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Revision as of 15:12, 21 June 2023 by QuickJolteon (talk | contribs)
This article is about an expected future event. The article's contents may change as the event approaches and more information becomes available. Please be cautious when adding information to this article, as rumors and speculation often get confused with fact; avoid any information on this subject which is not confirmed by reliable sources.

シアノ Shiano

Artwork from Scarlet and Violet DLC
Gender Male
Eye color Green
Hair color Brown (with light brown highlight)
Hometown Unknown
Region Unknown
Generation IX
Games Scarlet and Violet

シアノ (Japanese: Shiano) is a new character introduced in The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. He acts as the director of Blueberry Academy, which he founded. Having heard rumors about you and your adventures, he visits Paldea to invite you to his institution as an exchange student. It seems that he is a longtime acquaintance of Director Clavell.[1]


  • His hair closely resembles a Nacli.


Non-player characters in the core series games
Paldea Professor SadaProfessor TuroMomNemonaKoraidonMiraidonGeetaArvenPennyHeath
CarmineKieranBriarCyranoTerapagosBilly and O'Nare
Team StarGym LeadersElite FourPokémon League representatives

This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.