]
| 33
| 4
| September 25, 2000
| {{ISBN|4091496245}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 5.png|120px]]
| 34
| 5
| October 25, 2000
| {{ISBN|4091496253}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 6.png|120px]]
| 35
| 6
| November 25, 2000
| {{ISBN|4091496261}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 7.png|120px]]
| 36
| 7
| December 25, 2000
| {{ISBN|409149627X}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 8.png|120px]]
| 37
| 8
| January 25, 2001
| {{ISBN|4091496288}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 9.png|120px]]
| 38
| 9
| February 25, 2001
| {{ISBN|4091496296}}
! Cover artwork
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 10.png|120px]]
! Volume number
| 39
! Gold & Silver number
| 10
! Episodes included
| March 25, 2001
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|409149630X}}
| [[File:None.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 11.png|120px]]
| 40
| 11
| April 25, 2001
| {{ISBN|4091496512}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 12.png|120px]]
| 41
| 12
| May 25, 2001
| {{ISBN|4091496520}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 13.png|120px]]
| 42
| 13
| June 25, 2001
| {{ISBN|4091496539}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 14.png|120px]]
| 43
| 43
| 14
| 14
| July 25, 2001
| {{ISBN|4091496547}}
| さよならロコン!ポケモンビューティーコンテスト!! ''[[EP169|Goodbye Vulpix! Pokémon Beauty Contest!!]]''<br>ツボツボVSマダツボミ ''[[EP170|Shuckle VS Bellsprout]]''<BR>ブラッキー!やみよのたたかい!! ''[[EP171|Umbreon! Battle During a Dark Night!!]]''<br>レディアン!かぜのたにをこえて!! ''[[EP172|Ledian! Pass Through the Valley of the Wind!!]]''
| さよならロコン!ポケモンビューティーコンテスト!! ''[[EP169|Goodbye Vulpix! Pokémon Beauty Contest!!]]''<br>ツボツボVSマダツボミ ''[[EP170|Shuckle VS Bellsprout]]''<BR>ブラッキー!やみよのたたかい!! ''[[EP171|Umbreon! Battle During a Dark Night!!]]''<br>レディアン!かぜのたにをこえて!! ''[[EP172|Ledian! Pass Through the Valley of the Wind!!]]''
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 15.png|120px]]
| 44
| 15
| August 25, 2001
| {{ISBN|4091496555}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 16.png|120px]]
| 45
| 16
| September 25, 2001
| {{ISBN|4091496563}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 17.png|120px]]
| 46
| 17
| October 25, 2001
| {{ISBN|4091496571}}
| やけたとう!マツバとうじょう!! ''[[EP181|The Burned Tower! Morty Appears!!]]''<br>エンジュジム!ゴーストバトル!! ''[[EP182|Ecruteak Gym! Ghost Battle!!]]''<br>イーブイ5しまい!おちゃかいでバトル!! ''[[EP183|The Five Sisters of Eevee! Battle at the Tea Convention!!]]''<br>ヤミカラス!うばわれたバッジ!! ''[[EP184|Murkrow! The Stolen Badges!!]]''
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 18.png|120px]]
| 47
| 18
| November 25, 2001
| {{ISBN|409149658X}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 19.png|120px]]
| 48
| 19
| December 25, 2001
| {{ISBN|4091496598}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 20.png|120px]]
| 49
| 20
| January 25, 2002
| {{ISBN|4091496601}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 21.png|120px]]
| 50
| 21
| February 25, 2002
| {{ISBN|4091497217}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 22.png|120px]]
| 51
| 22
| March 25, 2002
| {{ISBN|4091497225}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 23.png|120px]]
| 52
| 23
| April 25, 2002
| {{ISBN|4091497233}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 24.png|120px]]
| 53
| 24
| May 25, 2002
| {{ISBN|4091497241}}
| なぞのポケモンX!! ''[[EP220|Mysterious Pokémon X!!]]''<br>とらわれのルギア! ''[[EP221|Captive Lugia]]''<br>ルギアとのやくそく! ''[[EP222|The Promise with Lugia!]]''<br>とべホーホーごう!アサギをめざし!! ''[[EP223|Fly Flight Hoothoot! Head for Olivine!!]]''<br>アサギジム!VSハガネール!! ''[[EP224|Olivine Gym! VS Steelix!!]]''
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 54.png|120px]]
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 54.png|120px]]
| 54  
| 54  
| 25
| 25
| さよならフシギダネ!オーキドていのぼうけん!! ''[[EP225|Farewell Bulbasaur! Adventure at Professor Oak's]]''<br>エーフィとサクラ!エンジュシティふたたび!! ''[[EP226|Espeon and Sakura! Ecruteak City Once Again!!]]''<BR>スイクンとミナキ!ホウオウのでんせつ!! ''[[EP227|Suicune and Eusine! The Legend of Ho-Oh!!]]''<BR>ポケモンライドでつっぱしれ!! ''[[EP228|Run Quickly Along the Pokémon Ride!!]]''<BR>めいたんていジュンサー!きえたタマゴのなぞ!! ''[[EP229|Famous Detective Officer Jenny! The Mystery of the Egg that Disappeared!!]]''<BR>タマゴ、かえる ''[[EP230|Egg, Hatch]]''
| June 25, 2002
|- style="background:#FFFFFF;" align="center" width="400px"
| {{ISBN|409149725X}}
| [[File:None.png|120px]]
| さよならフシギダネ!オーキドていのぼうけん!! ''[[EP225|Farewell Bulbasaur! Adventure at Professor Oak's]]''<br>エーフィとサクラ!エンジュシティふたたび!! ''[[EP226|Espeon and Sakura! Ecruteak City Once Again!!]]''<br>スイクンとミナキ!ホウオウのでんせつ!! ''[[EP227|Suicune and Eusine! The Legend of Ho-Oh!!]]''<br>ポケモンライドでつっぱしれ!! ''[[EP228|Run Quickly Along the Pokémon Ride!!]]''<br>めいたんていジュンサー!きえたタマゴのなぞ!! ''[[EP229|Famous Detective Officer Jenny! The Mystery of the Egg that Disappeared!!]]''<br>タマゴ、かえる ''[[EP230|Egg, Hatch]]''
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 26.png|120px]]
| 55
| 26
| July 25, 2002
| {{ISBN|4091497268}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 27.png|120px]]
| 56
| 27
| August 25, 2002
| {{ISBN|4091497276}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 28.png|120px]]
| 57
| 28
| September 25, 2002
| {{ISBN|4091497284}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 29.png|120px]]
| 58
| 29
| October 25, 2002
| {{ISBN|4091497292}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 30.png|120px]]
| 59
| 30
| November 25, 2002
| {{ISBN|4091497616}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 31.png|120px]]
| 60
| 31
| March 25, 2003
| {{ISBN|4091497306}}
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 32.png|120px]]
| 61
| 61
| 32
| 32
| April 25, 2003
| {{ISBN|4091497624}}
| よせんリーグ!マグマラシほのおのバトル!! ''[[EP267|League Preliminaries! Battle of the Quilava Flame!!]]''<br>メガニウムVSフシギダネ!くさタイプのいじ! ''[[EP268|Meganium VS Bulbasaur! Spirit of the Grass Types!]]''<br>けっしょうリーグ!フルバトル6VS6!! ''[[EP269|League Finals! Full Battle 6 VS 6!!]]''<br>ライバルたいけつ!カメックスVSリザードン!! ''[[EP270|Rival Confrontation! Blastoise VS Charizard]]''
| よせんリーグ!マグマラシほのおのバトル!! ''[[EP267|League Preliminaries! Battle of the Quilava Flame!!]]''<br>メガニウムVSフシギダネ!くさタイプのいじ! ''[[EP268|Meganium VS Bulbasaur! Spirit of the Grass Types!]]''<br>けっしょうリーグ!フルバトル6VS6!! ''[[EP269|League Finals! Full Battle 6 VS 6!!]]''<br>ライバルたいけつ!カメックスVSリザードン!! ''[[EP270|Rival Confrontation! Blastoise VS Charizard]]''
| [[File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic GS 33.png|120px]]
| 62
| 33
| May 25, 2003
| {{ISBN|4091497632}}
===List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic The Movie volumes===
These volumes are based on Pokémon movies. While they are still part of the Pocket Monsters Film Comic imprint, they are not numbered within the series.
Several of these volumes were published in English.
{| class="roundtable" style="margin: auto; text-align: center; background: #{{Colorschemelight|Kanto}}; border: 2px solid #{{Colorschemedark|Kanto}};"
! Cover artwork
! Title
! Date
! Contents
| [[File:M1 Ani-Manga JP.png|120px]]
| [[Pokémon the First Movie (graphic novel)|Mewtwo Strikes Back!]]
| October 1998
| {{ISBN|4091494218}}
| ''[[M01|Mewtwo Strikes Back!]]''<br />''[[PK01|Pikachu's Vacation]]''
| [[File:M02 film comic cover Japan.png|120px]]
| [[Pokémon the Movie 2000 (graphic novel)|Revelation-Lugia]]
| August 1999
| {{ISBN|4092800401}}
| ルギア爆誕 ''[[M02|The Power of One]]''<br />ピカチュウたんけんたい ''[[PK04|Pikachu's Rescue Adventure]]''
| [[File:Movie 3 Ani-Manga.png|120px]]
| [[Emperor of the Crystal Tower (graphic novel)|Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei]]
| September 2000
| {{ISBN|4091015565}}
| 結晶塔の帝王 ENTEI ''[[M03|Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei]]''<br />ピチューとピカチュウ ''[[PK07|Pichu and Pikachu]]''
| [[File:Movie 4 Ani-Manga.png|120px]]
| [[Celebi: a Timeless Encounter (graphic novel)|Celebi: a Timeless Encounter]]
| August 2001
| {{ISBN|4091015573}}
| セレビィ時を超えた遭遇 ''[[M04|Celebi: a Timeless Encounter]]''<br />ピカチュウのドキドキかくれんぼ ''[[PK10|Pikachu's Exciting Hide-and-seek]]''
| [[File:Movie 5 Ani-Manga.png|120px]]
| [[Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and Latios (graphic novel)|Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and Latios]]
| August 2002
| {{ISBN|4091015662}}
| 水の都の護神ラティアスとラティオス ''[[M05|Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and Latios]]''<br />ピカピカ星空キャンプ ''[[PK11|Pikapika Starry Sky Camp]]''
| [[File:Movie 10 Ani-Manga.png|120px]]
| [[Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai (graphic novel)|Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai]]
| September 2007
| {{ISBN|4091403999}}
| ディアルガVSパルキアVSダークライ ''[[M10|Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai]]''
| [[File:GiratinaAniManga.png|120px]]
| [[Giratina and the Sky Warrior (graphic novel)|Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin]]
| September 2008
| {{ISBN|9784091407184}}
| ギラティナと氷空の花束 シェイミ ''[[M11|Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin]]''
| [[File:Movie 12 Ani Manga JP cover.png|120px]]
| [[Arceus and the Jewel of Life (graphic novel)|Arceus: To a Conquering Spacetime]]
| September 29, 2009
| {{ISBN|4091408664}}
| アルセウス 超克の時空へ ''[[M12|Arceus: To a Conquering Spacetime]]''
===List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic Pikachu's Short Stories volumes===
This volume is based on several [[Pikachu short]]s. While it is still part of the Pocket Monsters Film Comic imprint, it is not numbered within the series. The first five stories were also included in the corresponding movie books, while the last story is exclusive to this book.
{| class="roundtable" style="margin: auto; text-align: center; background: #{{Colorschemelight|Kanto}}; border: 2px solid #{{Colorschemedark|Kanto}};"
! Cover artwork
! Title
! Date
! Contents
| [[File:Pikachu Short Stories JP.png|120px]]
| [[Pikachu's Short Stories]]
| July 28, 2006
| {{ISBN|4091402194}}
| ピカチュウのなつやすみ ''[[PK01|Pikachu's Summer Vacation]]''<br />ピカチュウたんけんたい ''[[PK04|Pikachu's Rescue Adventure]]''<br />ピチューとピカチュウ ''[[PK07|Pichu and Pikachu]]''<br />ピカチュウのドキドキかくれんぼ ''[[PK10|Pikachu's Exciting Hide-and-seek]]''<br />ピカピカ星空キャンプ ''[[PK11|Pikapika Starry Sky Camp]]''<br />おどるポケモンひみつ基地 ''[[PK12|Secret Base of the Dancing Pokémon]]''

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* Although a chapter for [[EP038]] was skipped, the missing episode is acknowledged by the numbering of the other chapters (the numbered chapters skip from [[EP037|37]] to [[EP039|39]]). EP038 was given the same treatment in [[TV Anime Pocket Monsters Big Bite Book]].
* Although a chapter for [[EP038]] was skipped, the missing episode is acknowledged by the numbering of the other chapters (the numbered chapters skip from [[EP037|37]] to [[EP039|39]]). EP038 was given the same treatment in [[TV Anime Pocket Monsters Big Bite Book]].

==In other languages==
The series was translated to Cantonese in {{pmin|Greater China|Hong Kong}} by Viz Communications China (H.K.) Ltd.
<references group="note"/>
The series was also translated and released in {{pmin|South Korea}}, titled {{tt|애니코믹스 포켓몬스터|Ani-comics Pokémon}}, published by 대원씨아이 ''{{wp|Daewon C.I.}}''. All volumes of the original and Orange Islands series, and at least the first 23 volumes of the Gold & Silver volumes were released.
File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic 6 Cantonese.png|Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 6 in Cantonese
File:Pocket Monsters Film Comic KO volume 20.png|Pocket Monsters Film Comic volume 20 in Korean

{{Project Merchandise notice|book}}
{{Project Merchandise notice|book}}

[[Category:Book series]]
[[it:Pocket Monsters Film Comic]]

Revision as of 16:29, 13 October 2023

Pocket Monsters Film Comic (Japanese: ポケットモンスター アニメ版 Pocket Monster Animation Version) is a series of manga based on the Pokémon anime. Each volume of Pocket Monsters Film Comic adapts several episodes of the anime or an entire movie into comic form.

The volumes also include extra content such as Pokédex entries, character biographies, and rarely maps. Each volume includes a two-page preview for the next volume.


In Japan, the manga was published in volumes by Tentoumushi Comics, a Shogakukan imprint.

In English, the first subseries of this manga was serialized in English in the six-issue Pokémon Power magazine. The six chapters serialized in the magazine were collected in the English volume Pokémon TV Animation Comic - I Choose You!, published by VIZ Media. The Episode: Gold and Silver subseries was serialized in Nintendo Power starting in the November 2000 issue, although unlike the first subseries these translations were not published in volumes.

In Brazil, the series was translated into Brazilian Portuguese and published in the Pokémon Club magazine.

In Hong Kong, the series was published in Cantonese by Viz Communications China (H.K.) Ltd.

In South Korea, the series was published in Korean under the title 애니코믹스 포켓몬스터 by 대원씨아이 Daewon C.I.. All volumes of the original and Orange Islands series, and at least the first 23 volumes of Episode: Gold & Silver, were released.

List of volumes

List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic volumes

Cover artwork Volume number Date ISBN Chapters Character introduction Anime Pokédex Other content
1 July 25, 1997 ISBN 4-09-149321-1 ポケモン君に決めた! Pokémon! I Choose You!
たいけつ!ポケモンセンター Showdown! Pokémon Center!
ポケモンゲットだぜ! I Caught a Pokémon!
Ash, Misty, Professor Oak, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Ash's mom, Gary, Joy, Jenny Pikachu, Caterpie, Pidgey, Gengar, Nidorino, Onix, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Gyarados, Ho-Oh, Koffing, Chansey, Meowth, Ekans, Goldeen, Metapod, Pidgeotto, Mankey, Sandshrew, Rattata N/A
2 October 25, 1997 ISBN 4-09-149322-X サムライしょうねんのちょうせん Challenge of the Samurai Boy!
ニビジムのたたかい! Pewter Gym Battle!
ピッピとつきのいし Clefairy and the Moon Stone
ハナダシティのすいちゅうか The Suichūka of Cerulean City
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Samurai, Flint, Seymour, Jenny, Sensational Sisters Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Pinsir, Onix, Geodude, Zubat, Clefairy, Clefable, Paras, Seel, Staryu, Starmie N/A
3 November 25, 1997 ISBN 4-09-149323-8 ポケモンリーグへのみち The Road to the Pokémon League
ポケモンひっしょうマニュアル Pokémon Victory Manual
かくれざとのフシギダネ Bulbasaur of the Hidden Village
はぐれポケモン・ヒトカゲ Stray Pokémon - Charmander
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), A.J., Giselle, Joe, Melanie, Damian Charmander, Bulbasaur, Oddish, Sandshrew, Weepinbell, Graveler, Cubone Ash and friends' journey map[note 1]
4 December 25, 1997 ISBN 4-09-149324-6 ゼニガメぐんだんとうじょう! Enter the Squirtle Squad!
マサキのとうだい Bill's Lighthouse
でんげきたいけつ!クチバジム Electric Shock Showdown! Vermilion Gym
サントアンヌごうのたたかい! Battle on the St. Anne!
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Samurai, Bill, Lt. Surge, Gentleman, Giovanni, Team Rocket Grunts Squirtle, Krabby, Raticate, Raichu, Persian, Magikarp N/A
5 February 25, 1998 ISBN 4-09-149325-4 ポケモンひょうりゅうき Pokémon Adrift
きょうだいポケモンのしま Island of the Giant Pokémon!?
アオプルコのきゅうじつ Holiday at Acapulco
メノクラゲドククラゲ Tentacool Tentacruel
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Giovanni, Gary, Brutella, Moe, Nastina, Professor Oak Gyarados, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Horsea, Tentacool, Tentacruel N/A
6 April 25, 1998 ISBN 4-09-149326-2 ゆうれいポケモンとなつまつり The Ghost Pokémon and the Summer Festival
バイバイバタフリー Bye Bye Butterfree
ケーシィ!ちょうのうりょくたいけつ! Abra! Psychic Showdown!
ポケモンタワーでゲットだぜ! Capture at the Pokémon Tower!
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Old woman, Mysterious beautiful woman, Sabrina, Mysterious man Abra, Kadabra, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar N/A
7 May 25, 1998 ISBN 4-09-149327-0 ゴーストVSエスパー! Haunter VS Psychic-type!
おこらないでねオコリザル! Don't Get Angry, Primeape!
エリカとクサイハナ Erika and Gloom
スリーパーとポケモンがえり!? Hypno and Pokémon Hypnotism!?
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Mysterious man, Sabrina, Erika, Group of teenage girls, Professor Oak, Gentleman Primeape, Mankey, Gloom, Tangela, Psyduck, Drowzee, Hypno N/A
8 June 25, 1998 ISBN 4-09-149328-9 ロコン!ブリーダーたいけつ! Vulpix! Breeder Showdown!
かくとうポケモン!だいバトル! Fighting Pokémon! The Great Battle!
コイルはでんきネズミのユメをみるか!? Do Magnemite Dream of Electric Mice!?
ディグダがいっぱい! Lots of Diglett!
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Suzie, Anthony, Rebecca, Staff member, Foreman, Gary Vulpix, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Machop, Machoke, Magnemite, Magneton, Muk, Diglett, Dugtrio N/A
9 July 25, 1998 ISBN 4-09-149329-7 セキチクにんじゃたいけつ! Fuchsia Ninja Showdown!
ほのおのポケモンだいレース! The Great Fire Pokémon Race!
ガルーラのこもりうた Kangaskhan's Lullaby
ミニリュウのでんせつ The Legend of Dratini
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Koga & Aya, Lara, Dario, Tommy, Papa & Mama, Jenny, Kaiser Venonat, Venomoth, Voltorb, Golbat, Tauros, Growlithe, Ponyta, Rapidash, Kangaskhan, Dratini, Dragonair N/A
10 August 25, 1998 ISBN 4-09-149330-0 あらしのサイクリングロード Stormy Cycling Road
メタモンとものまねむすめ Ditto and the Copycat Girl
ピカチュウのもり Forest of Pikachu
イーブイ4きょうだい The Four Eevee Brothers
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Chopper & Aya, Duplica, Mikey, Rainer, Sparky, Pyro Cloyster, Shellder, Golem, Ditto, Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon N/A
11 November 25, 1998 ISBN 4-09-149411-0 おきろ!カビゴン! Wake Up! Snorlax!
たいけつ!ポケモンジム! Showdown! Pokémon Gym!
ナッシーぐんだんだいこうしん! The Great Exeggutor Squad March!
パラスとパラセクト Paras and Parasect
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket, Hippie, Yas, Kaz, Inspector, Melvin, Cassandra Snorlax, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Electabuzz, Scyther, Paras, Parasect N/A
12 January 25, 1999 ISBN 4-09-149412-9 うたって!プリン! Sing! Jigglypuff!
ふっかつ!? かせきポケモン! Resurrection?! Fossil Pokémon!
ラッキーのカルテ Chansey's Clinical Records
ガーディとコジロウ Growlithe and James
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Gary, Jessebelle, Dr. Proctor, Butler, James's parents Charmeleon, Charizard, Jigglypuff, Omastar, Omanyte, Aerodactyl, Kabuto, Kabutops, Chansey, Growlithe, Vileplume N/A
13 February 25, 1999 ISBN 4-09-149413-7 げきとう! ポケモンひなまつり Fierce Fight! Pokémon Girls' Festival
こどものひだよ ぜんいんしゅうごう It's Children's Day! Everyone Gather!)
ルージュラのクリスマス Jynx's Christmas
イワークでビバーク Onix as a Bivouac
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Timmy, Kindergarten teacher, Fiorella Cappuccino, Santa Lickitung, Jynx, Lapras, Meowth, Onix N/A
14 April 25, 1999 ISBN 4-09-149414-5 カモネギのカモ Farfetch'd's Sitting Duck
トゲピーはだれのもの!? Who Gets to Keep Togepi!?
フシギダネのふしぎのはなぞの Bulbasaur's Mysterious Flower Garden
けいさつけんガーディ Police Dog Growlithe
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Keith, Hiker, Professor Oak, Jenny Togepi, Farfetch'd, Growlithe, Bulbasaur, Rhyhorn, Venusaur, Ivysaur N/A
15 July 25, 1999 ISBN 4-09-149415-3 シャッターチャンスはピカチュウ Photo Op Pikachu
ポケモンけんていしけん!? Pokémon Certification Test!?
そだてやのひみつ! The Secret of the Breeding Center!
もえろ!グレンジム! Burn! Cinnabar Gym!
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Todd Snap, Teacher, Gary, Blaine, Cassidy & Butch Victreebel, Raticate, Rhydon, Ninetales, Magmar N/A
16 August 25, 1999 ISBN 4-09-149416-1 けっせん!グレンジム! Decisive Battle! Cinnabar Gym!
カメックスのしま Blastoise's Island
ハナダジム!すいちゅうのたたかい! Cerulean Gym! Underwater Battle!
ピッピVSプリン Clefairy VS Jigglypuff
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Blaine, Daisy, Oswald, Violet, Jenny, Lily Charizard, Wartortle, Blastoise, Seel, Dewgong, Clefairy, Jigglypuff N/A
17 December 25, 1999 ISBN 4-09-149417-X トキワジム! さいごのバッジ! Viridian Gym! The Last Badge!
ポケモンサーカスのバリヤード Mr. Mime from the Pokémon Circus
ライバルたいけつ! オーキドけんきゅうじょ Rival Showdown! Oak Laboratory
ヤドンがヤドランになるとき When Slowpoke Becomes Slowbro
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Gary, Giovanni, Delia, Stella, Professor Oak, Professor Westwood V Golem, Machamp, Mr. Mime, Doduo, Arcanine, Slowbro, Slowpoke N/A
18 January 25, 2000 ISBN 4-09-149418-8 なみのりピカチュウのでんせつ The Legend of the Surfing Pikachu
しょくぶつえんのクサイハナ Gloom of the Botanical Garden
ポケモン・ザ・ムービー! Pokémon the Movie!
ニャースのあいうえお Meowth's ABCs
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Delia, Victor, Potter, Florinda, Katrina, Cleavon Schpielbunk Gloom, Wigglytuff, Raichu, Meowth, Persian N/A
19 February 25, 2000 ISBN 4-09-149419-6 してんのう・シバとうじょう! Enter Elite Four Bruno!
げきとつ! ちょうこだいポケモン Fierce Battle! Ancient Pokémon
ガラガラのホネこんぼう Marowak's Bone Club
ファイヤー! ポケモンリーグかいかいしき! Moltres! Pokémon League Opening Ceremony!
ポケモンリーグかいまく! 水のフィールド Pokémon League Opens! Water Field!
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Bruno, Mr. Goodshow, Eve, Gary, Otoshi, Mandi Sandslash, Moltres, Marowak, Kingler, Exeggcute, Seadra, Golbat N/A
20 March 25, 2000 ISBN 4-09-149420-X 氷のフィールド! ほのおのたたかい! Ice Field! Blazing Battle!
草のフィールド! いがいなきょうてき! Grass Field! Unexpected Rival!
ライバルとうじょう! A Rival Enters!
セキエイスタジアム! VSヒロシ! Indigo Stadium! VS Ritchie!
ポケモンリーグ! さいごのたたかい! Pokémon League! Final Battle!
Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket (Jessie & James), Gary, Ritchie, Pete Pebbleman, Jeanette Fisher, Professor Oak, Delia Nidoran♂, Cloyster, Scyther, Beedrill, Bellsprout, Muk, Ivysaur N/A

List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic Episode: Orange Islands volumes

The volumes featuring Ash's adventures in the Orange Islands are numbered separately from the original series of volumes. However, on the back covers, volumes 5-9 continue an overall numbering based on the original Pocket Monsters Film Comic. For example, Orange Islands volume 6 is overall the 26th volume of Pocket Monsters Film Comic.

Cover artwork Overall volume number Orange Islands volume number Date ISBN Chapters
21 1 May 25, 1999 ISBN 4-09-149521-4 マサラタウン!あらたなるたびだち! Pallet Town! Setting off on a New Journey!
ひこうせんはふこうせん!? Blimp Accident!?
なんごくポケモンとGSボール Southern Pokémon and the GS Ball
ラプラスをたすけろ! Save Lapras!
22 2 June 25, 1999 ISBN 4-09-149522-2 オレンジリーグ!ナツカンジム! Orange League! Mikan Gym!
きえたポケモンたちのナゾ! The Mystery of the Missing Pokémon!
クリスタルのイワーク The Crystal Onix
ピンクのポケモンじま The Island of Pink Pokémon
23 3 September 25, 1999 ISBN 4-09-149523-0 カブトのかせきのひみつ! The Secret of the Kabuto Fossils!
おどる!ポケモンショーボート! Dance! Pokémon Showboat!
さよならコダック!またきてゴルダック? Goodbye Psyduck! Come Again Golduck?
セイリングジョーイ!あらなみをこえて! Sailing Joy! Cross the Raging Waves!
24 4 November 25, 1999 ISBN 4-09-149524-9 ネーブルジム!ゆきやまのたたかい! Navel Gym! Snowy Mountain Battle!
おおぐいカビゴン!だいパニック! Gluttonous Snorlax! Huge Panic!
ゆうれいせんとゆうれいポケモン Ghost Ship and Ghost Pokémon!
おニャーさまのじま!? Lord Meowth's Island!?
25 5 May 25, 2000 ISBN 4-09-149525-7 ストライク せんしのほこり The Scyther Soldier's Pride
みなみのしまだよ ぜんいんしゅうごう! It's a Southern Island! Everyone Assemble!
してんのうカンナ! こおりのたたかい!! Elite Four Prima! Ice Battle!!
ニドランのこいものがたり Nidoran's Love Story
26 6 June 25, 2000 ISBN 4-09-149526-5 だいへいげんのコイルたち! Magnemite on the Prairie!
ちかどうのかいぶつ!? Monster in the Sewers!?
ユズジム! タイプバトル3VS3 Trovita Gym! Type Battle 3 VS 3!!
ピカチュウVSニャース!? Pikachu VS Meowth!?
27 7 July 25, 2000 ISBN 4-09-149527-3 リザードン! きみにきめた!! Charizard! I Choose You!!
ひけしたいけつ! ゼニガメVSカメール Firefighting Showdown! Squirtle VS Wartortle
もえよ! カビゴン!! Burn! Snorlax!!
タッグバトル! さいごのジム!! Tag Battle! The Final Gym!!
28 8 August 25, 2000 ISBN 4-09-149528-1 コイキング!しんかのひみつ!! Magikarp! The Secret of Evolution!!
ニョロモとカスミ Poliwag and Misty
ウイナーズカップ!フルバトル6vs6!! Winner's Trophy! Full Battle 6 VS 6!!
ファイナルバトル!カイリューとうじょう! Final Battle! Enter Dragonite!!
29 9 September 25, 2000 ISBN 4-09-149529-X さよならラプラス! Goodbye Lapras!
マルマインだいばくは!? Big Electrode Explosion!?
かえってきたマサラタウン! Back in Pallet Town!
ライバルたいけつ!サトシvsシゲル!! Rival Showdown! Ash vs. Gary!!

List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic Episode: Gold & Silver volumes

This list is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this list to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Included chapters

The volumes featuring Ash's adventures in Johto are numbered separately from the original series of volumes. However, on the back covers, they continue an overall numbering based on the previous Pocket Monsters Film Comics. For example, Gold & Silver volume 25 is overall the 54th volume of Pocket Monsters Film Comic.

Cover artwork Overall volume number Gold & Silver
volume number
Date ISBN Chapters
30 1 June 25, 2000 ISBN 4091496210 ワカバタウン!はじまりをつげるかぜのふくまち! New Bark Town! The Town Where Winds Telling of a New Beginning Blow!
ルーキーのチコリータ! The Rookie's Chikorita!
げきとつ!ヘラクロスVSカイロス!! Fierce Battle! Heracross VS Pinsir!!
ドンファンのたに! The Valley of Donphan!
31 2 July 25, 2000 ISBN 4091496229 ホーホーとあやしいもり! Hoothoot and the Mysterious Forest!
キレイハナのバトルダンシング! Bellossom's Battle Dancing!
イトマル!だいそうさせん!! Spinarak! The Great Investigation!!
ブルーのかれいなせいかつ!? Snubbull's Magnificent Life!?
32 3 August 25, 2000 ISBN 4091496237
33 4 September 25, 2000 ISBN 4091496245
34 5 October 25, 2000 ISBN 4091496253
35 6 November 25, 2000 ISBN 4091496261
36 7 December 25, 2000 ISBN 409149627X
37 8 January 25, 2001 ISBN 4091496288
38 9 February 25, 2001 ISBN 4091496296
39 10 March 25, 2001 ISBN 409149630X
40 11 April 25, 2001 ISBN 4091496512
41 12 May 25, 2001 ISBN 4091496520
42 13 June 25, 2001 ISBN 4091496539
43 14 July 25, 2001 ISBN 4091496547 さよならロコン!ポケモンビューティーコンテスト!! Goodbye Vulpix! Pokémon Beauty Contest!!
ツボツボVSマダツボミ Shuckle VS Bellsprout
ブラッキー!やみよのたたかい!! Umbreon! Battle During a Dark Night!!
レディアン!かぜのたにをこえて!! Ledian! Pass Through the Valley of the Wind!!
44 15 August 25, 2001 ISBN 4091496555
45 16 September 25, 2001 ISBN 4091496563
46 17 October 25, 2001 ISBN 4091496571 やけたとう!マツバとうじょう!! The Burned Tower! Morty Appears!!
エンジュジム!ゴーストバトル!! Ecruteak Gym! Ghost Battle!!
イーブイ5しまい!おちゃかいでバトル!! The Five Sisters of Eevee! Battle at the Tea Convention!!
ヤミカラス!うばわれたバッジ!! Murkrow! The Stolen Badges!!
47 18 November 25, 2001 ISBN 409149658X
48 19 December 25, 2001 ISBN 4091496598
49 20 January 25, 2002 ISBN 4091496601
50 21 February 25, 2002 ISBN 4091497217
51 22 March 25, 2002 ISBN 4091497225
52 23 April 25, 2002 ISBN 4091497233
53 24 May 25, 2002 ISBN 4091497241 なぞのポケモンX!! Mysterious Pokémon X!!
とらわれのルギア! Captive Lugia
ルギアとのやくそく! The Promise with Lugia!
とべホーホーごう!アサギをめざし!! Fly Flight Hoothoot! Head for Olivine!!
アサギジム!VSハガネール!! Olivine Gym! VS Steelix!!
54 25 June 25, 2002 ISBN 409149725X さよならフシギダネ!オーキドていのぼうけん!! Farewell Bulbasaur! Adventure at Professor Oak's
エーフィとサクラ!エンジュシティふたたび!! Espeon and Sakura! Ecruteak City Once Again!!
スイクンとミナキ!ホウオウのでんせつ!! Suicune and Eusine! The Legend of Ho-Oh!!
ポケモンライドでつっぱしれ!! Run Quickly Along the Pokémon Ride!!
めいたんていジュンサー!きえたタマゴのなぞ!! Famous Detective Officer Jenny! The Mystery of the Egg that Disappeared!!
タマゴ、かえる Egg, Hatch
55 26 July 25, 2002 ISBN 4091497268
56 27 August 25, 2002 ISBN 4091497276
57 28 September 25, 2002 ISBN 4091497284
58 29 October 25, 2002 ISBN 4091497292
59 30 November 25, 2002 ISBN 4091497616
60 31 March 25, 2003 ISBN 4091497306
61 32 April 25, 2003 ISBN 4091497624 よせんリーグ!マグマラシほのおのバトル!! League Preliminaries! Battle of the Quilava Flame!!
メガニウムVSフシギダネ!くさタイプのいじ! Meganium VS Bulbasaur! Spirit of the Grass Types!
けっしょうリーグ!フルバトル6VS6!! League Finals! Full Battle 6 VS 6!!
ライバルたいけつ!カメックスVSリザードン!! Rival Confrontation! Blastoise VS Charizard
62 33 May 25, 2003 ISBN 4091497632

List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic The Movie volumes

These volumes are based on Pokémon movies. While they are still part of the Pocket Monsters Film Comic imprint, they are not numbered within the series.

Several of these volumes were published in English.

Cover artwork Title Date ISBN Contents
Mewtwo Strikes Back! October 1998 ISBN 4091494218 Mewtwo Strikes Back!
Pikachu's Vacation
Revelation-Lugia August 1999 ISBN 4092800401 ルギア爆誕 The Power of One
ピカチュウたんけんたい Pikachu's Rescue Adventure
Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei September 2000 ISBN 4091015565 結晶塔の帝王 ENTEI Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei
ピチューとピカチュウ Pichu and Pikachu
Celebi: a Timeless Encounter August 2001 ISBN 4091015573 セレビィ時を超えた遭遇 Celebi: a Timeless Encounter
ピカチュウのドキドキかくれんぼ Pikachu's Exciting Hide-and-seek
Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and Latios August 2002 ISBN 4091015662 水の都の護神ラティアスとラティオス Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and Latios
ピカピカ星空キャンプ Pikapika Starry Sky Camp
Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai September 2007 ISBN 4091403999 ディアルガVSパルキアVSダークライ Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai
Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin September 2008 ISBN 9784091407184 ギラティナと氷空の花束 シェイミ Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin
Arceus: To a Conquering Spacetime September 29, 2009 ISBN 4091408664 アルセウス 超克の時空へ Arceus: To a Conquering Spacetime

List of Pocket Monsters Film Comic Pikachu's Short Stories volumes

This volume is based on several Pikachu shorts. While it is still part of the Pocket Monsters Film Comic imprint, it is not numbered within the series. The first five stories were also included in the corresponding movie books, while the last story is exclusive to this book.

Cover artwork Title Date ISBN Contents
Pikachu's Short Stories July 28, 2006 ISBN 4091402194 ピカチュウのなつやすみ Pikachu's Summer Vacation
ピカチュウたんけんたい Pikachu's Rescue Adventure
ピチューとピカチュウ Pichu and Pikachu
ピカチュウのドキドキかくれんぼ Pikachu's Exciting Hide-and-seek
ピカピカ星空キャンプ Pikapika Starry Sky Camp
おどるポケモンひみつ基地 Secret Base of the Dancing Pokémon


  • Although a chapter for EP038 was skipped, the missing episode is acknowledged by the numbering of the other chapters (the numbered chapters skip from 37 to 39). EP038 was given the same treatment in TV Anime Pocket Monsters Big Bite Book.


  1. A map of the Kanto region, showing the location of the first 11 episodes
Pokémon Ani-Manga books
Pokémon TV Animation Comic - I Choose You!Pokémon the First MoviePokémon the Movie 2000
Giratina and the Sky WarriorAll That Pikachu!Pikachu's Short Stories
Japan only: Pocket Monsters Film ComicEmperor of the Crystal TowerCelebi: a Timeless Encounter
Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and LatiosArceus and the Jewel of Life

People, companies, and series related to Pokémon books
Authors and illustrators: Akihito TodaBill MichaelsGregg SaconHiroshi TakaseHoward DewinJason R. Rich
Jennifer L. JohnsonKatherine FangKatherine NollKazunori AiharaMaria S. BarboMichael Mikaelian
Michael TeitelbaumS. E. HellerSheila SweenySimcha WhitehillTracey West
Publishers: Chuang Yi (Singapore) • Golden Books (USA) • Panini Comics (Italy) • Pikachu Press (USA)
Scholastic (USA) • Shogakukan (Japan) • Shogakukan Asia (Singapore) • VIZ Media (USA)
Series: Element PokédexLet's Find Pokémon!Pathways to AdventurePocket Monsters Film ComicPocket Monsters Series
Pokémon Adventure SeriesPokémon Chapter BooksPokémon JuniorPokémon Keychain Books
Pokémon Pack PalsPokémon ReaderPokémon TalesThe Official Pokémon FictionThe Official Pokémon Early Reader

This book article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise.