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For other characters with the same name as Kathryn but different spellings, see Katherine.
If you were looking for the character incorrectly called Audrey on Poké, see Ada (AG184).
Audrey and Kathryn
オードリーとキャサリン Audrey and Katharine

Kathryn and Audrey
Gender Female
Hometown South City
Region Hoenn
Relatives Rafe (older brother)
Trainer class Twins
Anime debut Destiny Deoxys
English voice actor Rebecca Honig (both)
Japanese voice actor Nana Mizuki (Audrey)
Maria Yamamoto (Kathryn)

Audrey (Japanese: オードリー Audrey) and Kathryn (Japanese: キャサリン Katharine) are twin sisters and major characters who appeared in Destiny Deoxys.

In the movies

Audrey and Kathryn with their brother

Audrey and Kathryn are young Trainers who have come with their brother Rafe and their two friends Rebecca and Sid to LaRousse City to participate at the Battle Tower, where they encountered Ash and his friends. They become fast friends, but when Deoxys struck, they quickly took refuge in Professor Lund's lab until things settled down. Once Deoxys began battling with Rayquaza, they aided the others in bringing back power to the city so they could restore the body of the destroyed Deoxys.

They briefly reappeared in a montage in The Rise of Darkrai, which chronicled the preceding nine movies.


Audrey and Kathryn are a bubbly duo of girls who are often seen giggling to each other. They work perfectly together as a team, and on occasion, they speak in unison. The twins have a close bond with their Pokémon and speak highly of their older brother Rafe's skills as a Trainer, as well as his Blaziken's battling skills.


This article is missing information on this character's English voice actor.
You can help by adding this information.

The listing is of Audrey and Kathryn's known Pokémon in the anime:


Audrey's Masquerain
Debut Destiny Deoxys
Voice actors
Japanese Natsuki Yoshihara

Masquerain is Audrey's only known Pokémon. It was seen playing along with Ash's Pokémon.

Masquerain's only known move is Gust.


Kathryn's Surskit
Debut Destiny Deoxys
Voice actors
Japanese Miyako Itō

Surskit is Kathryn's only known Pokémon. It was seen playing along with Ash's Pokémon.

None of Surskit's moves are known.


Ken Sugimori's design of Kathryn and Audrey

Voice actors

Language [hide]Voice actor
Japanese Audrey: 水樹奈々 Nana Mizuki
Kathryn: 山本麻里安 Maria Yamamoto
English Both: Rebecca Honig
German Audrey: Farina Brock
Kathryn: Marieke Oeffinger
Brazilian Portuguese Audrey: Priscila Ferreira
Kathryn: Jussara Marques (original dub)
Sicilia Vidal (Star Channel redub)

In the TCG

This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Audrey, Kathryn, or their Pokémon in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Audrey and Kathryn's Pokémon
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Audrey's Masquerain Grass       Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Sky-Splitting Deoxys   007/019
Kathryn's Surskit Water       Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Sky-Splitting Deoxys   008/019


  • They may be based on the Twins Trainer class.
  • They can be differentiated: Audrey, the older one, predominantly wears yellow with her hair tips up, while Kathryn, the younger one, wears pink, and her hair tips are down.


Language Name Origin
Japanese オードリー Audrey
キャサリン Katharine
From Audrey Hepburn and Katharine Hepburn, famous actresses who shared their last name despite not being closely related
English Audrey
Same as her Japanese name
Similar to her Japanese name
Korean 오드리 Audrey
캐스린 Catherine
Transliterations of their Japanese names
Chinese (Taiwan) 奧黛莉 Àodàilì
凱薩琳 Kǎisàlín
Transliterations of their Japanese names

Movie characters
Human protagonists
AliceAsh Ketchum (M20)AudreyBarazBiancaCallahanCarlitaCoreyDamosDianaDianeEricFergusHarrietJack WalkerJuanita
KarlKathrynKidd SummersKimiaKokoLisaLizabethLorenzoMannesMarenMargoMelodyMerayNeeshaNewton Graceland
Professor LundRafeRaleighRebeccaRisaRowenaSamSheenaSidSir AaronSorrelTonioTorenTory LundTowaVerityYuko
Human antagonists
AlvaAnnieArgus SteelButlerCherieCrossDamonDoctor ZedGalenGooneGrings KodaiIron-Masked MarauderLawrence IIILeviMarcus
MerilynMillis SteelMolly HaleOakleyPokémon huntersPokémon poacherRiotThe PhantomZero
ArceusArticunoCarbinkCelebi (M04)Celebi (M13)CobalionDadaDarkraiDeoxysDialgaDiancieEntei (M03)Entei (M13)GenesectGiratina
Ho-OhHoopaJirachiKeldeoKyuremLatiasLatiosLucarioLugiaMagearnaManaphyMarshadowMew (M01)Mew (M08)Mewtwo (M01)
Mewtwo (M16)MoltresPalkiaPikachu (M20)PikachutwoRaikouRayquazaRegiceRegirockRegisteelReshiramShayminSlowking
Spiky-eared PichuSuicune (M04)Suicune (M13)TerrakionUnownVictiniVirizionVolcanionXerneasYveltalZapdosZekrom
AliciaAllegraAstridBanksBaron AlbertoBlock BotBogieBonjiCarolChrom MolybdenumCTV news crewDabuDavidDionaDonuke
Dr. FujiDundeeFlamelFreddyGabuGhrisGlacineGodeyGurūHeroes of Truth and IdealsHoytInfiJasonJennyJoeJudy
KaiKakoKanataKatoKellieKevinKikoKing of the People of the ValeKyleLaylaLeekuLucianneLuisLuisaMakoMalin
ManukeMarcus's soldiersMauryMayor OliverMeredithMeta GroudonMewtwo's creatorsMiaMilesMimiMirandaMisakiMoose
Mother and daughterMr. WhiteNevaNikolaOld Man DomŌyamaPegPeople of the WaterPhossa MolybdenumPokémon Baccer teams
Queen IleneQueen RinRavineRaymondRickRossSchuylerSharonShepShunSpencer HaleSylvanTakaTammyTanner
TappTatsukiThe Marina GroupTobiasTownesUschiZabu
This movie article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.