Galar Route 8

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Route 8
Route 8
Map description
This area is not described by a map.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Route 8
Route 7

Location of Route 8 in Galar.
Pokémon world routes
Route 7       Route 9

Route 8 (Japanese: 8番道路 Route 8) is a route in northeast Galar that connects Route 7 and Circhester. The northern portion of the route is also known as Steamdrift Way (Japanese: 湯けむり小路 Steamy Path).

Route description

Route 8 consists of two distinctly separate sections. The first area contains ancient ruins, with ladders and stairs connecting its lower and upper sections. Among other wild Pokémon roaming around, the ruins are also home to a group of Falinks, which move between holes in the rocky walls. In the northwest, there is a Pokémon Camp.

The route's second and much shorter section is called Steamdrift Way. This snow-covered section contains a short bridge over a river and a couple patches of tall grass containing mostly Ice-type Pokémon. It is always hailing on Steamdrift Way.


Route 8 proper

Item Location Games
Shiny Stone Shiny Stone On a ledge in the southeast  Sw  Sh 
X Defense X Defense ×3 In a corner at the top of the first set of stairs (hidden)  Sw  Sh 
TM Steel VI TM96 (Smart Strike) On the ledge north of the Trainer Tips sign  Sw  Sh 
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion ×3 In an area between two ladders in the east  Sw  Sh 
Elixir Elixir Between two ramp-like ledges near the middle of the route (hidden)  Sw  Sh 
Luxury Ball Luxury Ball ×3 On a ramp-like ledge near the middle of the route  Sw  Sh 
Pixie Plate Pixie Plate In an indent south of the first Falinks hole (hidden)  Sw  Sh 
Max Revive Max Revive In an indent in the west  Sw  Sh 
Big Nugget Big Nugget In front of a rock in the northwest (hidden)  Sw  Sh 
King's Rock King's Rock In a small alcove in the northeast part of the ruins  Sw  Sh 
Nugget Nugget In a corner between two Falinks holes in the northeast part of the ruins (hidden)  Sw  Sh 
TM Fighting VI TM43 (Brick Break) At the end of a narrow path in the northwest  Sw  Sh 
Terrain Extender Terrain Extender At the end of the path east of the Pokémon Camp  Sw  Sh 

Steamdrift Way

Item Location Games
Star Piece Star Piece ×2 In the western patch of tall grass (hidden)  Sw  Sh 


Route 8 proper

Random encounters

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Sw Sh
38-40 10%
Sw Sh
38-40 20%
Sw Sh
38-40 15%
Sw Sh
38-40 10%
Sw Sh
38-40 8%
Sw Sh
38-40 5%
Sw Sh
38-40 30%
Sw Sh
38-40 2%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Visible encounters

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Sw Sh
39-41 5%
Sw Sh
39-41 5%
Sw Sh
39-41 10%
Sw Sh
39-41 25%
Sw Sh
39-41 25%
Sw Sh
39-41 10%
Sw Sh
39-41 25%
Sw Sh
39-41 20%
Sw Sh
39-41 10%
Sw Sh
39-41 10%
Sw Sh
39-41 5%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


  • Crustle appears in the northwest, blocking the narrow path leading to TM43. It does not respawn.
  • Falinks appear from various holes located around the ruins. They respawn every time the player exits the ruins.
Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Sw Sh
40 One
Sw Sh
40 N/A
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Steamdrift Way

Random encounters

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Sw Sh
38-41 25%
Sw Sh
38-41 10%
Sw Sh
38-41 15%
Sw Sh
38-41 20%
Sw Sh
38-41 5%
Sw Sh
38-41 40%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Visible encounters

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Sw Sh
39-43 20%
Sw Sh
39-43 25%
Sw Sh
39-43 5%
Sw Sh
39-43 5%
Sw Sh
39-43 10%
Sw Sh
39-43 40%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Route 8 proper

Trainer Pokémon
Doctor Joanna
Doctor Joanna
レイナ Reina
Reward: $4,320
Roselia Roselia Lv.36
No item
Hattrem Hattrem Lv.36
No item
Backpacker Barbara
Backpacker Barbara
ノリコ Noriko
Reward: $2,664
Dreepy Dreepy Lv.36
No item
Vullaby Vullaby Lv.37
No item
Musician Charles
Musician Charles
リュウタ Ryūta
Reward: $2,368
Togedemaru Togedemaru Lv.37
No item
Colleagues Jordan and Alison
Colleagues Jordan and Alison
キヨシとユリエ Kiyoshi and Yurie
Reward: $6,660
Excadrill Excadrill Lv.36
No item
Lucario Lucario Lv.37
No item
Hippowdon Hippowdon Lv.36
No item
Perrserker Perrserker Lv.37
No item

Steamdrift Way

Trainer Pokémon
Police Officer Bobby
Police Officer Bobby
タカシ Takashi
Reward: $4,440
Arcanine Arcanine Lv.37
No item
Boltund Boltund Lv.37
No item

In the manga

Route 8 in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

Sword & Shield arc

Route 8 appeared in PASS19, where Sōdo took Marvin with him to Steamdrift Way to help fix the fractured ice cane belonging to Melody's Mr. Rime, which the Circhester Gym Leader had asked Sōdo to repair. While mending the cane, Sōdo and Marvin were approached by Gordie, who wanted to battle Sōdo. Sōdo, however, suggested Marvin that he'd battle Gordie instead. Not wanting to risk bad publicity by refusing a challenge, Gordie accepted the offer and started battling Marvin. However, in the middle of the battle, Shirudomiria, who had sensed the battle while in Circhester, arrived and mistook Gordie's attacks as hostile, and used a combination attack to defeat his Stonjourner. Upon finding out the truth, Shirudomiria apologized to Gordie, who was nevertheless happy to have gotten to battle another endorsed Trainer.

While Sōdo, Shirudomiria, and Marvin were distracted, a group of Eiscue took Mr. Rime's Poké Ball and ice cane. Sōdo gave chase as Marvin took Gordie to Sōdo's tent to recover from the cold he had caught. Shirudomiria soon followed Sōdo, saying that he knew where the Eiscue were headed, as she had met her own Eiscue, Peta, there as well.


  • The theme for this route, as well as Routes 6, 7, and 9, is a shortened version of the theme used in the northern parts of the Wild Area.

In other languages

Steamdrift Way

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 泉煙小路 / 泉烟小路 Quányān Xiǎolù
Mandarin 泉煙小路 Chyùhnyīn Síulouh
French Sentier des Sources
German Dampfschwaden-Pfad
Italian Sentiero del Vapore
Korean 모락모락 좁은 길 Morakmorak Jobeun Gil
Spanish Senda Vaporosa


Slumbering WealdGalar MineGalar Mine No. 2Motostoke Outskirts
Glimwood TangleRoute 9 TunnelRose Tower/Battle TowerEnergy PlantTower Summit
Wild Area
Meetup SpotRolling FieldsDappled GroveWatchtower RuinsEast Lake AxewellWest Lake Axewell
Axew's EyeSouth Lake MilochGiant's SeatNorth Lake MilochMotostoke RiverbankBridge Field
Stony WildernessDusty BowlGiant's MirrorHammerlocke HillsGiant's CapLake of Outrage
Isle of Armor
Fields of HonorMaster DojoSoothing WetlandsForest of FocusChallenge BeachTower of WatersBrawlers' Cave
Challenge RoadTower of DarknessCourageous CavernLoop LagoonTraining LowlandsWarm-Up Tunnel
Potbottom DesertWorkout SeaStepping-Stone SeaInsular SeaHoneycalm SeaHoneycalm Island
Crown Tundra
Slippery SlopeMax LairFreezingtonFrostpoint FieldGiant's BedRock Peak RuinsIron RuinsOld Cemetery
Snowslide SlopeIceberg RuinsTunnel to the TopPath to the PeakCrown ShrineGiant's FootRoaring-Sea Caves
Frigid SeaThree-Point PassSplit-Decision RuinsBallimere LakeLakeside CaveDyna Tree Hill

This article is part of Project Routes, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every route in the Pokémon world.