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Tentacool (Pokémon)
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
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Tentacool is a small, cnidarianPokémon. It has a light blue, clear body with two large, transparent, red, eye-like crystals on each side of its body and one small one in the middle. Near the base of its body is a pointed, beak-like projection and two eyes with small pupils. There are two grayish tentacles extending from beneath its round lower body, which has a cape-like formation on the back.
Tentacool's entire body is made of 99% water, and the remaining 1% contains the organ that produces its poison. It absorbs sunlight and refracts it using the water inside its body to convert it into beam energy. Its tentacles are laced with stinging cells and, as seen in the anime, it can control Pokémon it touches with its tentacles. The tentacles break off occasionally, but they can regenerate. The poison from its tentacles is so potent, that someone would need to be immediately rushed to the hospital. Tentacool is not a very strong swimmer, traveling throughout the world using ocean currents. Tentacool searches for food while drifting on the surface of shallow seas. Tentacool can blend in the water, making it very difficult to spot. It will sometimes wash ashore and shrivel up due to dehydration, though it remains equally as dangerous. Tentacool may be revived if thrown back into the sea.
Tentacool is mistakenly believed to be a species relative of Toedscool; in actuality, the two Pokémon are biologically unrelated.
In Tentacool and Tentacruel, multiple Tentacool had been attacking Nastina's construction site. She subsequently made a public announcement offering one million dollars to anyone who could exterminate them. Team Rocket took up her offer but were quickly surrounded by a huge group of angry Tentacool, one of which evolved into a giant Tentacruel. It subsequently went on a rampage before being stopped by Misty.
In Friends to the End, a Tentacool was seen during Ritchie and Assunta's Indigo Plateau Conference battle, but it is unknown who it belonged to. In the same episode, another Trainer's Tentacool attended the closing ceremonies of the Indigo Plateau Conference.
In a flashback in A Cacturne for the Worse, May was scared by multiple Tentacool due to being surrounded by them at one point in her childhood. This had resulted in her mother attempting to catch her after mistaking her for a Tentacool.
Multiple Tentacool appeared in The Kindest Tentacruel. One of them, which was a baby, got its tentacle stuck under a boulder. It later helped rescue Yellow.
Tentacool's body is largely composed of water. If it is removed from the sea, it dries up like parchment. If this Pokémon happens to become dehydrated, put it back into the sea.
Tentacool absorbs sunlight and refracts it using water inside its body to convert it into beam energy. This Pokémon shoots beams from its crystal-like eyes.
Tentacool's body is largely composed of water. If it is removed from the sea, it dries up like parchment. If this Pokémon happens to become dehydrated, put it back into the sea.
Tentacool absorbs sunlight and refracts it using water inside its body to convert it into beam energy. This Pokémon shoots beams from the small round organ above its eyes.
They fire beams from the glassy, magenta orbs that resemble eyes atop their heads, and they drift in shallow seas. During low tide, they can sometimes be found on beaches, desiccated.
Tentacool, Toedscool, and their respective evolutionary lines have exactly the same base stats in the same distribution.
Tentacool seems to be based on a jellyfish, possibly a species of box jellyfish such as Chironex fleckeri or Carukia barnesi. The fact that it has only two tentacles may be based on the Tentaculata class of comb jellies, most of which are known for having a pair of long tentacles that are used to catch prey. It might also be based on the squid.
Tentacool also resembles several varieties of the bug-eyed monster and other alien invaders from 1950s B-movies, which is reflected in its ability to fire lasers from the gems on its head.
Name origin
Tentacool may be a combination of tentacle and cool. It may also involve Tentaculata (class of comb jellies).
Menokurage may be a combination of 目の敵 me no kataki (enemy) or 目の毒 me no doku (temptation, literally "poison to the eye") and 水母 kurage (jellyfish).
In other languages
This section is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it. Reason: needs Icelandic meaning
メノクラゲ Menokurage
From 目の敵 me no kataki or 目の毒 me no doku and 水母 kurage
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.