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| {{main|List of Battle Tree Trainers}} | | {{main|List of Battle Tree Trainers}} |
| |
| This is the list of {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} that can be used by each {{tc|Hiker}} in the [[Battle Tree]]. | | This is the list of {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} that can be used by each {{tc|Hiker}} in the [[Battle Tree]] and [[Battle Agency]]. |
| |
| | __TOC__ |
| ===Cleavant=== | | ===Cleavant=== |
| {{Party/Single | | {{anchor|Cleavant}} |
| |color={{locationcolor/med|mountain}}
| | {{lop/facility/head|{{alola color light}}|{{alola color dark}}|{{alola color}}}} |
| |bordercolor={{locationcolor/dark|mountain}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|689|Barbaracle|Bright Powder|Stone Edge|Rock|Razor Shell|Water|Shell Smash|Normal|Double Team|Normal|Adamant||252||||252}} |
| |headcolor={{locationcolor/light|mountain}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|697|Tyrantrum|Lax Incense|Stealth Rock|Rock|Dragon Tail|Dragon|Double Team|Normal|Earthquake|Ground|Relaxed|||252||252|}} |
| |sprite=VSHiker SM.png | | {{lop/facility|game=6|699|Aurorus|Sitrus Berry|Substitute|Normal|Thunder Wave|Electric|Round|Normal|Thunderbolt|Electric|Calm|252||||252|}} |
| |size=150px | | {{lop/facility|game=6|780|Drampa|Shell Bell|Thunderbolt|Electric|Flamethrower|Fire|Surf|Water|Dragon Pulse|Dragon|Lax|252||252|||}} |
| |prize=1 to 2 {{color2|000|Battle Point|BP}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|466|Electivire|Bright Powder|Thunder Wave|Electric|Focus Punch|Fighting|Rock Slide|Rock|Fire Punch|Fire|Naive||252||||252}} |
| |class=Backpacker | | {{lop/facility|game=6|467|Magmortar|Quick Claw|Will-O-Wisp|Fire|Confuse Ray|Ghost|Thunder Punch|Electric|Fire Punch|Fire|Lonely|252|252||||}} |
| |classlink=Backpacker | | {{lop/facility|game=6|463|Lickilicky|Expert Belt|Blizzard|Ice|Muddy Water|Water|Fire Blast|Fire|Thunder|Electric|Modest|252|||252||}} |
| |name=Cleavant | | {{lop/facility|game=6|308|Medicham|Fightinium Z|Fake Out|Normal|High Jump Kick|Fighting|Bulk Up|Fighting|Feint|Normal|Impish|252|||||252}} |
| |game=SM | | {{lop/facility|game=6|227|Skarmory|Lax Incense|Spikes|Ground|Stealth Rock|Rock|Sky Drop|Flying|Whirlwind|Normal|Naive|252|||||252}} |
| |location=Battle Tree | | {{lop/facility|game=6|539|Sawk|Black Belt|Low Sweep|Fighting|Quick Guard|Fighting|Retaliate|Normal|Taunt|Dark|Naughty||252||||252}} |
| |locationname=Battle Tree | | {{lop/facility|game=6|538|Throh|Payapa Berry|Protect|Normal|Toxic|Poison|Circle Throw|Fighting|Wide Guard|Rock|Impish||252|252|||}} |
| |pokemon=4}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|549|Lilligant|Persim Berry|Charm|Fairy|Sleep Powder|Grass|Petal Dance|Grass|Healing Wish|Psychic|Timid||||252||252}} |
| |-
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|115|Kangaskhan|Normalium Z|Dizzy Punch|Normal|Fake Out|Normal|Chip Away|Normal|Roar|Normal|Adamant||252||||252}} |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|128|Tauros|Liechi Berry|Earthquake|Ground|Rock Slide|Rock|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Substitute|Normal|Naughty||252||||252}} |
| |ndex=031 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|442|Spiritomb|Sitrus Berry|Sucker Punch|Dark|Pain Split|Normal|Toxic|Poison|Grudge|Ghost|Calm|252||||252|}} |
| |pokemon=Nidoqueen | | {{lop/facility|game=6|518|Musharna|Zoom Lens|Hypnosis|Psychic|Dream Eater|Psychic|Calm Mind|Psychic|Helping Hand|Normal|Modest|||170|170|170|}} |
| |gender=female | | {{lop/facility|game=6|031|Nidoqueen|Payapa Berry|Chip Away|Normal|Swagger|Normal|Helping Hand|Normal|Flatter|Dark|Relaxed|170||170||170|}} |
| |type1=Poison|type2=Ground | | {{lop/facility|game=6|034|Nidoking|King's Rock|Bulldoze|Ground|Megahorn|Bug|Rock Slide|Rock|Sucker Punch|Dark|Naughty|252|252||||}} |
| |ability=Poison Point | | {{lop/facility|game=6|346|Cradily|Tanga Berry|Round|Normal|Gastro Acid|Poison|Stockpile|Normal|Swallow|Normal|Bold|||252||252||note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |ability2=Rivalry | | {{lop/facility|game=6|348|Armaldo|Chesto Berry|X-Scissor|Bug|Rock Blast|Rock|Rest|Psychic|Curse|Ghost|Brave|252||||252|}} |
| |ability3=Sheer Force | | {{lop/facility|game=6|409|Rampardos|Passho Berry|Rock Slide|Rock|Crunch|Dark|Curse|Ghost|Protect|Normal|Brave||170|170||170|}} |
| |level=50 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|411|Bastiodon|Enigma Berry|Iron Head|Steel|Taunt|Dark|Wide Guard|Rock|Metal Burst|Steel|Careful|252|252||||}} |
| |held=Payapa Berry | | {{lop/facility|game=6|565|Carracosta|Sitrus Berry|Aqua Tail|Water|Rock Slide|Rock|Shell Smash|Normal|Iron Defense|Steel|Naughty|252|252||||}} |
| |move1=Chip Away|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Physical | | {{lop/facility|game=6|181|Ampharos|Shuca Berry|Power Gem|Rock|Thunder Wave|Electric|Discharge|Electric|Charge Beam|Electric|Mild|170|||170|170|}} |
| |move2=Swagger|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | | {{lop/facility|game=6|127|Pinsir|Persim Berry|Bug Bite|Bug|Brick Break|Fighting|Thrash|Normal|Swords Dance|Normal|Naughty||252||||252}} |
| |move3=Helping Hand|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | | {{lop/facility|game=6|212|Scizor|Occa Berry|Metal Claw|Steel|Night Slash|Dark|Aerial Ace|Flying|Swords Dance|Normal|Brave|252||252|||}} |
| |move4=Flatter|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Status}}
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|437|Bronzong|Sitrus Berry|Hypnosis|Psychic|Rain Dance|Water|Gyro Ball|Steel|Trick Room|Psychic|Impish|170||170||170|}} |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|142|Aerodactyl|Choice Scarf|Rock Slide|Rock|||||||Jolly||252||||252|note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |ndex=034 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|142|Aerodactyl|Choice Scarf|Rock Slide|Rock|Iron Head|Steel|Earthquake|Ground|Ice Fang|Ice|Jolly||252||||252|note={{sup/7|USUM}}}} |
| |pokemon=Nidoking | | {{lop/facility|game=6|233|Porygon2|Sitrus Berry|Blizzard|Ice|Magic Coat|Psychic|Lock-On|Normal|Zap Cannon|Electric|Modest|252|||252||}} |
| |gender=male | | {{lop/facility|game=6|770|Palossand|Smooth Rock|Shore Up|Ground|Sandstorm|Rock|Shadow Ball|Ghost|Earth Power|Ground|Bold|252||252|||}} |
| |type1=Poison|type2=Ground | | {{lop/facility|game=6|121|Starmie|Sitrus Berry|Psychic|Psychic|Cosmic Power|Psychic|Recover|Normal|Reflect Type|Normal|Timid|252|||||252|note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |ability=Poison Point | | {{lop/facility|game=6|136|Flareon|Focus Sash|Quick Attack|Normal|Flail|Normal|Work Up|Normal|Fire Blast|Fire|Naughty||252||252||}} |
| |ability2=Rivalry | | {{lop/facility|game=6|131|Lapras|Damp Rock|Rain Dance|Water|Thunder|Electric|Ice Shard|Ice|Confuse Ray|Ghost|Quiet|||252|252||}} |
| |ability3=Sheer Force | | {{lop/facility|game=6|474|Porygon-Z|Wise Glasses|Psychic|Psychic|Shadow Ball|Ghost|Thunderbolt|Electric|Thunder Wave|Electric|Modest||||252||252}} |
| |level=50 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|604|Eelektross|Magnet|Discharge|Electric|Gastro Acid|Poison|Thunderbolt|Electric|Thunder Wave|Electric|Quiet|252|||252||}} |
| |held=King's Rock | | {{lop/facility|game=6|143|Snorlax|Sitrus Berry|Return|Normal|Wild Charge|Electric|Counter|Fighting|Recycle|Normal|Adamant||252|252|||}} |
| |move1=Bulldoze|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | | {{lop/facility|game=6|242|Blissey|Leftovers|Attract|Normal|Round|Normal|Heal Pulse|Psychic|Aromatherapy|Grass|Calm|||252||252|}} |
| |move2=Megahorn|move2type=Bug|move2cat=Physical | | {{lop/facility|game=6|350|Milotic|Enigma Berry|Surf|Water|Recover|Normal|Mirror Coat|Psychic|Confuse Ray|Ghost|Bold|252||252|||}} |
| |move3=Rock Slide|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical | | {{lop/facility|game=6|612|Haxorus|Haban Berry|Dual Chop|Dragon|Earthquake|Ground|Roar|Normal|Taunt|Dark|Hasty||252||||252}} |
| |move4=Sucker Punch|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Physical}}
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|468|Togekiss|Sitrus Berry|Encore|Normal|Follow Me|Normal|Reflect|Psychic|Dazzling Gleam|Fairy|Calm|252||||252|}} |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|637|Volcarona|Power Herb|Fire Spin|Fire|Heat Wave|Fire|Solar Beam|Grass|Whirlwind|Normal|Modest|252|||||252}} |
| |ndex=115 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|567|Archeops|Sitrus Berry|Quick Attack|Normal|Acrobatics|Flying|Crunch|Dark|U-turn|Bug|Jolly||252||||252}} |
| |pokemon=Kangaskhan | | {{lop/facility|game=6|149|Dragonite|Custap Berry|Toxic|Poison|Thunder Wave|Electric|Roost|Flying|Rock Slide|Rock|Impish|170||170||170|}} |
| |gender=female | | {{lop/facility|game=6|248|Tyranitar|Iron Ball|Rock Slide|Rock|Stealth Rock|Rock|Thunder Wave|Electric|Fling|Dark|Impish|252||||252|}} |
| |type1=Normal | | {{lop/facility|game=6|373|Salamence|Yache Berry|Roost|Flying|Scary Face|Normal|Dragon Tail|Dragon|Earthquake|Ground|Adamant||170|170||170|}} |
| |ability=Early Bird | | {{lop/facility|game=6|376|Metagross|Occa Berry|Meteor Mash|Steel|Magnet Rise|Electric|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Agility|Psychic|Naive||252||||252}} |
| |ability2=Scrappy | | {{lop/facility|game=6|445|Garchomp|Lax Incense|Earthquake|Ground|Protect|Normal|Sandstorm|Rock|Sand Tomb|Ground|Jolly|252|||||252}} |
| |ability3=Inner Focus | | {{lop/facility|game=6|635|Hydreigon|Dragon Fang|Dragon Pulse|Dragon|Earth Power|Ground|Surf|Water|Dragon Tail|Dragon|Rash||252||||252}} |
| |level=50 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|289|Slaking|Chople Berry|Earthquake|Ground|Brick Break|Fighting|Rock Slide|Rock|Encore|Normal|Naive||252||||252}} |
| |held=Normalium Z | | |}{{-}} |
| |move1=Dizzy Punch|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Fake Out|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Chip Away|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Roar|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=121 | |
| |pokemon=Starmie | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Water|type2=Psychic | |
| |ability=Illuminate | |
| |ability2=Natural Cure | |
| |ability3=Analytic | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Psychic|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Cosmic Power|move2type=Psychic|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Recover|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Reflect Type|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |- | |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | |
| |ndex=127 | |
| |pokemon=Pinsir | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Bug | |
| |ability=Hyper Cutter | |
| |ability2=Mold Breaker | |
| |ability3=Moxie | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Persim Berry | |
| |move1=Bug Bite|move1type=Bug|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Brick Break|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Thrash|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Swords Dance|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | |
| |ndex=128 | |
| |pokemon=Tauros | |
| |gender=male | |
| |type1=Normal | |
| |ability=Intimidate | |
| |ability2=Anger Point | |
| |ability3=Sheer Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Liechi Berry | |
| |move1=Earthquake|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Zen Headbutt|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Substitute|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=131
| |
| |pokemon=Lapras | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Water|type2=Ice | |
| |ability=Water Absorb | |
| |ability2=Shell Armor | |
| |ability3=Hydration | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Damp Rock | |
| |move1=Rain Dance|move1type=Water|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Thunder|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Ice Shard|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Physical
| |
| |move4=Confuse Ray|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=136 | |
| |pokemon=Flareon | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Fire | |
| |ability=Flash Fire | |
| |ability2=Guts | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Focus Sash | |
| |move1=Quick Attack|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Flail|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Work Up|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Fire Blast|move4type=Fire|move4cat=Special}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=142 | |
| |pokemon=Aerodactyl | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Flying | |
| |ability=Rock Head | |
| |ability2=Pressure | |
| |ability3=Unnerve | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Choice Scarf | |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=143 | |
| |pokemon=Snorlax | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Normal | |
| |ability=Immunity | |
| |ability2=Thick Fat | |
| |ability3=Gluttony | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Return|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Wild Charge|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Counter|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Recycle|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=149 | |
| |pokemon=Dragonite | |
| |gender=male | |
| |type1=Dragon|type2=Flying | |
| |ability=Inner Focus | |
| |ability2=Multiscale | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Custap Berry | |
| |move1=Toxic|move1type=Poison|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Roost|move3type=Flying|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Rock Slide|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=181 | |
| |pokemon=Ampharos | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Electric | |
| |ability=Static | |
| |ability2=Plus | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Shuca Berry | |
| |move1=Power Gem|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Discharge|move3type=Electric|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Charge Beam|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Special}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=212 | |
| |pokemon=Scizor | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Bug|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Swarm | |
| |ability2=Technician | |
| |ability3=Light Metal | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Occa Berry | |
| |move1=Metal Claw|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Night Slash|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Aerial Ace|move3type=Flying|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Swords Dance|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=227 | |
| |pokemon=Skarmory | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Flying | |
| |ability=Keen Eye | |
| |ability2=Sturdy | |
| |ability3=Weak Armor | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Lax Incense | |
| |move1=Spikes|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Stealth Rock|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Sky Drop|move3type=Flying|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Whirlwind|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=233 | |
| |pokemon=Porygon2 | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Normal | |
| |ability=Trace | |
| |ability2=Download | |
| |ability3=Analytic | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Blizzard|move1type=Ice|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Magic Coat|move2type=Psychic|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Lock-On|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Zap Cannon|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Special}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=242 | |
| |pokemon=Blissey | |
| |gender=female | |
| |type1=Normal | |
| |ability=Natural Cure | |
| |ability2=Serene Grace | |
| |ability3=Healer | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Leftovers | |
| |move1=Attract|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Round|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Heal Pulse|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Aromatherapy|move4type=Grass|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=248 | |
| |pokemon=Tyranitar | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Dark | |
| |ability=Sand Stream | |
| |ability2=Unnerve | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Iron Ball | |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Stealth Rock|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Thunder Wave|move3type=Electric|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Fling|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=289 | |
| |pokemon=Slaking | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Normal | |
| |ability=Truant | |
| |ability2= | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Chople Berry | |
| |move1=Earthquake|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Brick Break|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Rock Slide|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Encore|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=308 | |
| |pokemon=Medicham | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Fighting|type2=Psychic | |
| |ability=Pure Power | |
| |ability2=Telepathy | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Fightinium Z | |
| |move1=Fake Out|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=High Jump Kick|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Bulk Up|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Feint|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=346 | |
| |pokemon=Cradily | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Grass | |
| |ability=Suction Cups | |
| |ability2=Storm Drain | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Tanga Berry | |
| |move1=Round|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Gastro Acid|move2type=Poison|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Stockpile|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Swallow|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=348 | |
| |pokemon=Armaldo | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Bug | |
| |ability=Battle Armor | |
| |ability2=Swift Swim | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Chesto Berry | |
| |move1=X-Scissor|move1type=Bug|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Blast|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Rest|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Curse|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=350 | |
| |pokemon=Milotic | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Water | |
| |ability=Marvel Scale | |
| |ability2=Competitive | |
| |ability3=Cute Charm | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Enigma Berry | |
| |move1=Surf|move1type=Water|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Recover|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status
| |
| |move3=Mirror Coat|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Confuse Ray|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=373 | |
| |pokemon=Salamence | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Dragon|type2=Flying | |
| |ability=Intimidate | |
| |ability2=Moxie | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Yache Berry | |
| |move1=Roost|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Scary Face|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Dragon Tail|move3type=Dragon|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Earthquake|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=376 | |
| |pokemon=Metagross | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Psychic | |
| |ability=Clear Body | |
| |ability2=Light Metal | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Occa Berry | |
| |move1=Meteor Mash|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Magnet Rise|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Zen Headbutt|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Agility|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=409 | |
| |pokemon=Rampardos | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock | |
| |ability=Mold Breaker | |
| |ability2=Sheer Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Passho Berry | |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Crunch|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Curse|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Protect|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=411 | |
| |pokemon=Bastiodon | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Soundproof | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Enigma Berry | |
| |move1=Iron Head|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Taunt|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Wide Guard|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Metal Burst|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=437 | |
| |pokemon=Bronzong | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Psychic | |
| |ability=Levitate | |
| |ability2=Heatproof | |
| |ability3=Heavy Metal | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Hypnosis|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Rain Dance|move2type=Water|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Gyro Ball|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Trick Room|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=442 | |
| |pokemon=Spiritomb | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ghost | |
| |ability=Pressure | |
| |ability2=Infiltrator | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Sucker Punch|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Pain Split|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Toxic|move3type=Poison|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Grudge|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=445 | |
| |pokemon=Garchomp | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Dragon|type2=Ground | |
| |ability=Sand Veil | |
| |ability2=Rough Skin | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Lax Incense | |
| |move1=Earthquake|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Protect|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Sandstorm|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Sand Tomb|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=463 | |
| |pokemon=Lickilicky | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Normal | |
| |ability=Own Tempo | |
| |ability2=Oblivious | |
| |ability3=Cloud Nine | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Expert Belt | |
| |move1=Blizzard|move1type=Ice|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Muddy Water|move2type=Water|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Fire Blast|move3type=Fire|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Thunder|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Special}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=466 | |
| |pokemon=Electivire | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Electric | |
| |ability=Motor Drive | |
| |ability2=Vital Spirit | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Bright Powder | |
| |move1=Thunder Wave|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Focus Punch|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Rock Slide|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Fire Punch|move4type=Fire|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=467 | |
| |pokemon=Magmortar | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Fire | |
| |ability=Flame Body | |
| |ability2=Vital Spirit | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Quick Claw | |
| |move1=Will-O-Wisp|move1type=Fire|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Confuse Ray|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Thunder Punch|move3type=Electric|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Fire Punch|move4type=Fire|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=468 | |
| |pokemon=Togekiss | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Fairy|type2=Flying | |
| |ability=Hustle | |
| |ability2=Serene Grace | |
| |ability3=Super Luck | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Encore|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Follow Me|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Reflect|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Dazzling Gleam|move4type=Fairy|move4cat=Special}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=474 | |
| |pokemon=Porygon-Z | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Normal | |
| |ability=Adaptability | |
| |ability2=Download | |
| |ability3=Analytic | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Wise Glasses | |
| |move1=Psychic|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Shadow Ball|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Thunderbolt|move3type=Electric|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=518 | |
| |pokemon=Musharna | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Psychic | |
| |ability=Forewarn | |
| |ability2=Synchronize | |
| |ability3=Telepathy | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Zoom Lens | |
| |move1=Hypnosis|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Dream Eater|move2type=Psychic|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Calm Mind|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Helping Hand|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=538 | |
| |pokemon=Throh | |
| |gender=male | |
| |type1=Fighting | |
| |ability=Guts | |
| |ability2=Inner Focus | |
| |ability3=Mold Breaker | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Payapa Berry | |
| |move1=Protect|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Toxic|move2type=Poison|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Circle Throw|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Wide Guard|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=539 | |
| |pokemon=Sawk | |
| |gender=male | |
| |type1=Fighting | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Inner Focus | |
| |ability3=Mold Breaker | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Black Belt | |
| |move1=Low Sweep|move1type=Fighting|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Quick Guard|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Retaliate|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Taunt|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=549 | |
| |pokemon=Lilligant | |
| |gender=female | |
| |type1=Grass | |
| |ability=Chlorophyll | |
| |ability2=Own Tempo | |
| |ability3=Leaf Guard | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Persim Berry | |
| |move1=Charm|move1type=Fairy|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Sleep Powder|move2type=Grass|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Petal Dance|move3type=Grass|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Healing Wish|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=565 | |
| |pokemon=Carracosta | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Water|type2=Rock | |
| |ability=Solid Rock | |
| |ability2=Sturdy | |
| |ability3=Swift Swim | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Aqua Tail|move1type=Water|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Shell Smash|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Iron Defense|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=567 | |
| |pokemon=Archeops | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Flying | |
| |ability=Defeatist | |
| |ability2= | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Quick Attack|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Acrobatics|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Crunch|move3type=Dark|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=U-turn|move4type=Bug|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=604 | |
| |pokemon=Eelektross | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Electric | |
| |ability=Levitate | |
| |ability2= | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Magnet | |
| |move1=Discharge|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Gastro Acid|move2type=Poison|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Thunderbolt|move3type=Electric|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Thunder Wave|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=612 | |
| |pokemon=Haxorus | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Dragon | |
| |ability=Rivalry | |
| |ability2=Mold Breaker | |
| |ability3=Unnerve | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Haban Berry | |
| |move1=Dual Chop|move1type=Dragon|move1cat=Physical
| |
| |move2=Earthquake|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Physical
| |
| |move3=Roar|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Taunt|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=635 | |
| |pokemon=Hydreigon | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Dark|type2=Dragon | |
| |ability=Levitate | |
| |ability2= | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Dragon Fang | |
| |move1=Dragon Pulse|move1type=Dragon|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Earth Power|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Surf|move3type=Water|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Dragon Tail|move4type=Dragon|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=637 | |
| |pokemon=Volcarona | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Bug|type2=Fire | |
| |ability=Flame Body | |
| |ability2=Swarm | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Power Herb | |
| |move1=Fire Spin|move1type=Fire|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Heat Wave|move2type=Fire|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Solar Beam|move3type=Grass|move3cat=Special
| |
| |move4=Whirlwind|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=689 | |
| |pokemon=Barbaracle | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Water | |
| |ability=Tough Claws | |
| |ability2=Sniper | |
| |ability3=Pickpocket | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Bright Powder | |
| |move1=Stone Edge|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Razor Shell|move2type=Water|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Shell Smash|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Double Team|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | |
| |ndex=697
| |
| |pokemon=Tyrantrum
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Dragon
| |
| |ability=Strong Jaw
| |
| |ability2=Rock Head
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Lax Incense
| |
| |move1=Stealth Rock|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Status
| |
| |move2=Dragon Tail|move2type=Dragon|move2cat=Physical
| |
| |move3=Double Team|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Earthquake|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=699
| |
| |pokemon=Aurorus
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Ice
| |
| |ability=Refrigerate
| |
| |ability2=Snow Warning
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Sitrus Berry
| |
| |move1=Substitute|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status
| |
| |move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status
| |
| |move3=Round|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Special
| |
| |move4=Thunderbolt|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Special}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=770
| |
| |pokemon=Palossand
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Ghost|type2=Ground
| |
| |ability=Water Compaction
| |
| |ability2=Sand Veil
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Smooth Rock
| |
| |move1=Shore Up|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Status
| |
| |move2=Sandstorm|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Status
| |
| |move3=Shadow Ball|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Special
| |
| |move4=Earth Power|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Special}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=780
| |
| |pokemon=Drampa
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Normal|type2=Dragon
| |
| |ability=Berserk
| |
| |ability2=Sap Sipper
| |
| |ability3=Cloud Nine
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Shell Bell
| |
| |move1=Thunderbolt|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Special
| |
| |move2=Flamethrower|move2type=Fire|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Surf|move3type=Water|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Dragon Pulse|move4type=Dragon|move4cat=Special}}
| |
| {{Party/Footer}} | |
| |
| ===Buster=== | | ===Buster=== |
| {{Party/Single | | {{anchor|Buster}} |
| |color={{locationcolor/med|mountain}}
| | {{lop/facility/head|{{alola color light}}|{{alola color dark}}|{{alola color}}}} |
| |bordercolor={{locationcolor/dark|mountain}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|689|Barbaracle|Bright Powder|Stone Edge|Rock|Razor Shell|Water|Shell Smash|Normal|Double Team|Normal|Adamant||252||||252|note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |headcolor={{locationcolor/light|mountain}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|703|Carbink|Light Clay|Reflect|Psychic|Light Screen|Psychic|Safeguard|Normal|Dazzling Gleam|Fairy|Calm|||252||252|}} |
| |sprite=VSHiker SM.png | | {{lop/facility|game=6|697|Tyrantrum|Lax Incense|Stealth Rock|Rock|Dragon Tail|Dragon|Double Team|Normal|Earthquake|Ground|Relaxed|||252||252||note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |size=150px | | {{lop/facility|game=6|699|Aurorus|Sitrus Berry|Substitute|Normal|Thunder Wave|Electric|Round|Normal|Thunderbolt|Electric|Calm|252||||252|}} |
| |prize=1 to 2 {{color2|000|Battle Point|BP}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|711|Gourgeist|Sitrus Berry|Will-O-Wisp|Fire|Trick-or-Treat|Ghost|Pain Split|Normal|Phantom Force|Ghost|Impish|252||252|||}} |
| |class=Backpacker | | {{lop/facility|game=6|774|Minior|Light Clay|U-turn|Bug|Rock Tomb|Rock|Light Screen|Psychic|Reflect|Psychic|Sassy|252||||252|}} |
| |classlink=Backpacker | | {{lop/facility|game=6|745|Lycanroc|Rockium Z|Stealth Rock|Rock|Accelerock|Rock|Rock Polish|Rock|Rock Climb|Normal|Naughty|170|170|170|||}} |
| |name=Buster | | {{lop/facility|game=6|750|Mudsdale|Sitrus Berry|Counter|Fighting|Rest|Psychic|Sleep Talk|Normal|Payback|Dark|Sassy|252||||252|}} |
| |game=SM | | {{lop/facility|game=6|724|Decidueye|Flyinium Z|Brave Bird|Flying|Feather Dance|Flying|Ominous Wind|Ghost|Defog|Flying|Naive|170|170||||170}} |
| |location=Battle Tree | | {{lop/facility|game=6|752|Araquanid|Bright Powder|Double Team|Normal|Toxic|Poison|Stockpile|Normal|Aqua Ring|Water|Relaxed|252||252||||note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |locationname=Battle Tree | | {{lop/facility|game=6|779|Bruxish|Wacan Berry|Psychic|Psychic|Scald|Water|Blizzard|Ice|Disable|Normal|Modest|252|||252||}} |
| |pokemon=4}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|476|Probopass|Chesto Berry|Thunder Wave|Electric|Double Team|Normal|Rest|Psychic|Magnet Bomb|Steel|Impish|252||252||||note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |- | | {{lop/facility|game=6|051A|Dugtrio|Expert Belt|Dig|Ground|Rock Slide|Rock|Iron Head|Steel|Sandstorm|Rock|Hasty||252||||252}} |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|105|Marowak|Red Card|Bone Rush|Ground|Double Kick|Fighting|Endeavor|Normal|Smack Down|Rock|Sassy|252||||252|}} |
| |ndex=028 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|308|Medicham|Fightinium Z|Fake Out|Normal|High Jump Kick|Fighting|Bulk Up|Fighting|Feint|Normal|Impish|252|||||252}} |
| |pokemon=Sandslash | | {{lop/facility|game=6|354|Banette|Muscle Band|Knock Off|Dark|Shadow Claw|Ghost|Curse|Ghost|Pursuit|Dark|Adamant|252|252||||}} |
| |gender=both | | {{lop/facility|game=6|423|Gastrodon|Damp Rock|Rain Dance|Water|Sludge Bomb|Poison|Muddy Water|Water|Counter|Fighting|Gentle||||252|252|}} |
| |type1=Ground | | {{lop/facility|game=6|323|Camerupt|Passho Berry|Yawn|Normal|Flamethrower|Fire|Earthquake|Ground|Stone Edge|Rock|Lonely|252|252||||}} |
| |ability=Sand Veil | | {{lop/facility|game=6|539|Sawk|Black Belt|Low Sweep|Fighting|Quick Guard|Fighting|Retaliate|Normal|Taunt|Dark|Naughty||252||||252}} |
| |ability2=Sand Rush | | {{lop/facility|game=6|538|Throh|Payapa Berry|Protect|Normal|Toxic|Poison|Circle Throw|Fighting|Wide Guard|Rock|Impish||252|252|||}} |
| |level=50 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|623|Golurk|Muscle Band|Shadow Punch|Ghost|Iron Defense|Steel|Bulldoze|Ground|Heavy Slam|Steel|Lonely|252||||252||note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |held=Quick Claw | | {{lop/facility|game=6|076A|Golem|Quick Claw|Wild Charge|Electric|Smack Down|Rock|Bulldoze|Ground|Counter|Fighting|Impish|170|170|170||||note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |move1=Dig|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | | {{lop/facility|game=6|076A|Golem|Air Balloon|Wild Charge|Electric|Double-Edge|Normal|Rock Blast|Rock|Earthquake|Ground|Brave|252|252|||||note={{sup/7|USUM}}}} |
| |move2=Poison Jab|move2type=Poison|move2cat=Physical | | {{lop/facility|game=6|031|Nidoqueen|Payapa Berry|Chip Away|Normal|Swagger|Normal|Helping Hand|Normal|Flatter|Dark|Relaxed|170||170||170|}} |
| |move3=Swagger|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | | {{lop/facility|game=6|034|Nidoking|King's Rock|Bulldoze|Ground|Megahorn|Bug|Rock Slide|Rock|Sucker Punch|Dark|Naughty|252|252||||}} |
| |move4=Sand Attack|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Status}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|346|Cradily|Tanga Berry|Round|Normal|Gastro Acid|Poison|Stockpile|Normal|Swallow|Normal|Bold|||252||252||note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|348|Armaldo|Chesto Berry|X-Scissor|Bug|Rock Blast|Rock|Rest|Psychic|Curse|Ghost|Brave|252||||252|}} |
| |ndex=031 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|409|Rampardos|Passho Berry|Rock Slide|Rock|Crunch|Dark|Curse|Ghost|Protect|Normal|Brave||170|170||170|}} |
| |pokemon=Nidoqueen | | {{lop/facility|game=6|411|Bastiodon|Enigma Berry|Iron Head|Steel|Taunt|Dark|Wide Guard|Rock|Metal Burst|Steel|Careful|252|252||||}} |
| |gender=female | | {{lop/facility|game=6|565|Carracosta|Sitrus Berry|Aqua Tail|Water|Rock Slide|Rock|Shell Smash|Normal|Iron Defense|Steel|Naughty|252|252|||||note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |type1=Poison|type2=Ground | | {{lop/facility|game=6|213|Shuckle|Binding Band|Power Split|Psychic|Encore|Normal|Gastro Acid|Poison|Sand Tomb|Ground|Careful|252||||252|}} |
| |ability=Poison Point | | {{lop/facility|game=6|526|Gigalith|Rawst Berry|Bulldoze|Ground|Rock Blast|Rock|Gravity|Psychic|Curse|Ghost|Naughty|170|170|170|||}} |
| |ability2=Rivalry | | {{lop/facility|game=6|530|Excadrill|Soft Sand|Hone Claws|Dark|Rock Slide|Rock|Drill Run|Ground|Iron Defense|Steel|Naughty||252|252||||note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |ability3=Sheer Force | | {{lop/facility|game=6|208|Steelix|Chesto Berry|Earthquake|Ground|Rest|Psychic|Curse|Ghost|Stealth Rock|Rock|Impish|252||||252|}} |
| |level=50 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|472|Gliscor|Razor Fang|Acrobatics|Flying|Fling|Dark|U-turn|Bug|Swords Dance|Normal|Naughty||252||||252}} |
| |held=Payapa Berry | | {{lop/facility|game=6|142|Aerodactyl|Choice Scarf|Rock Slide|Rock|||||||Jolly||252||||252|note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |move1=Chip Away|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Physical | | {{lop/facility|game=6|142|Aerodactyl|Choice Scarf|Rock Slide|Rock|Iron Head|Steel|Earthquake|Ground|Ice Fang|Ice|Jolly||252||||252|note={{sup/7|USUM}}}} |
| |move2=Swagger|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | | {{lop/facility|game=6|770|Palossand|Smooth Rock|Shore Up|Ground|Sandstorm|Rock|Shadow Ball|Ghost|Earth Power|Ground|Bold|252||252|||}} |
| |move3=Helping Hand|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | | {{lop/facility|game=6|330|Flygon|Weakness Policy|Earthquake|Ground|Dragon Claw|Dragon|Endure|Normal|Fire Blast|Fire|Naive||252||||252}} |
| |move4=Flatter|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Status}}
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|450|Hippowdon|Soft Sand|Earthquake|Ground|Crunch|Dark|Yawn|Normal|Whirlwind|Normal|Impish||252|252|||}} |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|306|Aggron|Focus Sash|Protect|Normal|Roar|Normal|Stealth Rock|Rock|Metal Burst|Steel|Impish|252||||252|}} |
| |ndex=034 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|473|Mamoswine|Passho Berry|Double Hit|Normal|Earthquake|Ground|Icicle Crash|Ice|Stealth Rock|Rock|Adamant||170|||170|170}} |
| |pokemon=Nidoking | | {{lop/facility|game=6|464|Rhyperior|Zoom Lens|Payback|Dark|Rock Blast|Rock|Stone Edge|Rock|Protect|Normal|Brave|170|170|||170|}} |
| |gender=male | | {{lop/facility|game=6|028|Sandslash|Quick Claw|Dig|Ground|Poison Jab|Poison|Swagger|Normal|Sand Attack|Ground|Impish|252||252|||}} |
| |type1=Poison|type2=Ground | | {{lop/facility|game=6|567|Archeops|Sitrus Berry|Quick Attack|Normal|Acrobatics|Flying|Crunch|Dark|U-turn|Bug|Jolly||252||||252}} |
| |ability=Poison Point | | {{lop/facility|game=6|248|Tyranitar|Iron Ball|Rock Slide|Rock|Stealth Rock|Rock|Thunder Wave|Electric|Fling|Dark|Impish|252||||252|}} |
| |ability2=Rivalry | | {{lop/facility|game=6|376|Metagross|Occa Berry|Meteor Mash|Steel|Magnet Rise|Electric|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Agility|Psychic|Naive||252||||252}} |
| |ability3=Sheer Force | | {{lop/facility|game=6|445|Garchomp|Lax Incense|Earthquake|Ground|Protect|Normal|Sandstorm|Rock|Sand Tomb|Ground|Jolly|252|||||252}} |
| |level=50 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|051|Dugtrio|Passho Berry|Sand Attack|Ground|Pursuit|Dark|Tri Attack|Normal|Dig|Ground|Naive|252|||||252}} |
| |held=King's Rock | | {{lop/facility|game=6|076|Golem|Absorb Bulb|Stone Edge|Rock|Earthquake|Ground|Sandstorm|Rock|Autotomize|Steel|Naughty|252|252||||}} |
| |move1=Bulldoze|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | | |}{{-}} |
| |move2=Megahorn|move2type=Bug|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Rock Slide|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical
| |
| |move4=Sucker Punch|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=051 | |
| |pokemon=Dugtrio | |
| |gender=both | |
| |form=-Alola | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Sand Veil | |
| |ability2=Tangling Hair | |
| |ability3=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Expert Belt | |
| |move1=Dig|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Iron Head|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Sandstorm|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=076 | |
| |pokemon=Golem | |
| |gender=both | |
| |form=-Alola | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Electric | |
| |ability=Magnet Pull | |
| |ability2=Sturdy | |
| |ability3=Galvanize | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Quick Claw | |
| |move1=Wild Charge|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Smack Down|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Bulldoze|move3type=Ground|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Counter|move4type=Fighting|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=105 | |
| |pokemon=Marowak | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground | |
| |ability=Rock Head | |
| |ability2=Lightning Rod | |
| |ability3=Battle Armor | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Red Card | |
| |move1=Bone Rush|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Double Kick|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Endeavor|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Smack Down|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=142 | |
| |pokemon=Aerodactyl | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Flying | |
| |ability=Rock Head | |
| |ability2=Pressure | |
| |ability3=Unnerve | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Choice Scarf | |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | |
| |ndex=208 | |
| |pokemon=Steelix | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Ground | |
| |ability=Rock Head | |
| |ability2=Sturdy | |
| |ability3=Sheer Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Chesto Berry | |
| |move1=Earthquake|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rest|move2type=Psychic|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Curse|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Stealth Rock|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=213 | |
| |pokemon=Shuckle | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Bug|type2=Rock | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Gluttony | |
| |ability3=Contrary | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Binding Band | |
| |move1=Power Split|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Encore|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Gastro Acid|move3type=Poison|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Sand Tomb|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=248 | |
| |pokemon=Tyranitar | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Dark | |
| |ability=Sand Stream | |
| |ability2=Unnerve | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Iron Ball | |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Stealth Rock|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Thunder Wave|move3type=Electric|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Fling|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=306 | |
| |pokemon=Aggron | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Rock | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Rock Head | |
| |ability3=Heavy Metal | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Focus Sash | |
| |move1=Protect|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Roar|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Stealth Rock|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Metal Burst|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=308 | |
| |pokemon=Medicham | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Fighting|type2=Psychic | |
| |ability=Pure Power
| |
| |ability2=Telepathy
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Fightinium Z
| |
| |move1=Fake Out|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Physical
| |
| |move2=High Jump Kick|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Bulk Up|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Feint|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=323 | |
| |pokemon=Camerupt | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Fire|type2=Ground | |
| |ability=Magma Armor | |
| |ability2=Solid Rock | |
| |ability3=Anger Point | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Passho Berry | |
| |move1=Yawn|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Flamethrower|move2type=Fire|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Earthquake|move3type=Ground|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Stone Edge|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=330 | |
| |pokemon=Flygon | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Dragon | |
| |ability=Levitate | |
| |ability2= | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Weakness Policy | |
| |move1=Earthquake|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Dragon Claw|move2type=Dragon|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Endure|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Fire Blast|move4type=Fire|move4cat=Special}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=346 | |
| |pokemon=Cradily | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Grass | |
| |ability=Suction Cups | |
| |ability2=Storm Drain | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Tanga Berry | |
| |move1=Round|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Gastro Acid|move2type=Poison|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Stockpile|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Swallow|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=348 | |
| |pokemon=Armaldo | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Bug | |
| |ability=Battle Armor | |
| |ability2=Swift Swim | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Chesto Berry | |
| |move1=X-Scissor|move1type=Bug|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Blast|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Rest|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Curse|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=354 | |
| |pokemon=Banette | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ghost | |
| |ability=Insomnia | |
| |ability2=Frisk | |
| |ability3=Cursed Body | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Muscle Band | |
| |move1=Knock Off|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Shadow Claw|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Curse|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Pursuit|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=376 | |
| |pokemon=Metagross | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Psychic | |
| |ability=Clear Body | |
| |ability2=Light Metal | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Occa Berry | |
| |move1=Meteor Mash|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Magnet Rise|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Zen Headbutt|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Agility|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=409 | |
| |pokemon=Rampardos | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock | |
| |ability=Mold Breaker | |
| |ability2=Sheer Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Passho Berry | |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Crunch|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Curse|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Protect|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=411 | |
| |pokemon=Bastiodon | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Soundproof | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Enigma Berry | |
| |move1=Iron Head|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Taunt|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Wide Guard|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Metal Burst|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=423 | |
| |pokemon=Gastrodon | |
| |gender=both | |
| |form=-West | |
| |type1=Water|type2=Ground | |
| |ability=Sticky Hold | |
| |ability2=Storm Drain | |
| |ability3=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Damp Rock | |
| |move1=Rain Dance|move1type=Water|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Sludge Bomb|move2type=Poison|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Muddy Water|move3type=Water|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Counter|move4type=Fighting|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=445 | |
| |pokemon=Garchomp | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Dragon|type2=Ground | |
| |ability=Sand Veil | |
| |ability2=Rough Skin | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Lax Incense | |
| |move1=Earthquake|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Protect|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Sandstorm|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Sand Tomb|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=450 | |
| |pokemon=Hippowdon | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground | |
| |ability=Sand Stream | |
| |ability2=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Soft Sand | |
| |move1=Earthquake|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Crunch|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Yawn|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Whirlwind|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=464 | |
| |pokemon=Rhyperior | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Rock | |
| |ability=Lightning Rod | |
| |ability2=Solid Rock | |
| |ability3=Reckless | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Zoom Lens | |
| |move1=Payback|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Blast|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Stone Edge|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Protect|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=472 | |
| |pokemon=Gliscor | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Flying | |
| |ability=Hyper Cutter | |
| |ability2=Sand Veil | |
| |ability3=Poison Heal | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Razor Fang | |
| |move1=Acrobatics|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Fling|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=U-turn|move3type=Bug|move3cat=Physical
| |
| |move4=Swords Dance|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=473 | |
| |pokemon=Mamoswine | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ice|type2=Ground | |
| |ability=Oblivious | |
| |ability2=Snow Cloak | |
| |ability3=Thick Fat | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Passho Berry | |
| |move1=Double Hit|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Earthquake|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Icicle Crash|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Physical
| |
| |move4=Stealth Rock|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=476 | |
| |pokemon=Probopass | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Magnet Pull | |
| |ability3=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Chesto Berry | |
| |move1=Thunder Wave|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Double Team|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Rest|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Magnet Bomb|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=526 | |
| |pokemon=Gigalith | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock | |
| |ability=Sturdy
| |
| |ability2=Sand Stream
| |
| |ability3=Sand Force
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Rawst Berry
| |
| |move1=Bulldoze|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical
| |
| |move2=Rock Blast|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical
| |
| |move3=Gravity|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Curse|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=530 | |
| |pokemon=Excadrill | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Sand Rush | |
| |ability2=Sand Force | |
| |ability3=Mold Breaker | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Soft Sand | |
| |move1=Hone Claws|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Drill Run|move3type=Ground|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Iron Defense|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=538 | |
| |pokemon=Throh | |
| |gender=male | |
| |type1=Fighting | |
| |ability=Guts | |
| |ability2=Inner Focus | |
| |ability3=Mold Breaker | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Payapa Berry | |
| |move1=Protect|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Toxic|move2type=Poison|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Circle Throw|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Physical
| |
| |move4=Wide Guard|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=539 | |
| |pokemon=Sawk | |
| |gender=male | |
| |type1=Fighting | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Inner Focus | |
| |ability3=Mold Breaker | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Black Belt | |
| |move1=Low Sweep|move1type=Fighting|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Quick Guard|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Retaliate|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical
| |
| |move4=Taunt|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=565 | |
| |pokemon=Carracosta | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Water|type2=Rock | |
| |ability=Solid Rock | |
| |ability2=Sturdy | |
| |ability3=Swift Swim | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Aqua Tail|move1type=Water|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Shell Smash|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Iron Defense|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=567 | |
| |pokemon=Archeops | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Flying | |
| |ability=Defeatist | |
| |ability2= | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Quick Attack|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Acrobatics|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Crunch|move3type=Dark|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=U-turn|move4type=Bug|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=623 | |
| |pokemon=Golurk | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Ghost | |
| |ability=Iron Fist | |
| |ability2=Klutz | |
| |ability3=No Guard | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Muscle Band | |
| |move1=Shadow Punch|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Iron Defense|move2type=Steel|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Bulldoze|move3type=Ground|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Heavy Slam|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | |
| |ndex=689 | |
| |pokemon=Barbaracle | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Water | |
| |ability=Tough Claws | |
| |ability2=Sniper | |
| |ability3=Pickpocket | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Bright Powder | |
| |move1=Stone Edge|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Razor Shell|move2type=Water|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Shell Smash|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Double Team|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=697 | |
| |pokemon=Tyrantrum | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Dragon | |
| |ability=Strong Jaw | |
| |ability2=Rock Head | |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Lax Incense
| |
| |move1=Stealth Rock|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Dragon Tail|move2type=Dragon|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Double Team|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Earthquake|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=699 | |
| |pokemon=Aurorus | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Ice | |
| |ability=Refrigerate | |
| |ability2=Snow Warning | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Substitute|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Round|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Thunderbolt|move4type=Electric|move4cat=Special}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | |
| |ndex=703 | |
| |pokemon=Carbink | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Fairy | |
| |ability=Clear Body | |
| |ability2=Sturdy | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Light Clay | |
| |move1=Reflect|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Light Screen|move2type=Psychic|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Safeguard|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Dazzling Gleam|move4type=Fairy|move4cat=Special}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=711 | |
| |pokemon=Gourgeist | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ghost|type2=Grass | |
| |ability=Pickup | |
| |ability2=Frisk | |
| |ability3=Insomnia | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Will-O-Wisp|move1type=Fire|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Trick-or-Treat|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Pain Split|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Phantom Force|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | |
| |ndex=724 | |
| |pokemon=Decidueye | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Grass|type2=Ghost | |
| |ability=Overgrow | |
| |ability2=Long Reach | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Flyinium Z | |
| |move1=Brave Bird|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Feather Dance|move2type=Flying|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Ominous Wind|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Defog|move4type=Flying|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |- | |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | |
| |ndex=745 | |
| |pokemon=Lycanroc | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock | |
| |ability=Keen Eye | |
| |ability2=Sand Rush | |
| |ability3=Steadfast | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Rockium Z | |
| |move1=Stealth Rock|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Accelerock|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Rock Polish|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Rock Climb|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=750 | |
| |pokemon=Mudsdale | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground | |
| |ability=Own Tempo | |
| |ability2=Stamina | |
| |ability3=Inner Focus | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Counter|move1type=Fighting|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rest|move2type=Psychic|move2cat=Status
| |
| |move3=Sleep Talk|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Payback|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | |
| |ndex=752
| |
| |pokemon=Araquanid
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Water|type2=Bug
| |
| |ability=Water Bubble
| |
| |ability2=Water Absorb
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Bright Powder
| |
| |move1=Double Team|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status
| |
| |move2=Toxic|move2type=Poison|move2cat=Status
| |
| |move3=Stockpile|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Aqua Ring|move4type=Water|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=770
| |
| |pokemon=Palossand
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Ghost|type2=Ground
| |
| |ability=Water Compaction
| |
| |ability2=Sand Veil
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Smooth Rock
| |
| |move1=Shore Up|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Status
| |
| |move2=Sandstorm|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Status
| |
| |move3=Shadow Ball|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Special
| |
| |move4=Earth Power|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Special}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=774
| |
| |pokemon=Minior
| |
| |form=_Orange Dream
| |
| |gender=
| |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Flying
| |
| |ability=Shields Down
| |
| |ability2=
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Light Clay
| |
| |move1=U-turn|move1type=Bug|move1cat=Physical
| |
| |move2=Rock Tomb|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical
| |
| |move3=Light Screen|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Reflect|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=779
| |
| |pokemon=Bruxish
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Water|type2=Psychic
| |
| |ability=Dazzling
| |
| |ability2=Strong Jaw
| |
| |ability3=Wonder Skin
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Wacan Berry
| |
| |move1=Psychic|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Special
| |
| |move2=Scald|move2type=Water|move2cat=Special
| |
| |move3=Blizzard|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
| |
| |move4=Disable|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| {{Party/Footer}}
| |
| |
| ===Arlo and Levine=== | | ===Arlo and Levine=== |
| {{Party/Single | | {{anchor|Arlo}}{{anchor|Levine}} |
| |color={{locationcolor/med|mountain}} | | {{lop/facility/head|{{alola color light}}|{{alola color dark}}|{{alola color}}}} |
| |bordercolor={{locationcolor/dark|mountain}}
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|689|Barbaracle|Bright Powder|Stone Edge|Rock|Razor Shell|Water|Shell Smash|Normal|Double Team|Normal|Adamant||252||||252|note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |headcolor={{locationcolor/light|mountain}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|697|Tyrantrum|Lax Incense|Stealth Rock|Rock|Dragon Tail|Dragon|Double Team|Normal|Earthquake|Ground|Relaxed|||252||252||note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |sprite=VSHiker SM.png | | {{lop/facility|game=6|745|Lycanroc|Rockium Z|Stealth Rock|Rock|Accelerock|Rock|Rock Polish|Rock|Rock Climb|Normal|Naughty|170|170|170|||}} |
| |size=150px
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|476|Probopass|Chesto Berry|Thunder Wave|Electric|Double Team|Normal|Rest|Psychic|Magnet Bomb|Steel|Impish|252||252||||note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |prize=1 to 2 {{color2|000|Battle Point|BP}}
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|051A|Dugtrio|Expert Belt|Dig|Ground|Rock Slide|Rock|Iron Head|Steel|Sandstorm|Rock|Hasty||252||||252}} |
| |class=Backpacker | | {{lop/facility|game=6|303|Mawile|Quick Claw|Crunch|Dark|Sucker Punch|Dark|Iron Head|Steel|Taunt|Dark|Adamant|252|252||||}} |
| |classlink=Backpacker | | {{lop/facility|game=6|598|Ferrothorn|Leftovers|Iron Head|Steel|Thunder Wave|Electric|Sandstorm|Rock|Ingrain|Grass|Impish|252||252|||}} |
| |name=Arlo or Levine | | {{lop/facility|game=6|348|Armaldo|Chesto Berry|X-Scissor|Bug|Rock Blast|Rock|Rest|Psychic|Curse|Ghost|Brave|252||||252|}} |
| |game=SM | | {{lop/facility|game=6|409|Rampardos|Passho Berry|Rock Slide|Rock|Crunch|Dark|Curse|Ghost|Protect|Normal|Brave||170|170||170|}} |
| |location=Battle Tree | | {{lop/facility|game=6|411|Bastiodon|Enigma Berry|Iron Head|Steel|Taunt|Dark|Wide Guard|Rock|Metal Burst|Steel|Careful|252|252||||}} |
| |locationname=Battle Tree | | {{lop/facility|game=6|212|Scizor|Occa Berry|Metal Claw|Steel|Night Slash|Dark|Aerial Ace|Flying|Swords Dance|Normal|Brave|252||252|||}} |
| |pokemon=4}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|526|Gigalith|Rawst Berry|Bulldoze|Ground|Rock Blast|Rock|Gravity|Psychic|Curse|Ghost|Naughty|170|170|170|||}} |
| |- | | {{lop/facility|game=6|530|Excadrill|Soft Sand|Hone Claws|Dark|Rock Slide|Rock|Drill Run|Ground|Iron Defense|Steel|Naughty||252|252||||note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|208|Steelix|Chesto Berry|Earthquake|Ground|Rest|Psychic|Curse|Ghost|Stealth Rock|Rock|Impish|252||||252|}} |
| |ndex=028 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|472|Gliscor|Razor Fang|Acrobatics|Flying|Fling|Dark|U-turn|Bug|Swords Dance|Normal|Naughty||252||||252}} |
| |pokemon=Sandslash | | {{lop/facility|game=6|770|Palossand|Smooth Rock|Shore Up|Ground|Sandstorm|Rock|Shadow Ball|Ghost|Earth Power|Ground|Bold|252||252|||}} |
| |gender=both | | {{lop/facility|game=6|450|Hippowdon|Soft Sand|Earthquake|Ground|Crunch|Dark|Yawn|Normal|Whirlwind|Normal|Impish||252|252|||}} |
| |type1=Ground | | {{lop/facility|game=6|306|Aggron|Focus Sash|Protect|Normal|Roar|Normal|Stealth Rock|Rock|Metal Burst|Steel|Impish|252||||252|}} |
| |ability=Sand Veil | | {{lop/facility|game=6|464|Rhyperior|Zoom Lens|Payback|Dark|Rock Blast|Rock|Stone Edge|Rock|Protect|Normal|Brave|170|170|||170|}} |
| |ability2=Sand Rush | | {{lop/facility|game=6|028|Sandslash|Quick Claw|Dig|Ground|Poison Jab|Poison|Swagger|Normal|Sand Attack|Ground|Impish|252||252|||}} |
| |level=50 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|248|Tyranitar|Iron Ball|Rock Slide|Rock|Stealth Rock|Rock|Thunder Wave|Electric|Fling|Dark|Impish|252||||252|}} |
| |held=Quick Claw | | {{lop/facility|game=6|376|Metagross|Occa Berry|Meteor Mash|Steel|Magnet Rise|Electric|Zen Headbutt|Psychic|Agility|Psychic|Naive||252||||252}} |
| |move1=Dig|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | | {{lop/facility|game=6|445|Garchomp|Lax Incense|Earthquake|Ground|Protect|Normal|Sandstorm|Rock|Sand Tomb|Ground|Jolly|252|||||252}} |
| |move2=Poison Jab|move2type=Poison|move2cat=Physical | | {{lop/facility|game=6|051|Dugtrio|Passho Berry|Sand Attack|Ground|Pursuit|Dark|Tri Attack|Normal|Dig|Ground|Naive|252|||||252}} |
| |move3=Swagger|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | | |}{{-}} |
| |move4=Sand Attack|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=051 | |
| |pokemon=Dugtrio | |
| |gender=both | |
| |form=-Alola | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Sand Veil | |
| |ability2=Tangling Hair | |
| |ability3=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Expert Belt | |
| |move1=Dig|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Iron Head|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Physical
| |
| |move4=Sandstorm|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=208 | |
| |pokemon=Steelix | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Ground | |
| |ability=Rock Head | |
| |ability2=Sturdy | |
| |ability3=Sheer Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Chesto Berry | |
| |move1=Earthquake|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rest|move2type=Psychic|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Curse|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Stealth Rock|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=212 | |
| |pokemon=Scizor | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Bug|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Swarm | |
| |ability2=Technician | |
| |ability3=Light Metal | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Occa Berry | |
| |move1=Metal Claw|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Night Slash|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Aerial Ace|move3type=Flying|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Swords Dance|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=248 | |
| |pokemon=Tyranitar | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Dark | |
| |ability=Sand Stream | |
| |ability2=Unnerve | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Iron Ball | |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Stealth Rock|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Thunder Wave|move3type=Electric|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Fling|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=303 | |
| |pokemon=Mawile | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Fairy | |
| |ability=Hyper Cutter | |
| |ability2=Intimidate | |
| |ability3=Sheer Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Quick Claw | |
| |move1=Crunch|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Sucker Punch|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Iron Head|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Taunt|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | |
| |ndex=306 | |
| |pokemon=Aggron | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Rock | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Rock Head | |
| |ability3=Heavy Metal | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Focus Sash | |
| |move1=Protect|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Roar|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Stealth Rock|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Metal Burst|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=348 | |
| |pokemon=Armaldo | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Bug | |
| |ability=Battle Armor | |
| |ability2=Swift Swim | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Chesto Berry | |
| |move1=X-Scissor|move1type=Bug|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Blast|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Rest|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Curse|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=376 | |
| |pokemon=Metagross | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Psychic | |
| |ability=Clear Body | |
| |ability2=Light Metal
| |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Occa Berry | |
| |move1=Meteor Mash|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Magnet Rise|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Zen Headbutt|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Agility|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=409 | |
| |pokemon=Rampardos | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock | |
| |ability=Mold Breaker | |
| |ability2=Sheer Force | |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Passho Berry | |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical
| |
| |move2=Crunch|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Curse|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Protect|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=411 | |
| |pokemon=Bastiodon | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Soundproof | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Enigma Berry | |
| |move1=Iron Head|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Taunt|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Wide Guard|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Metal Burst|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=445 | |
| |pokemon=Garchomp | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Dragon|type2=Ground | |
| |ability=Sand Veil | |
| |ability2=Rough Skin | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Lax Incense | |
| |move1=Earthquake|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Protect|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Sandstorm|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Sand Tomb|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=450 | |
| |pokemon=Hippowdon | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground | |
| |ability=Sand Stream | |
| |ability2=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Soft Sand | |
| |move1=Earthquake|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Crunch|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Yawn|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Whirlwind|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=464 | |
| |pokemon=Rhyperior | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Rock | |
| |ability=Lightning Rod | |
| |ability2=Solid Rock | |
| |ability3=Reckless | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Zoom Lens | |
| |move1=Payback|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Blast|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical
| |
| |move3=Stone Edge|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical
| |
| |move4=Protect|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=472 | |
| |pokemon=Gliscor | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Flying | |
| |ability=Hyper Cutter | |
| |ability2=Sand Veil | |
| |ability3=Poison Heal | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Razor Fang | |
| |move1=Acrobatics|move1type=Flying|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Fling|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=U-turn|move3type=Bug|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Swords Dance|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=476 | |
| |pokemon=Probopass | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Magnet Pull | |
| |ability3=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Chesto Berry | |
| |move1=Thunder Wave|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Double Team|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Rest|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Magnet Bomb|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=526 | |
| |pokemon=Gigalith | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Sand Stream | |
| |ability3=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Rawst Berry | |
| |move1=Bulldoze|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Blast|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Gravity|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Curse|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=530 | |
| |pokemon=Excadrill | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Sand Rush | |
| |ability2=Sand Force | |
| |ability3=Mold Breaker | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Soft Sand | |
| |move1=Hone Claws|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Drill Run|move3type=Ground|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Iron Defense|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=598 | |
| |pokemon=Ferrothorn | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Grass|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Iron Barbs | |
| |ability2=Anticipation | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Leftovers | |
| |move1=Iron Head|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Thunder Wave|move2type=Electric|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Sandstorm|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Ingrain|move4type=Grass|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | |
| |ndex=689 | |
| |pokemon=Barbaracle | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Water | |
| |ability=Tough Claws | |
| |ability2=Sniper | |
| |ability3=Pickpocket | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Bright Powder | |
| |move1=Stone Edge|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Razor Shell|move2type=Water|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Shell Smash|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Double Team|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |- | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=697
| |
| |pokemon=Tyrantrum
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Dragon
| |
| |ability=Strong Jaw
| |
| |ability2=Rock Head
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Lax Incense
| |
| |move1=Stealth Rock|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Status
| |
| |move2=Dragon Tail|move2type=Dragon|move2cat=Physical
| |
| |move3=Double Team|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Earthquake|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=745
| |
| |pokemon=Lycanroc
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Rock
| |
| |ability=Keen Eye
| |
| |ability2=Sand Rush
| |
| |ability3=Steadfast
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Rockium Z
| |
| |move1=Stealth Rock|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Status
| |
| |move2=Accelerock|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical
| |
| |move3=Rock Polish|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Rock Climb|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=770
| |
| |pokemon=Palossand
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Ghost|type2=Ground
| |
| |ability=Water Compaction
| |
| |ability2=Sand Veil
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Smooth Rock
| |
| |move1=Shore Up|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Status
| |
| |move2=Sandstorm|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Status
| |
| |move3=Shadow Ball|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Special
| |
| |move4=Earth Power|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Special}}
| |
| {{Party/Footer}}
| |
| |
| ===Vivek and Stellan=== | | ===Vivek and Stellan=== |
| {{Party/Single | | {{anchor|Vivek}}{{anchor|Stellan}} |
| |color={{locationcolor/med|mountain}} | | {{lop/facility/head|{{alola color light}}|{{alola color dark}}|{{alola color}}}} |
| |bordercolor={{locationcolor/dark|mountain}}
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|703|Carbink|Iron Ball|Trick Room|Psychic|Gyro Ball|Steel|Dazzling Gleam|Fairy|Power Gem|Rock|Quiet||||252|252|}} |
| |headcolor={{locationcolor/light|mountain}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|709|Trevenant|Iron Ball|Trick Room|Psychic|Focus Blast|Fighting|Energy Ball|Grass|Shadow Ball|Ghost|Quiet|||252|252||}} |
| |sprite=VSHiker SM.png | | {{lop/facility|game=6|683|Aromatisse|Leftovers|Aromatic Mist|Fairy|Dazzling Gleam|Fairy|Heal Pulse|Psychic|Trick Room|Psychic|Sassy|252||||252|}} |
| |size=150px | | {{lop/facility|game=6|476|Probopass|Quick Claw|Explosion|Normal|Rock Blast|Rock|Volt Switch|Electric|Sandstorm|Rock|Jolly||252|||252|}} |
| |prize=7 {{color2|000|Battle Point|BP}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|750|Mudsdale|Yache Berry|Earthquake|Ground|Heavy Slam|Steel|Close Combat|Fighting|Sandstorm|Rock|Brave|252|252||||}} |
| |class=Backpacker | | {{lop/facility|game=6|526|Gigalith|Hard Stone|Iron Defense|Steel|Sandstorm|Rock|Lock-On|Normal|Rock Blast|Rock|Naughty|252||252|||}} |
| |classlink=Backpacker | | {{lop/facility|game=6|450|Hippowdon|Sitrus Berry|Crunch|Dark|Rock Slide|Rock|Protect|Normal|Curse|Ghost|Lonely|252|252||||}} |
| |name=Vivek or Stellan | | {{lop/facility|game=6|248|Tyranitar|King's Rock|Rock Slide|Rock|Crunch|Dark|Ice Beam|Ice|Dragon Dance|Dragon|Hasty||252||||252}} |
| |game=SM | | {{lop/facility|game=6|051|Dugtrio|Bright Powder|Fissure|Ground|Toxic|Poison|Substitute|Normal|Sandstorm|Rock|Timid|252|||||252}} |
| |location=Battle Tree | | {{lop/facility|game=6|423|Gastrodon|Leftovers|Sandstorm|Rock|Mud Bomb|Ground|Surf|Water|Recover|Normal|Quiet|||252|252||}} |
| |locationname=Battle Tree | | {{lop/facility|game=6|563|Cofagrigus|Maranga Berry|Will-O-Wisp|Fire|Shadow Ball|Ghost|Destiny Bond|Ghost|Trick Room|Psychic|Quiet|252|||252||}} |
| |pokemon=4}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|076|Golem|Focus Sash|Rock Slide|Rock|Earthquake|Ground|Explosion|Normal|Autotomize|Steel|Jolly|252|252||||}} |
| |-
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|593|Jellicent|Mental Herb|Water Spout|Water|Recover|Normal|Will-O-Wisp|Fire|Trick Room|Psychic|Quiet|||252|252||}} |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|346|Cradily|Leftovers|Sandstorm|Rock|Toxic|Poison|Protect|Normal|Earthquake|Ground|Relaxed|252||252|||}} |
| |ndex=028 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|765|Oranguru|Mental Herb|Psychic|Psychic|Shadow Ball|Ghost|Focus Blast|Fighting|Trick Room|Psychic|Sassy||||252|252|}} |
| |pokemon=Sandslash | | {{lop/facility|game=6|213|Shuckle|Lax Incense|Gyro Ball|Steel|Double Team|Normal|Substitute|Normal|Power Trick|Psychic|Relaxed|252||252|||}} |
| |gender=both | | {{lop/facility|game=6|526|Gigalith|Custap Berry|Stone Edge|Rock|Earthquake|Ground|Sandstorm|Rock|Explosion|Normal|Adamant|252|252||||}} |
| |type1=Ground | | {{lop/facility|game=6|530|Excadrill|Bright Powder|Sandstorm|Rock|Earthquake|Ground|Rock Slide|Rock|Poison Jab|Poison|Adamant||170|170||170|}} |
| |ability=Sand Veil | | {{lop/facility|game=6|450|Hippowdon|Sitrus Berry|Earthquake|Ground|Crunch|Dark|Slack Off|Normal|Yawn|Normal|Adamant||252|||252|}} |
| |ability2=Sand Rush | | {{lop/facility|game=6|306|Aggron|Aggronite|Heavy Slam|Steel|Dragon Rush|Dragon|Thunder Wave|Electric|Stone Edge|Rock|Adamant|252|252||||}} |
| |level=50 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|464|Rhyperior|Focus Sash|Horn Drill|Normal|Reversal|Fighting|Payback|Dark|Metal Burst|Steel|Impish|252||252|||}} |
| |held=Smooth Rock | | {{lop/facility|game=6|028|Sandslash|Smooth Rock|Sandstorm|Rock|Earthquake|Ground|Stone Edge|Rock|X-Scissor|Bug|Adamant|252|252||||}} |
| |move1=Sandstorm|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Status | | {{lop/facility|game=6|248|Tyranitar|Chople Berry|Rock Slide|Rock|Crunch|Dark|Earthquake|Ground|Dragon Dance|Dragon|Jolly||252||||252}} |
| |move2=Earthquake|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Physical | | {{lop/facility|game=6|531|Audino|Firium Z|Yawn|Normal|Hyper Voice|Normal|Trick Room|Psychic|Fire Blast|Fire|Modest|||252|252||}} |
| |move3=Stone Edge|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical | | {{lop/facility|game=6|076A|Golem|Air Balloon|Rock Slide|Rock|Earthquake|Ground|Explosion|Normal|Rock Polish|Rock|Adamant||252||||252|note={{sup/7|SM}}}} |
| |move4=X-Scissor|move4type=Bug|move4cat=Physical}}
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|076A|Golem|Weakness Policy|Rock Slide|Rock|Earthquake|Ground|Explosion|Normal|Rock Polish|Rock|Jolly||252||||252|note={{sup/7|USUM}}}} |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|080|Slowbro|Slowbronite|Psychic|Psychic|Surf|Water|Blizzard|Ice|Trick Room|Psychic|Quiet|252|||252||}} |
| |ndex=051 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|199|Slowking|Waterium Z|Psychic|Psychic|Surf|Water|Ice Beam|Ice|Trick Room|Psychic|Quiet|252||||252|}} |
| |pokemon=Dugtrio | | {{lop/facility|game=6|437|Bronzong|Steelium Z|Safeguard|Normal|Rock Slide|Rock|Gyro Ball|Steel|Trick Room|Psychic|Brave|252|252||||}} |
| |gender=both | | {{lop/facility|game=6|213|Shuckle|Leftovers|Toxic|Poison|Protect|Normal|Sandstorm|Rock|Wrap|Normal|Relaxed|252||252|||}} |
| |type1=Ground | | {{lop/facility|game=6|526|Gigalith|Leftovers|Rock Slide|Rock|Stealth Rock|Rock|Curse|Ghost|Earthquake|Ground|Quiet|252||||252|}} |
| |ability=Sand Veil | | {{lop/facility|game=6|208|Steelix|Steelixite|Gyro Ball|Steel|Earthquake|Ground|Stone Edge|Rock|Sandstorm|Rock|Adamant|252|252||||}} |
| |ability2=Arena Trap | | {{lop/facility|game=6|450|Hippowdon|Chesto Berry|Curse|Ghost|Rest|Psychic|Earthquake|Ground|Crunch|Dark|Sassy|252||||252|}} |
| |ability3=Sand Force | | {{lop/facility|game=6|477|Dusknoir|Ghostium Z|Shadow Sneak|Ghost|Pain Split|Normal|Destiny Bond|Ghost|Trick Room|Psychic|Relaxed|252||||252|}} |
| |level=50 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|306|Aggron|Shuca Berry|Metal Burst|Steel|Taunt|Dark|Earthquake|Ground|Shadow Claw|Ghost|Brave||252|||252|}} |
| |held=Bright Powder | | {{lop/facility|game=6|464|Rhyperior|Rockium Z|Rock Slide|Rock|Hammer Arm|Fighting|Earthquake|Ground|Protect|Normal|Brave|252|252||||}} |
| |move1=Fissure|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | | {{lop/facility|game=6|248|Tyranitar|Tyranitarite|Stone Edge|Rock|Earthquake|Ground|Ice Fang|Ice|Payback|Dark|Brave|252|252||||}} |
| |move2=Toxic|move2type=Poison|move2cat=Status | | {{lop/facility|game=6|445|Garchomp|Garchompite|Sandstorm|Rock|Stone Edge|Rock|Earthquake|Ground|Dragon Claw|Dragon|Adamant|252|252||||}} |
| |move3=Substitute|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | | {{lop/facility|game=6|377|Regirock|Leftovers|Sandstorm|Rock|Curse|Ghost|Rock Slide|Rock|Hammer Arm|Fighting|Careful|252||||252|}} |
| |move4=Sandstorm|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Status}} | | {{lop/facility|game=6|639|Terrakion|Expert Belt|Close Combat|Fighting|Earthquake|Ground|Stone Edge|Rock|Aerial Ace|Flying|Jolly||252||||252}} |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| | {{lop/facility|game=6|377|Regirock|Custap Berry|Stone Edge|Rock|Hammer Arm|Fighting|Earthquake|Ground|Explosion|Normal|Adamant|252|252||||}} |
| |ndex=076 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|639|Terrakion|Choice Scarf|Sacred Sword|Fighting|Earthquake|Ground|Stone Edge|Rock|Aerial Ace|Flying|Adamant||252||||252}} |
| |pokemon=Golem | | {{lop/facility|game=6|377|Regirock|Rockium Z|Thunder Wave|Electric|Stone Edge|Rock|Hammer Arm|Fighting|Earthquake|Ground|Adamant|252|252||||}} |
| |gender=both | | {{lop/facility|game=6|639|Terrakion|Sitrus Berry|Swords Dance|Normal|Sacred Sword|Fighting|Earthquake|Ground|Rock Slide|Rock|Jolly||252||||252}} |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Ground | | {{lop/facility|game=6|645|Landorus|Smooth Rock|Sandstorm|Rock|Earthquake|Ground|Rock Slide|Rock|Protect|Normal|Jolly||252||||252}} |
| |ability=Rock Head | | {{lop/facility|game=6|377|Regirock|Sitrus Berry|Rock Polish|Rock|Rock Slide|Rock|Superpower|Fighting|Explosion|Normal|Jolly||252||||252}} |
| |ability2=Sturdy | | {{lop/facility|game=6|639|Terrakion|King's Rock|Bulldoze|Ground|Rock Slide|Rock|Earthquake|Ground|Sacred Sword|Fighting|Jolly||252||||252}} |
| |ability3=Sand Veil | | {{lop/facility|game=6|488|Cresselia|Iron Ball|Psychic|Psychic|Shadow Ball|Ghost|Moonblast|Fairy|Trick Room|Psychic|Quiet|||252|252||}} |
| |level=50 | | {{lop/facility|game=6|476|Probopass|Sitrus Berry|Tri Attack|Normal|Power Gem|Rock|Flash Cannon|Steel|Dazzling Gleam|Fairy|Calm|252||||252|}} |
| |held=Focus Sash | | |}{{-}} |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Earthquake|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Explosion|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Autotomize|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=076 | |
| |pokemon=Golem | |
| |gender=both | |
| |form=-Alola | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Electric | |
| |ability=Magnet Pull | |
| |ability2=Sturdy | |
| |ability3=Galvanize | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Air Balloon | |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Earthquake|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Explosion|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Rock Polish|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=080 | |
| |pokemon=Slowbro | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Water|type2=Psychic | |
| |ability=Oblivious | |
| |ability2=Own Tempo | |
| |ability3=Regenerator | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Slowbronite | |
| |move1=Psychic|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Surf|move2type=Water|move2cat=Special
| |
| |move3=Blizzard|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Trick Room|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=199 | |
| |pokemon=Slowking | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Water|type2=Psychic | |
| |ability=Oblivious | |
| |ability2=Own Tempo | |
| |ability3=Regenerator | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Waterium Z | |
| |move1=Psychic|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Surf|move2type=Water|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Ice Beam|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
| |
| |move4=Trick Room|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=208 | |
| |pokemon=Steelix | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Ground | |
| |ability=Rock Head | |
| |ability2=Sturdy | |
| |ability3=Sheer Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Steelixite | |
| |move1=Gyro Ball|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Earthquake|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Stone Edge|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Sandstorm|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=213 | |
| |pokemon=Shuckle | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Bug|type2=Rock | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Gluttony | |
| |ability3=Contrary | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Lax Incense | |
| |move1=Gyro Ball|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Double Team|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Substitute|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Power Trick|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=213 | |
| |pokemon=Shuckle | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Bug|type2=Rock | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Gluttony | |
| |ability3=Contrary | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Leftovers | |
| |move1=Toxic|move1type=Poison|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Protect|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Sandstorm|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Wrap|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=248 | |
| |pokemon=Tyranitar | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Dark | |
| |ability=Sand Stream | |
| |ability2=Unnerve | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=King's Rock | |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Crunch|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Ice Beam|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Special
| |
| |move4=Dragon Dance|move4type=Dragon|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=248 | |
| |pokemon=Tyranitar | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Dark | |
| |ability=Sand Stream | |
| |ability2=Unnerve | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Chople Berry | |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Crunch|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Earthquake|move3type=Ground|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Dragon Dance|move4type=Dragon|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=248 | |
| |pokemon=Tyranitar | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Dark | |
| |ability=Sand Stream | |
| |ability2=Unnerve | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Tyranitarite | |
| |move1=Stone Edge|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Earthquake|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Ice Fang|move3type=Ice|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Payback|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=306 | |
| |pokemon=Aggron | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Rock | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Rock Head | |
| |ability3=Heavy Metal | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Aggronite | |
| |move1=Heavy Slam|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Dragon Rush|move2type=Dragon|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Thunder Wave|move3type=Electric|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Stone Edge|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=306 | |
| |pokemon=Aggron | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Rock | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Rock Head | |
| |ability3=Heavy Metal | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Shuca Berry | |
| |move1=Metal Burst|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Taunt|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Earthquake|move3type=Ground|move3cat=Physical
| |
| |move4=Shadow Claw|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=346 | |
| |pokemon=Cradily | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Grass | |
| |ability=Suction Cups | |
| |ability2=Storm Drain | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Leftovers | |
| |move1=Sandstorm|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Toxic|move2type=Poison|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Protect|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Earthquake|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=377 | |
| |pokemon=Regirock | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Rock | |
| |ability=Clear Body | |
| |ability2=Sturdy | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Leftovers | |
| |move1=Sandstorm|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Curse|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Rock Slide|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Hammer Arm|move4type=Fighting|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=377 | |
| |pokemon=Regirock | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Rock | |
| |ability=Clear Body | |
| |ability2=Sturdy | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Custap Berry | |
| |move1=Stone Edge|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Hammer Arm|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Earthquake|move3type=Ground|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Explosion|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=377 | |
| |pokemon=Regirock | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Rock
| |
| |ability=Clear Body | |
| |ability2=Sturdy | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Rockium Z | |
| |move1=Thunder Wave|move1type=Electric|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Stone Edge|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Hammer Arm|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Earthquake|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=377 | |
| |pokemon=Regirock | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Rock | |
| |ability=Clear Body | |
| |ability2=Sturdy | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Rock Polish|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Superpower|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Physical
| |
| |move4=Explosion|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=423 | |
| |pokemon=Gastrodon | |
| |gender=both | |
| |form=-West | |
| |type1=Water|type2=Ground | |
| |ability=Sticky Hold | |
| |ability2=Storm Drain | |
| |ability3=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Leftovers | |
| |move1=Sandstorm|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Mud Bomb|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Surf|move3type=Water|move3cat=Special
| |
| |move4=Recover|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=437 | |
| |pokemon=Bronzong | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Steel|type2=Psychic | |
| |ability=Levitate | |
| |ability2=Heatproof | |
| |ability3=Heavy Metal | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Steelium Z | |
| |move1=Safeguard|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Gyro Ball|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Trick Room|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=445 | |
| |pokemon=Garchomp | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Dragon|type2=Ground | |
| |ability=Sand Veil | |
| |ability2=Rough Skin | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Garchompite | |
| |move1=Sandstorm|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Stone Edge|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Earthquake|move3type=Ground|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Dragon Claw|move4type=Dragon|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=450 | |
| |pokemon=Hippowdon | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground | |
| |ability=Sand Stream | |
| |ability2=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Crunch|move1type=Dark|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Protect|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Curse|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=450 | |
| |pokemon=Hippowdon | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground | |
| |ability=Sand Stream | |
| |ability2=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Earthquake|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Crunch|move2type=Dark|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Slack Off|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Yawn|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=450 | |
| |pokemon=Hippowdon | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground | |
| |ability=Sand Stream | |
| |ability2=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Chesto Berry | |
| |move1=Curse|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Rest|move2type=Psychic|move2cat=Status
| |
| |move3=Earthquake|move3type=Ground|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Crunch|move4type=Dark|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=464 | |
| |pokemon=Rhyperior | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Rock | |
| |ability=Lightning Rod | |
| |ability2=Solid Rock | |
| |ability3=Reckless | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Focus Sash | |
| |move1=Horn Drill|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Reversal|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Payback|move3type=Dark|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Metal Burst|move4type=Steel|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | |
| |ndex=464 | |
| |pokemon=Rhyperior | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Rock | |
| |ability=Lightning Rod | |
| |ability2=Solid Rock | |
| |ability3=Reckless | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Rockium Z | |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Hammer Arm|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Earthquake|move3type=Ground|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Protect|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=476 | |
| |pokemon=Probopass | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Magnet Pull | |
| |ability3=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Quick Claw | |
| |move1=Explosion|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Blast|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Volt Switch|move3type=Electric|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Sandstorm|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=476 | |
| |pokemon=Probopass | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Magnet Pull | |
| |ability3=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Tri Attack|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Power Gem|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Flash Cannon|move3type=Steel|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Dazzling Gleam|move4type=Fairy|move4cat=Special}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=477 | |
| |pokemon=Dusknoir | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ghost | |
| |ability=Pressure | |
| |ability2=Frisk | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Ghostium Z | |
| |move1=Shadow Sneak|move1type=Ghost|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Pain Split|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Destiny Bond|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Trick Room|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=488 | |
| |pokemon=Cresselia | |
| |gender=female | |
| |type1=Psychic | |
| |ability=Levitate | |
| |ability2= | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Iron Ball | |
| |move1=Psychic|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Shadow Ball|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Moonblast|move3type=Fairy|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Trick Room|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=526 | |
| |pokemon=Gigalith | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Sand Stream | |
| |ability3=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Hard Stone | |
| |move1=Iron Defense|move1type=Steel|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Sandstorm|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Lock-On|move3type=Normal|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Rock Blast|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=526 | |
| |pokemon=Gigalith | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Sand Stream | |
| |ability3=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Custap Berry | |
| |move1=Stone Edge|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Earthquake|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Physical
| |
| |move3=Sandstorm|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Explosion|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=526 | |
| |pokemon=Gigalith | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Rock | |
| |ability=Sturdy | |
| |ability2=Sand Stream | |
| |ability3=Sand Force | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Leftovers | |
| |move1=Rock Slide|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Stealth Rock|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Curse|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Earthquake|move4type=Ground|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=530 | |
| |pokemon=Excadrill | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Steel | |
| |ability=Sand Rush | |
| |ability2=Sand Force | |
| |ability3=Mold Breaker | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Bright Powder | |
| |move1=Sandstorm|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Earthquake|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Rock Slide|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Poison Jab|move4type=Poison|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=531 | |
| |pokemon=Audino | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Normal | |
| |ability=Healer | |
| |ability2=Regenerator | |
| |ability3=Klutz | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Firium Z | |
| |move1=Yawn|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Hyper Voice|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Trick Room|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Fire Blast|move4type=Fire|move4cat=Special}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=563 | |
| |pokemon=Cofagrigus | |
| |gender=both | |
| |type1=Ghost | |
| |ability=Mummy | |
| |ability2= | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Maranga Berry | |
| |move1=Will-O-Wisp|move1type=Fire|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Shadow Ball|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Destiny Bond|move3type=Ghost|move3cat=Status | |
| |move4=Trick Room|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=593 | |
| |pokemon=Jellicent | |
| |gender=both | |
| |form=-Male | |
| |type1=Water|type2=Ghost | |
| |ability=Water Absorb | |
| |ability2=Cursed Body | |
| |ability3=Damp | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Mental Herb | |
| |move1=Water Spout|move1type=Water|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Recover|move2type=Normal|move2cat=Status | |
| |move3=Will-O-Wisp|move3type=Fire|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Trick Room|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=639 | |
| |pokemon=Terrakion | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Fighting | |
| |ability=Justified | |
| |ability2= | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Expert Belt | |
| |move1=Close Combat|move1type=Fighting|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Earthquake|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Stone Edge|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical
| |
| |move4=Aerial Ace|move4type=Flying|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=639 | |
| |pokemon=Terrakion | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Fighting | |
| |ability=Justified | |
| |ability2= | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Choice Scarf | |
| |move1=Sacred Sword|move1type=Fighting|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Earthquake|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Stone Edge|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Aerial Ace|move4type=Flying|move4cat=Physical}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=639 | |
| |pokemon=Terrakion | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Fighting
| |
| |ability=Justified | |
| |ability2= | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=Sitrus Berry | |
| |move1=Swords Dance|move1type=Normal|move1cat=Status | |
| |move2=Sacred Sword|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Physical
| |
| |move3=Earthquake|move3type=Ground|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Rock Slide|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=639 | |
| |pokemon=Terrakion | |
| |gender= | |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Fighting | |
| |ability=Justified | |
| |ability2= | |
| |level=50 | |
| |held=King's Rock | |
| |move1=Bulldoze|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical | |
| |move2=Rock Slide|move2type=Rock|move2cat=Physical | |
| |move3=Earthquake|move3type=Ground|move3cat=Physical | |
| |move4=Sacred Sword|move4type=Fighting|move4cat=Physical}} | |
| |{{Pokémon/7 | |
| |ndex=645 | |
| |pokemon=Landorus | |
| |gender=male | |
| |type1=Ground|type2=Flying | |
| |ability=Sand Force | |
| |ability2=Sheer Force
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Smooth Rock
| |
| |move1=Sandstorm|move1type=Rock|move1cat=Status
| |
| |move2=Earthquake|move2type=Ground|move2cat=Physical
| |
| |move3=Rock Slide|move3type=Rock|move3cat=Physical
| |
| |move4=Protect|move4type=Normal|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=683
| |
| |pokemon=Aromatisse
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Fairy
| |
| |ability=Healer
| |
| |ability2=Aroma Veil
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Leftovers
| |
| |move1=Aromatic Mist|move1type=Fairy|move1cat=Status
| |
| |move2=Dazzling Gleam|move2type=Fairy|move2cat=Special
| |
| |move3=Heal Pulse|move3type=Psychic|move3cat=Status
| |
| |move4=Trick Room|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=703
| |
| |pokemon=Carbink
| |
| |gender=
| |
| |type1=Rock|type2=Fairy
| |
| |ability=Clear Body
| |
| |ability2=Sturdy
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Iron Ball
| |
| |move1=Trick Room|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Status
| |
| |move2=Gyro Ball|move2type=Steel|move2cat=Physical
| |
| |move3=Dazzling Gleam|move3type=Fairy|move3cat=Special
| |
| |move4=Power Gem|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Special}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=709
| |
| |pokemon=Trevenant
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Ghost|type2=Grass
| |
| |ability=Natural Cure
| |
| |ability2=Frisk
| |
| |ability3=Harvest
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Iron Ball
| |
| |move1=Trick Room|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Status
| |
| |move2=Focus Blast|move2type=Fighting|move2cat=Special
| |
| |move3=Energy Ball|move3type=Grass|move3cat=Special
| |
| |move4=Shadow Ball|move4type=Ghost|move4cat=Special}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=750
| |
| |pokemon=Mudsdale
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Ground
| |
| |ability=Own Tempo
| |
| |ability2=Stamina
| |
| |ability3=Inner Focus
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Yache Berry
| |
| |move1=Earthquake|move1type=Ground|move1cat=Physical
| |
| |move2=Heavy Slam|move2type=Steel|move2cat=Physical
| |
| |move3=Close Combat|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Physical
| |
| |move4=Sandstorm|move4type=Rock|move4cat=Status}}
| |
| |{{Pokémon/7
| |
| |ndex=765
| |
| |pokemon=Oranguru
| |
| |gender=both
| |
| |type1=Normal|type2=Psychic
| |
| |ability=Inner Focus
| |
| |ability2=Telepathy
| |
| |ability3=Symbiosis
| |
| |level=50
| |
| |held=Mental Herb
| |
| |move1=Psychic|move1type=Psychic|move1cat=Special | |
| |move2=Shadow Ball|move2type=Ghost|move2cat=Special | |
| |move3=Focus Blast|move3type=Fighting|move3cat=Special | |
| |move4=Trick Room|move4type=Psychic|move4cat=Status}} | |
| {{Party/Footer}} | |
| |
| [[Category:Subpages]] | | {{FacilityTrainerNav/SM}} |
| | |
| | [[Category:Battle facility Pokémon]] |
| | |
| | [[it:Elenco Allenatori dell'Albero della Lotta/Montanaro]] |
| | [[ja:バトルツリーのトレーナー一覧/やまおとこ]] |