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Revision as of 12:52, 20 April 2013

This article is about the character from The Rise of Darkrai. For the character of the day in A Crowning Achievement!, see Alice Telesu.

アリス Alice
Gender Female
Eye color Blue
Hair color Blonde
Hometown Alamos Town
Region Sinnoh
Relatives Alicia (grandmother)
Anime debut The Rise of Darkrai
English voice actor Khristine Hvam
Japanese voice actor Rosa Katō (regular)
Mamiko Noto (child)

Alice (Japanese: アリス Alice) is a primary character who appeared in The Rise of Darkrai.


Tonio and Alice in their childhood

Alice was known to be a hot air balloon tour guide of Alamos Town and she gave Ash and his friends a ride in her hot air balloon, with a Chimchar using Flamethrower to keep it in the air. She was also a music student since she mentioned that she studied music.

She is able to calm any Pokémon by playing a song using a leaf whistle, playing a version of Oración, which was taught by her grandmother. Darkrai is very protective of Alice, because her grandmother healed it when it was injured. At one time, when she was young, after accidentally falling from atop a hill, she was saved by Darkrai, though that was not revealed for a long time. For years, she believed that her childhood friend Tonio saved her instead.

Alice, Tonio, Darkrai, and Baron Alberto reappear in the twelfth movie, during the credits.


This listing is of Alice's known Pokémon:

Alice's Chimchar

Chimchar is first seen along with Alice welcoming Ash and friends to Alamos Town on their hot-balloon ride into Alamos, where it powers and works the balloon with its Fire-type attacks.

Chimchar's only known move is Flamethrower.


Alice's Darkrai
Debut The Rise of Darkrai
Voice actors
Japanese Kōji Ishizaka
English Scott Williams
Main article: Darkrai (M10)

Darkrai was mistaken as an evil Pokémon for the first half of the movie, apparently attacking everyone and giving them nightmares. What it was trying to do, however, was protect Alamos Town from being destroyed by Dialga and Palkia's fight.

In the manga

In The Rise of Darkrai manga

Alice in the manga

Alice makes an appearance in the manga adaptation of the tenth movie where she plays the same role as she does in the film.


This listing is of Alice's known Pokémon:

Alice's Chimchar

Chimchar is first seen along with Alice welcoming Ash and friends to Alamos Town on their hot-balloon ride into Alamos. It was also on the lookout if Darkrai appeared.

None of Chimchar's moves are known.


Sugimori Alice anime.png
Ken Sugimori's design of Alice

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 加藤ローサ Rosa Katō (regular)
能登麻美子 Mamiko Noto (child)
English Khristine Hvam
Portuguese Brazil Letícia Quinto (regular)
Gilmara Sanches (child)
Portugal Isabel Queirós
European Spanish Olga Velasco


In other languages

Language Name Origin
Korean 앨리스 Alice Transliteration of her Japanese name.
Chinese (Taiwan) 艾莉絲 Àilìsī Transliteration of her Japanese name.

Movie characters
Human protagonists
AliceAsh Ketchum (M20)AudreyBarazBiancaCallahanCarlitaCoreyDamosDianaDianeEricFergusHarrietJack WalkerJuanita
KarlKathrynKidd SummersKimiaKokoLisaLizabethLorenzoMannesMarenMargoMelodyMerayNeeshaNewton Graceland
Professor LundRafeRaleighRebeccaRisaRowenaSamSheenaSidSir AaronSorrelTonioTorenTory LundTowaVerityYuko
Human antagonists
AlvaAnnieArgus SteelButlerCherieCrossDamonDoctor ZedGalenGooneGrings KodaiIron-Masked MarauderLawrence IIILeviMarcus
MerilynMillis SteelMolly HaleOakleyPokémon huntersPokémon poacherRiotThe PhantomZero
ArceusArticunoCarbinkCelebi (M04)Celebi (M13)CobalionDadaDarkraiDeoxysDialgaDiancieEntei (M03)Entei (M13)GenesectGiratina
Ho-OhHoopaJirachiKeldeoKyuremLatiasLatiosLucarioLugiaMagearnaManaphyMarshadowMew (M01)Mew (M08)Mewtwo (M01)
Mewtwo (M16)MoltresPalkiaPikachu (M20)PikachutwoRaikouRayquazaRegiceRegirockRegisteelReshiramShayminSlowking
Spiky-eared PichuSuicune (M04)Suicune (M13)TerrakionUnownVictiniVirizionVolcanionXerneasYveltalZapdosZekrom
AliciaAllegraAstridBanksBaron AlbertoBlock BotBogieBonjiCarolChrom MolybdenumCTV news crewDabuDavidDionaDonuke
Dr. FujiDundeeFlamelFreddyGabuGhrisGlacineGodeyGurūHeroes of Truth and IdealsHoytInfiJasonJennyJoeJudy
KaiKakoKanataKatoKellieKevinKikoKing of the People of the ValeKyleLaylaLeekuLucianneLuisLuisaMakoMalin
ManukeMarcus's soldiersMauryMayor OliverMeredithMeta GroudonMewtwo's creatorsMiaMilesMimiMirandaMisakiMoose
Mother and daughterMr. WhiteNevaNikolaOld Man DomŌyamaPegPeople of the WaterPhossa MolybdenumPokémon Baccer teams
Queen IleneQueen RinRavineRaymondRickRossSchuylerSharonShepShunSpencer HaleSylvanTakaTammyTanner
TappTatsukiThe Marina GroupTobiasTownesUschiZabu

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