Brilliant Stars (TCG)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
← Fusion Strike
TCG expansions
Astral Radiance →
Brilliant Stars
Cards in set English: 216
Japanese: 127
Set number English: 91
Japanese: 84
Release date English: February 25, 2022
Japanese: January 14, 2022
Fusion Arts
Star Birth
Time Gazer • Space Juggler

Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield—Brilliant Stars (Japanese: スターバース Star Birth) is the name given to the ninth main expansion of cards from the Sword & Shield Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (the Sword & Shield Era in Japan). The expansion introduces the Pokémon VSTAR mechanic to the TCG.


Brilliant Stars is the ninth main Sword & Shield Series expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game and is set to release on February 25, 2022. In Japan, it was released as Star Birth on January 14, 2022 and is the ninth expansion of the Pokémon Card Game Sword & Shield Era. Brilliant Stars consists of cards sourced from the Japanese Star Birth expansion, the Start Deck 100, and the VMAX Climax subset.

The expansion centers on the Alpha Pokémon Arceus, which supports the Pokémon V and new Pokémon VSTAR mechanic. Like their predecessors, evolve from a requisite Pokémon V. Each one also has an attack or Ability called a VSTAR Power that, much like GX attacks in the Sun & Moon Series, can only be used once in a game. Other Pokémon supporting the VSTAR mechanic in the expansion include Charizard, Shaymin, and Whimsicott. Brilliant Stars includes a subset of cards named the Trainer Gallery, which comprises Full Art reprints depicting Pokémon alongside a Trainer, a concept last seen in the Cosmic Eclipse expansion.

Each Brilliant Stars booster pack contains ten cards from the expansion, a code card for use with the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live, and either a basic Energy card (featuring a new design) or a VSTAR marker card. VSTAR markers can be used as a visual aid for players to show if they have used a Pokémon VSTAR's VSTAR Power or not, much like GX markers in the Sun & Moon Series. Trading Card-sized markers have a white obverse with the VSTAR symbol and a black reverse with a Poké Ball design. Acrylic VSTAR markers were available in other products. Each Star Birth pack contains five cards.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
008/172 Torterra Grass Non Holo Brilliant Stars Build & Battle Box exclusive
018/172 CharizardVSTAR Fire Jumbo "Brilliant Stars" stamp gift with purchase exclusive (various countries)
021/172 Moltres Fire Non Holo Brilliant Stars Build & Battle Box exclusive
026/172 Infernape Fire Non Holo Brilliant Stars Build & Battle Box exclusive
056/172 Mewtwo Psychic Reverse Holo "Brilliant Stars" stamp gift with purchase exclusive (various countries)
079/172 Lucario Fighting Non Holo Brilliant Stars Build & Battle Box exclusive
121/172 Bibarel Colorless Non Holo Brilliant Stars Build & Battle Box exclusive
132/172 Boss's Orders Su Reverse Holo Regionals 2022 promo
132/172 Boss's Orders Su Reverse Holo Regionals 2022 Staff promo
132/172 Boss's Orders Su Non Holo Trainer's Toolkit 2022 exclusive
147/172 Professor's Research Su Non Holo Brilliant Stars Build & Battle Box & V Battle Deck exclusive

Set list

Brilliant Stars
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/172 F Exeggcute Grass Common Promotion
002/172 F Exeggutor Grass Uncommon Promotion
003/172 F Shroomish Grass Common Promotion
004/172 F Breloom Grass Rare Promotion
005/172 F Tropius Grass Uncommon Promotion
006/172 F Turtwig Grass Common Promotion
007/172 F Grotle Grass Uncommon Promotion
008/172 F Torterra Grass Rare Holo Promotion
009/172 F Burmy Grass Common Promotion
010/172 F Wormadam Grass Rare Promotion
011/172 F Mothim Grass Rare Promotion
012/172 E Cherubi Grass Common Promotion
013/172 F ShayminV Grass Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
014/172 F ShayminVSTAR Grass Rare VSTAR Promotion
015/172 F Karrablast Grass Common Promotion
016/172 F ZarudeV Grass Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
017/172 F CharizardV Fire Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
018/172 F CharizardVSTAR Fire Rare VSTAR Promotion
019/172 F Magmar Fire Common Promotion
020/172 F Magmortar Fire Rare Promotion
021/172 F Moltres Fire Rare Holo Promotion
022/172 F EnteiV Fire Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
023/172 F Torkoal Fire Uncommon Promotion
024/172 F Chimchar Fire Common Promotion
025/172 F Monferno Fire Uncommon Promotion
026/172 F Infernape Fire Rare Holo Promotion
027/172 F SimisearV Fire Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
028/172 F KinglerV Water Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
029/172 F KinglerVMAX Water Rare VMAX Promotion
030/172 F Staryu Water Common Promotion
031/172 F Lapras Water Rare Promotion
032/172 F Corphish Water Common Promotion
033/172 F Crawdaunt Water Uncommon Promotion
034/172 E Snorunt Water Common Promotion
035/172 F Piplup Water Common Promotion
036/172 F Prinplup Water Uncommon Promotion
037/172 F Empoleon Water Rare Holo Promotion
038/172 F Buizel Water Common Promotion
039/172 F Floatzel Water Uncommon Promotion
040/172 F LumineonV Water Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
041/172 F Manaphy Water Rare Promotion
042/172 F Cubchoo Water Common Promotion
043/172 F Beartic Water Uncommon Promotion
044/172 E Eiscue Water Rare Promotion
045/172 F RaichuV Lightning Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
046/172 F Electabuzz Lightning Common Promotion
047/172 F Electivire Lightning Rare Promotion
048/172 F RaikouV Lightning Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
049/172 F Shinx Lightning Common Promotion
050/172 F Luxio Lightning Uncommon Promotion
051/172 F Luxray Lightning Rare Promotion
052/172 F Pachirisu Lightning Uncommon Promotion
053/172 F Clefairy Psychic Common Promotion
054/172 F Clefable Psychic Rare Promotion
055/172 F Starmie Psychic Uncommon Promotion
056/172 F Mewtwo Psychic Rare Promotion
057/172 F GranbullV Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
058/172 F Baltoy Psychic Common Promotion
059/172 F Claydol Psychic Uncommon Promotion
060/172 F Duskull Psychic Common Promotion
061/172 F Dusclops Psychic Uncommon Promotion
062/172 F Dusknoir Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
063/172 F Chimecho Psychic Common Promotion
064/172 F WhimsicottV Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
065/172 F WhimsicottVSTAR Psychic Rare VSTAR Promotion
066/172 F Sigilyph Psychic Uncommon Promotion
067/172 E Dedenne Psychic Common Promotion
068/172 E MimikyuV Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
069/172 E MimikyuVMAX Psychic Rare VMAX Promotion
070/172 E Milcery Psychic Common Promotion
071/172 E Alcremie Psychic Rare Promotion
072/172 F Hitmontop Fighting Uncommon Promotion
073/172 F Nosepass Fighting Common Promotion
074/172 F Trapinch Fighting Common Promotion
075/172 F Vibrava Fighting Uncommon Promotion
076/172 F Flygon Fighting Rare Promotion
077/172 F Wormadam Fighting Rare Promotion
078/172 F Riolu Fighting Common Promotion
079/172 F Lucario Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
080/172 F Throh Fighting Common Promotion
081/172 F Sawk Fighting Common Promotion
082/172 F Golett Fighting Common Promotion
083/172 F Golurk Fighting Rare Promotion
084/172 F Grimer Darkness Common Promotion
085/172 F Muk Darkness Rare Promotion
086/172 F Sneasel Darkness Common Promotion
087/172 F Weavile Darkness Uncommon Promotion
088/172 F HonchkrowV Darkness Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
089/172 F Spiritomb Darkness Common Promotion
090/172 F Purrloin Darkness Common Promotion
091/172 F Liepard Darkness Rare Promotion
092/172 F Impidimp Darkness Common Promotion
093/172 F Morgrem Darkness Uncommon Promotion
094/172 F Grimmsnarl Darkness Rare Promotion
095/172 F MorpekoV Darkness Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
096/172 F AggronV Metal Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
097/172 F AggronVMAX Metal Rare VMAX Promotion
098/172 F Wormadam Metal Rare Promotion
099/172 F Probopass Metal Uncommon Promotion
100/172 F Heatran Metal Rare Promotion
101/172 F Escavalier Metal Rare Promotion
102/172 F Klink Metal Common Promotion
103/172 F Klang Metal Uncommon Promotion
104/172 F Klinklang Metal Rare Promotion
105/172 F ZamazentaV Metal Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
106/172 F FlygonV Dragon Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
107/172 F Gible Dragon Common Promotion
108/172 F Gabite Dragon Uncommon Promotion
109/172 F Garchomp Dragon Rare Holo Promotion
110/172 F Axew Dragon Common Promotion
111/172 F Fraxure Dragon Uncommon Promotion
112/172 F Haxorus Dragon Rare Promotion
113/172 E Druddigon Dragon Rare Promotion
114/172 E DracovishV Dragon Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
115/172 F Farfetch'd Colorless Common Promotion
116/172 F Castform Colorless Common Promotion
117/172 F Starly Colorless Common Promotion
118/172 F Staravia Colorless Uncommon Promotion
119/172 F Staraptor Colorless Rare Promotion
120/172 F Bidoof Colorless Common Promotion
121/172 F Bibarel Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
122/172 F ArceusV Colorless Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
123/172 F ArceusVSTAR Colorless Rare VSTAR Promotion
124/172 F Minccino Colorless Common Promotion
125/172 F Cinccino Colorless Uncommon Promotion
126/172 F Tornadus Colorless Rare Promotion
127/172 F Hawlucha Colorless Common Promotion
128/172 F DrampaV Colorless Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
129/172 E Acerola's Premonition Su Uncommon Promotion
130/172 F Barry Su Uncommon Promotion
131/172 E Blunder Policy I Uncommon Promotion
132/172 F Boss's Orders Su Rare Holo Promotion
133/172 E Café Master Su Uncommon Promotion
134/172 F Cheren's Care Su Uncommon Promotion
135/172 F Choice Belt I Uncommon Promotion
136/172 E Cleansing Gloves I Uncommon Promotion
137/172 F Collapsed Stadium St Uncommon Promotion
138/172 F Cynthia's Ambition Su Uncommon Promotion
139/172 F Fresh Water Set I Uncommon Promotion
140/172 E Friends in Galar Su Uncommon Promotion
141/172 E Gloria Su Uncommon Promotion
142/172 E Hunting Gloves I Uncommon Promotion
143/172 F Kindler Su Uncommon Promotion
144/172 F Magma Basin St Uncommon Promotion
145/172 F Marnie's Pride Su Uncommon Promotion
146/172 F Pot Helmet I Uncommon Promotion
147/172 F Professor's Research Su Rare Holo Promotion
148/172 F Roseanne's Backup Su Uncommon Promotion
149/172 F Team Yell's Cheer Su Uncommon Promotion
150/172 F Ultra Ball I Uncommon Promotion
151/172 F Double Turbo Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
152/172 F ShayminV Grass Rare Ultra Promotion
153/172 F CharizardV Fire Rare Ultra Promotion
154/172 F CharizardV Fire Rare Ultra Promotion
155/172 F LumineonV Water Rare Ultra Promotion
156/172 F LumineonV Water Rare Ultra Promotion
157/172 F PikachuV Lightning Rare Ultra Promotion
158/172 F RaichuV Lightning Rare Ultra Promotion
159/172 F GranbullV Psychic Rare Ultra Promotion
160/172 F WhimsicottV Psychic Rare Ultra Promotion
161/172 F HonchkrowV Darkness Rare Ultra Promotion
162/172 F HonchkrowV Darkness Rare Ultra Promotion
163/172 F ZamazentaV Metal Rare Ultra Promotion
164/172 F FlygonV Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
165/172 F ArceusV Colorless Rare Ultra Promotion
166/172 F ArceusV Colorless Rare Ultra Promotion
167/172 F Barry Su Rare Ultra Promotion
168/172 F Cheren's Care Su Rare Ultra Promotion
169/172 F Cynthia's Ambition Su Rare Ultra Promotion
170/172 F Kindler Su Rare Ultra Promotion
171/172 F Marnie's Pride Su Rare Ultra Promotion
172/172 F Roseanne's Backup Su Rare Ultra Promotion
173/172 F ShayminVSTAR Grass Rare Rainbow Promotion
174/172 F CharizardVSTAR Fire Rare Rainbow Promotion
175/172 F WhimsicottVSTAR Psychic Rare Rainbow Promotion
176/172 F ArceusVSTAR Colorless Rare Rainbow Promotion
177/172 F Cheren's Care Su Rare Rainbow Promotion
178/172 F Cynthia's Ambition Su Rare Rainbow Promotion
179/172 F Kindler Su Rare Rainbow Promotion
180/172 F Roseanne's Backup Su Rare Rainbow Promotion
181/172 F Galarian ArticunoV Psychic Rare Secret Promotion
182/172 F Galarian ZapdosV Fighting Rare Secret Promotion
183/172 F Galarian MoltresV Darkness Rare Secret Promotion
184/172 F ArceusVSTAR Colorless Rare Secret Promotion
185/172 F Magma Basin St Rare Secret Promotion
186/172 F Ultra Ball I Rare Secret Promotion

Trainer Gallery
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
TG01/TG30 D Flareon Fire Rare Holo Promotion
TG02/TG30 D Vaporeon Water Rare Holo Promotion
TG03/TG30 E Octillery Water Rare Holo Promotion
TG04/TG30 D Jolteon Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
TG05/TG30 D Zekrom Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
TG06/TG30 D Dusknoir Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
TG07/TG30 E Dedenne Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
TG08/TG30 E Alcremie Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
TG09/TG30 D Ariados Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
TG10/TG30 E Houndoom Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
TG11/TG30 E Eevee Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
TG12/TG30 D Oranguru Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
TG13/TG30 D BoltundV Lightning Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
TG14/TG30 E SylveonV Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
TG15/TG30 E SylveonVMAX Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
TG16/TG30 E MimikyuV Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
TG17/TG30 E MimikyuVMAX Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
TG18/TG30 E Single Strike UrshifuV Fighting Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
TG19/TG30 E Single Strike UrshifuVMAX Fighting Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
TG20/TG30 E Rapid Strike UrshifuV Fighting Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
TG21/TG30 E Rapid Strike UrshifuVMAX Fighting Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
TG22/TG30 E UmbreonV Darkness Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
TG23/TG30 E UmbreonVMAX Darkness Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
TG24/TG30 E Acerola's Premonition Su Rare Ultra Promotion
TG25/TG30 E Café Master Su Rare Ultra Promotion
TG26/TG30 E Gloria Su Rare Ultra Promotion
TG27/TG30 E Rapid Strike Style Mustard Su Rare Ultra Promotion
TG28/TG30 E Single Strike Style Mustard Su Rare Ultra Promotion
TG29/TG30 E Single Strike UrshifuVMAX Fighting Rare Secret Promotion
TG30/TG30 E Rapid Strike UrshifuVMAX Fighting Rare Secret Promotion

Star Birth
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/100 F Exeggcute Grass C Promotion
002/100 F Exeggutor Grass C Promotion
003/100 F Shroomish Grass C Promotion
004/100 F Breloom Grass U Promotion
005/100 F Tropius Grass U Promotion
006/100 F Turtwig Grass C Promotion
007/100 F Grotle Grass C Promotion
008/100 F Torterra Grass R Promotion
009/100 F Burmy Grass C Promotion
010/100 F Wormadam Grass U Promotion
011/100 F Mothim Grass U Promotion
012/100 F ShayminV Grass RR Promotion
013/100 F ShayminVSTAR Grass RRR Promotion
014/100 F CharizardV Fire RR Promotion
015/100 F CharizardVSTAR Fire RRR Promotion
016/100 F Magmar Fire C Promotion
017/100 F Magmortar Fire U Promotion
018/100 F Moltres Fire R Promotion
019/100 F Chimchar Fire C Promotion
020/100 F Monferno Fire C Promotion
021/100 F Infernape Fire R Promotion
022/100 F Lapras Water U Promotion
023/100 F Corphish Water C Promotion
024/100 F Crawdaunt Water C Promotion
025/100 F Piplup Water C Promotion
026/100 F Prinplup Water C Promotion
027/100 F Empoleon Water R Promotion
028/100 F Buizel Water C Promotion
029/100 F Floatzel Water U Promotion
030/100 F LumineonV Water RR Promotion
031/100 F Manaphy Water U Promotion
032/100 F Cubchoo Water C Promotion
033/100 F Beartic Water U Promotion
034/100 F RaichuV Lightning RR Promotion
035/100 F Electabuzz Lightning C Promotion
036/100 F Electivire Lightning U Promotion
037/100 F Shinx Lightning C Promotion
038/100 F Luxio Lightning C Promotion
039/100 F Luxray Lightning U Promotion
040/100 F Pachirisu Lightning C Promotion
041/100 F Clefairy Psychic C Promotion
042/100 F Clefable Psychic U Promotion
043/100 F Baltoy Psychic C Promotion
044/100 F Claydol Psychic U Promotion
045/100 F Duskull Psychic C Promotion
046/100 F Dusclops Psychic C Promotion
047/100 F Dusknoir Psychic R Promotion
048/100 F Chimecho Psychic C Promotion
049/100 F WhimsicottV Psychic RR Promotion
050/100 F WhimsicottVSTAR Psychic RRR Promotion
051/100 F Sigilyph Psychic C Promotion
052/100 F Nosepass Fighting C Promotion
053/100 F Wormadam Fighting U Promotion
054/100 F Riolu Fighting C Promotion
055/100 F Lucario Fighting R Promotion
056/100 F Throh Fighting C Promotion
057/100 F Sawk Fighting C Promotion
058/100 F Golett Fighting C Promotion
059/100 F Golurk Fighting U Promotion
060/100 F Grimer Darkness C Promotion
061/100 F Muk Darkness U Promotion
062/100 F Sneasel Darkness C Promotion
063/100 F Weavile Darkness U Promotion
064/100 F HonchkrowV Darkness RR Promotion
065/100 F Spiritomb Darkness C Promotion
066/100 F Wormadam Metal U Promotion
067/100 F Probopass Metal U Promotion
068/100 F Heatran Metal U Promotion
069/100 F Klink Metal C Promotion
070/100 F Klang Metal C Promotion
071/100 F Klinklang Metal U Promotion
072/100 F FlygonV Dragon RR Promotion
073/100 F Gible Dragon C Promotion
074/100 F Gabite Dragon C Promotion
075/100 F Garchomp Dragon R Promotion
076/100 F Farfetch'd Colorless C Promotion
077/100 F Castform Colorless C Promotion
078/100 F Starly Colorless C Promotion
079/100 F Staravia Colorless C Promotion
080/100 F Staraptor Colorless U Promotion
081/100 F Bidoof Colorless C Promotion
082/100 F Bibarel Colorless R Promotion
083/100 F ArceusV Colorless RR Promotion
084/100 F ArceusVSTAR Colorless RRR Promotion
085/100 F Minccino Colorless C Promotion
086/100 F Cinccino Colorless C Promotion
087/100 F Tornadus Colorless U Promotion
088/100 F Fresh Water Set I U Promotion
089/100 F Ultra Ball I U Promotion
090/100 F Choice Belt I U Promotion
091/100 F Pot Helmet I U Promotion
092/100 F Kindler Su U Promotion
093/100 F Cynthia's Ambition Su U Promotion
094/100 F Cheren's Care Su U Promotion
095/100 F Professor's Research Su R Promotion
096/100 F Roseanne's Backup Su U Promotion
097/100 F Boss's Orders Su R Promotion
098/100 F Collapsed Stadium St U Promotion
099/100 F Magma Basin St U Promotion
100/100 F Double Turbo Energy Colorless E U Promotion
101/100 F ShayminV Grass SR Promotion
102/100 F CharizardV Fire SR Promotion
103/100 F CharizardV Fire SR Promotion
104/100 F LumineonV Water SR Promotion
105/100 F LumineonV Water SR Promotion
106/100 F RaichuV Lightning SR Promotion
107/100 F WhimsicottV Psychic SR Promotion
108/100 F HonchkrowV Darkness SR Promotion
109/100 F HonchkrowV Darkness SR Promotion
110/100 F FlygonV Dragon SR Promotion
111/100 F ArceusV Colorless SR Promotion
112/100 F ArceusV Colorless SR Promotion
113/100 F Kindler Su SR Promotion
114/100 F Cynthia's Ambition Su SR Promotion
115/100 F Cheren's Care Su SR Promotion
116/100 F Roseanne's Backup Su SR Promotion
117/100 F ShayminVSTAR Grass HR Promotion
118/100 F CharizardVSTAR Fire HR Promotion
119/100 F WhimsicottVSTAR Psychic HR Promotion
120/100 F ArceusVSTAR Colorless HR Promotion
121/100 F Kindler Su HR Promotion
122/100 F Cynthia's Ambition Su HR Promotion
123/100 F Cheren's Care Su HR Promotion
124/100 F Roseanne's Backup Su HR Promotion
125/100 F ArceusVSTAR Colorless UR Promotion
126/100 F Ultra Ball I UR Promotion
127/100 F Magma Basin St UR Promotion


English Charizard pack
English Shaymin pack
English Arceus pack
English Whimsicott pack
Japanese Star Birth pack
Korean pack artwork
Chinese pack artwork
Thai pack artwork
Indonesian pack artwork
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

In other languages

Language Title
French Stars Étincelantes
German Strahlende Sterne
Italian Astri Lucenti
Brazilian Portuguese Astros Cintilantes
Spanish Astros Brillantes

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Sword & Shield Series
SWSH Black Star Promos
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield Build & Battle BoxRillaboom Theme DeckCinderace Theme DeckInteleon Theme Deck
Rebel Clash: Rebel Clash Build & Battle BoxZacian Theme DeckZamazenta Theme Deck
Pikachu & Zekrom-GX League Battle DeckReshiram & Charizard-GX League Battle Deck
Darkness Ablaze: Darkness Ablaze Build & Battle BoxGalarian Darmanitan Theme DeckGalarian Sirfetch'd Theme Deck
Pokémon FutsalChampion's Path
Vivid Voltage: Vivid Voltage Build & Battle BoxCharizard Theme DeckDrednaw Theme Deck
Zacian V League Battle DeckV Battle Deck—Venusaur vs. BlastoiseMcDonald's Collection 2021
Shining Fates
Battle Styles: Battle Styles Build & Battle Box
V Battle Deck—Victini vs. GardevoirInteleon VMAX League Battle Deck
Chilling Reign: Chilling Reign Build & Battle Box
Evolving Skies: Evolving Skies Build & Battle Box
CelebrationsV Battle Deck—Rayquaza vs. Noivern
Fusion Strike: Fusion Strike Build & Battle Box
Single Strike Urshifu VMAX League Battle DeckRapid Strike Urshifu VMAX League Battle Deck
Brilliant Stars: Brilliant Stars Build & Battle BoxV Battle Deck—Lycanroc vs. Corviknight
Battle Academy 2022
Astral Radiance: Astral Radiance Build & Battle Box
Pokémon GO: Pokémon GO V Battle Deck—Mewtwo vs. Melmetal
Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX League Battle DeckShadow Rider Calyrex VMAX League Battle Deck
McDonald's Collection 2022Trick or Trade 2022
Lost Origin: Lost Origin Build & Battle Box
V Battle Deck—Zeraora vs. DeoxysPlay! Pokémon Prize Pack Series One
Silver Tempest: Silver Tempest Build & Battle BoxMew VMAX League Battle Deck
Crown ZenithPlay! Pokémon Prize Pack Series TwoOrigin Forme Palkia VSTAR League Battle Deck
Sword & Shield Era
S-P Promotional cards
V Starter Sets
SwordShield: Sword & Shield Premium Trainer Box
Zacian + Zamazenta BoxVMAX Rising
Rebellion Crash
Charizard & Grimmsnarl VMAX Starter SetsExplosive Walker
Infinity Zone
Legendary HeartbeatV Starter Decks
Amazing Volt Tackle
VMAX Special SetShiny Star V
Venusaur & Blastoise VMAX Starter Sets
Single Strike MasterRapid Strike Master: Single Strike & Rapid Strike Premium Trainer Boxes
Peerless Fighters
Silver LanceJet-Black Spirit: Silver Lance & Jet-Black Spirit Jumbo Pack Set
Eevee HeroesEevee Heroes VMAX Special SetHigh-Class Decks
Skyscraping PerfectionBlue Sky Stream: Sword & Shield Family Pokémon Card Game
V-UNION Special Card Sets
Fusion Arts
25th Anniversary CollectionPromo Card Pack 25th Anniversary Edition
Zacian & Zamazenta vs Eternatus Special Deck Set
VMAX ClimaxStart Deck 10025th Anniversary Golden Box
Star BirthVSTAR Premium Trainer Box
Battle RegionVSTAR Starter SetsStart Deck 100 CoroCoro Comic Version
Time GazerSpace Juggler
Dark PhantasmaPokémon GO
Lost Abyss: VSTAR & VMAX High-Class Decks
VSTAR Special SetIncandescent Arcana
Paradigm Trigger
Charizard VSTAR vs Rayquaza VMAX Special Deck Set
VSTAR Universe