{{learnlist/breed9|{{bag/s|Mirror Herb|SV}}{{tt|*|The Pokémon must hold a Mirror Herb to copy this move from another Pokémon.}}|Spite|Ghost|Status|—|100|10|grid=3}}
{{learnlist/breed9|{{bag/s|TM Ghost|SV|TM177}}{{tt|*|No Pokémon in the Human-Like Egg Group can learn Spite via level-up. However, the move is available via TM177 and can be passed down from Sableye, the Cacnea line, the Croagunk line, the Pawniard line, and the Charcadet line, or copied via Mirror Herb.}}|Spite|Ghost|Status|—|100|10|grid=3}}
Charcadet is a humanoid Pokémon said to have been born from burnt charcoal. Its body is mostly black, except for its torso and extremities, which are red; and its head, which, apart from the face, is orange with red colorations on the top and back. The head is large and has a fire-like plume above it, tipped with pink and dark blue colors. Charcadet's forehead is covered with a black plate-like mask with three holes at the center, and its eyes have wisps emanating from its red-and-yellow pupils. Charcadet's head is connected to its body by a very tiny neck. Its torso resembles a tunic, with an orange protrusion at the front that seems to connect to its neck. Its hands and feet are cylindrical, and it has a fiery "cape" on its back. It has small, teardrop-shaped indents on its soles.
Charcadet has a fiery fighting spirit, and will battle opponents tougher than itself. When it fights, its firepower increases, reaching temperatures of over 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit (1,000 degrees Celsius). It enjoys eating Berries that are rich in fat. Charcadet's evolution can be influenced by either the Auspicious Armor or the Malicious Armor.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: A Charcadet known as Charlos (Japanese: ボウジロウBōjirō) is one of the Pokémon taken care of in the Naranja AcademyS/Uva AcademyV. He has an attachment to Mela in particular and helps convince her to come back to the academy.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IX.
Charcadet was briefly shown in a pre-release trailer on 6 October 2022, though it remained officially unrevealed until the release of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
In Japanese, Charcadet shares its category with Simisear and Fletchinder, namely ひのこポケモン Hinoko Pokémon (Sparks Pokémon). For Charcadet specifically, the category can also be read as 火の子 hinoko (fire child), hence its English category.
Because of the unavailability of the Malicious Armor in Scarlet and the Auspicious Armor in Violet, Charcadet is the only Pokémon whose branched evolutions are version-exclusives in the main series games due to an item unavailability.
Charcadet appears to be based on burning charcoal and a cadet or squire, who are boys in training.
Name origin
Charcadet may be a combination of char (to burn), charcoal, and cadet.
Carbou may be a combination of carbón (Spanish for charcoal) and 坊 bō (boy).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.