Sludge (move): Difference between revisions

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m (r2.7.3) (Robot: Adding zh:泥浆攻击(技能))
(166 intermediate revisions by 71 users not shown)
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n=124 |
name=Sludge |
jname=ヘドロこうげき |
jtrans=Sludge Attack |
|jtrans=Sludge Attack
jtranslit=Hedoro Kōgeki |
|jtranslit=Hedoro Kōgeki
gameimage=Sludge.png |
|gameimage=Sludge IX.png
type=Poison |
|gameimage2=Sludge IX 2.png
damagecategory=Special |
basepp=20 |
maxpp=32 |
power=65 |
accuracy=100 |
bdesc=??? |
gen=I |
category=Tough |
appeal=1 |
jam=4 |
cdesc=Badly startles the Pokémon in front. |
appealsc=2 |
|cdesc=Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
scdesc=Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs last in the turn. |
pokefordex=sludge |
|scdesc=Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs last in the turn.
touches=no |
protect=yes |
magiccoat=no |
|cdesc6=Startles the last Pokémon to act before the user.
snatch=no |
brightpowder=yes |
kingsrock=no |
flag7=no |
flag8=no |
sound=no |
target=anyadjacent |
footnotes= }}
'''Sludge''' (Japanese: '''ヘドロこうげき''' ''Sludge Attack'') is a damage-dealing {{type|Poison}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation I]].
'''Sludge''' (Japanese: '''ヘドロこうげき''' ''Sludge Attack'') is a damage-dealing {{type|Poison}} [[move]] introduced in [[Generation I]].

Sludge does damage and has a 30% chance of {{status|Poison|poisoning}} the target.
===Generation I===
Sludge does damage and has a 40% chance of {{status|Poison|poisoning}} the target.
===Generation II onwards===
Sludge now has a 30% chance to poison the target.
Sludge can be used as the first move of a [[Contest combination|Pokémon Contest combination]], causing {{m|Sludge Bomb}} to score double the normal appeal if used in the next turn. It can also be used to finish a combination, with the user gaining 1 bonus appeal point if {{m|Sludge Bomb}} was used in the previous turn.

{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|Stad}}|A <sc>Poison</sc>-type attack. Has a fifty-fifty chance of poisoning the target.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevss|Stad}}|A <sc>Poison</sc>-type attack. Has a fifty-fifty chance of poisoning the target.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|Stad2}}|A <sc>Poison</sc>-type attack. Has a one-in-three chance of poisoning the target.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevss|Stad2}}|A <sc>Poison</sc>-type attack. Has a one-in-three chance of poisoning the target.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|GSC}}|An attack that may poison the foe.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev2|GSC}}|An attack that may poison the foe.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|RSE}}{{gameabbrev3|Colo}}{{gameabbrev3|XD}}|Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also poison.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|RSE}}{{gameabbrevss|Colo}}{{gameabbrevss|XD}}|Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also poison.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|FRLG}}|Toxic sludge is hurled at the foe. It may poison the target.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|FRLG}}|Toxic sludge is hurled at the foe. It may poison the target.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|DPPt}}{{gameabbrev3|HGSS}}|Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the foe. It may also poison the target.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev4|DPPtHGSS}}{{gameabbrevss|PBR}}|Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the foe. It may also poison the target.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev3|BWB2W2}}|Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. It may also poison the target.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev5|BWB2W2}}|Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. It may also poison the target.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev6|XYORAS}}<br>{{gameabbrev7|SMUSUMPE}}<br>{{gameabbrev8|SwShBDSPLA}}|Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. This may also poison the target.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrev9|SV}}|The user hurls unsanitary sludge at the target to inflict damage. This may also poison the target.}}
|}{{left clear}}
|}{{left clear}}
Line 51: Line 60:
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
===By [[Level|leveling up]]===
{{Moveentry/Level1|089|Muk|1|Poison|Poison|--, 37|16|13|20|20|B2W2=15|'''}}
{{Moveentry/Level1|110|Weezing|1|Poison|Poison|--, 32|21|21|24|28|B2W2=18|'''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0110|Weezing|type=Poison|1|Amorphous|Amorphous|1, 32|21|21|24|28{{sup/5|BW}}<br>18{{sup/5|B2W2}}|18|18|18|20|20|20|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0110|formsig=G|Weezing|type=Poison|type2=Fairy|1|Amorphous|Amorphous|form=Galarian Form|||||||||20||20|STAB='''}}
{{Moveentry/Level1|317|Swalot|1|Poison|Poison|no|no|--, 14|--, 14|--, 14|'''}}
{{Moveentry/11|0317|Swalot|type=Poison|1|Amorphous|Amorphous|||1, 14|1, 14|1, 14|1, 14{{sup/6|XY}}<br>1, 10{{sup/6|ORAS}}|1, 10|||1, 10|1|STAB='''}}

===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
===By {{pkmn|breeding}}===
{{Movehead/Games|Poison|Egg Move|g1=none|g2=none|g3=none|g4g={{gameabbrev4|HGSS}}|g7=1|g7g={{gameabbrev7|SMUSUM}}|g8=2}}
{{Moveentry/Breed4|001|Bulbasaur|2|Grass|Poison|{{MSP|258|Mudkip}}|{{MSP|258|Mudkip}}|'''||Chain breed}}
{{Moveentry/7|0001|Bulbasaur|type=Grass|type2=Poison|2|Monster|Grass||||||||STAB='''|note=Chain breed}}
{{Moveentry/Breed4|258|Mudkip|1|Water|Water|{{MSP|422|Shellos}}|{{MSP|422|Shellos}}|||Chain breed}}
{{Moveentry/7|0258|Mudkip|type=Water|2|Monster|Water 1|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|note=Chain breed}}
{{Moveentry/Breed4|422|Shellos|1|Water|Water|{{MSP|088|Grimer}}{{MSP|089|Muk}}{{MSP|109|Koffing}}{{MSP|110|Weezing}} {{MSP|316|Gulpin}}{{MSP|317|Swalot}}|{{MSP|088|Grimer}}{{MSP|089|Muk}}{{MSP|109|Koffing}}{{MSP|110|Weezing}}{{MSP|316|Gulpin}}{{MSP|317|Swalot}}|}}
{{Moveentry/7|0422|Shellos|type=Water|2|Water 1|Amorphous|form=All forms|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔|✔}}
==In other games==
==={{g|Mystery Dungeon series}}===
Sludge deals damage and may leave the target {{DL|Status condition (Mystery Dungeon)|poisoned}}.
===[[Pokémon GO]]===
|damage_window=1.2 - 1.55
|users={{MSP/GO|088|Grimer}}{{MSP/GO|109|Koffing}}{{MSP/GO|110G|Weezing|Galarian Form}}{{MSP/GO|258|Mudkip}}{{MSP/GO|259|Marshtomp}}{{MSP/GO|316|Gulpin}}
;Gyms & Raids
* '''July 30, 2016'''
** '''Power''': 25 → 30
* '''February 16, 2017'''
** '''Power''': 30 → 50
** '''Energy cost''': 25 → 33
** '''Duration''': 2.6 → 2.1 seconds
** '''Damage window''': 1.85 - 2.35 → 1.2 - 1.55 seconds
==={{g|Rumble Rush}}===
|effect=May poison the foe}}
===[[Pokémon Masters EX]]===
{| class="roundy" style="margin:auto; background:#{{poison color}}; border:3px solid #{{poison color dark}}; text-align:center; width:80%"
|- style="background: #{{poison color light}}"
! style="{{roundytl|5px}}" | Name
! {{color2|000|Damage category|Category}}
! Move gauge cost
! MP<br>(uses)
! Base {{color2|000|power}}
! Max {{color2|000|power}}
! {{color2|000|Accuracy}}
! Target
! Effect tag
! Description
! style="{{roundytr|5px}}" | Playable {{color2|000|Sync pair|sync pair(s)}}
|- style="background:#fff"
|An opponent
|Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target poisoned.
|{{sync|James|Weezing}}<hr>{{sync/player|egg|Grimer/Muk}}<hr>{{sync/player|egg|Koffing/Weezing}} <small>(Support/tech roles only)</small>
|- style="background:#{{poison color dark}}"
! colspan=12 |{{color2|fff|Sync move}}
|- style="background: #{{poison color light}}"
!{{color2|000|Damage category|Category}}
!colspan="2" |State
!Base {{color2|000|power}}
!Max {{color2|000|power}}
!colspan="2" |Target
!Effect tag
!Playable {{color2|000|sync pair}}
|- style="background:#fff"
| style="{{roundybl|5px}}" | Make It Double Sludge
| colspan=2 | Default
| 200
| 240
| colspan=2 | An opponent
| —
| This attack's power increases when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
| style="{{roundybr|5px}}" | {{sync|James|Weezing}}
* '''Sludge:'''
** Description prior to Version 2.10.0 (from June 28, 2021): Has a moderate chance of leaving the target poisoned.
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|RB}}|Inflicts damage on the target. It may also leave the target poisoned, damaging it for several turns.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|TDS}}|Inflicts damage on the target. It may also afflict the targeted enemy with a Poisoned status condition, which causes periodic damage.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|BSL}}|{{tt|てきポケモンに ダメージをあたえる しかも いっていのかくりつで どくじょうたいにして いっていターンごとに ダメージをあたえる|Inflicts damage on the target. It may also afflict the targeted enemy with a Poisoned status condition, which causes periodic damage}}}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|GTI}}|It damages an enemy. It could also cause the Poisoned status condition. With the Poisoned status, the enemy keeps taking damage and can't restore its HP naturally.}}
{{movedescentry|{{gameabbrevmd|SMD}}|It damages an enemy. It could also make the enemy poisoned.}}
|}{{left clear}}

==In the anime==
==In the anime==
{{moveanime|type=poison|exp=yes|gen=Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the foe.|image1=James Koffing Sludge.png|image1p=Koffing|image2=Grimer Sludge.png|image2p=Grimer|image3=James Weezing Sludge.png|image3p=Weezing}}
===Main series===
{{moveanime|type=poison|exp=yes|gen=Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the foe.|image1=James Weezing Sludge.png|image1p=Weezing|image2=Grimer Sludge.png|image2p=Grimer|image3=James Koffing Sludge.png|image3p=Koffing|image4=Gulpin Sludge.png|image4p=Gulpin}}
{{movep|type=poison|ms=109|pkmn=Koffing|method=Koffing spews dark brown sludge at the opponent from its mouth.}}
{{movep|type=poison|ms=109|pkmn=Koffing|method=Koffing spews dark brown sludge at the opponent from its mouth.}}
{{movemid|type=poison|user=James's Koffing|startcode=EP003|startname=Ash Catches a Pokémon|notes=Debut}}
{{movemid|type=poison|user=James's Koffing|startcode=EP003|startname=Ash Catches a Pokémon|notes=Debut}}
{{movep|type=poison|ms=110|pkmn=Weezing|method=Weezing spews dark brown sludge at the opponent from the mouth on its larger body or from both mouths at the same time.}}
{{movep|type=poison|ms=110|pkmn=Weezing|method=Weezing spews dark brown sludge at the opponent from the mouth on its larger body or from both mouths at the same time.}}
{{movemid|type=poison|user=James's Weezing|startcode=EP033|startname=The Flame Pokémon-athon!}}
{{movemid|type=poison|user=James's Weezing|startcode=EP033|startname=The Flame Pokémon-athon!}}
{{movep|type=poison|ms=316|pkmn=Gulpin|method=Gulpin opens its mouth and spits a ball of sludge at the opponent.}}
{{movep|type=poison|ms=316|pkmn=Gulpin|method=Gulpin opens its mouth and spits a ball of brown or purple sludge at the opponent.}}
{{movemid|type=poison|user=Gulpin (Pokémon)|user1=Multiple wild Gulpin|startcode=AG065|startname=Gulpin it Down}}
{{movemid|type=poison|user=Gulpin (Pokémon)|user1=Multiple wild Gulpin|startcode=AG065|startname=Gulpin it Down}}
{{movemid|type=poison|user=Professor Jacuzzi|user1=Professor Jacuzzi's Gulpin|startcode=AG065|startname=Gulpin it Down}}
{{movemid|type=poison|user=Professor Jacuzzi|user1=Professor Jacuzzi's Gulpin|startcode=AG065|startname=Gulpin it Down}}
{{movemid|type=poison|user=Gulpin (Pokémon)|user1=Multiple wild Gulpin|startcode=XY069|startname=Defending the Homeland!}}
{{movep|type=poison|ms=088|pkmn=Grimer|method=Grimer fires large balls of sludge from its mouth at the opponent, one after the other.}}
{{movep|type=poison|ms=088|pkmn=Grimer|method=Grimer fires large balls of sludge from its mouth at the opponent, one after the other.}}
{{movebtm|type=poison|user=Dawn (anime)|user1=A Grimer Dawn used briefly|startcode=DP088|startname=Camping it Up!}}
{{movebtm|type=poison|user=Dawn (anime)|user1=A Grimer Dawn used briefly|startcode=DP088|startname=Camping it Up!}}
* In the English dub of ''[[BW012|Here Comes the Trubbish Squad!]]'', a wild {{p|Trubbish}} was mentioned to use Sludge. This is a dubbing error, as in the original Japanese version, the move in question was instead called {{m|Sludge Bomb}}.
===Pokémon Generations===
{{moveanime|type=poison|exp=yes|gen=The user fire a stream of purple sludge at the opponent.|image1=Team Rocket combination attack PG.png|image1p=Grimer}}
{{movep|type=poison|ms=088|pkmn=Grimer|method=Grimer opens its mouth and fires a stream of dark purple sludge at the opponent.}}
{{movebtm|type=poison|user=Team Rocket Grunt (Trainer class)|user1=A Team Rocket Grunt's Grimer|startcode=PG04|startname=The Lake of Rage|notes=Debut}}

==In the manga==
==In the manga==
===In the Pokémon Adventures manga===
===Pokémon Adventures===
{{movemanga|type=poison|exp=yes|gen=The user squirts sludge at the opponent.|image1=Harry Ekans Weezing Acid Sludge.png|image1p=Weezing}}
{{movemanga|type=poison|exp=yes|gen=The user squirts sludge at the opponent.|image1=Harry Ekans Weezing Acid Sludge.png|image1p=Weezing}}
{{movep|type=poison|ms=110|pkmn=Weezing|method=Weezing spits out sludge at the opponent from its bigger body's mouth.}}
{{movep|type=poison|ms=110|pkmn=Weezing|method=Weezing spits out sludge at the opponent from its bigger body's mouth.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=poison|user=Team Rocket Elite Trio|user1=Harry's Weezing|startcode=PS057|startname=Ekans the Ecstasy|notes=Debut}}
{{movebtmManga|type=poison|user=Team Rocket Elite Trio|user1=Harry's Weezing|startcode=PS057|startname=Ekans the Ecstasy|notes=Debut}}
===Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl===
{{movemanga|type=poison|exp=yes|gen=The users fires sludge from its body.|image1=Koffing Sludge PDP.png|image1p=Koffing}}
{{movep|type=poison|ms=109|pkmn=Koffing|method=Koffing fires a glob of sludge at the opponent.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=poison|user=Koffing (Pokémon)|user1=A wild Koffing|startcode=PDP13|notes=Debut}}
===Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blazing Exploration Team===
{{movemanga|type=poison|exp=yes|gen=The users fires sludge from its body.|image1=Team Skull Koffing Sludge BET.png|image1p=Koffing}}
{{movep|type=poison|ms=109|pkmn=Koffing|method=Koffing shoots sludge from the holes on its body at the opponent.}}
{{movebtmManga|type=poison|user=Team Skull (Mystery Dungeon)|user1=A Koffing from<br>Team Skull|startcode=BET1|notes=Debut}}

==In other generations==
==In other generations==
===Core series games===
genI=Sludge I|
genII=Sludge II|
|genI=Sludge I
genIII=Sludge III|
|genII=Sludge II
genIV=Sludge IV|
|genIII=Sludge III
|genIV=Sludge IV
|genV=Sludge V
|genVI=Sludge VI
|genVI2=Sludge VI 2
|genVII=Sludge VII
|genVIII=Sludge VIII
===Side series games===
|Stad=Sludge Stad
|Stad2=Sludge Stad2
|Colo=Sludge Colo
|XD=Sludge XD
|PBR=Sludge PBR
===Spin-off series games===
|Masters=Sludge Masters
* Sludge's description in Pokémon Stadium erroneously states that the move has a "fifty-fifty chance" of poisoning the target.
* In [[Pokémon Stadium]], Sludge is described as having a 50% chance of poisoning its target, but it actually has a 40% chance.
* Since [[Generation V]], Sludge has the same description text as {{m|Sludge Bomb}}.

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
{{Langtable|color={{poison color}}|bordercolor={{poison color dark}}
{{Langtable|color={{poison color}}|bordercolor={{poison color dark}}
|zh_cmn=泥漿攻擊 ''{{tt|Níjiāng Gōngjī|Slurry Attack}}''
|zh_yue=污泥攻擊 ''{{tt|Wūnàih Gūnggīk|Sludge Attack}}'' {{tt|*|Games}}<br>泥漿攻擊 ''{{tt|Nàihjēung Gūnggīk|Slurry Attack}}'' {{tt|*|Pre-Gen VII Media}}
|zh_cmn=污泥攻擊 / 污泥攻击 ''{{tt|Wūní Gōngjí / Wūní Gōngjī|Sludge Attack}}'' {{tt|*|Games}}<br>泥漿攻擊 ''{{tt|Níjiāng Gōngjí|Slurry Attack}}'' {{tt|*|Pre-Gen VII Media}}
|fi=Lieju (season 1)<br/>Liejuvyöry (Johto series)<br/>Mönjä (AG series)
|cs=Bahenní útok
|da=Slam<!--source: Danish version of The Official Pokémon Handbook-->
|fi=Lieju (season 1)<br>Liejuvyöry (Johto series)<br>Mönjä (AG series)
|el=Γλίτσα ''Glitsa''
|ko=오물공격 ''Omul Gonggyeok''
|ko=오물공격 ''{{tt|Omulgonggyeok|Sludge attack}}''
|pt_br=Jato de Lama
|pl=Błoto<!--{{tt|*|EP003, EP033-EP040, EP132, EP163, EP174-EP189, EP210-EP241, EP262, Diamond and Pearl series onwards}}<br>Maź{{tt|*|AG006}}<br>Smog{{tt|*|EP251}}<br>Muł{{tt|*|Holiday Hi-Jynx, EP151, EP207}}<br>Błotny Atak{{tt|*|EP008, EP046, EP145}}<br>Mułowy Atak{{tt|*|EP117}}<br>Szlam{{tt|*|EP028}}-->
|pt_br=Ataque de Lama (games, manga)<br>Jato de Lama (anime)<br>Lama (The Official Pokémon Handbook)<br>Lodo (The Official Pokémon Handbook)
|es_la=Residuos ([[EP046]]–present)<br>Lodo ([[EP003]]–[[EP040]], [[DP088]])
|vi=Tấn Công Bằng Bùn

{{Aurora Beam|Poison}}

{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}
{{Project Moves and Abilities notice}}
Line 121: Line 304:
[[Category:Moves that can inflict poison]]
[[Category:Moves that can inflict poison]]
[[Category:Moves that can jam]]
[[Category:Moves that can jam]]
[[Category:Moves in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!]]
[[it:Fango (mossa)]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Sword and Shield]]
[[Category:Moves usable in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]


Latest revision as of 02:30, 26 August 2024

ヘドロこうげき Sludge Attack
Sludge IX.png
Sludge IX 2.png
Type  Poison
Category  Special
PP  20 (max. 32)
Power  65
Accuracy  100%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Affected by Mirror Move
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Normal: May affect anyone adjacent to the user
Introduced  Generation I
Condition  Tough
Appeal  1
Jam  4 ♥♥♥♥
Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
Condition  Tough
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs last in the turn.
Condition  Tough
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Jamming  3 ♥♥♥
Startles the last Pokémon to act before the user.

Sludge (Japanese: ヘドロこうげき Sludge Attack) is a damage-dealing Poison-type move introduced in Generation I.


Generation I

Sludge does damage and has a 40% chance of poisoning the target.

Generation II onwards

Sludge now has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Sludge can be used as the first move of a Pokémon Contest combination, causing Sludge Bomb to score double the normal appeal if used in the next turn. It can also be used to finish a combination, with the user gaining 1 bonus appeal point if Sludge Bomb was used in the previous turn.


Games Description
Stad A Poison-type attack. Has a fifty-fifty chance of poisoning the target.
Stad2 A Poison-type attack. Has a one-in-three chance of poisoning the target.
GSC An attack that may poison the foe.
RSEColoXD Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also poison.
FRLG Toxic sludge is hurled at the foe. It may poison the target.
DPPtHGSSPBR Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the foe. It may also poison the target.
BWB2W2 Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. It may also poison the target.
Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. This may also poison the target.
SV The user hurls unsanitary sludge at the target to inflict damage. This may also poison the target.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0088 Grimer PoisonIC Big.png Amorphous Amorphous 37 16 13 20 20BW
15 15 24 15 15
0089 Muk PoisonIC Big.png Amorphous Amorphous 37 45 13 20 20BW
15 15 24 15 15
0109 Koffing PoisonIC Big.png Amorphous Amorphous 32 21 21 24 28BW
18 18 18 20 20 20
0110 Weezing PoisonIC Big.png Amorphous Amorphous 1, 32 21 21 24 28BW
18 18 18 20 20 20
0110 Weezing
Galarian Form
PoisonIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Amorphous Amorphous 20 20
0316 Gulpin PoisonIC Big.png Amorphous Amorphous 14 14 14 14XY
10 10 10
0317 Swalot PoisonIC Big.png Amorphous Amorphous 1, 14 1, 14 1, 14 1, 14XY
1, 10ORAS
1, 10 1, 10 1
0568 Trubbish PoisonIC Big.png Mineral Mineral 18 18 18 18
0569 Garbodor PoisonIC Big.png Mineral Mineral 18 18 18 18
0965 Varoom SteelIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Mineral Mineral 13
0966 Revavroom SteelIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Mineral Mineral 13
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Egg Move
0001 Bulbasaur GrassIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Monster Grass
0258 Mudkip WaterIC Big.png Monster Water 1
0422 Shellos
All forms
WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Amorphous
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Sludge deals damage and may leave the target poisoned.

Game Base
Range Target Cuts
MDRB 12 - 22 - 88% - Front Enemy Yes
MDTDS 12 - 15 - 88% - Front Enemy Yes
BSL 12 - 15 - 88% - Front Enemy Yes
MDGtI 10 99 17 50 90% 98% Front Enemy Yes
SMD 10 99 17 40 90% 98% Front Enemy Yes
With some exceptions, Pokémon learnsets match those from the core series games:

Pokémon GO

GO Poison.png Sludge
Charged Attack
Gyms & Raids
Power 50
Energy cost 33
Duration 2.1 seconds
Damage window 1.2 - 1.55 seconds
Sludge GO.png
Trainer Battles
Power 50
Energy cost 40
Secondary effect ?
Effect chance ?%
Eligible Pokémon:
Standard eligibility
GrimerKoffingWeezing (Galarian Form)MudkipMarshtompGulpin
By Elite Charged TM
By GO Snapshot
As Shadow Pokémon
As Purified Pokémon
Formerly eligible


Gyms & Raids
  • July 30, 2016
    • Power: 25 → 30
  • February 16, 2017
    • Power: 30 → 50
    • Energy cost: 25 → 33
    • Duration: 2.6 → 2.1 seconds
    • Damage window: 1.85 - 2.35 → 1.2 - 1.55 seconds

Pokémon Rumble Rush

PoisonIC RR.png Sludge
Attack power 37.94108
Charge time 0.62 seconds
Range type Projectile
Number of hits 1
Number of projectiles 1
Critical hit rate 1.5%
Additional effect May poison the foe
Sludge Rumble Rush.png

Pokémon Masters EX

Name Category Move gauge cost MP
Base power Max power Accuracy Target Effect tag Description Playable sync pair(s)
Sludge Special 2 42 50 100% An opponent Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target poisoned. James & Weezing
Scottie/Bettie & Grimer/MukEgg
Scottie/Bettie & Koffing/WeezingEgg (Support/tech roles only)
Sync move
Name Category State Base power Max power Target Effect tag Description Playable sync pair
Make It Double Sludge Special Default 200 240 An opponent This attack's power increases when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. James & Weezing


  • Sludge:
    • Description prior to Version 2.10.0 (from June 28, 2021): Has a moderate chance of leaving the target poisoned.


Games Description
MDRB Inflicts damage on the target. It may also leave the target poisoned, damaging it for several turns.
MDTDS Inflicts damage on the target. It may also afflict the targeted enemy with a Poisoned status condition, which causes periodic damage.
BSL てきポケモンに ダメージをあたえる しかも いっていのかくりつで どくじょうたいにして いっていターンごとに ダメージをあたえる
MDGtI It damages an enemy. It could also cause the Poisoned status condition. With the Poisoned status, the enemy keeps taking damage and can't restore its HP naturally.
SMD It damages an enemy. It could also make the enemy poisoned.

In the anime

Main series

James Koffing Sludge.png
James Weezing Sludge.png
Grimer Sludge.png
Gulpin Sludge.png
Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the foe.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Koffing Koffing spews dark brown sludge at the opponent from its mouth.
James's Koffing Ash Catches a Pokémon Debut
Weezing Weezing spews dark brown sludge at the opponent from the mouth on its larger body or from both mouths at the same time.
James's Weezing The Flame Pokémon-athon! None
Gulpin Gulpin opens its mouth and spits a ball of brown or purple sludge at the opponent.
Multiple wild Gulpin Gulpin it Down None
Professor Jacuzzi's Gulpin Gulpin it Down None
Multiple wild Gulpin Defending the Homeland! None
Grimer Grimer fires large balls of sludge from its mouth at the opponent, one after the other.
A Grimer Dawn used briefly Camping it Up! None

Pokémon Generations

Team Rocket combination attack PG.png

The user fire a stream of purple sludge at the opponent.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Grimer Grimer opens its mouth and fires a stream of dark purple sludge at the opponent.
A Team Rocket Grunt's Grimer The Lake of Rage Debut

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blazing Exploration Team

In other generations

Core series games

Side series games

Spin-off series games


  • In Pokémon Stadium, Sludge is described as having a 50% chance of poisoning its target, but it actually has a 40% chance.
  • Since Generation V, Sludge has the same description text as Sludge Bomb.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 污泥攻擊 Wūnàih Gūnggīk *
泥漿攻擊 Nàihjēung Gūnggīk *
Mandarin 污泥攻擊 / 污泥攻击 Wūní Gōngjí / Wūní Gōngjī *
泥漿攻擊 Níjiāng Gōngjí *
The Czech Republic Flag.png Czech Bahenní útok
Denmark Flag.png Danish Slam
The Netherlands Flag.png Dutch Blubber
Finland Flag.png Finnish Lieju (season 1)
Liejuvyöry (Johto series)
Mönjä (AG series)
France Flag.png French Détritus
Germany Flag.png German Schlammbad
Greece Flag.png Greek Γλίτσα Glitsa
Italy Flag.png Italian Fango
South Korea Flag.png Korean 오물공격 Omulgonggyeok
Norway Flag.png Norwegian Gjørmeangrep
Poland Flag.png Polish Błoto
Brazil Flag.png Brazilian Portuguese Ataque de Lama (games, manga)
Jato de Lama (anime)
Lama (The Official Pokémon Handbook)
Lodo (The Official Pokémon Handbook)
Serbia Flag.png Serbian Mulj
Spanish CELAC Flag.png Latin America Residuos (EP046–present)
Lodo (EP003EP040, DP088)
Spain Flag.png Spain Residuos
Sweden Flag.png Swedish Gegga
Thailand Flag.png Thai สลัดจ์แอตแทก
Vietnam Flag.png Vietnamese Tấn Công Bằng Bùn

Variations of the move Psybeam
PhysicalIC HOME.png Spark
SpecialIC HOME.png PsybeamBubble BeamAurora BeamSludge

Project Moves and Abilities logo.png This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.