Appendix:Crystal walkthrough/Section 10

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Cianwood City

Cianwood City

Cianwood City is a small, seaside town on a separate landmass to the southwest of mainland Johto. Despite its distance, many Trainers still brave the waters of Routes 40 and 41 to challenge the Cianwood Gym, or to visit a centuries-old pharmacy known for its unique medicine.

Cianwood City Pharmacy

The Cianwood City Pharmacy is located on the south side of town, and has served as the local Poké Mart for the last 500 years. Inform the shopkeeper of the situation in Olivine Lighthouse to receive the SecretPotion, a powerful remedy only dispensed in emergencies.

After dispensing the SecretPotion, the shopkeeper offers traditional medicine for sale.

Then There was One

The house in the middle of town belongs to a PokéManiac. Speak to him to learn that he was bullied by someone with "piercing eyes and long hair" into giving up one of his Pokémon. He still has one left, but is afraid of what will happen if the thief returns. He asks that you take his remaining Pokémon, a Shuckle, for safekeeping.

He will eventually ask for his Shuckle back, but will decide to let you keep it if it has grown friendly enough toward you.

Cianwood Gym

Cianwood Gym
Cianwood City Pokémon Gym
Leader: Chuck

His Roaring Fists Do The Talking

The Cianwood Gym specializes in Fighting-type Pokémon. Fighting-type moves are super effective against Dark-, Ice-, Normal-, Rock-, and Steel-type Pokémon, while Fighting-type Pokémon are weak to Flying- and Psychic-type moves.

There are three Gym Trainers stationed in the first part of the Gym. The first two stand facing each other from opposite sides, and must be fought in quick succession. After defeating a third, challengers must use Strength to move three boulders and clear a path. At this point, one final Gym Trainer must be defeated to reach the Gym Leader.

Chuck's Primeape has a high Attack stat, allowing it to deal considerable damage already. Using Leer cuts the foe's Defense, making it even more dangerous. His Poliwrath can lull the target to sleep with Hypnosis, but the combination of Mind Reader and DynamicPunch is something to be avoided at all costs. DynamicPunch is one of the strongest Fighting-type moves, and is guaranteed to cause Confusion if it hits. It has only 50% Accuracy on its own, but Mind Reader ensures the next move will connect with its target. As a Water Pokémon, it is also vulnerable to Grass- and Electric-type moves. Healing items like Awakening and Bitter Berry will be helpful, as will using moves like Reflect to boost your Pokémon's Defense.

Cianwood Gym
Storm Badge

After the battle, Chuck awards you the Storm Badge, which ensures obedience of all Pokémon up to level 70 and enables the use of Fly in the field. He also gives you TM01 (DynamicPunch) as a prize.

Fly Like a Bird

With Chuck defeated, speak to Chuck's wife in front of the Gym. Hearing that you had to cross the sea to get here, she remarks how much easier it would be if your Pokémon knew how to fly. After noticing your new Storm Badge, the woman gives you HM02 (Fly). This field move allows a Trainer to quickly return to any familiar location. She comments how it is a good thing that her husband was defeated, as it gives him a reason to train.

Photo Studio

The Photo Studio is located on the north side of town. By speaking to the man inside, Trainers may have pictures taken of their party members, one at a time. This is meant to work with the Game Boy Printer peripheral. The player can print out their Pokédex or the stats of one specific Pokémon. Mail can also be printed.

The Poké Seer

The Poké Seer lives in an isolated house on the north end of the beach. This elderly woman has the ability to tell the location, the time of day, and the level at which a Pokémon in a Trainer's party was caught. She also comments on the Pokémon's strength based on the number of levels it has grown.

Chasing the Wind

The far north end of the beach holds a small hill at the foot of the cliffs. It is here that you have your first sighting of the legendary Suicune since it fled from the Burned Tower. When you get too close, it races around you before running out over the waves. Eusine appears a moment later, and challenges you to a battle in order to prove himself to the legendary beast.

VS Eusine

Eusine has a diverse team of Pokémon, but there is still some overlap in weaknesses. His Drowzee can lull the target to sleep with Hypnosis before stealing its health with Dream Eater. Haunter's Mean Look prevents escape while Curse cuts its health in order to afflict the target. Both of these Pokémon are vulnerable to Ghost- and Dark-type attacks. As an Electric-type Pokémon, his Electrode takes serious damage only from Ground-type moves.

After the battle, Eusine promises to keep searching for Suicune, and bids you farewell until your next meeting.

Olivine City

Olivine Lighthouse


Return to the top floor of Olivine Lighthouse and deliver the SecretPotion to Jasmine. She administers the medicine to Amphy, and seeing it restored to full health, promises to return to the Olivine Gym.

Olivine Gym

Olivine Gym
Olivine City Pokémon Gym
Leader: Jasmine

The Steel-Clad Defense Girl

The Olivine Gym specializes in Steel-type Pokémon. Steel-type moves are super effective against Ice- and Rock-type Pokémon, while Steel-type Pokémon are weak to Fighting-, Fire-, and Ground-type moves.

The Gym features neither puzzles to solve nor Gym Trainers to defeat, allowing challengers to reach the Gym Leader immediately.

Both of Jasmine's two Magnemite can harass their target with Supersonic and Thunder Wave, though Ground-type Pokémon are immune to the latter. Her Steelix is vulnerable to Fire attacks as well, but can retaliate with Rock Throw against unsuspecting Fire Pokémon. Screech lowers the target's Defense, while Iron Tail may do the same. Its low Special Defense leaves it particularly vulnerable to Fire- and Water-type attacks.

Olivine Gym
Mineral Badge

After the battle, Jasmine awards you the Mineral Badge, which gives your Pokémon a slight Defense boost during battle. She also gives you TM23 (Iron Tail) as a prize.

Having now explored western Johto, the next destination is the region's mountainous northeast area. Fly back to Ecruteak City and head east to reach Route 42.

Route 42

Route 42

Route 42 connects Ecruteak City to Mahogany Town in the east. The path runs along the base of Mt. Mortar, and is divided twice over by small lakes. Crossing these waters directly requires the use of Surf, but it is possible to detour through the mountain to avoid them. A grove of Apricorn trees grows in the middle of the route.

Chasing the Wind

A grove of Apricorn trees grows between the two lakes, blocked by an overgrown tree. Enter this grove to find Suicune again, standing among the trees. It flees again when you get too close, dashing off eastward toward Mahogany Town.

Mt. Mortar, Entrance
Mt. Mortar, Lower Cave

Mt. Mortar

Mt. Mortar is a sprawling cave set deep into the northern mountains. It is an optional cave to enter, but contains many valuable items and Pokémon. Navigating the difficult terrain requires the use of Surf, Strength, and Waterfall. As such, it is not possible to reach every area on the first visit.

Lower level (West Entrance to East Entrance)

Entrance (Southwest)

From the western cave entrance, go north and pass through the opening to reach the Lower Cave.

Lower Cave

Climb up the ladder to the northwest. This leads to the upper level of the Entrance, to the western platform atop the waterfall. Collect the Ether and climb back down the ladder.

Go east and use Strength on the boulder to clear a path northward. Visit the rocky ridge in the west-central area for a Hyper Potion, then continue northward. Pick up the Ultra Ball on the next ridge, then turn eastward to collect a Nugget next to the east wall. Go south and jump over the two ledges to reach an Escape Rope in the southeast corner. Backtrack past the ledges and the ridge with Super Nerd Markus. Jump the next ledge to return to the boulder near the south wall. Head east and walk up onto the ridge to battle PokéManiac Miller and climb up the ladder.

This leads to the upper level of the Entrance, to the eastern platform atop the waterfall. Collect the Revive and climb back down the ladder.

Go south to return to the Entrance.

Entrance (Southeast)

Head southeast to reach the eastern cave exit and return to Route 42.

← Part 9 Olivine City, Route 40, Route 41
Mahogany Town, Route 43, Lake of Rage, Rocket Hideout, Mahogany Gym Part 11 →

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