Plasma Frigate

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Plasma Frigate プラズマフリゲート
Plasma Frigate
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Plasma Frigate cutscene B2W2.png
Map description: A mysterious black vessel seen in various locations in Unova.
Location: Travels (docks at Prime Pier, the Pokémon World Tournament's harbor, Opelucid City, Route 21, Giant Chasm, and the P2 Laboratory)
Region: Unova
Generations: V
Unova Plasma Frigate Map.png
Location of Plasma Frigate in Unova.
Pokémon world locations
Outside the frigate, at Route 21, near Seaside Cave
1F of the frigate

The Plasma Frigate (Japanese: プラズマフリゲート Plasma Frigate) is a flying ship that serves as Team Plasma's main means of transportation in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. It docks at various locations throughout Unova, first appearing at Prime Pier in Castelia City, and later appearing at the Pokémon World Tournament's harbor, at Opelucid City, outside Seaside Cave in a secluded area of Route 21, and at the Giant Chasm. After the player has defeated Ghetsis, it is permanently docked at the P2 Laboratory.

The sub-levels of the ship are different depending on the version played: Black 2 has a warp tile puzzle on B1F and a password puzzle on B2F, while it is the opposite in White 2, with a password puzzle on B1F and a warp panel puzzle on B2F.

The ship is powered by both Kyurem and solar panels, as conventional power sources won't be usable when Unova is covered in ice.

One of the female Team Plasma Grunts on B1F will add Zekrom and Reshiram's seen entries to the player's Pokédex.


Item Location Games
Revive Revive 1F, at the bow of the ship  B2  W2 
TM Normal TM67 (Retaliate) 1F, at the stern of the ship  B2  W2 
Magmarizer Magmarizer B1F, top right room  B2 
Electirizer Electirizer B1F, bigger room on the left  W2 
Plasma Card Plasma Card B2F, from the Team Plasma Grunt with Trubbish and Zangoose after defeating her  B2 
Plasma Card Plasma Card B1F, from the Team Plasma Grunt with three Pawniard after defeating her  W2 
Zinc Zinc B2F, bow side of the pipe maze  B2  W2 
Max Revive Max Revive B2F, near the Grunt with Krokorok and Krookodile  B2 
Max Elixir Max Elixir B2F, near the Grunt with Krokorok and Krookodile  B2 
Max Revive Max Revive B2F, near the Grunt with Scolipede  W2 
Max Elixir Max Elixir B2F, near the Grunt with Scolipede  W2 
Power Band Power Band B2F, bow side from the Grunt with Drapion  B2 
Power Belt Power Belt B2F, in the yellow warp tile maze  W2 
Master Ball Master Ball Helm, from Colress after defeating him post-game while the frigate is at the P2 Laboratory  B2  W2 


Pokémon World Tournament

The player teams up with Cheren in a Multi Battle against the first pair of Grunts, and with Hugh against the second.

Snivy If the player chose Snivy:

Tepig If the player chose Tepig:

Oshawott If the player chose Oshawott:

Trainer Pokémon
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1200
Koffing Koffing Lv.30
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1200
Trubbish Trubbish Lv.30
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1160
Multi Battle with the following Grunt
Golbat Golbat Lv.29
No item
Liepard Liepard Lv.29
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1160
Multi Battle with the previous Grunt
Grimer Grimer Lv.29
No item
Krokorok Krokorok Lv.29
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1160
Multi Battle with the following Grunt
Koffing Koffing Lv.29
No item
Watchog Watchog Lv.29
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1160
Multi Battle with the previous Grunt
Grimer Grimer Lv.29
No item
Raticate Raticate Lv.29
No item

Route 21

The player teams up with Hugh in a Multi Battle against the pair of Grunts, and later against Zinzolin and a Grunt.

Snivy If the player chose Snivy:

Tepig If the player chose Tepig:

Oshawott If the player chose Oshawott:


Trainer Pokémon
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1840
Watchog Watchog Lv.46
No item
Garbodor Garbodor Lv.46
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1840
Multi Battle with the following Grunt
Golbat Golbat Lv.46
No item
Drapion Drapion Lv.46
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1840
Multi Battle with the previous Grunt
Seviper Seviper Lv.46
No item
Garbodor Garbodor Lv.46
No item

B1FB2 (bow entrance)

Trainer Pokémon
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Krookodile Krookodile Lv.47
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Drapion Drapion Lv.47
No item
Top left room
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Garbodor Garbodor Lv.47
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1840
Whirlipede Whirlipede Lv.46
No item
Watchog Watchog Lv.46
No item
Bottom left room
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1800
Pawniard Pawniard Lv.45
No item
Pawniard Pawniard Lv.45
No item
Pawniard Pawniard Lv.45
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1840
Scraggy Scraggy Lv.46
No item
Liepard Liepard Lv.46
No item
Middle right room
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Weezing Weezing Lv.47
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1840
Krokorok Krokorok Lv.46
No item
Raticate Raticate Lv.46
No item
Bottom right room
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1800
Deino Deino Lv.45
No item
Deino Deino Lv.45
No item
Sneasel Sneasel Lv.45
No item

B1FW2 (stern entrance)

Trainer Pokémon
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1800
Scraggy Scraggy Lv.45
No item
Krokorok Krokorok Lv.45
No item
Golbat Golbat Lv.45
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Scrafty Scrafty Lv.47
No item
Top left room
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Weezing Weezing Lv.47
No item
Bottom left room
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1800
Pawniard Pawniard Lv.45
No item
Pawniard Pawniard Lv.45
No item
Pawniard Pawniard Lv.45
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Garbodor Garbodor Lv.47
No item
Top right room
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Drapion Drapion Lv.47
No item
Bottom right room
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1840
Whirlipede Whirlipede Lv.46
No item
Watchog Watchog Lv.46
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1840
Krokorok Krokorok Lv.46
No item
Raticate Raticate Lv.46
No item

Kyurem's room

Giant Chasm


Trainer Pokémon
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1840
Multi Battle with the following Grunt
Scraggy Scraggy Lv.46
No item
Scrafty Scrafty Lv.46
No item
Whirlipede Whirlipede Lv.46
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1840
Multi Battle with the previous Grunt
Trubbish Trubbish Lv.46
No item
Golbat Golbat Lv.46
No item
Garbodor Garbodor Lv.46
No item


Trainer Pokémon
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1800
Skorupi Skorupi Lv.45
No item
Foongus Foongus Lv.45
No item
Golbat Golbat Lv.45
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Krookodile Krookodile Lv.47
No item
Doctor Julius
Doctor Julius
キリツグ Kiritsugu
Reward: $2940
Leavanny Leavanny Lv.49
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Scrafty Scrafty Lv.47
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Scolipede Scolipede Lv.47
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1840
Trubbish Trubbish Lv.46
No item
Zangoose Zangoose Lv.46
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1840
Grimer Grimer Lv.46
No item
Seviper Seviper Lv.46
No item
Black 2
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Raticate Raticate Lv.47
No item
Watchog Watchog Lv.47
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Krokorok Krokorok Lv.47
No item
Krookodile Krookodile Lv.47
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1880
Drapion Drapion Lv.47
No item
White 2
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1800
Deino Deino Lv.45
No item
Deino Deino Lv.45
No item
Sneasel Sneasel Lv.45
No item
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt
Reward: $1840
Koffing Koffing Lv.46
No item
Amoonguss Amoonguss Lv.46
No item


Ghetsis's room

P2 Laboratory

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Artwork depicting the Helm of the Plasma Frigate is seen in Colress's mindscape.

Colress & Klinklang
Colress Mindscape.png

In the anime

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 Animated Trailer

The Plasma Frigate appeared in the Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 Animated Trailer, where Nate, Hugh, and Cheren were seen battling several Team Plasma Grunts aboard the ship.

Pokémon Generations

The Plasma Frigate in Pokémon Generations
The Plasma Frigate's helm in Pokémon Generations

The Plasma Frigate appeared in The Frozen World, where it was seen floating above Opelucid City during Team Plasma's attack on the city. The ship contained an imprisoned Kyurem, whose power Colress used to freeze Opelucid City.

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

The Plasma Frigate in Pokémon Adventures

Black 2 & White 2 arc

The Plasma Frigate debuted in Unforgettable Memories. It was created by Team Plasma to wage war on the Unova region after their defeat two years prior.

The Frigate was fully unveiled in Therian Forme III, where it was taken to the abandoned Cold Storage in Driftveil City, where Colress was battling against Blake. Using his Colress Machine, Colress took control of the Kyurem that Zinzolin had caught and had it enter a special chamber aboard the ship. Afterwards, Colress activated the Plasma Frigate's engines, allowing the ship to fly through the air. Although Blake successfully got on the ship's deck before it flew away, Colress decided to let him roam free.

In Frozen World, the Plasma Frigate was flown to Castelia City, where Colress attacked the city with the ship's Kyurem Cannon. The beam fired from the cannon froze the entire city and most of the people there in an instant. Shortly afterwards, Ghetsis spotted Rood, a traitor to Team Plasma, and ordered Colress to capture him. Colress reluctantly agreed, but ended up accidentally grabbing Whitley instead. After Rood escaped, Whitley was thrown into an empty cabin and held prisoner.

After Blake freed Whitley from the cabin, they teamed up to try and free Kyurem from the machine powering the Kyurem Cannon. Though they successfully destroyed the machine, they found out that Kyurem wasn't inside it. Colress appeared and revealed that they had already drained enough energy from Kyurem to power the ship and freeze all of Unova, so the machine's destruction was inconsequential to them. He then summoned Kyurem and had it freeze Blake and Whitley, before telling some Grunts to throw the two into the ocean. Afterwards, Colress set off to freeze more of Unova's cities.

As of Pink Slip, the Plasma Frigate had successfully frozen over seven different populated areas across the Unova region.

In Giant Chasm, the Plasma Frigate arrived at the Giant Chasm after following Kyurem there, taking off again when Colress lost control of Kyurem and it started to threaten the flying ship. In The Final Battle: Crushed Ambition, N, Looker, Alder, and Whitley confronted Ghetsis in a storage room full of Poké Balls containing the Pokémon "liberated" by Team Plasma. Willing to die rather than be arrested, Ghetsis triggered an explosion that tore the ship open, causing all the Poké Balls to fall out and the ship to fly out of control, which eventually led to it colliding into N's Castle and requiring all the Unova first partner Pokémon to combine their pledge moves to put our the resulting fire. Ghetsis was subsequently arrested by the International Police, which, combined with Blake arresting Colress, meant an end for Team Plasma.

In the TCG

This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring the Plasma Frigate in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon in Plasma Frigate
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Torterra Grass Plasma Storm Rare 3/135 Plasma Gale U 003/070
Amoonguss Grass Plasma Storm Uncommon 13/135 Plasma Gale C 008/070
Beartic Water Plasma Storm Rare 41/135 Plasma Gale U 022/070
Rotom Lightning Plasma Storm Uncommon 49/135 Plasma Gale C 026/070
Sableye Psychic Plasma Freeze Rare 49/116 Team Plasma Battle Gift Set   001/016
Garbodor Psychic Plasma Storm Rare 67/135 Plasma Gale C 037/070
Beheeyem Psychic Plasma Storm Rare 70/135 Plasma Gale C 039/070
Liepard Darkness Plasma Storm Rare 84/135 Plasma Gale C 045/070
Scrafty Darkness Plasma Storm Rare 86/135 Plasma Gale C 047/070
Bisharp Darkness Plasma Freeze Rare 73/116 Thunder Knuckle U 033/051
Steelix Metal Plasma Freeze Rare 79/116 Spiral Force U 037/051
Durant Metal Plasma Storm Uncommon 91/135 Team Plasma's Powered Half Deck   009/017
Durant Metal Plasma Storm Uncommon 92/135 Plasma Gale C 048/070
Druddigon Dragon Plasma Storm Rare 94/135 Plasma Gale C 050/070
Snorlax Colorless Plasma Storm Rare 101/135 Plasma Gale U 055/070
      BW-P Promotional cards   207/BW-P
Watchog Colorless Plasma Storm Uncommon 112/135 Team Plasma's Powered Half Deck   011/017
Watchog Colorless Plasma Storm Rare 113/135 Plasma Gale C 061/070
Bouffalant Colorless Plasma Storm Rare 114/135 BW-P Promotional cards   178/BW-P
Other related cards
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Colress Su Plasma Storm Uncommon 118/135 Plasma Gale U 064/070
      Team Plasma's Powered Half Deck   014/017
      Extra Regulation Box   035/048
Plasma Frigate St Plasma Storm Uncommon 124/135 Plasma Gale U 066/070
      Team Plasma's Powered Half Deck   016/017
      Team Plasma Battle Gift Set   015/016
Team Plasma Grunt Su Plasma Storm Uncommon 125/135 Plasma Gale U 065/070
      Team Plasma's Powered Half Deck   015/017
      Team Plasma Battle Gift Set   014/016
      BW-P Promotional cards   176/BW-P
Ghetsis Su Plasma Freeze Rare Holo 101/116 Team Plasma Battle Gift Set   013/016
      Spiral Force U 048/051


  • In Pokémon Black 2, while the Frigate is at the Giant Chasm, one of the Team Plasma Grunts on B2F claims to be a former member of Team Galactic.
  • The player can use Dig and Teleport to exit the Plasma Frigate, but not Fly.
  • The player cannot use the Xtransceiver here, as anyone on the calling list will be temporarily removed while onboard.
  • The Plasma Frigate specifically being a frigate may be a reference to the words "frigid" and "refrigerate", referring to the ship's ability to freeze large areas.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 等離子驅逐艦 Dánglèihjí Kēuijuhklaahm
Mandarin 等離子驅逐艦 / 等离子驱逐舰 Děnglízǐ Qūzhújiàn *
電漿巡防艦 Diànjiāng Xúnfángjiàn *
France Flag.png French Frégate Plasma
Germany Flag.png German Plasma-Fregatte
Italy Flag.png Italian Fregata Plasma
South Korea Flag.png Korean 플라스마프리깃 Plasma Frigate
Brazil Flag.png Brazilian Portuguese Fragata de Plasma
Spain Flag.png Spanish Fragata Plasma
Vietnam Flag.png Vietnamese Plasma Frigate

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