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Webster (Japanese: ユウジ Yūji), known as Randy in Generation II, is a non-player character in Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal as well as their remakes, HeartGold and SoulSilver. He is a guard posted at the gate between Goldenrod City and Route 35.
Webster gives the player his Spearow named Kenya (Japanese: ひきゃく Hikyaku) holding a mail, and asks them to deliver it to his friend on Route 31. As a gesture of thanks, he will give the player an HP Up. Once the mail has been delivered, Webster's friend will hand out TM50 (Nightmare) in Generation II or TM44 (Rest) in Generation IV. It does not matter which Pokémon is given to Webster's friend, just that the mail is delivered. In Generation II, if the player removes the mail from Kenya, putting it in their PC, then gives the mail to another Pokémon, Webster's friend will take the mail and Pokémon from them. In Generation IV, however, any Pokémon replacing Kenya will be returned to the player. Due to this, a player may keep Kenya for the duration of the game or deliver it after evolving it into Fearow and still receive the TM.
In the game, Webster is recognized as an in-game trader. However, Kenya is simply given to the player and no Pokémon is expected in return. Unlike most Pokémon given by NPCs, Kenya has Webster's ID and OT, possibly because the player was meant to give the Spearow to Webster's friend. Hence, when battling with it, it will act like an outsider and receive the experience boost for traded Pokémon.
The following is a list of Webster's known Pokémon:
Generation II
Kenya's gender is random in Generation II.
Generation IV
Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal
- "Excuse me, guyGS/kidC! Can you do a guy a favor? Can you take this Pokémon with Mail to my friend? He's on Route 31."
- No: "Oh... Never mind, then..."
- Yes: "You will? Perfect! Thanks, guyGS/kidC! My pal's a chubby guy who snoozes all the time. You'll recognize him right away!" (Hands over Kenya) "You can read it, but don't lose it! Route 31! Oh, yeah. There was a weird tree blocking the road. I wonder if it's been cleared?"
- "You can read it, but don't lose it! Route 31! Oh, yeah. There was a weird tree blocking the road. I wonder if it's been cleared?"
- "Dark Cave leads
- to another road"
- Randy
- "Thanks, guy! You made the delivery for me! Here's something for your trouble!" (gives the player HP Up) "My pal was snoozing, right? Heh, what'd I say?"
- "My pal was snoozing, right? Heh, what'd I say?"
Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
- "Excuse me, kid! I received this letter the other day from a friend of mine. Here is the reply I wrote. I'm stuck here and was wondering if you could deliver it... He's on Route 31. Can you help a guy out?"
- No:"Oh... Never mind, then... You must be busy, too."
- Yes:"Wow, thanks!" (Hands over Kenya) "My friend is on Route 31. Oh, yeah. There was a weird tree blocking the road. I wonder if it's been cleared?"
- "My friend is on Route 31. Oh, yeah. There was a weird tree blocking the road. I wonder if it's been cleared?"
- Thank you!
- was fun, wasn't it?
- ZUBAT was the one
- thing I wanted to avoid...
- Webster"
- "Thank you for making the delivery! ...What about a cave exploration? Ah, you can go right through here. I want you to have this for your kindness!" (gives the player HP Up) "My pal was snoozing, right? Heh, he's always sleeping."
- "Everything is fine!"
In other languages