Psychic (type)

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Revision as of 03:14, 4 December 2016 by MaddoxTheMudkip (talk | contribs) (Added RKS System to list of abilities that can change a Pokémon to the Psychic Type, and added Psychic Memory to the list of things that will enable it to become a Psychic-type Pokémon.)

The Psychic type (Japanese: エスパータイプ Esper type) is one of the eighteen types. Notable Trainers who specialize in Psychic-type Pokémon are Sabrina of Saffron City, Will of the Indigo Plateau Elite Four, Tate and Liza of Mossdeep City, Lucian of the Sinnoh Elite Four, Caitlin of the Battle Castle and the Unova Elite Four, and Olympia of Anistar City. Prior to changes in Generation IV, all damaging Psychic-type moves were special, but they may now also be physical depending on the attack.

Statistical averages


HP: 71.18
Attack: 72.92
Defense: 74.76
Sp.Atk: 94.73
Sp.Def: 86.83
Speed: 76.79
Total: 477.21

Fully evolved

HP: 79.77
Attack: 87.63
Defense: 85.24
Sp.Atk: 108.21
Sp.Def: 98.23
Speed: 89.06
Total: 548.15

Battle properties

Generation I

Offensive Psychic Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
½× Fighting
½× Psychic Bug
None Ghost

Generation II onwards

Offensive Psychic Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
½× Fighting
½× Psychic
Dark None



The defensive capabilities of Psychic-types are generally poor. The only types resisted by them are Fighting and themselves, while carrying weaknesses to Ghost as well as the extremely common Dark and Bug. Psychic-type Pokémon often fall to a single strong Dark-type move, such as Crunch, due to the high Attack stat of many Dark-type Pokémon versus the typically low Defense and HP of Psychic-types. In addition, the low Defense many Psychics have frequently makes their Fighting resistance ineffective. Prior to Generation VI, Steel/Psychic types were exempt from these weaknesses due to their typing, but since Dark and Ghost are no longer resisted by Steel, this is no longer the case.

Most Psychic types have a high Special Defense stat, as well as outliers with high Defense and HP stats, such as Lugia and Cresselia. Psychic-type moves tend to have supporting effects, such as Reflect, Light Screen, and Trick Room, which benefit both themselves and their teammates, giving them greater survivability.


Psychic-type Pokémon and moves have been very popular since Generation I due to their typically high Special Attack and being resisted by only two types, including themselves. They are super-effective against the common Fighting and Poison types, the latter of which is otherwise strong defensively and the former of which tend to have low Special Defense.

The biggest drawback of Psychic-type moves is that they do not affect Dark-type Pokémon, although this weakness can be removed with Miracle Eye. However, this is not always necessary as many Psychic-type Pokémon can learn moves super-effective against Dark types, such as strong Fighting type moves like Focus Blast, and Dazzling Gleam, a powerful Fairy-type move. Psychics also have access to a wide range of Special moves from nearly every type, which can make their Ghost and Bug weaknesses ineffective.

Contest properties

When used in Contests, Psychic-type moves are typically Clever moves, but can also be of the other four Contest types, excluding Tough.


As of Generation VI, there are 75 Psychic-type Pokémon or 10.4% of all Pokémon (counting those that are Psychic-type in at least one of their forms, including Mega Evolutions), making it the 5th most common type.

Pure Psychic-type Pokémon

# Name
063 Abra Abra
064 Kadabra Kadabra
065 Alakazam Alakazam
Alakazam Mega Alakazam
096 Drowzee Drowzee
097 Hypno Hypno
150 Mewtwo Mewtwo
Mewtwo Mega Mewtwo Y
151 Mew Mew
196 Espeon Espeon
201 Unown Unown
202 Wobbuffet Wobbuffet
325 Spoink Spoink
326 Grumpig Grumpig
358 Chimecho Chimecho
360 Wynaut Wynaut
386 Deoxys Deoxys
433 Chingling Chingling
480 Uxie Uxie
481 Mesprit Mesprit
482 Azelf Azelf
488 Cresselia Cresselia
517 Munna Munna
518 Musharna Musharna
574 Gothita Gothita
575 Gothorita Gothorita
576 Gothitelle Gothitelle
577 Solosis Solosis
578 Duosion Duosion
579 Reuniclus Reuniclus
605 Elgyem Elgyem
606 Beheeyem Beheeyem
677 Espurr Espurr
678 Meowstic Meowstic
789 Cosmog Cosmog
790 Cosmoem Cosmoem
800 Necrozma Necrozma

Half Psychic-type Pokémon

Primary Psychic-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
122 Mr. Mime Mr. Mime* Psychic Fairy
150 Mewtwo Mega Mewtwo X Psychic Fighting
177 Natu Natu Psychic Flying
178 Xatu Xatu Psychic Flying
249 Lugia Lugia Psychic Flying
251 Celebi Celebi Psychic Grass
280 Ralts Ralts* Psychic Fairy
281 Kirlia Kirlia* Psychic Fairy
282 Gardevoir Gardevoir* Psychic Fairy
Gardevoir Mega Gardevoir Psychic Fairy
439 Mime Jr. Mime Jr.* Psychic Fairy
475 Gallade Gallade Psychic Fighting
Gallade Mega Gallade Psychic Fighting
494 Victini Victini Psychic Fire
527 Woobat Woobat Psychic Flying
528 Swoobat Swoobat Psychic Flying
561 Sigilyph Sigilyph Psychic Flying
720 Hoopa Hoopa Psychic Ghost
Hoopa Hoopa Unbound Psychic Dark
741 Oricorio Oricorio
Pa'u Style
Psychic Flying
786 Tapu Lele Tapu Lele Psychic Fairy
791 Solgaleo Solgaleo Psychic Steel
792 Lunala Lunala Psychic Ghost

Pokéstar Studios opponents

# Name Type 1 Type 2
N/A UFO 2 UFO 2 Psychic Electric

Secondary Psychic-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
026 Raichu Raichu
Alola Form
Electric Psychic
079 Slowpoke Slowpoke Water Psychic
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic
Slowbro Mega Slowbro Water Psychic
102 Exeggcute Exeggcute Grass Psychic
103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic
121 Starmie Starmie Water Psychic
124 Jynx Jynx Ice Psychic
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic
203 Girafarig Girafarig Normal Psychic
238 Smoochum Smoochum Ice Psychic
307 Meditite Meditite Fighting Psychic
308 Medicham Medicham Fighting Psychic
Medicham Mega Medicham Fighting Psychic
337 Lunatone Lunatone Rock Psychic
338 Solrock Solrock Rock Psychic
343 Baltoy Baltoy Ground Psychic
344 Claydol Claydol Ground Psychic
374 Beldum Beldum Steel Psychic
375 Metang Metang Steel Psychic
376 Metagross Metagross Steel Psychic
Metagross Mega Metagross Steel Psychic
380 Latias Latias Dragon Psychic
Latias Mega Latias Dragon Psychic
381 Latios Latios Dragon Psychic
Latios Mega Latios Dragon Psychic
385 Jirachi Jirachi Steel Psychic
436 Bronzor Bronzor Steel Psychic
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic
555 Darmanitan Darmanitan
Zen Mode
Fire Psychic
648 Meloetta Meloetta
Aria Forme
Normal Psychic
655 Delphox Delphox Fire Psychic
686 Inkay Inkay Dark Psychic
687 Malamar Malamar Dark Psychic
765 Oranguru Oranguru Normal Psychic
779 Bruxish Bruxish Water Psychic

Pokéstar Studios opponents

# Name Type 1 Type 2
N/A Brycen-Man Brycen-Man Dark Psychic


Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
I Agility Status Cool % 30 (max 48)
The user relaxes and lightens its body to move faster. This sharply raises the Speed stat.
V Ally Switch Status Clever % 15 (max 24)
The user teleports using a strange power and switches places with one of its allies.
I Amnesia Status Cute % 20 (max 32)
The user temporarily empties its mind to forget its concerns. This sharply raises the user's Sp. Def stat.
I Barrier Status Cool % 20 (max 32)
The user throws up a sturdy wall that sharply raises its Defense stat.
III Calm Mind Status Clever % 20 (max 32)
The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats.
I Confusion Special Clever 50 100% 25 (max 40)
The target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. This may also confuse the target.
III Cosmic Power Status Beautiful % 20 (max 32)
The user absorbs a mystical power from space to raise its Defense and Sp. Def stats.
I Dream Eater Special Clever 100 100% 15 (max 24)
The user eats the dreams of a sleeping target. It absorbs half the damage caused to heal its own HP.
III Extrasensory Special Cool 80 100% 20 (max 32)
The user attacks with an odd, unseeable power. This may also make the target flinch.
II Future Sight Special Clever 120 100% 10 (max 16)
Two turns after this move is used, a hunk of psychic energy attacks the target.
VII Genesis Supernova Special 185 % 1 (max 1)
After obtaining Z-Power, the user, Mew, attacks the target with full force. The terrain will be charged with psychic energy.
IV Gravity Status Clever % 5 (max 8)
Enables Flying-type Pokémon or Pokémon with the Levitate Ability to be hit by Ground-type moves. Flying moves can't be used.
V Guard Split Status Clever % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to average its Defense and Sp. Def stats with those of the target.
IV Guard Swap Status Clever % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to switch changes to its Defense and Sp. Def stats with the target.
IV Heal Block Status Clever 100% 15 (max 24)
Many Others
For five turns, the user prevents the opposing team from using any moves, Abilities, or held items that recover HP.
V Heal Pulse Status Beautiful % 10 (max 16)
Normal (long-range)
The user emits a healing pulse that restores the target's HP by up to half of its max HP.
IV Healing Wish Status Beautiful % 10 (max 16)
The user faints. In return, the Pokémon taking its place will have its HP restored and status conditions cured.
V Heart Stamp Physical Cute 60 100% 25 (max 40)
The user unleashes a vicious blow after its cute act makes the target less wary. This may also make the target flinch.
IV Heart Swap Status Clever % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to switch stat changes with the target.
VI Hyperspace Hole Special Clever 80 % 5 (max 8)
Using a hyperspace hole, the user appears right next to the target and strikes. This also hits a target using a move such as Protect or Detect.
I Hypnosis Status Clever 60% 20 (max 32)
The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
III Imprison Status Clever % 10 (max 16)
If opposing Pokémon know any move also known by the user, they are prevented from using it.
VII Instruct Status % 15 (max 24)
The user instructs the target to use the target's last move again.
I Kinesis Status Clever 80% 15 (max 24)
The user distracts the target by bending a spoon. This lowers the target's accuracy.
I Light Screen Status Beautiful % 30 (max 48)
Your Party
A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from special attacks for five turns.
IV Lunar Dance Status Beautiful % 10 (max 16)
The user faints. In return, the Pokémon taking its place will have its status and HP fully restored.
III Luster Purge Special Clever 70 100% 5 (max 8)
The user lets loose a damaging burst of light. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
III Magic Coat Status Beautiful % 15 (max 24)
A barrier reflects back to the target moves like Leech Seed and moves that damage status.
V Magic Room Status Clever % 10 (max 16)
The user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon's held items lose their effects for five turns.
I Meditate Status Beautiful % 40 (max 64)
The user meditates to awaken the power deep within its body and raise its Attack stat.
IV Miracle Eye Status Clever % 40 (max 64)
Enables a Dark-type target to be hit by Psychic-type attacks. This also enables an evasive target to be hit.
II Mirror Coat Special Beautiful Varies 100% 20 (max 32)
A retaliation move that counters any special attack, inflicting double the damage taken.
III Mist Ball Special Clever 70 100% 5 (max 8)
A mist-like flurry of down envelops and damages the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Atk stat.
V Power Split Status Clever % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to average its Attack and Sp. Atk stats with those of the target.
IV Power Swap Status Clever % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to switch changes to its Attack and Sp. Atk stats with the target.
IV Power Trick Status Clever % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to switch its Attack stat with its Defense stat.
VII Prismatic Laser Special 160 100% 10 (max 16)
The user shoots powerful lasers using the power of a prism. The user can't move on the next turn.
I Psybeam Special Beautiful 65 100% 20 (max 32)
The target is attacked with a peculiar ray. This may also leave the target confused.
I Psychic Special Clever 90 100% 10 (max 16)
The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
VII Psychic Fangs Physical 85 100% 10 (max 16)
The user bites the target with its psychic capabilities. This can also destroy Light Screen and Reflect.
VII Psychic Terrain Status % 10 (max 16)
This protects Pokémon on the ground from priority moves and powers up Psychic-type moves for five turns.
III Psycho Boost Special Clever 140 90% 5 (max 8)
The user attacks the target at full power. The attack's recoil harshly lowers the user's Sp. Atk stat.
IV Psycho Cut Physical Cool 70 100% 20 (max 32)
The user tears at the target with blades formed by psychic power. Critical hits land more easily.
IV Psycho Shift Status Clever 100% 10 (max 16)
Using its psychic power of suggestion, the user transfers its status conditions to the target.
V Psyshock Special Beautiful 80 100% 10 (max 16)
The user materializes an odd psychic wave to attack the target. This attack does physical damage.
V Psystrike Special Cool 100 100% 10 (max 16)
The user materializes an odd psychic wave to attack the target. This attack does physical damage.
I Psywave Special Clever Varies 100% 15 (max 24)
The target is attacked with an odd psychic wave. The attack varies in intensity.
I Reflect Status Clever % 20 (max 32)
Your Party
A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from physical attacks for five turns.
I Rest Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user's HP and heals any status conditions.
III Role Play Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
The user mimics the target completely, copying the target's natural Ability.
VII Shattered Psyche Physical % 1 (max 1)
The user controls the target with its Z-Power and hurts the target with full force. The power varies, depending on the original move.
VII Shattered Psyche Special % 1 (max 1)
The user controls the target with its Z-Power and hurts the target with full force. The power varies, depending on the original move.
III Skill Swap Status Clever % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to exchange Abilities with the target.
VII Speed Swap Status % 10 (max 16)
The user exchanges Speed stats with the target.
V Stored Power Special Clever 20 100% 10 (max 16)
The user attacks the target with stored power. The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the move's power.
V Synchronoise Special Clever 120 100% 10 (max 16)
All Others
Using an odd shock wave, the user inflicts damage on any Pokémon of the same type in the area around it.
V Telekinesis Status Clever % 15 (max 24)
The user makes the target float with its psychic power. The target is easier to hit for three turns.
I Teleport Status Cool % 20 (max 32)
Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon.
III Trick Status Clever 100% 10 (max 16)
The user catches the target off guard and swaps its held item with its own.
IV Trick Room Status Clever % 5 (max 8)
The user creates a bizarre area in which slower Pokémon get to move first for five turns.
V Wonder Room Status Clever % 10 (max 16)
The user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon's Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped for five turns.
IV Zen Headbutt Physical Clever 80 90% 15 (max 24)
The user focuses its willpower to its head and attacks the target. This may also make the target flinch.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.


Interacting with the Psychic type

A Pokémon with Color Change, Protean, Imposter, Multitype, or RKS System will become a Psychic-type Pokémon if (respectively) it is hit with a Psychic-type move, uses a Psychic-type move, is sent out against a Psychic-type opponent, is holding a Mind Plate, or is holding a Psychic Memory.

Zen Mode can also change Darmanitan into its Zen Mode, which is a dual Fire/Psychic-type form.

Exclusive Abilities

Only Psychic-type Pokémon can have these Abilities. This does not include signature Abilities.

Gen Ability Description
IV Forewarn Determines what moves an opposing Pokémon has.
All details are accurate to Generation VI games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual Ability's page.

Balance issues

Psychic-type Pokémon were at the center of a balance issue in the Generation I games.[1] The issue arose from the lack of an effective countermeasure against Psychic types caused by the absence of any powerful Bug-type moves (at the time the only weakness of Psychic types). Strengthening the gap was the fact that the only Bug-type Pokémon to know the only potentially good Bug move was also part Poison-type, creating a vulnerability to Psychic moves, and that in the first-generation games, Ghost-type moves were not only ineffective against Psychic Pokémon, but the only Ghost Pokémon at the time were part-Poison, also creating a vulnerability, not to mention the fact that the only Ghost-type move that would be affected by type matchups at the time was exceedingly weak. Also, Poison-type Pokémon were fairly common in Generation I, and the only type to resist Psychic-type moves was the Psychic type itself, meaning a weakness to the type was common in itself.

The issue was rectified in later generations with the addition of Steel and Dark types, an added weakness to Ghost-type moves, and more powerful Bug- and Ghost-type moves.


  • Generation III introduced the most Psychic-type Pokémon of any generation, with 20, and Generation VI introduced the fewest Psychic-type Pokémon, with six.
  • Generation I introduced the most Psychic-type moves of any generation, with 15, and Generation VI introduced the fewest Psychic-type moves with only one.
  • Psychic is the most common type for Legendary Pokémon, with at least two Psychic-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in each generation (except Generation VI, which has only introduced one) for a total of 19 (out of 71).
  • Psychic is the only type that shares its name with a move and a Trainer Class.
  • There has been one Elite Four member or Gym Leader specializing in Psychic-type Pokémon in every generation.
  • The Psychic type could be considered a special counterpart to the Fighting type:
    • The Psychic type's highest average stat is Special Attack, while the Fighting type's is Attack.
    • The Psychic type is the only former special type to not have any of its old moves changed into physical moves, while the Fighting type is the only former physical type to not have any of its old moves changed into special moves.
    • Counter and Mirror Coat, moves countering physical and special attacks are, respectively, Fighting- and Psychic-type moves.
    • Bulk Up and Calm Mind, moves raising physical and special stats are, respectively, Fighting- and Psychic-type moves.
  • A Pokémon cannot have a double resistance to Psychic without being a Psychic type itself.
    • However, a Psychic-type Pokémon also cannot have a double resistance to more than one type.
  • Two of the types that are super-effective against Psychic share a weakness with it. Dark types are also weak to Bug, and Ghost types are weak to Dark and Ghost.
    • Also, both Dark and Ghost types are immune to a type Psychic resists.
  • Rattled, an Ability introducted in Generation V, is affected by the weaknesses of the Psychic type.

In other languages

Language Title
Japanese エスパー Esper
Bulgarian Психомощни Psikhomoshtni
Chinese Cantonese 超能力 Chīunàhnglihk
Mandarin 超能力 Chāonénglì
Czech Psychický
Danish Psykisk
Dutch Psychisch*
Finnish Meedio
French Psy
German Psycho
Greek Μέντιουμ Méntioum
Hebrew על חושי Al Hushi
Hungarian Pszichikus
Indonesian Mental
Italian Psico
Korean 에스퍼 Esper
Norwegian Psykisk
Polish Psychiczny
Portuguese Psíquico
Romanian Psihic
Russian Психо Psikho
Экстрасенс Ekstrasens
Spanish Psíquico
Swedish Psykisk
Thai พลังจิต Phlạngchit
เอสเปอร์ Esper
Vietnamese Siêu năng


  1. Sugimori, Ken "Psychic Pokémon seemed to dominate in the previous Pokémon game, so we needed to come up with new Pokémon and types to make Gold and Silver more balanced." Nintendo Power 134 (July 2000) p. 79 (retrieved August 16, 2010)