List of Battle Subway Trainers/Doctor

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Main article: List of Battle Subway Trainers

This is the list of Pokémon that can be used by each Doctor in the Battle Subway.

Godwin, Kocher

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0533 Gurdurr (Pokémon) Gurdurr White Herb White Herb Superpower Stone Edge Chip Away Bulk Up Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0611 Fraxure (Pokémon) Fraxure Lum Berry Lum Berry Dragon Tail Guillotine Aerial Ace Dragon Dance Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0620 Mienshao (Pokémon) Mienshao Power Herb Power Herb Jump Kick Bounce Aerial Ace U-turn Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0496 Servine (Pokémon) Servine White Herb White Herb Leaf Storm Wring Out Gastro Acid Mirror Coat Modest - - - 255 - 255
0502 Dewott (Pokémon) Dewott Shell Bell Shell Bell Hydro Pump Ice Beam Scald Air Slash Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0499 Pignite (Pokémon) Pignite Quick Claw Quick Claw Flare Blitz Head Smash Stone Edge Heavy Slam Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0505 Watchog (Pokémon) Watchog Razor Fang Razor Fang Hyper Fang Crunch Flail Confuse Ray Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0634 Zweilous (Pokémon) Zweilous Quick Claw Quick Claw Dragon Rush Body Slam Crunch Double Hit Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0528 Swoobat (Pokémon) Swoobat Razor Fang Razor Fang Psychic Air Slash Charge Beam Shadow Ball Timid - - - 255 - 255
0587 Emolga (Pokémon) Emolga Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Volt Switch Acrobatics Thunder Wave Light Screen Hardy - 170 - 170 - 170
0600 Klang (Pokémon) Klang Occa Berry Occa Berry Gear Grind Thunderbolt Hyper Beam Shift Gear Hardy - 255 255 - - -
0531 Audino (Pokémon) Audino Shell Bell Shell Bell Double-Edge Sweet Kiss Attract Heal Pulse Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0510 Liepard (Pokémon) Liepard Razor Claw Razor Claw Night Slash Shadow Claw Slash Hone Claws Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0550 Basculin (Pokémon) Basculin Cell Battery Cell Battery Waterfall Double-Edge Crunch Final Gambit Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0556 Maractus (Pokémon) Maractus Heat Rock Heat Rock SolarBeam Synthesis Sunny Day Cotton Guard Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0512 Simisage (Pokémon) Simisage Muscle Band Muscle Band Giga Impact Shadow Claw Low Sweep Acrobatics Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0514 Simisear (Pokémon) Simisear Scope Lens Scope Lens Flame Charge Shadow Claw Rock Slide Acrobatics Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0516 Simipour (Pokémon) Simipour Expert Belt Expert Belt Waterfall Shadow Claw Acrobatics Rock Slide Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0591 Amoonguss (Pokémon) Amoonguss BrightPowder BrightPowder Energy Ball Sludge Bomb Synthesis Spore Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0603 Eelektrik (Pokémon) Eelektrik Persim Berry Persim Berry Wild Charge Thrash Crunch Coil Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0573 Cinccino (Pokémon) Cinccino Normal Gem Normal Gem DoubleSlap Bullet Seed Rock Blast Sing Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0594 Alomomola (Pokémon) Alomomola Cell Battery Cell Battery Dive Aqua Jet Wish Mirror Coat Impish 255 - 255 - - -
0618 Stunfisk (Pokémon) Stunfisk Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Thunderbolt Muddy Water Scald Fissure Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0596 Galvantula (Pokémon) Galvantula Salac Berry Salac Berry Electro Ball Bug Buzz Agility Thunder Wave Timid - - - 255 - 255
0581 Swanna (Pokémon) Swanna Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Hurricane Surf Scald Rain Dance Modest - - - 255 - 255
0569 Garbodor (Pokémon) Garbodor Quick Claw Quick Claw Gunk Shot Body Slam Smack Down Explosion Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0545 Scolipede (Pokémon) Scolipede King's Rock King's Rock Steamroller Poison Tail Earthquake Rock Slide Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0558 Crustle (Pokémon) Crustle Quick Claw Quick Claw Rock Wrecker X-Scissor Earthquake Giga Impact Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0586 Sawsbuck (Pokémon) Sawsbuck Shell Bell Shell Bell Horn Leech Double-Edge Megahorn Leech Seed Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0547 Whimsicott (Pokémon) Whimsicott Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Energy Ball Hurricane Leech Seed Tailwind Modest - - - 255 - 255
0593 Jellicent (Pokémon) Jellicent Leftovers Leftovers Hydro Pump Hex Recover Toxic Calm 255 - - - 255 -
0631 Heatmor (Pokémon) Heatmor Leftovers Leftovers Inferno Night Slash Focus Blast Aerial Ace Hardy - 255 - 255 - -
0606 Beheeyem (Pokémon) Beheeyem White Herb White Herb Psyshock Thunderbolt Energy Ball Trick Room Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0614 Beartic (Pokémon) Beartic Life Orb Life Orb Avalanche Dive Superpower Sheer Cold Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0508 Stoutland (Pokémon) Stoutland Razor Claw Razor Claw Giga Impact Crunch Wild Charge Aerial Ace Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0542 Leavanny (Pokémon) Leavanny Scope Lens Scope Lens Leaf Blade X-Scissor Slash Swords Dance Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0561 Sigilyph (Pokémon) Sigilyph Expert Belt Expert Belt Air Slash Synchronoise Ice Beam Energy Ball Modest - - - 255 - 255
0626 Bouffalant (Pokémon) Bouffalant Life Orb Life Orb Head Charge Megahorn Thrash Earthquake Adamant 255 255 - - - -

Adenine, Frank, Thymine

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0003 Venusaur (Pokémon) Venusaur Salac Berry Salac Berry Energy Ball Sludge Bomb Grass Knot Protect Timid - - - 255 - 255
0006 Charizard (Pokémon) Charizard Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Heat Wave Rock Slide Air Slash Crunch Mild - 170 - 170 - 170
0009 Blastoise (Pokémon) Blastoise Leftovers Leftovers Fake Out Earthquake Aqua Tail Avalanche Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0154 Meganium (Pokémon) Meganium Light Clay Light Clay Seed Bomb Earthquake Reflect Light Screen Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0157 Typhlosion (Pokémon) Typhlosion Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Eruption Focus Blast Heat Wave Extrasensory Modest - - - 255 - 255
0160 Feraligatr (Pokémon) Feraligatr Lum Berry Lum Berry Aqua Jet Waterfall Earthquake Ice Punch Adamant 127 127 - 127 127 -
0254 Sceptile (Pokémon) Sceptile White Herb White Herb Leaf Storm Dragon Pulse Energy Ball Detect Timid - - - 255 - 255
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken Choice Band Choice Band Flare Blitz Shadow Claw ThunderPunch Earthquake Hardy - 255 - - - 255
0260 Swampert (Pokémon) Swampert Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Earthquake Avalanche Waterfall Stone Edge Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0389 Torterra (Pokémon) Torterra Custap Berry Custap Berry Earthquake Crunch Seed Bomb Iron Head Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0392 Infernape (Pokémon) Infernape Life Orb Life Orb Fake Out Close Combat Overheat Stone Edge Hasty - 255 - - - 255
0395 Empoleon (Pokémon) Empoleon Lum Berry Lum Berry Surf Ice Beam Signal Beam Icy Wind Quiet 255 - - 255 - -
0497 Serperior (Pokémon) Serperior BrightPowder BrightPowder Leaf Storm Substitute Hyper Beam Toxic Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0500 Emboar (Pokémon) Emboar Quick Claw Quick Claw Flare Blitz Brick Break Flame Charge Earthquake Adamant - 170 170 - 170 -
0503 Samurott (Pokémon) Samurott Custap Berry Custap Berry Aerial Ace Waterfall X-Scissor Aqua Jet Adamant - 170 170 - 170 -
0051 Dugtrio (Pokémon) Dugtrio Choice Band Choice Band Earthquake Rock Slide Reversal Aerial Ace Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0105 Marowak (Pokémon) Marowak Thick Club Thick Club Earthquake Stone Edge Low Kick Fire Punch Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0308 Medicham (Pokémon) Medicham Expert Belt Expert Belt Hi Jump Kick Zen Headbutt Ice Punch Bullet Punch Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0195 Quagsire (Pokémon) Quagsire Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Earthquake Aqua Tail Ice Punch Stone Edge Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0210 Granbull (Pokémon) Granbull Lum Berry Lum Berry Double-Edge Roar Crunch Sludge Bomb Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0124 Jynx (Pokémon) Jynx Expert Belt Expert Belt Icy Wind Blizzard Psychic Focus Blast Modest - - - 255 - 255
0122 Mr. Mime (Pokémon) Mr. Mime Lum Berry Lum Berry Fake Out Psychic Signal Beam Focus Blast Timid - - - 255 - 255
0171 Lanturn (Pokémon) Lanturn Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Surf Discharge Thunder Wave Ice Beam Modest - - 170 170 170 -
0286 Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom Focus Sash Focus Sash Spore Focus Punch Rock Slide Seed Bomb Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0205 Forretress (Pokémon) Forretress Iron Ball Iron Ball Gyro Ball Earthquake Bug Bite Explosion Brave 255 255 - - - -
0227 Skarmory (Pokémon) Skarmory Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Brave Bird Steel Wing Night Slash Rock Slide Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0359 Absol (Pokémon) Absol Scope Lens Scope Lens Night Slash Zen Headbutt Sucker Punch Superpower Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0340 Whiscash (Pokémon) Whiscash Expert Belt Expert Belt Earth Power Surf Blizzard Protect Modest - - - 255 255 -
0297 Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama Flame Orb Flame Orb Fake Out Close Combat Detect Earthquake Brave - 255 255 - - -
0416 Vespiquen (Pokémon) Vespiquen Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Attack Order Defend Order Roost Confuse Ray Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0026 Raichu (Pokémon) Raichu Focus Sash Focus Sash ThunderPunch Reversal Thunder Wave Fake Out Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0087 Dewgong (Pokémon) Dewgong Quick Claw Quick Claw Fake Out Surf Ice Beam Aqua Jet Mild - - - 255 255 -
0310 Manectric (Pokémon) Manectric Air Balloon Air Balloon Thunderbolt Overheat Volt Switch Quick Attack Timid - - - 255 - 255
0398 Staraptor (Pokémon) Staraptor Choice Band Choice Band Close Combat Brave Bird U-turn Giga Impact Mild - 255 - - - 255
0423 Gastrodon (Pokémon) Gastrodon Leftovers Leftovers Sandstorm Earth Power Surf Recover Quiet - - 255 255 - -
0435 Skuntank (Pokémon) Skuntank Life Orb Life Orb Taunt Sucker Punch Foul Play Poison Jab Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0538 Throh (Pokémon) Throh Expert Belt Expert Belt Earthquake Storm Throw Payback Rock Slide Adamant - 170 170 - 170 -
0539 Sawk (Pokémon) Sawk Expert Belt Expert Belt Close Combat Payback Low Sweep Earthquake Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0521 Unfezant (Pokémon) Unfezant Power Herb Power Herb Sky Attack Return Detect U-turn Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0045 Vileplume (Pokémon) Vileplume Big Root Big Root Double Team Ingrain Toxic Giga Drain Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0071 Victreebel (Pokémon) Victreebel Focus Sash Focus Sash Sunny Day SolarBeam Sludge Bomb Weather Ball Modest - - - 255 - 255
0101 Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode Air Balloon Air Balloon Thunderbolt Mirror Coat Signal Beam Protect Timid - - - 255 - 255
0272 Ludicolo (Pokémon) Ludicolo Leftovers Leftovers Rain Dance Leech Seed Protect Giga Drain Bold - - 170 170 170 -
0275 Shiftry (Pokémon) Shiftry Heat Rock Heat Rock Sunny Day SolarBeam Dark Pulse Explosion Hardy - - 255 255 - -
0295 Exploud (Pokémon) Exploud Expert Belt Expert Belt Earthquake Brick Break Ice Punch Crunch Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0428 Lopunny (Pokémon) Lopunny Chople Berry Chople Berry Encore Fake Out Focus Punch Mirror Coat Jolly 255 - - - - 255
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Icy Rock Icy Rock Hail Blizzard Ice Shard Shadow Ball Timid - - - 255 - 255
0549 Lilligant (Pokémon) Lilligant Leftovers Leftovers Quiver Dance Energy Ball Leech Seed Protect Bold 255 - 255 - - -
0555 Darmanitan (Pokémon) Darmanitan Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Flame Charge Earthquake Flare Blitz Brick Break Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0424 Ambipom (Pokémon) Ambipom Life Orb Life Orb Fake Out Double Hit Payback Brick Break Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0563 Cofagrigus (Pokémon) Cofagrigus Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Will-O-Wisp Shadow Ball Destiny Bond Trick Room Quiet 255 - - 255 - -
0623 Golurk (Pokémon) Golurk Lum Berry Lum Berry DynamicPunch Shadow Punch Earthquake Rock Slide Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0632 Durant (Pokémon) Durant Occa Berry Occa Berry X-Scissor Iron Head Rock Slide Shadow Claw Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0076 Golem (Pokémon) Golem Focus Sash Focus Sash Rock Slide Earthquake Explosion Autotomize Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0080 Slowbro (Pokémon) Slowbro Leftovers Leftovers Psychic Surf Slack Off Amnesia Bold 255 - 255 - - -
0110 Weezing (Pokémon) Weezing Black Sludge Black Sludge Sludge Bomb Thunder Fire Blast Shadow Ball Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0115 Kangaskhan (Pokémon) Kangaskhan Chople Berry Chople Berry Fake Out Double-Edge Circle Throw Sucker Punch Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0128 Tauros (Pokémon) Tauros Life Orb Life Orb Double-Edge Earthquake Payback Giga Impact Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0442 Spiritomb (Pokémon) Spiritomb Leftovers Leftovers Will-O-Wisp Shadow Sneak Swagger Psych Up Careful 255 - - - 255 -
0615 Cryogonal (Pokémon) Cryogonal Occa Berry Occa Berry Icy Wind Flash Cannon Blizzard Sheer Cold Timid - - - 255 - 255
0621 Druddigon (Pokémon) Druddigon Quick Claw Quick Claw Crunch Dragon Claw Earthquake Rock Slide Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0518 Musharna (Pokémon) Musharna Scope Lens Scope Lens Psychic Shadow Ball Energy Ball Yawn Modest - - 255 255 - -
0560 Scrafty (Pokémon) Scrafty Muscle Band Muscle Band Substitute Payback Hi Jump Kick Focus Punch Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0598 Ferrothorn (Pokémon) Ferrothorn Custap Berry Custap Berry Protect Payback Explosion Gyro Ball Brave 255 255 - - - -
0065 Alakazam (Pokémon) Alakazam Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Focus Blast Signal Beam Grass Knot Timid - - - 255 - 255
0199 Slowking (Pokémon) Slowking Choice Specs Choice Specs Psychic Shadow Ball Signal Beam Focus Blast Modest - - - 255 255 -
0241 Miltank (Pokémon) Miltank Scope Lens Scope Lens Dizzy Punch Fire Punch ThunderPunch Ice Punch Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0334 Altaria (Pokémon) Altaria Power Herb Power Herb Dragon Dance Dragon Rush Sky Attack Earthquake Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0454 Toxicroak (Pokémon) Toxicroak Focus Sash Focus Sash Sludge Bomb Focus Blast Shadow Ball Dark Pulse Modest - - - 255 - 255
0576 Gothitelle (Pokémon) Gothitelle Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Charm Safeguard Psychic Charge Beam Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0579 Reuniclus (Pokémon) Reuniclus Colbur Berry Colbur Berry Calm Mind Psychic Focus Blast Shadow Ball Quiet - - 255 255 - -
0625 Bisharp (Pokémon) Bisharp Chople Berry Chople Berry Iron Head Night Slash Low Sweep Sucker Punch Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0460 Abomasnow (Pokémon) Abomasnow Focus Sash Focus Sash Blizzard Wood Hammer Focus Blast Ice Shard Quiet 255 - - 255 - -
0031 Nidoqueen (Pokémon) Nidoqueen Black Sludge Black Sludge Sludge Bomb Earth Power Flamethrower Ice Beam Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0034 Nidoking (Pokémon) Nidoking Black Sludge Black Sludge Earth Power Sludge Bomb Protect Icy Wind Modest - - - 255 - 255
0346 Cradily (Pokémon) Cradily Leftovers Leftovers Sandstorm Toxic Protect Earthquake Relaxed 255 - 255 - - -
0348 Armaldo (Pokémon) Armaldo Life Orb Life Orb X-Scissor Rock Slide Earthquake Iron Defense Adamant 255 - - - 255 -
0409 Rampardos (Pokémon) Rampardos Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Head Smash Earthquake Brick Break ThunderPunch Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0411 Bastiodon (Pokémon) Bastiodon Leftovers Leftovers Stone Edge Fissure Double Team Iron Defense Careful 255 - - - 255 -
0419 Floatzel (Pokémon) Floatzel Damp Rock Damp Rock Surf Ice Beam Focus Blast Rain Dance Hasty - - - 255 - 255
0429 Mismagius (Pokémon) Mismagius Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Icy Wind Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Destiny Bond Timid - - - 255 - 255
0565 Carracosta (Pokémon) Carracosta Damp Rock Damp Rock Rain Dance Waterfall Rock Slide Earthquake Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0589 Escavalier (Pokémon) Escavalier Life Orb Life Orb Megahorn Iron Defense Poison Jab Iron Head Brave 255 255 - - - -
0617 Accelgor (Pokémon) Accelgor Focus Sash Focus Sash U-turn Bug Buzz Focus Blast Final Gambit Timid 255 - - - - 255
0523 Zebstrika (Pokémon) Zebstrika Air Balloon Air Balloon Flame Charge Toxic Wild Charge Volt Switch Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Icy Wind Destiny Bond Timid - - 255 - - 255
0537 Seismitoad (Pokémon) Seismitoad Damp Rock Damp Rock Rain Dance Muddy Water Earth Power Sludge Bomb Timid - - - 255 - 255
0062 Poliwrath (Pokémon) Poliwrath Leftovers Leftovers Waterfall Focus Punch Encore Substitute Adamant 255 255 - - - -

Dwight, Levant

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0003 Venusaur (Pokémon) Venusaur Black Sludge Black Sludge Leech Seed Substitute Sludge Bomb Protect Bold 255 - - - 255 -
0006 Charizard (Pokémon) Charizard Salac Berry Salac Berry Belly Drum Substitute Fire Punch Earthquake Adamant 170 170 - - - 170
0009 Blastoise (Pokémon) Blastoise Custap Berry Custap Berry Yawn Waterfall Focus Punch Rock Slide Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0154 Meganium (Pokémon) Meganium Leftovers Leftovers Leech Seed Ingrain Toxic Protect Bold - - 255 - 255 -
0157 Typhlosion (Pokémon) Typhlosion Power Herb Power Herb Extrasensory Lava Plume Bulldoze SolarBeam Modest - - - 255 - 255
0160 Feraligatr (Pokémon) Feraligatr Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Dragon Dance Waterfall Crunch Substitute Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0254 Sceptile (Pokémon) Sceptile Leftovers Leftovers Leech Seed Endeavor Energy Ball Toxic Calm - - 255 - 255 -
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Flame Charge Flare Blitz ThunderPunch Low Kick Hardy - 255 - - - 255
0260 Swampert (Pokémon) Swampert Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Curse Rest Earthquake Waterfall Careful 255 - - - 255 -
0389 Torterra (Pokémon) Torterra Leftovers Leftovers Stockpile Leech Seed Earthquake Protect Hardy 255 - - - 255 -
0392 Infernape (Pokémon) Infernape Focus Sash Focus Sash Fake Out Encore Flare Blitz Close Combat Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0395 Empoleon (Pokémon) Empoleon Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Surf Substitute Blizzard Whirlpool Calm 255 - - 255 - -
0497 Serperior (Pokémon) Serperior Choice Specs Choice Specs Leaf Storm - - - Modest - - - 255 - 255
0500 Emboar (Pokémon) Emboar Salac Berry Salac Berry Substitute Flamethrower Focus Blast Scald Timid - - - 255 - 255
0503 Samurott (Pokémon) Samurott Salac Berry Salac Berry Hydro Pump Ice Beam Grass Knot Protect Modest - - 170 170 170 -
0051 Dugtrio (Pokémon) Dugtrio BrightPowder BrightPowder Toxic Dig Substitute Sandstorm Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0105 Marowak (Pokémon) Marowak Thick Club Thick Club Earthquake Outrage Detect Rock Slide Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0308 Medicham (Pokémon) Medicham Life Orb Life Orb Hi Jump Kick Psycho Cut Fake Out Detect Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0195 Quagsire (Pokémon) Quagsire Leftovers Leftovers Curse Amnesia Earthquake Waterfall Careful 255 - - - 255 -
0210 Granbull (Pokémon) Granbull Leftovers Leftovers Charm Toxic Dig Protect Impish 255 - 255 - - -
0124 Jynx (Pokémon) Jynx Wide Lens Wide Lens Lovely Kiss Blizzard Psychic Fake Out Timid - - - 255 - 255
0122 Mr. Mime (Pokémon) Mr. Mime Light Clay Light Clay Light Screen Reflect Psychic Signal Beam Bold 255 - 255 - - -
0171 Lanturn (Pokémon) Lanturn Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Stockpile Rest Charge Beam Ice Beam Bold - - 255 - 255 -
0286 Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom Toxic Orb Toxic Orb Protect Leech Seed Substitute Focus Punch Careful 170 - 170 - 170 -
0205 Forretress (Pokémon) Forretress Custap Berry Custap Berry Toxic Spikes Stealth Rock Spikes Explosion Careful 255 - - - 255 -
0227 Skarmory (Pokémon) Skarmory Lum Berry Lum Berry Spikes Stealth Rock Whirlwind Toxic Careful 255 - - - 255 -
0359 Absol (Pokémon) Absol BrightPowder BrightPowder Substitute Swagger Punishment Will-O-Wisp Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0340 Whiscash (Pokémon) Whiscash Leftovers Leftovers Rest Sleep Talk Fissure Muddy Water Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0297 Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Belly Drum Brick Break Ice Punch Bullet Punch Careful - - 255 - 255 -
0416 Vespiquen (Pokémon) Vespiquen Custap Berry Custap Berry Attack Order U-turn Aerial Ace Destiny Bond Brave 255 255 - - - -
0026 Raichu (Pokémon) Raichu Lum Berry Lum Berry Encore Magnet Rise Thunderbolt Grass Knot Timid - - - 255 - 255
0087 Dewgong (Pokémon) Dewgong Salac Berry Salac Berry Rain Dance Rest Surf Stockpile Bold 170 - 170 - 170 -
0310 Manectric (Pokémon) Manectric Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Switcheroo Thunder Volt Switch Overheat Timid - - - 255 - 255
0398 Staraptor (Pokémon) Staraptor Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Brave Bird Double-Edge Roost FeatherDance Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0423 Gastrodon (Pokémon) Gastrodon Leftovers Leftovers Amnesia Curse Earthquake Waterfall Bold - - 255 - 255 -
0435 Skuntank (Pokémon) Skuntank Custap Berry Custap Berry Night Slash Poison Jab Fire Blast Explosion Brave - 170 170 - 170 -
0538 Throh (Pokémon) Throh Flame Orb Flame Orb Protect Earthquake Storm Throw Payback Brave - 255 - - 255 -
0539 Sawk (Pokémon) Sawk Life Orb Life Orb Close Combat Bulldoze Stone Edge Taunt Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0521 Unfezant (Pokémon) Unfezant BrightPowder BrightPowder Detect FeatherDance Toxic Fly Impish 255 - - - 255 -
0045 Vileplume (Pokémon) Vileplume Lum Berry Lum Berry Giga Drain SolarBeam Teeter Dance Sludge Bomb Modest - - - 255 - 255
0071 Victreebel (Pokémon) Victreebel Life Orb Life Orb Weather Ball SolarBeam Sludge Bomb Gastro Acid Modest - - - 255 - 255
0101 Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode Damp Rock Damp Rock Rain Dance Thunder Taunt Light Screen Timid - - - 255 - 255
0272 Ludicolo (Pokémon) Ludicolo Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Fake Out Hydro Pump Leech Seed Grass Knot Modest - - - 255 - 255
0275 Shiftry (Pokémon) Shiftry Focus Sash Focus Sash Fake Out Sucker Punch Low Kick Protect Adamant - 255 255 - - -
0295 Exploud (Pokémon) Exploud Life Orb Life Orb Icy Wind Hyper Voice Focus Blast Shadow Ball Timid - - - 255 - 255
0428 Lopunny (Pokémon) Lopunny Flame Orb Flame Orb Switcheroo Mirror Coat Protect Dig Jolly 255 - - - - 255
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Focus Sash Focus Sash Blizzard Icy Wind Shadow Ball Destiny Bond Timid - - - 255 - 255
0549 Lilligant (Pokémon) Lilligant Lum Berry Lum Berry SolarBeam Teeter Dance Charm Leech Seed Bold 127 - 127 127 - 127
0555 Darmanitan (Pokémon) Darmanitan Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Belly Drum Earthquake Fire Punch Yawn Impish - - 255 - 255 -
0424 Ambipom (Pokémon) Ambipom King's Rock King's Rock Fling Taunt Return Payback Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0563 Cofagrigus (Pokémon) Cofagrigus Leftovers Leftovers Will-O-Wisp Toxic Hex Calm Mind Bold 255 - - - 255 -
0623 Golurk (Pokémon) Golurk Iron Ball Iron Ball Hammer Arm Earthquake Shadow Punch Fling Brave 255 255 - - - -
0632 Durant (Pokémon) Durant Focus Sash Focus Sash Entrainment X-Scissor Iron Head Protect Jolly 255 - - - - 255
0076 Golem (Pokémon) Golem Iron Ball Iron Ball Rock Slide Earthquake Explosion Fling Brave - 255 - - 255 -
0080 Slowbro (Pokémon) Slowbro Leftovers Leftovers Psychic Surf Blizzard Trick Room Quiet 255 - 255 - - -
0110 Weezing (Pokémon) Weezing Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Toxic Will-O-Wisp Stockpile Rest Careful 255 - - - 255 -
0115 Kangaskhan (Pokémon) Kangaskhan Salac Berry Salac Berry Fake Out Endeavor Return Substitute Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0128 Tauros (Pokémon) Tauros Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Toxic Protect Double Team Earthquake Careful 255 - - - 255 -
0442 Spiritomb (Pokémon) Spiritomb Custap Berry Custap Berry Will-O-Wisp Sucker Punch Substitute Pain Split Careful 255 - - - 255 -
0615 Cryogonal (Pokémon) Cryogonal Focus Sash Focus Sash Hail Icy Wind Blizzard Explosion Naive - - - 255 - 255
0621 Druddigon (Pokémon) Druddigon Choice Band Choice Band Outrage Earthquake Superpower Dragon Tail Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0518 Musharna (Pokémon) Musharna Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Stored Power Calm Mind Shadow Ball Rest Relaxed - - 255 - 255 -
0560 Scrafty (Pokémon) Scrafty Leftovers Leftovers Bulk Up Payback Protect Drain Punch Careful 255 - - - 255 -
0598 Ferrothorn (Pokémon) Ferrothorn Leftovers Leftovers Curse Rock Smash Gyro Ball Ingrain Sassy 255 - - - 255 -
0065 Alakazam (Pokémon) Alakazam Choice Specs Choice Specs Psychic Focus Blast Disable Trick Timid - - - 255 - 255
0199 Slowking (Pokémon) Slowking Lum Berry Lum Berry Psychic Surf Ice Beam Trick Room Quiet 255 - - - 255 -
0241 Miltank (Pokémon) Miltank Salac Berry Salac Berry Substitute Earthquake Rock Slide Zen Headbutt Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0334 Altaria (Pokémon) Altaria Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Cotton Guard Roost Flamethrower Dragon Pulse Calm 255 - - - 255 -
0454 Toxicroak (Pokémon) Toxicroak Wide Lens Wide Lens Cross Chop Sucker Punch Gunk Shot Taunt Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0576 Gothitelle (Pokémon) Gothitelle BrightPowder BrightPowder Substitute Flatter Psych Up Psychic Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0579 Reuniclus (Pokémon) Reuniclus Toxic Orb Toxic Orb Trick Psychic Focus Blast Recover Relaxed - - 255 - 255 -
0625 Bisharp (Pokémon) Bisharp Focus Sash Focus Sash Taunt Sucker Punch Rock Smash Iron Head Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0460 Abomasnow (Pokémon) Abomasnow Occa Berry Occa Berry Blizzard Focus Blast Protect Ice Shard Quiet 255 - - 255 - -
0031 Nidoqueen (Pokémon) Nidoqueen Black Sludge Black Sludge Poison Jab Dragon Tail Bulldoze Earthquake Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0034 Nidoking (Pokémon) Nidoking Muscle Band Muscle Band Earthquake Poison Jab Megahorn Protect Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0346 Cradily (Pokémon) Cradily Big Root Big Root Stockpile Protect Ingrain Giga Drain Sassy 255 - 255 - - -
0348 Armaldo (Pokémon) Armaldo Choice Band Choice Band Superpower Stone Edge Earthquake X-Scissor Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0409 Rampardos (Pokémon) Rampardos Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Head Smash Earthquake Rock Slide Protect Relaxed - 255 - - 255 -
0411 Bastiodon (Pokémon) Bastiodon Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Metal Burst Rock Slide Wide Guard Curse Brave 255 255 - - - -
0419 Floatzel (Pokémon) Floatzel Life Orb Life Orb Waterfall Aqua Jet Low Kick Protect Hasty - 255 - - - 255
0429 Mismagius (Pokémon) Mismagius BrightPowder BrightPowder Confuse Ray Protect Perish Song Mean Look Bold 255 - 255 - - -
0565 Carracosta (Pokémon) Carracosta Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Waterfall Rock Slide Aqua Jet Earthquake Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0589 Escavalier (Pokémon) Escavalier Custap Berry Custap Berry Megahorn Iron Head Swagger Reversal Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0617 Accelgor (Pokémon) Accelgor Focus Sash Focus Sash Bug Buzz Encore Focus Blast Protect Timid - - - 255 - 255
0523 Zebstrika (Pokémon) Zebstrika Focus Sash Focus Sash Me First Wild Charge Thunder Wave Volt Switch Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Custap Berry Custap Berry Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Hypnosis Destiny Bond Bold - - - - 255 255
0537 Seismitoad (Pokémon) Seismitoad Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Brick Break Poison Jab Dig Payback Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0062 Poliwrath (Pokémon) Poliwrath Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Waterfall Earthquake Focus Punch Circle Throw Adamant 255 255 - - - -

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