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スイレン Suiren
Sun Moon Lana.png
Artwork from Sun and Moon
Age 11-19SM
Gender Female
Eye color Blue
Hair color Blue
Hometown Konikoni City
Region Alola
Relatives Unnamed father and mother, Harper and Sarah (younger twin sisters)
Trainer class Trial Captain
Generation VII
Games Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon
Specializes in Water types
Anime counterpart Lana
Counterpart debut Alola to New Adventure!

Lana (Japanese: スイレン Suiren) is the Trial Captain of Akala Island's Brooklet Hill. She is described as an expert with Water-type Pokémon who is dedicated to her family and a reliable older sister who watches over her younger sisters.

In the games

Lana appears in Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon as the Captain of the trial of Brooklet Hill. In her trial, Lana asks the player to investigate a series of phenomenon in the hill's waters using their new Ride Pokémon, Lapras. At the end, they must defeat a powerful sea-going Totem Pokémon, a School Form WishiwashiSM/an AraquanidUSUM. She later appears near the end of Mallow's trial with Kiawe, providing supplies that prove necessary to lure in the Totem Lurantis.

After defeating OliviaSM/becoming ChampionUSUM, the player can visit Lana's twin sisters, Harper and Sarah, in her home in Konikoni City, who ask to play with them by battling them in a Double Battle. After defeating them, Lana arrives, and is goaded into battling the player by her siblings. The battle takes place back in Brooklet Hill, where Lana will use a Z-RingSM/Z-Power RingUSUM along with a Waterium Z attached to her Araquanid.

In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon only, Lana also appears with Mallow at Lush Jungle during Mina's trial. She will give the player a Blue Petal as a part of the trial, although the player must defeat herUM/MallowUS first. Afterwards, she and Mallow will offer to escort the player to Wela Volcano Park to meet Kiawe and get the next petal from him.


Lana's Pokémon are kept in Net Balls.

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Mina's trialUM

Post-game battle


Pokémon Sun and Moon

Brooklet Hill
"Hello. I'm Lana. I serve as the captain of Brooklet Hill. You look like an able-bodied Trainer. Could I ask for your help with something?"
Regardless of choice: "Then follow me. This way, please."
"See? Do you see that there?"
"Look at that vigorous splashing! I wouldn't be surprised to find a fearsome Pokémon is the one causing it all..."
"So, brave trial-goer, I would like to ask you to investigate that splashing there and find out what exactly is causing it. I won't ask you to swim out there, of course. I have a lovely gift for you instead."
"If you climb atop Lapras there, you will be able to travel over bodies of water. That's right. You'll even be able to reach those splashes and see what is going on there."
  • If talked to again
"Did you see that splashing? I wonder what it is... I'd go and check it out for myself, but clinging to a clammy Lapras over the waves... Urp! It makes me seasick just thinking about it!"
  • If the player surfs away
"I simply can't suppress the curiosity welling up within me... That's why I would appreciate it if you would investigate those splashes in the water."
"Oh my... So it was Wishiwashi kicking up all that water? Even a little Wishiwashi can make such big waves..."
"Oh me. What is that? I can hear wild splashing from over there... It sounds even larger than what we just saw. Is it a Pokémon? Is it a person? I suppose we had better go check."
"Look! There it is... Ah... I'm sorry. What was your name? ... ... ... Of course! <Player>! It is a lovely name. Just lovely. Now look over there. Do you see that?"
"Whatever is kicking up such lovely splashes must be rather big... A strapping young Swimmer, perhaps? Or an amazing Pokémon specimen?"
  • If talked to again
"<Player>! Hurry, let's go see what is causing all that splashing over there!"
  • If the player surfs away
"Are you going somewhere? I would still like you to investigate those splashes in the water."
"Oh my. So it was another Wishiwashi that was kicking up all that water? Hmm. How unfortunate. It wasn't a strapping young Swimmer after all..."
"Oh my word! Now what is that? Even more furious splashing? It sounds as big as a Wailord. It might just be another Pokémon, but... Maybe, just maybe, we'll be lucky enough to find a spry young Swimmer floundering in the water and in need of saving!"
"Let's go investigate it, <player>!"
"Brooklet Hill... Within it lies the Legendary Pokémon said to be the embodiment of the sea itself... the mighty Kyogre."
That's amazing!: "It was only a joke, <player>... You're rather trusting, aren't you?"
Really?: "Oh dear... You won't be tricked easily, <player>."
"But we are near the sea. If that splashing sound is coming from the sea... then I wonder what is causing it. And now it is raining, as well. The rain will boost the power of any Water-type moves by half again... Could those splashes be caused by some Pokémon whose moves are now growing ever stronger in the falling rain?"
"<Player>... You've come all this way with me..."
"That's right. Didn't you notice? You passed through the Captain's gate by my side. Which means that you will undergo my trial! To clear my trial, you must defeat the great Totem Pokémon known as the lord of the ocean!"
"That spray of water you can see there! That is where you will probably find the totem. And perhaps those Wishiwashi you battled against will also want their revenge... Defeat whatever comes at you and prove your strength to me! And remember that you cannot catch any Pokémon here unless you complete my trial. So let the trial begin!"
  • If talked to again
"Defeat the totem that is causing all that sea spray, and prove your strength to me. And...well, you may find that using Grass- or Electric-type moves will be to your advantage. Or you could always resort to using an X Sp. Def or two or perhaps a Dire Hit. Do not let your guard down. The totem is not to be trifled with."
  • If the player walks away
"What is it, <player>? Do you need to leave so that you might prepare yourself better for my trial?"
Yes: "I understand. It's unfortunate, of course, but go prepare yourself so you can come try again."
No: "Defeat the totem that is causing all that sea spray, and prove your strength to me. And...well, you may find that using Grass- or Electric-type moves will be to your advantage. Or you could always resort to using an X Sp. Def or two or perhaps a Dire Hit. Do not let your guard down. The totem is not to be trifled with."
  • If the player restarted the trial
"So you're back, <player>... Though you bowed out of my trial once."
  • After defeating Totem Wishiwashi
"Very well done, <player>! Please come back this way."
"I...I must say that I find myself at an impasse here. All of the Wishiwashi that I so diligently trained up were defeated, and that is very frustrating... but of course I cannot let your completion of my trial go uncelebrated, <player>. You were amazing, <player>. Truly impressive. Please take this."
"You do know what this is, don't you? Watch. This is how you use Waterium Z."
"And that's not all I can offer you. Here. This is a Lana original. One of my own handmade fishing rods."
"This is how you use my fishing rod: When you want to fish for Pokémon, look for piles of rocks in the water. Fish like to hide in the shadows there. When you see your bob dip under the water, you have a bite. But you won't for long. The Pokémon will struggle to get away, so press Ⓐ as soon as you see the "!" mark. If you want to catch any of the Pokémon you fish up for your team, I recommend Dive Balls."
"By the way... Did you know I once reeled in a red Gyarados?"
Regardless of choice: "Well, what do you think?"
"You did a fine job today. Shall I see you back to the Pokémon Center on Route 5?"
Yes: "Good. Let's be going then. And you can always do a spot of fishing later."
No: "I understand. Oh yes, I understand all too well. The siren call of the sea... and the urge to fish up something wonderful!"
  • After accepting the request to battle in Konikoni City
"Shall we? I have a responsibility to set a good example for my younger sisters, of course. But even more important than that...I have my pride as a captain! I will show you what a serious Lana can do! I look forward to enjoying a no-holds-barred battle again you, <player>!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Well! You certainly reeled me in."
  • After being defeated
"<Player>, that was fantastic! You and your Pokémon were perfectly in sync! It seems I was premature in thinking that my full power would be enough to defeat you."
"Fine, fine... Let's all be getting back home. But I will not be carrying you! You can walk on your own two feet. What else do you think you have feet for?"
Route 5
"Next is Kiawe's trial. It will take place at Wela Volcano Park. Oh. And that reminds me... Did you see any Sudowoodo by Paniola Ranch? They were causing some trouble for people, so I gave them a little dose of Z-Power using my Waterium Z. Just a little lesson for them. I wonder how they will react now that they see that you have Waterium Z, too? Heh."
Lush Jungle
"How are you, Mallow?"
"And I brought you some Fresh Water and the usual Rocky Helmet."
"Here you are."
"Nor did the Wishiwashi that I had trained so carefully..."
"The flavor from the Rare Bone seems to fill my whole mouth..."
"It''s so..."
Konikoni City
"I'm home, girls."
"Oh! <Player>? You came to visit with us?"
"Well, thank you, <player>. For entertaining my little sisters so kindly."
"Well... I don't rightly know. <Player> is definitely strong himself/herself."
"It looks like I've got little choice... Once the girls have their minds set, they don't budge, no matter how hard you try."
"If you don't mind, <player>, could I ask you for a battle? The truth is that I've also been wanting to see how we might compare in skill!"
Umm...: "I know these girls would love to see us battle, so please come back anytime to take me on. And perhaps I should warn you... I am quite strong!"
Sure!: "All right!"
"Why don't we go out front, <player>? I would have some advantage battling inside the house, since I'm so familiar with the layout."
  • After being defeated at Brooklet Hill
"Thank you again for playing with my sisters. ...Here. Please have this and use it if you think it might be helpful."
"My father is expecting me to help on the boat, so I should be going soon. But you feel free to stay as long as you want, <player>. My home is yours."

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Brooklet Hill
  • Entrance
"Hello. I'm Lana. I serve as the captain of Brooklet Hill. So, trial-goer... Will you be attempting my trial?"
Not yet: "Oh, really? I will be waiting, in that case."
Definitely!: "Then I will explain the trial to you. My particular trial is this... I want you to herd the Pokémon found in the pools of Brooklet Hill, driving them downstream to draw out the Totem Pokémon. If I might be so blunt, they are Wishiwashi. It's Wishiwashi I want you to herd. But I won't expect you to swim through all the pools yourself. I have a lovely gift to help you."
"If you climb atop Lapras there, you will be able to travel over bodies of water."
"Now you'll be able to help drive those Pokémon downstream for me!"
"So if you're ready... Please follow me this way."
  • By the second lake
"So you made it... Ah... I'm sorry. What was your name? ... ... ... Of course! <player>! It is a lovely name. Just lovely. Now, then. Do you see those two splashes over there?"
"I am thinking that at least one of them might contain a Wishiwashi. In fact, it's likely both might. Don't you agree? Would you try to drive them downstream with a little help from Lapras?"
  • If the player attempts to surf away
"That splash there! Please do check that vigorous splashing and keep driving the Pokémon downstream for me."
  • After defeating the first Wishiwashi
"Well, this is a lovely surprise! You're quite the Trainer, <player>! Please carry on driving the Wishiwashi downstream just like that."
  • Upon reaching the Totem's Den
"<player>! Look there! Yes, just over there!"
"It would seem we succeeded in drawing out the Totem Pokémon!"
"Strike against the totem with all your strength! And seize victory!"
  • If the player tries to leave Brooklet Hill
"What is it, <player>? So you need more time to leave so that you might prepare yourself better for my trial?"
Yes: "I understand. It's unfortunate, of course, but go prepare yourself so you can come try again."
No: "Defeat the Totem to prove your skill to me. And...well you may find that using Grass- or Electric-type moves will be to your advantage. Or you could always resort to using an X Sp. Def or two, or perhaps a Dire Hit. Do not let your guard down. The totem is not to be trifled with."
  • If the player restarted the trial
"Yes, <player>? You've found me again. Would you like the attempt my trial once more?"
Definitely!: "Good. Then to review my trial's requirements... I want you to drive the Wishiwashi found in the pools of Brooklet Hill downstream, in order to draw out the Totem Pokémon./Then we should head downstream to meet the totem! If you're ready, please follow me this way."
'Not really: "Oh, really? I will be waiting in that case."
  • After defeating the Totem Pokémon
"Very well done, <player>! Please come back this way."
"What a very surprising surprise. Who would have thought it? That all those Wishiwashi gathering would have summoned an Araquanid, that is. Heh heh... Even I was caught - hook, line, and sinker! You were amazing, <player>. Truly impressive. Please take this."
"You do know what this is, don't you? Watch. This is how you use Waterium Z."
"And I have more than just that to offer you. Another token for clearing my trial... Here. This is a Lana original. One of my own handmade fishing rods."
"This is how you use my fishing rod: When you want to fish for Pokémon, look for piles of rocks in the water. Fish like to hide in the shadows there. When you see your bob dip under the water, you have a bite. But you won't for long. The Pokémon will struggle to get away, so press Ⓐ as soon as you see the "!" mark. If you want to catch any of the Pokémon you fish up for your team, I recommend Dive Balls.
"By the way... Did you know I once reeled in a red Gyarados?
Regardless of choice: "Well, what do you think?"
"You did a fine job today. Shall I see you back to the Pokémon Center on Route 5?
Yes: "Good. Let's be going, then. And you can always do a spot of fishing later."
No: "I understand. Oh yes, I understand all too well. The siren call of the sea... and the urge to fish up something wonderful!"
"Shall we? I have a responsibility to set a good example for my younger sisters, of course. But more important than that...I have my pride as a captain! I will show you what a serious Lana can do! I look forward to enjoying a no-holds-barred battle again you, <player>!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Well! You certainly reeled me in."
  • After being defeated
"<Player>, that was fantastic! You and your Pokémon were perfectly in sync! It seems I was premature in thinking that my full power would be enough to defeat you."
"Fine, fine... Let's all be getting back home. But I will not be carrying you! You can walk on your own two feet. What else do you think you have feet for?"
Route 5
"Next is Kiawe's trial. It will take place at Wela Volcano Park. Oh. And that reminds me... Did you see any Sudowoodo by Paniola Ranch? They were causing some trouble for people, so I gave them a little dose of my Z-Power using my Waterium Z. Just a little lesson for them. I wonder how they will react now that they see that you have Waterium Z too? Heh."
Lush Jungle
  • While gathering ingredients during Mallow's trial
"Oh, <player>! Are you here for Mallow's trial too?"
Yup: "Oh, I was just taking a guess. Looks like you got lured in, too, huh? I came became Mallow asked me to bring her some Fresh Water."
Why do you ask?: "Heh heh. Mallow asked me to bring her some Fresh Water, so here I am. I wanted to have a look around here for a Big Root that I could use as a fishing rod anyway, though."
  • If talked to again
"I'm sure a fresh-faced Trainer like you will be able to find a nice, fresh Big Root in no time!"
"Nor did the Araquanid that I had trained so carefully..."
"And that food you cooked is suited to Pokémon's taste buds, right? I think it's probably best to save it for when Lurantis wants some more..."
  • During Mina's trial
"Are you sure you should relax quite so much, Mallow? I quite like it when you're full of energy. You're much less likely to be startled by an unexpected visitor when you are."
"Like I thought, true relaxation might be out of the question for you, my spry Mallow."
  • If the player initially refuses to battle Mallow and talks to LanaUS
"Now I understand why the Mallow Special is quite so special. Heh heh..."
  • Before battleUM
"Poor Mallow is feeling bashful. But I know how to guarantee you keep what you saw a secret."
A battle? You're on!: "I knew you would take my bait, <player>. I don't really mind if you tell Mallow's secret. Not as long as I get to battle you!"
A battle? Hold on!: "Oh dear, Mallow. It looks like your secret might be out..."
  • Upon being defeatedUM
"Well! Once again, you certainly reeled me in."
"And take this from me... A Blue Petal. Did you know? The Blue Petal is the same shape as one of Wishiwashi's scales."
  • If the player answers "Pretty please!" to Mallow
"Well, that was quite the vigorous answer! Let's definitely go to the volcano together."
  • If the player answers "Pretty much no" to Mallow and talks to Lana
"You know, <player>, I have to say... you are quite the catch."
Wela Volcano Park
"<Player>. I'm glad we could travel like this. Please have a good time with Kiawe."
Konikoni City
"I'm home, girls."
"Oh! <Player>? You came to visit with us?"
"Well, thank you, <player>. For entertaining my little sisters so kindly."
"Well... I don't rightly know. <Player> is definitely strong himself/herself."
"It looks like I've got little choice... Once the girls have their minds set, they don't budge, no matter how hard you try."
"If you don't mind, <player>, could I ask you for a battle? I've spent quite some time devising a way to defeat you, <player>!"
Sure!: "Why don't we go out front, <player>? I would have some advantage battling inside the house, since I'm so familiar with the layout."
Umm...: "I know these girls would love to see us battle, so please come back anytime to take me on. And perhaps I should warn you... I don't bother with small fries or losing battles. I plan to haul in a big catch when we fight!"
  • After being defeated at Brooklet Hill
"Thank you again for playing with my sisters. Here...why don't you take these? You might want to give them to a Clamperl."
"My father is expecting me to help on the boat, so I should be going soon. But you feel free to stay as long as you want, <player>. My home is yours."
  • If talked to again
"Why should we stop at a Pokémon League? We should also make a Fishing League! Of course I, Lana, would be the first ever Champion in such a league! Hee... Would you believe that?"


Lana concept art.png
Concept art


Spr SM Lana.png VSLana.png VSLana USUM.png
In-battle model from
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon
VS model from
Sun and Moon
VS model from
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Lana SM OD.png
Overworld model from
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon

In the anime

Main article: Lana (anime)
Lana in the anime

Lana made her debut appearance in Alola to New Adventure!. She is a student at the Pokémon School of Melemele Island and one of Ash's classmates. She has a Popplio, and she likes to fish.

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

Lana in Pokémon Adventures
Lana in her "battle mode"

Lana debuted in the Going Ashore and Neighboring Akala Island. She, Mallow, and Kiawe traveled to Heahea City to meet Sun, a boy approved to take part in the island challenge. Curious about whether or not Sun was worthy enough to do the island challenge, Kiawe challenged him to a short battle. Though the match ended without a winner, Kiawe bonded with Sun and accepted him as a trialgoer. Lana was still reluctant and told the others to follow her to Brooklet Hill.

In True Identity and the Totem Pokémon of Brooklet Hill, Lana gave Sun the task of defeating the Totem Pokémon causing havoc at Brooklet Hill. Later, Lana watched Sun battled the totem, a School Form Wishiwashi. Due to having befriended Wishiwashi earlier, Sun was reluctant to fight it. This angered Lana, who compared it to herself and pointed out that despite appearances, Wishiwashi was strong and didn't need to be protected. Listening to Lana's advice, Sun stopped holding back and defeated the totem, successfully completing his first trial.

In Homecoming and the Brilliant Professional Golfer, Lana and Sun were informed by Mallow that Kiawe had been attacked by Gladion. Lana, Sun, Moon, and Mallow went to Memorial Hill, where they found an injured Kiawe. When a group of Team Skull Grunts appeared, Lana and Mallow stayed behind to battle them while the others went to protect Tapu Lele from Gladion. After the Grunts were defeated, Lana and Mallow reunited with the others after they successfully helped Tapu Lele.

In Flash and Cosmog's Secret, Lana and the others met at Mallow's family restaurant, where they talked to Professor Kukui's wife, Professor Burnet, over a video phone. After suspecting Team Skull may be related to the Ultra Wormholes appearing around Alola, Lana suggested infiltrating Team Skull's base in Po Town to get answers. Mallow and Kiawe reluctantly agreed, but the former suggested asking Ilima and Acerola to help them.

In PASM17, Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, Acerola, Ilima, and Hau arrived at Po Town. Their presence alerted Team Skull's boss, Guzma, who demanded to know why his base was being invaded. When the Captains revealed they only wanted to talk, Guzma agreed on the condition they made it to him first. He then summoned a Pheromosa, Celesteela, and Guzzlord and had them attack the Captains and Hau. Despite their best efforts, Lana and the others were completely outmatched by the rampaging beasts.

In PASM18, Sun arrived at Po Town, only to get caught up in the commotion. Annoyed the Captains were still fighting, Guzma revealed a Cosmog and had it open more wormholes. Gladion appeared, demanding to know where Guzma got the Cosmog and Ultra Beasts from. Revealing his true aim is to destroy Ultra Beasts, Gladion battled the beasts Guzma summoned with his Type: Null. To everyone's shock, Gladion also revealed the Aether Foundation's president, Lusamine, was the one who gave Guzma Cosmog as part of her plan to create a paradise filled with nothing but Ultra Beasts and herself. Eventually, the beasts broke out of Po Town's barrier, allowing them to wreak havoc on all of Ula'ula Island. Lana and the other Captains headed off to various locations to evacuate any innocent civilians caught in the beasts' attacks.

In PASM26, the Trial Captains and Island Kahunas were revealed to have spent six months on Exeggutor Island training to prepare for another clash with the Ultra Beasts. After their training was finished, Sophocles and Molayne took everyone to Mount Lanakila, where a wormhole had opened up earlier. Shortly after they arrived, their ship was attacked by a group of Aether Foundation Employees and their Ultra Beasts. With the Z-Moves they had acquired, Lana and the others managed to defeat the Ultra Beasts.

Normally, Lana is very shy and timid, but she takes on a more serious and violent persona when in battle. Kiawe refers to this transformation as Lana's (Japanese: バトルモード battle mode). According to Lana, this personality shift actually scares her younger sisters.


On hand
Lana's Araquanid

Araquanid is Lana's only known Pokémon. It was first used to travel to Konikoni City so that Lana and Sun could rescue Kiawe from being attacked. After discovering the assailants were Team Skull Grunts, Lana used Araquanid to battle them. Later, it was used to battle the Pheromosa Guzma used at Po Town, but was defeated. Later, it fought an Aether Foundation Employee's Blacephalon and won with the help of a Z-Move.

Araquanid's only known move is Bug Bite*.

Araquanid can also perform the Z-Move Hydro Vortex.

Totem Wishiwashi
Lana's Totem Wishiwashi

This Wishiwashi is the Totem Pokémon of Brooklet Hill. It was raised by Lana to be used in the island challenge, but became too strong and began terrorizing the sightseers at Brooklet Hill. Lana tasked Sun with defeating the Totem as a part of his trial, which he successfully manage to accomplish. The leader of the Totem was captured by Sun and nicknamed Quarter.

Wishiwashi's known moves are Water Gun and Aqua Tail, and its Ability is Schooling.

In the TCG

Full Art print of Lana
Main article: Lana (Burning Shadows 117)

Lana was introduced as a Supporter card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English Sun & Moon Series (the Japanese SM Era). It was first released as a Japanese SM-P Promotional card before debuting in English in the Burning Shadows expansion, with an illustration based on the Ken Sugimori artwork of the character. A Full Art card was later released in the Japanese GX Battle Boost subset, with an illustration by Kanako Eo. It allows the player to heal 50 damage from each of their Pokémon that has any Water Energy cards attached to it.


  • Lana is the only Trial Captain who doesn't keep her Pokémon in Ultra Balls.
  • Lana shares her Spanish name with Brigette: they both go by the name of Nereida.
  • Lana is 4'7" (140 cm) tall.


Language Name Origin
Japanese スイレン Suiren From 睡蓮 suiren (water lily) and 水 sui (water)
English Lana From lilia-lana-i-ka-wai (Hawaiian for water lily) and lana (Hawaiian for afloat)
French Néphie From nénuphar (water lily)
German Tracy From Tracheophyta (vascular plant), a division of plants that includes the water lily family
Italian Suiren Same as Japanese name
Spanish Nereida From nereida (nereid). Nereids are sea nymphs, possibly a reference to Nymphaeaceae (water lily family)
Korean 수련 Suryeon From 수련 suryeon (water lily) and 수 su (water)
Chinese (Mandarin) 水蓮 / 水莲 Shuǐlián From 睡蓮 / 睡莲 shuìlián (water lily) and 水 shuǐ (water)
Chinese (Cantonese) 水蓮 Séuilìhn From 睡蓮 seuihlìhn (water lily) and 水 séui (water)
Brazilian Portuguese Vitória From vitória-régia (water lily)
Russian Лана Lana Transcription of English name
Thai ซุยเรน Suiren Transcription of Japanese name
Vietnamese Suilen Transliteration of Japanese name

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