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Latest revision as of 17:41, 19 September 2024

セード Sed

Gender Female
Hometown Unknown desert
Region Unova
Relatives Ravine (father)
Anime debut White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram
English voice actor Lisa Ortiz
Japanese voice actor Shōko Nakagawa

Luisa (Japanese: セード Sed) is a minor supporting character who appeared in White—Victini and Zekrom and Black—Victini and Reshiram. She is a little girl currently living in a desert.

In the movies

In the beginning of White—Victini and Zekrom, Damon returned Luisa's lost Blitzle to her after he found it injured out in the desert. She also witnessed Damon, along with her father Ravine and the people of her village, summon Reshiram in order to save them from a tornado. In Black—Victini and Reshiram, she is seen in a flashback of Damon's, where she gives him a small Blitzle charm.

Luisa is later seen in both movies along with Ravine, Manuke, and the people of the frozen tundra, who all came to Eindoak Town to show their support for Damon's idea. She was also seen in the ending credits with Luis.


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Luisa's Blitzle

Blitzle appeared as Luisa's pet at her home in the wilderness area. It was discovered by Damon all by itself with an injured leg. Damon's Reuniclus used Psychic to lift it off the ground easily so it wouldn't be further injured. He bandaged up its leg and returned it to Luisa, who expressed her gratitude.

None of Blitzle's moves are known.

Voice actors

Language [hide]Voice actor
Japanese 中川翔子 Shōko Nakagawa
English Lisa Ortiz
Danish Hannah Emilie A. Rydskov
Korean 박희은 Park Hui-eun
Polish Magdalena Kusa
European Spanish Blanca Hualde

In the manga

Movie adaptations

Luisa appears in the manga adaptation of White—Victini and Zekrom, where she serves much the same role as she does in the movie.

In other languages

Language Name Origin
Korean 셰이드 Shed Transliteration of her Japanese name.
Chinese (Taiwan) 瑟朵 Sèduǒ Transliteration of her Japanese name.

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