Mako (M14): Difference between revisions

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|desc={{p|Serperior}} is the only known Pokémon that Mako has with her. She sent it out against Ash's Pikachu and lost.}}
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Latest revision as of 17:41, 19 September 2024

The subject of this article has no official English name.
The name currently in use is a fan romanization of the Japanese name.
マコ Mako

Gender Female
Eye color Blue
Hair color Blonde
Hometown Unknown
Region Unova
Trainer class Trainer
Anime debut White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram
English voice actor None
Japanese voice actor None

(Japanese: マコ Mako) is a Pokémon Trainer and a minor character who appeared in White—Victini and Zekrom and Black—Victini and Reshiram.

In the movies

She battled Ash in a tournament in Eindoak Town with her Serperior. Eventually, Ash's Pikachu managed to defeat Serperior, causing her to be eliminated from the tournament.


Mako's Serperior

Mako's only known Pokémon is a Serperior which she used to battle Ash's Pikachu in the Eindoak Town tournament. Although Serperior was very quick and agile, it couldn't contend with Pikachu's speed and was knocked out with Electro Ball.

Serperior's known moves are Vine Whip and Energy Ball.

Pokémon competitions

Mako has competed in the following Pokémon competitions:


Ken Sugimori's design of Mako, Tatsuki, and Leeku

In the manga

Mako appears in the manga adaptation of the movie, where she participates in a tournament held in Eindoak Town.


Mako's Serperior

Serperior is the only known Pokémon that Mako has with her. She sent it out against Ash's Pikachu and lost.

Movie characters
Human protagonists
AliceAsh Ketchum (M20)AudreyBarazBiancaCallahanCarlitaCoreyDamosDianaDianeEricFergusHarrietJack WalkerJuanita
KarlKathrynKidd SummersKimiaKokoLisaLizabethLorenzoMannesMarenMargoMelodyMerayNeeshaNewton Graceland
Professor LundRafeRaleighRebeccaRisaRowenaSamSheenaSidSir AaronSorrelTonioTorenTory LundTowaVerityYuko
Human antagonists
AlvaAnnieArgus SteelButlerCherieCrossDamonDoctor ZedGalenGooneGrings KodaiIron-Masked MarauderLawrence IIILeviMarcus
MerilynMillis SteelMolly HaleOakleyPokémon huntersPokémon poacherRiotThe PhantomZero
ArceusArticunoCarbinkCelebi (M04)Celebi (M13)CobalionDadaDarkraiDeoxysDialgaDiancieEntei (M03)Entei (M13)GenesectGiratina
Ho-OhHoopaJirachiKeldeoKyuremLatiasLatiosLucarioLugiaMagearnaManaphyMarshadowMew (M01)Mew (M08)Mewtwo (M01)
Mewtwo (M16)MoltresPalkiaPikachu (M20)PikachutwoRaikouRayquazaRegiceRegirockRegisteelReshiramShayminSlowking
Spiky-eared PichuSuicune (M04)Suicune (M13)TerrakionUnownVictiniVirizionVolcanionXerneasYveltalZapdosZekrom
AliciaAllegraAstridBanksBaron AlbertoBlock BotBogieBonjiCarolChrom MolybdenumCTV news crewDabuDavidDionaDonuke
Dr. FujiDundeeFlamelFreddyGabuGhrisGlacineGodeyGurūHeroes of Truth and IdealsHoytInfiJasonJennyJoeJudy
KaiKakoKanataKatoKellieKevinKikoKing of the People of the ValeKyleLaylaLeekuLucianneLuisLuisaMakoMalin
ManukeMarcus's soldiersMauryMayor OliverMeredithMeta GroudonMewtwo's creatorsMiaMilesMimiMirandaMisakiMoose
Mother and daughterMr. WhiteNevaNikolaOld Man DomŌyamaPegPeople of the WaterPhossa MolybdenumPokémon Baccer teams
Queen IleneQueen RinRavineRaymondRickRossSchuylerSharonShepShunSpencer HaleSylvanTakaTammyTanner
TappTatsukiThe Marina GroupTobiasTownesUschiZabu
This movie article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.