Socarrat Trail (Japanese: オコゲ林道Okoge Forest Path) is a subregion of Casseroya Lake in the Paldearegion, located in the northwest portion of the region's North Province.
The Groundblight Shrine is a mysterious, green door that is located at the northern part of Casseroya Lake, in the middle of Socarrat Trail. Collecting all of the green stakes allows access to the shrine, where Ting-Lu can be released and battled.
Special encounters
Necrozma on the Socarrat Trail
After acquiring a Necrozma Treat from Snacksworth, Necrozma will spawn in this area as a static encounter. If defeated, it can be battled again after the game has been rebooted, provided that over one hour has passed in Nintendo Switch's internal clock since its defeat. It is coded to never be Shiny.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here. Probability weight indicates the likelihood that a Pokémon will spawn at a certain point in this location relative to others that can spawn there. A higher probability weight generally indicates that a Pokémon is more likely to spawn. Pokémon with the highest or lowest level requirements may not spawn in every possible location within this area. A bolded level range replaces the Pokémon's non-bolded level range after the player has completed The Way Home.
↑This Pokémon can appear disguised as other Pokémon