Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Das seltene Pokémon MEW!
Wir wünschen dir viel Spaß mit diesem MEW einem besonderen Geschenk zu Ehren der vielen Generationen von Pokémon fans!
Hole MEW im PKMN-Supermarkt ab und speichere dein Spiel.
French Autumn 2010 Mew
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
MEW, le Pokémon rarissime!
Voici donc le légendaire MEW! Une bien belle manière de célébrer nos générations de fans de Pokémon! Récupérez MEW dans une Boutique Pokémon et sauvegardez.
Italian Autumn 2010 Mew
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Il Pokémon raro MEW!
Divertiti con questo MEW! Un regalo speciale per ringraziare tutte le generazioni di fan dei Pokémon! Ricorda di salvare dopo avere ottenuto MEW in un Pokémon-Market.
Spanish Autumn 2010 Mew
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
¡El singular Pokémon MEW!
¡Disfruta de este MEW, un regalo especial para celebrar las numerosas generaciones de fans de Pokémon! Recuerda guardar la partida al recibir a MEW en la Tienda Pokémon.
Birthday Chimchar
Wonder Card
おたんじょうび きねん プレゼント
おたんじょうび おめでとう! ポケモンセンター ナゴヤから すてきな プレゼントを おくります。
7-Eleven Pikachu
Wonder Card
「プレゼント」をおぼえた ピカチュウ
わざ「プレゼント」を おぼえた ピカチュウだよ。だいじにそだててね! フレンドリィショップで うけとったら かならず レポートを かこう!
World Championship 2010 Crobat
This Crobat was available to English, Italian, German, French, Spanish and Japanese versions of the games.
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Battle in Kona
Thanks for coming to the 2010 Pokémon World Championships! Be sure to save your game after you pick up the Pokémon at a Poke Mart.
Summer Nintendo Zone Manaphy
Wonder Card
まぼろしのポケモン マナフィ プレゼント
まぼろしのポケモン マナフィ。 なつやすみのぼうけんを いっしょに たのしもう。 フレンドリィショップで うけとったら、 かならず レポートをかいてね。
Germany Nintendo Zone Pikachu
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Summer Festival Milotic
Wonder Card
*이상한 카드
포켓몬 썸머 페스티벌2010 밀로틱
포켓몬 썸머 페스티벌2010에 참여해 주셔서 갑사합니다. 색이 다른 밀로틱을 사용해서 포켓몬 배틀을 더욱 즐겨주세요! http://pokemonkorea.co.kr
*받은 날짜
Birthday Charmander
Wonder Card
おたんじょうび きねん プレゼント
おたんじょうび おめでとう! ポケモンセンター トウキョーから すてきな プレゼントを おくります。
Satoshi's Pikachu
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
サトシのピカチュウ プレぜント
えいがやアニメでかつやくの サトシの ピカチュウ。キミにとっても たのしい ぼうけんのパートナーになりますように! フレンドリィショップで うけとったら、 かならず レポートをかいてね。
Movie Celebi
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
スクリーンからやってきた セレビィ
えいがを みにきてくれて ありがとう! きねんに スクリーンから やってきた セレビィを プレゼント! フレンドリィショップで うけとったら かならず レポートを かこう!
English Summer 2010 Jirachi
This was available to American, European and Australian versions of the games.
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Make a Wish with JIRACHI!
This JIRACHI has a special Pokéwalker surprise to share in Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver Versions. Be sure to save the game once you pick up JIRACHI at a Poké Mart.
French Summer 2010 Jirachi
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Faites un vœu avec JIRACHI!
Ce JIRACHI a une petite surprise pour le Pokéwalker de Pokémon HeartGold ou SoulSilver. Sauvegardez une fois que vous aurez récupéré JIRACHI dans une Boutique Pokémon.
German Summer 2010 Jirachi
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Wünsch dir was mit JIRACHI!
Dieses JIRACHI hält in Pokémon HeartGold und SoulSilver eine Überraschung für den Pokéwalker bereit! Hole das JIRACHI aus dem PKMN-Supermarkt ab und speichere!
Italian Summer 2010 Jirachi
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Esprimi un desiderio con JIRACHI!
Questo JIRACHI ha una sorpresa per il Pokéwalker da scoprire con Pokémon HeartGold e SoulSilver. Ricordati di salvare il gioco dopo aver ricevuto il Pokémon in un Pokémon-Market.
Spanish Summer 2010 Jirachi
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Pídele un deseo... ¡a JIRACHI!
Este JIRACHI tiene una sorpresa muy especial para ti en el Pokéwalker de tu Pokémon HeartGold y SoulSilver. Recuerda guardar la partida al recoger a JIRACHI en la Tienda Pokémon.
Crown Suicune
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
キミがえらんだ スイクン
でんせつのポケモン スイクン は ことしの えいがで だいかつやく! フレンドリィショップで うけとったら かならず レポートを かこう!
Crown Entei
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
キミがえらんだ エンテイ
でんせつのポケモン エンテイ は ことしの えいがで だいかつやく! フレンドリィショップで うけとったら かならず レポートを かこう!
Crown Raikou
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
キミがえらんだ ライコウ
でんせつのポケモン ライコウ は ことしの えいがで だいかつやく! フレンドリィショップで うけとったら かならず レポートを かこう!
Goon Scizor
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
グーンのハッサム プレぜント
えいがでも だいかつやくの グーンの ハッサム。スクリーンでも キミが あいにきてくれるのを まってるよ。 フレンドリィショップで うけとったら、 かならず レポートをかいてね。
Australian 2010 Jirachi
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Make a Wish with JIRACHI!
This JIRACHI has a special Pokéwalker surprise to share in Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver Versions. Be sure to save the game once you pick up JIRACHI at a Poké Mart.
Video Game Championships 2010 Eevee
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Wow! Shiny EEVEE!
Thanks for coming to a 2010 Pokémon Video Game Championships event! Be sure to save your game after you pick up the Pokémon at the Poké Mart.
Wonder Card
Wow! Ein andersfarbiges EVOLI!
Danke, dass du das Turnier der Pokemon Video-Spiel Meisterschaften 2010 besucht hast! Vergiss nicht,dass Spiel zu Speichern, sobald du das Pokémon aus dem PKM-Supermarkt abgeholt hast
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
¡Un EEVEE de color diferente!!
¡Gracias por asistir al Campeonato de Videojuegos Pokémon 2010! No te olvides de guardar la partida tras recoger a EEVEE en la Tienda Pokémon.
Time Square Shaymin
Wonder Card
*이상한 카드
포켓몬 봄맞이 이벤트 쉐이미
포켓몬 봄맞이 이벤트에 참여해 주셔서 갑사드립니다. 프렌들리숍에서 받은 후 반드시 리포트를 작성해 주세요. 쉐이미와 함께 갑사의 마음을 전해봅시다 http://pokemonkorea.co.kr
*받은 날짜
English Spring 2010 Pichu
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Trade your PICHU to Pokémon HeartGold Version or Pokémon SoulSilver Version and you may meet a special friend! Be sure to save the game once you pick up PICHU at a Poké Mart.
German Spring 2010 Pichu
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Tausche dein PICHU per Tausch auf Pokémon HeartGold und SoulSilver und treffe einen neuen Freund. Hole PICHU aus dem PKMN-Supermarkt und speichere!
Europe Spring 2010 Pichu
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Echangez votre PICHU avec Pokémon HeartGold ou SoulSilver afin de vous faire un ami trés spécial! Sauvegardez une fois que vous aurez récupéré PICHU dans une Boutique Pokémon.
Wonder Card
Trasferisci PICHU su Pokémon HeartGold o SoulSilver e chissà... Potresti incontrare un amico speciale! Ricorda di salvare il gioco dopo aver ricevuto PICHU al Pokémon-Market.
Wonder Card
Intercambia tu PICHU con Pokémon HeartGold o Pokémon SoulSilver y podrás encontrar un amigo especial. Guarda la partida cuando recojas a PICHU en la Tienda Pokémon.
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Make a Wish with JIRACHI!
Trade your JIRACHI to Pokémon HeartGold Version or Pokémon SoulSilver Version for a special Pokéwalker surprise! Be sure to save the game once you pick up JIRACHI at a Poké Mart.
GameStop Jirachi
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Make a Wish with JIRACHI!
Trade JIRACHI to Pokémon HeartGold Version or Pokémon SoulSilver Version for a special Pokéwalker surprise! Be sure to save the game once you pick up JIRACHI at a Poké Mart.
Europe Michina Arceus
Pokémon Info
Trainer Memo
Battle Moves
Dex No.
Random nature.
Lv. 100
Feb. 17, 2010
Roar of Time
Pokémon Event
Spacial Rend
Met at Lv. 100.
Shadow Force
ID No.
This Pokémon was available in Germany, Italy, Finland, France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece and Austria on 2010.
Rowap Berry
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
ARCEUS ist eingetroffen!
Übertrage dein ARCEUS per Tausch auf Pokémon HeartGold und SoulSilver und sei bereit für eine Überraschung von legendären Ausmaßen! Hole ARCEUS aus dem PKMN-Supermarkt und speichere!.
Wonder Card
È arrivato ARCEUS!
Trasferisci il tuo ARCEUS su Pokémon HeartGold o Pokémon SoulSilver con uno scambio e vivi la leggenda! Ricordati di salvare dopo aver ritirato ARCEUS al Pokémon-Market.
Wonder Card
ARCEUS has arrived!
Trade your ARCEUS to Pokémon HeartGold Version or Pokémon SoulSilver Version for a Legendary surprise! Be sure to save the game once you pick up ARCEUS at a Poké Mart.
Wonder Card
ARCEUS est arrivé!
Echangez votre ARCEUS avec Pokémon HeartGold ou Pokémon SoulSilver et preparez-vous? une surprise légendaire! Allez chercher ARCEUS dans une Boutique Pokémon et sauvegardez!!.
Wonder Card
Ya está aquí ARCEUS!
Intercambia tu ARCEUS con Pokémon HeartGold o Pokémon SoulSilver y te llevareís una sorpresa legendaria! Guarda la partida cuando recojas a ARCEUS en la Tienda Pokémon.
Nintendo of Korean Jirachi
Wonder Card
*이상한 카드
새해의 소원을 지라치에게...
2010년을 어떤 1년으로 보내고 싶은가요? 내 소원을 지라치에게 전하고 소원과 함께 지라치도 소중하게 키워주세요!
*받은 날짜
GameStop Pichu
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
Wonder Card
Trade your PICHU to Pokémon HeartGold Version or Pokémon SoulSilver Version and you may meet a special friend! Be sure to save the game once you pick up PICHU at a Poké Mart.
10th Anniversary Mew
This Mew was distributed to commemorate the tenth anniversary of Pokémon Gold and Silver.
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Wonder Card
きんぎん10しゅうねん ミュウ
ポケモンきんぎん 10しゅうねんを いわって まぼろしのポケモン ミュウを プレゼント! フレンドリィショップで うけとったら かならず レポートを かこう!
World Championships 2010 Eevee
Wonder Card
ぎんのイーブイ プレゼント
イベントに きてくれて ありがとう。 きねんに いろちがいの ぎんに かがやく イーブイを プレゼント! どのタイプに しんかさせるかは キミしだいだ!
See also