Work Up (move)

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Work Up
ふるいたてる Cheer Up
Type  Normal
Category  Status
PP  30 (max. 48)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Self: Affects the user
Introduced  Generation V
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Jam  0  
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Condition  Tough
Appeal  3 ♥♥♥
Jamming  0  
Excites the audience a lot if used first.

Work Up (Japanese: ふるいたてる Cheer Up) is a non-damaging Normal-type move introduced in Generation V. It was TM83 in Generation V before losing its status in Generation VI. It regained its TM status in Generation VII as TM01.


Work Up raises the user's Attack and Special Attack stats by one stage each.

If powered up by a Normalium Z into Z-Work Up, the user's Attack stat is raised by an additional one stage.


Games Description
The user is roused, and its Attack and Sp. Atk stats increase.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0128 Tauros NormalIC Big.png Field Field 29 29 29
0448 Lucario FightingIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Field Human-Like 42
0504 Patrat NormalIC Big.png Field Field 26 26 28
0506 Lillipup NormalIC Big.png Field Field 19 19 19
0507 Herdier NormalIC Big.png Field Field 20 20 20
0508 Stoutland NormalIC Big.png Field Field 20 20 20
0554 Darumaka FireIC Big.png Field Field 25 25 25
0555 Darmanitan FireIC Big.png Field Field 25 25 25
0633 Deino DarkIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon 38 38 38
0634 Zweilous DarkIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon 38 38 38
0635 Hydreigon DarkIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon 38 38 38
0638 Cobalion SteelIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered 61 1, 61 49
0639 Terrakion RockIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered 61 1, 61 49
0640 Virizion GrassIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered 61 1, 61 49
0647 Keldeo WaterIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered 61 61 61
0667 Litleo FireIC Big.png
NormalIC Big.png
Field Field 8 8
0668 Pyroar FireIC Big.png
NormalIC Big.png
Field Field 8 1, 8
0674 Pancham FightingIC Big.png Field Human-Like 10 10
0675 Pangoro FightingIC Big.png
DarkIC Big.png
Field Human-Like 10 1, 10
0782 Jangmo-o DragonIC Big.png Dragon Dragon 29
0783 Hakamo-o DragonIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon 29
0784 Kommo-o DragonIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon 29
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Types Parent
Egg Groups
Egg Move
0676 Furfrou NormalIC Big.png Field Field
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Machine
0001 Bulbasaur GrassIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Monster Grass
0002 Ivysaur GrassIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Monster Grass
0003 Venusaur GrassIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Monster Grass
0004 Charmander FireIC Big.png Monster Dragon
0005 Charmeleon FireIC Big.png Monster Dragon
0006 Charizard FireIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Monster Dragon
0007 Squirtle WaterIC Big.png Monster Water 1
0008 Wartortle WaterIC Big.png Monster Water 1
0009 Blastoise WaterIC Big.png Monster Water 1
0016 Pidgey NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0017 Pidgeotto NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0018 Pidgeot NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0019 Rattata NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0020 Raticate NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0021 Spearow NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0022 Fearow NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
027A Sandshrew
Alola Form
IceIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Field Field
028A Sandslash
Alola Form
IceIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Field Field
0035 Clefairy FairyIC Big.png Fairy Fairy
0036 Clefable FairyIC Big.png Fairy Fairy
0039 Jigglypuff NormalIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Fairy Fairy
0040 Wigglytuff NormalIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Fairy Fairy
050A Diglett
Alola Form
GroundIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Field Field
051A Dugtrio
Alola Form
GroundIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Field Field
0052 Meowth NormalIC Big.png Field Field
052A Meowth
Alola Form
DarkIC Big.png Field Field
0053 Persian NormalIC Big.png Field Field
053A Persian
Alola Form
DarkIC Big.png Field Field
0056 Mankey FightingIC Big.png Field Field
0057 Primeape FightingIC Big.png Field Field
0062 Poliwrath WaterIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Water 1 Water 1
0066 Machop FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0067 Machoke FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0068 Machamp FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0083 Farfetch'd NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Field
0084 Doduo NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0085 Dodrio NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0106 Hitmonlee FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0107 Hitmonchan FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0108 Lickitung NormalIC Big.png Monster Monster
0113 Chansey NormalIC Big.png Fairy Fairy
0115 Kangaskhan NormalIC Big.png Monster Monster
0128 Tauros NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0133 Eevee NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0134 Vaporeon WaterIC Big.png Field Field
0135 Jolteon ElectricIC Big.png Field Field
0136 Flareon FireIC Big.png Field Field
0143 Snorlax NormalIC Big.png Monster Monster
0151 Mew PsychicIC Big.png style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0152 Chikorita GrassIC Big.png Monster Grass
0153 Bayleef GrassIC Big.png Monster Grass
0154 Meganium GrassIC Big.png Monster Grass
0155 Cyndaquil FireIC Big.png Field Field
0156 Quilava FireIC Big.png Field Field
0157 Typhlosion FireIC Big.png Field Field
0158 Totodile WaterIC Big.png Monster Water 1
0159 Croconaw WaterIC Big.png Monster Water 1
0160 Feraligatr WaterIC Big.png Monster Water 1
0161 Sentret NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0162 Furret NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0163 Hoothoot NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0164 Noctowl NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0173 Cleffa FairyIC Big.png style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0174 Igglybuff NormalIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0175 Togepi FairyIC Big.png style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0176 Togetic FairyIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Fairy
0183 Marill WaterIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Water 1 Fairy
0184 Azumarill WaterIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Water 1 Fairy
0190 Aipom NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0196 Espeon PsychicIC Big.png Field Field
0197 Umbreon DarkIC Big.png Field Field
0203 Girafarig NormalIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
Field Field
0209 Snubbull FairyIC Big.png Field Fairy
0210 Granbull FairyIC Big.png Field Fairy
0214 Heracross BugIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Bug Bug
0216 Teddiursa NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0217 Ursaring NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0234 Stantler NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0236 Tyrogue FightingIC Big.png style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0237 Hitmontop FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0241 Miltank NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0242 Blissey NormalIC Big.png Fairy Fairy
0252 Treecko GrassIC Big.png Monster Dragon
0253 Grovyle GrassIC Big.png Monster Dragon
0254 Sceptile GrassIC Big.png Monster Dragon
0255 Torchic FireIC Big.png Field Field
0256 Combusken FireIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Field
0257 Blaziken FireIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Field
0258 Mudkip WaterIC Big.png Monster Water 1
0259 Marshtomp WaterIC Big.png
GroundIC Big.png
Monster Water 1
0260 Swampert WaterIC Big.png
GroundIC Big.png
Monster Water 1
0263 Zigzagoon NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0264 Linoone NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0276 Taillow NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0277 Swellow NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0286 Breloom GrassIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Fairy Grass
0287 Slakoth NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0288 Vigoroth NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0289 Slaking NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0293 Whismur NormalIC Big.png Monster Field
0294 Loudred NormalIC Big.png Monster Field
0295 Exploud NormalIC Big.png Monster Field
0296 Makuhita FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0297 Hariyama FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0298 Azurill NormalIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0300 Skitty NormalIC Big.png Field Fairy
0301 Delcatty NormalIC Big.png Field Fairy
0307 Meditite FightingIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
Human-Like Human-Like
0308 Medicham FightingIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
Human-Like Human-Like
0327 Spinda NormalIC Big.png Field Human-Like
0335 Zangoose NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0351 Castform NormalIC Big.png Fairy Amorphous
0352 Kecleon NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0387 Turtwig GrassIC Big.png Monster Grass
0388 Grotle GrassIC Big.png Monster Grass
0389 Torterra GrassIC Big.png
GroundIC Big.png
Monster Grass
0390 Chimchar FireIC Big.png Field Human-Like
0391 Monferno FireIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Human-Like
0392 Infernape FireIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Human-Like
0393 Piplup WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Field
0394 Prinplup WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Field
0395 Empoleon WaterIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Water 1 Field
0396 Starly NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0397 Staravia NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0398 Staraptor NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0399 Bidoof NormalIC Big.png Water 1 Field
0400 Bibarel NormalIC Big.png
WaterIC Big.png
Water 1 Field
0424 Ambipom NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0427 Buneary NormalIC Big.png Field Human-Like
0428 Lopunny NormalIC Big.png Field Human-Like
0431 Glameow NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0432 Purugly NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0440 Happiny NormalIC Big.png style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0441 Chatot NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0446 Munchlax NormalIC Big.png style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0447 Riolu FightingIC Big.png style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0448 Lucario FightingIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Field Human-Like
0453 Croagunk PoisonIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Human-Like Human-Like
0454 Toxicroak PoisonIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Human-Like Human-Like
0463 Lickilicky NormalIC Big.png Monster Monster
0468 Togekiss FairyIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Fairy
0470 Leafeon GrassIC Big.png Field Field
0471 Glaceon IceIC Big.png Field Field
0475 Gallade PsychicIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Amorphous Amorphous
0493 Arceus NormalIC Big.png style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0494 Victini PsychicIC Big.png
FireIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0495 Snivy GrassIC Big.png Field Grass
0496 Servine GrassIC Big.png Field Grass
0497 Serperior GrassIC Big.png Field Grass
0498 Tepig FireIC Big.png Field Field
0499 Pignite FireIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Field
0500 Emboar FireIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Field
0501 Oshawott WaterIC Big.png Field Field
0502 Dewott WaterIC Big.png Field Field
0503 Samurott WaterIC Big.png Field Field
0504 Patrat NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0505 Watchog NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0506 Lillipup NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0507 Herdier NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0508 Stoutland NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0511 Pansage GrassIC Big.png Field Field
0512 Simisage GrassIC Big.png Field Field
0513 Pansear FireIC Big.png Field Field
0514 Simisear FireIC Big.png Field Field
0515 Panpour WaterIC Big.png Field Field
0516 Simipour WaterIC Big.png Field Field
0519 Pidove NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0520 Tranquill NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0521 Unfezant NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0531 Audino NormalIC Big.png Fairy Fairy
0532 Timburr FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0533 Gurdurr FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0534 Conkeldurr FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0538 Throh FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0539 Sawk FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like
0554 Darumaka FireIC Big.png Field Field
0555 Darmanitan FireIC Big.png Field Field
0559 Scraggy DarkIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Dragon
0560 Scrafty DarkIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Dragon
0572 Minccino NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0573 Cinccino NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0585 Deerling NormalIC Big.png
GrassIC Big.png
Field Field
0586 Sawsbuck NormalIC Big.png
GrassIC Big.png
Field Field
0619 Mienfoo FightingIC Big.png Field Human-Like
0620 Mienshao FightingIC Big.png Field Human-Like
0626 Bouffalant NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0627 Rufflet NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0628 Braviary NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0633 Deino DarkIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon
0634 Zweilous DarkIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon
0635 Hydreigon DarkIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon
0638 Cobalion SteelIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0639 Terrakion RockIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0640 Virizion GrassIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0647 Keldeo WaterIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0648 Meloetta NormalIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0650 Chespin GrassIC Big.png Field Field
0651 Quilladin GrassIC Big.png Field Field
0652 Chesnaught GrassIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Field
0653 Fennekin FireIC Big.png Field Field
0654 Braixen FireIC Big.png Field Field
0655 Delphox FireIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
Field Field
0656 Froakie WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Water 1
0657 Frogadier WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Water 1
0658 Greninja WaterIC Big.png
DarkIC Big.png
Water 1 Water 1
0659 Bunnelby NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0660 Diggersby NormalIC Big.png
GroundIC Big.png
Field Field
0661 Fletchling NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0662 Fletchinder FireIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0663 Talonflame FireIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0667 Litleo FireIC Big.png
NormalIC Big.png
Field Field
0668 Pyroar FireIC Big.png
NormalIC Big.png
Field Field
0672 Skiddo GrassIC Big.png Field Field
0673 Gogoat GrassIC Big.png Field Field
0674 Pancham FightingIC Big.png Field Human-Like
0675 Pangoro FightingIC Big.png
DarkIC Big.png
Field Human-Like
0676 Furfrou NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0677 Espurr PsychicIC Big.png Field Field
0678 Meowstic PsychicIC Big.png Field Field
678F Meowstic
PsychicIC Big.png Field Field
0700 Sylveon FairyIC Big.png Field Field
0701 Hawlucha FightingIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Human-Like Human-Like
0722 Rowlet GrassIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0723 Dartrix GrassIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0724 Decidueye GrassIC Big.png
GhostIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0725 Litten FireIC Big.png Field Field
0726 Torracat FireIC Big.png Field Field
0727 Incineroar FireIC Big.png
DarkIC Big.png
Field Field
0728 Popplio WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Field
0729 Brionne WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Field
0730 Primarina WaterIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Water 1 Field
0731 Pikipek NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0732 Trumbeak NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0733 Toucannon NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0734 Yungoos NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0735 Gumshoos NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0739 Crabrawler FightingIC Big.png Water 3 Water 3
0740 Crabominable FightingIC Big.png
IceIC Big.png
Water 3 Water 3
0741 Oricorio FireIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0759 Stufful NormalIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Field
0760 Bewear NormalIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Field
0765 Oranguru NormalIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
Field Field
0766 Passimian FightingIC Big.png Field Field
0772 Type: Null NormalIC Big.png style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0773 Silvally NormalIC Big.png style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0775 Komala NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0776 Turtonator FireIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Monster Dragon
0777 Togedemaru ElectricIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Field Fairy
0778 Mimikyu GhostIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Amorphous Amorphous
0780 Drampa NormalIC Big.png
DragonIC Big.png
Monster Dragon
0782 Jangmo-o DragonIC Big.png Dragon Dragon
0783 Hakamo-o DragonIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon
0784 Kommo-o DragonIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Dragon Dragon
0785 Tapu Koko ElectricIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0787 Tapu Bulu GrassIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0791 Solgaleo PsychicIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0792 Lunala PsychicIC Big.png
GhostIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0794 Buzzwole BugIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0802 Marshadow FightingIC Big.png
GhostIC Big.png
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By events

Generation VI

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0514 Simisear FireIC Big.png Field Field Pokémon general election 720 poll Simisear
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In the anime

Trip Tranquill Work Up.png

The user glows a reddish color, raising its Attack and Special Attack stats
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Tranquill Tranquill's body momentarily becomes surrounded by a light red aura, raising its attack powers. When it is about to attack, the light red aura flashes around its body once again.
Trip's Tranquill A Rival Battle for Club Champ! Debut

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In other generations

In other languages

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 自我激勵 Zìwǒ Jīlì
France Flag.png French Rengorgement
Germany Flag.png German Kraftschub
Indonesia Flag.png Indonesian Bangkit
Italy Flag.png Italian Cuordileone
South Korea Flag.png Korean 분발 Boonbal
Poland Flag.png Polish Brawura
Brazil Flag.png Brazilian Portuguese Elaborar
Elaborado (TCG, manga)
Spanish CELAC Flag.png Latin America Avivar
Spain Flag.png Spain Avivar

Generation V TMs
Generation V HMs
Generation VII TMs

Project Moves and Abilities logo.png This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.