Plusle is cream-colored bipedal Pokémon with red markings. It has a dot-like nose, and a cream-colored plus sign in the middle of its circular red cheeks. It has long, flat ears that are mostly red. Its limbs are stubby and digitless, and it has red front paws. Its short tail is tipped with a red plus sign.
Plusle can create sparkly pom-poms by shorting out the electrical current in its palms. It uses these pom-poms to cheer on its teammates, and will cry loudly if they lose. It climbs telephone poles to absorb electricity. It lives in grassy areas.
In the anime
Plusle in the anime
Major appearances
Plusle first appeared alongside Minun in A Different Kind of Misty!. Both Pokémon were owned by Thatcher, who is responsible for protecting a lighthouse. The same Plusle and Minun appear again in Cheer Pressure, where Thatcher is training them to be cheerleaders.
Elijah used Plusle and Minun as actors in Lights, Camerupt, Action!. The plot of the movie was that Pikachu, Plusle and Minun were setting out to rescue Princess Kirlia from an evil Exploud.
Plusle and Minun also appear as supporting characters in the film Destiny Deoxys, serving as the story's comic relief. The pair helps Tory Lund to overcome his fear of Pokémon.
Another Plusle appeared in Yes in Dee Dee, It's Dawn! and Playing the Performance Encore! alongside its counterpart under the ownership of Ursula. Also, in the same episode one appeared along with a Minun in Dawn's flashback when she confessed that as a child, she had a fear of both of them.
Plusle, the Cheering Pokémon. Plusle loves to cheer for its fellow Pokémon, and it creates sparkling pom-poms by shorting out the electrical current released from its palms.
Solana has a Plusle as her Partner Pokémon who is the counterpart to Lunick's Minun. She was used to battle Tiffany and broke her Super Styler and defeated her.
Excess data found on the game disc includes data for seven playable characters cut from the final roster, including Plusle and Minun as a tag team akin to the Ice Climbers. However, in the final version of the game, Plusle just appears as a random trophy alongside Minun.
Trophy Information
It appears with its counterpart, Minun.
"Cheering Pokémon. Plusle and Minun produce positive and negative energy, respectively. They both love cheering on their partners and place the encouragement of their partners over their own safety. To cheer, they short their electric currents to produce sparks that grow in intensity as their partners get into trouble."
Pokémon Colosseum: A Plusle is Duking's favorite Pokémon. After Cipher kidnaps it, he is forced into inaction. Wes rescues the Pokémon and Plusle decides to join him as thanks.
Pokémon Ranger: Plusle is the partner of Solana. After the end credits, it also feels a bond with Lunick.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Plusle always acts as a cheerleader for its partners. Whenever a teammate puts out a good effort in battle, this Pokémon shorts out its body to create the crackling noises of sparks to show its joy.
Plusle always acts as a cheerleader for its partners. Whenever a teammate puts out a good effort in battle, this Pokémon shorts out its body to create the crackling noises of sparks to show its joy.
Plusle will not appear in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team until a rescue mission involving it has been completed, using the following Wonder Mail code:
F ? R P F ? ... ? ? + 7 ?
C T ? H 6 4 ? 0 R ? ? ?
Objective: Escort Plusle to Minun on floor 5 of Thunderwave Cave.
In Generation IV, Plusle can learn Fake Tears twice at both level 21 and 31 (21 and 35 in Generation V), but its partner Minun can only learn it once, at level 31 (35 in Generation V).
Plusle shares its category with its partner Minun. They are both known as the Cheering Pokémon.
Plusle and Minun have the same base stat total and the same base stats, although the stat distribution is different with Plusle being more offense-oriented and Minun being more defense-oriented.
It seems to be based on a cheerleadingmouse, chipmunk or rabbit. It could also be an incarnation of a positive electric charge.
Name origin
Plusle and Prasle are derived from プラス purasu, meaning plus, as in something with a positive electrical charge. A partial anagram of pulse may also be present in its name.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.