List of Battle Tower Trainers in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl/Gentleman

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# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Single Battles Set 4: Team A
0125 Electabuzz Electabuzz Static Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Thunderbolt Thunder Wave Brick Break Light Screen 159 122 73 134 95 103
0358 Chimecho Chimecho Levitate Twisted Spoon Twisted Spoon Psychic Take Down Heal Bell Safeguard 164 55 114 129 104 63
0388 Grotle Grotle Overgrow Big Root Big Root Mega Drain Bite Leech Seed Synthesis 164 94 90 89 70 70
Single Battles Set 4: Team B
0336 Seviper Seviper Shed Skin Scope Lens Scope Lens Poison Tail Bite Glare Screech 167 139 70 110 70 104
0364 Sealeo Sealeo Ice Body Icy Rock Icy Rock Blizzard Hail Snore Rest 179 65 114 80 104 45
0421 Cherrim Cherrim Flower Gift Miracle Seed Miracle Seed Petal Dance Weather Ball Leech Seed Sunny Day 159 94 75 121 83 90
Single Battles Set 5: Team A
0009 Blastoise Blastoise Torrent Iron Ball Iron Ball Double Team Focus Punch Aqua Jet Gyro Ball 173 134 139 97 117 81
0157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Blaze Wide Lens Wide Lens Will-O-Wisp Focus Blast Double Team Fire Blast 172 96 90 148 97 139
0424 Ambipom Ambipom Technician Bright Powder Bright Powder Double Team Baton Pass Agility Double Hit 169 139 115 65 79 128
Single Battles Set 4: Team A
0123 Scyther Scyther Technician Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Fury Cutter Aerial Ace Light Screen Double Team 164 163 90 58 90 144
0139 Omastar Omastar Swift Swim Shell Bell Shell Bell Bubble Beam Rock Blast Tickle Ancient Power 164 99 135 154 80 65
0432 Purugly Purugly Thick Fat Silk Scarf Silk Scarf Slash U-turn Attract Fake Out 165 133 69 62 98 117
0319 Sharpedo Sharpedo Speed Boost Scope Lens Scope Lens Slash Bite Water Pulse Scary Face 164 174 50 94 50 134
Single Battles Set 4: Team B
0215 Sneasel Sneasel Pickpocket Focus Sash Focus Sash Ice Shard Fake Out Ice Punch Throat Chop 144 141 60 36 80 149
0237 Hitmontop Hitmontop Intimidate Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Triple Kick Dig Mach Punch Fake Out 144 134 134 40 115 75
0224 Octillery Octillery Moody Leftovers Leftovers Octazooka Ice Beam Psychic Protect 169 103 85 158 85 84
0413 Wormadam Wormadam Overcoat Coba Berry Coba Berry Razor Leaf Psybeam Protect Bug Buzz 120 57 119 92 139 70
Single Battles Set 5: Team A
0110 Weezing Weezing Levitate Leftovers Leftovers Will-O-Wisp Double Team Sludge Bomb Substitute 159 92 133 124 119 73
0006 Charizard Charizard Blaze Charti Berry Charti Berry Flamethrower Sunny Day Focus Blast Ancient Power 172 86 90 162 97 139
0051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Arena Trap Focus Sash Focus Sash Shadow Claw Earthquake Rock Slide Thief 129 139 63 56 83 174
0160 Feraligatr Feraligatr Torrent King's Rock King's Rock Scary Face Waterfall Rock Slide Ice Fang 179 144 112 81 95 128


# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Single Battles Set 4: Team A
0091 Cloyster Cloyster Skill Link Focus Sash Focus Sash Icicle Spear Rock Blast Razor Shell Shell Smash 144 147 190 85 55 109
0455 Carnivine Carnivine Levitate Rose Incense Rose Incense Power Whip Crunch Sweet Scent Leech Seed 168 105 111 95 122 45
0123 Scyther Scyther Technician Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Fury Cutter Aerial Ace Light Screen Double Team 164 163 90 58 90 144
Single Battles Set 5: Team A
0112 Rhydon Rhydon Lightning Rod Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Ice Beam Thunderbolt Dragon Pulse Surf 199 143 159 92 58 47
0362 Glalie Glalie Moody Leftovers Leftovers Protect Substitute Frost Breath Sheer Cold 174 83 93 119 93 130
0171 Lanturn Lanturn Volt Absorb Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Scald Shock Wave Ice Beam Double Team 219 63 106 115 89 80
Single Battles Set 4: Team A
0356 Dusclops Dusclops Pressure Leftovers Leftovers Will-O-Wisp Night Shade Pain Split Confuse Ray 134 80 185 63 169 35
0117 Seadra Seadra Sniper Mystic Water Mystic Water Aurora Beam Smokescreen Water Gun Rain Dance 144 70 100 129 55 107
0324 Torkoal Torkoal Drought Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Lava Plume Earthquake Stealth Rock Yawn 164 95 196 95 109 27
0207 Gligar Gligar Hyper Cutter Scope Lens Scope Lens Metal Claw Dig Aerial Ace Quick Attack 154 80 125 40 70 130
Single Battles Set 5: Team A
0112 Rhydon Rhydon Lightning Rod Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Ice Beam Thunderbolt Dragon Pulse Surf 199 143 159 92 58 47
0028 Sandslash Sandslash Sand Rush Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Crush Claw Rock Slide Earthquake Sandstorm 169 152 115 45 60 104
0124 Jynx Jynx Dry Skin Bright Powder Bright Powder Mean Look Perish Song Protect Lovely Kiss 159 56 81 154 108 108
0332 Cacturne Cacturne Water Absorb Scope Lens Scope Lens Seed Bomb Sucker Punch Poison Jab Revenge 164 154 70 112 70 103


# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Master Class Single Battles: Team A
0474 Porygon-Z Porygon-Z Download Bright Powder Bright Powder Thunderbolt Ice Beam Shadow Ball Tri Attack 161 90 90 171 95 156
0297 Hariyama Hariyama Thick Fat Quick Claw Quick Claw Belly Drum Brick Break Earthquake Stone Edge 251 140 123 40 81 70
0379 Registeel Registeel Clear Body Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Curse Rest Flash Cannon Metal Claw 187 95 188 127 170 63
Master Class Single Battles: Team B
0245 Suicune Suicune Pressure Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Calm Mind Rest Scald Ice Beam 207 85 183 110 135 106
0068 Machamp Machamp No Guard Muscle Band Muscle Band Rock Slide Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Thunder Punch 166 182 100 63 105 117
0426 Drifblim Drifblim Aftermath Apicot Berry Apicot Berry Phantom Force Explosion Memento Destiny Bond 226 145 64 85 74 132
Master Class Single Battles: Team C
0212 Scizor Scizor Technician Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Bullet Punch Thief Roost Swords Dance 175 200 123 54 100 85
0448 Lucario Lucario Inner Focus Lum Berry Lum Berry Close Combat Meteor Mash Ice Punch Bullet Punch 146 162 90 108 90 156
0286 Breloom Breloom Technician Focus Sash Focus Sash Spore Mach Punch Counter Bullet Seed 136 182 100 58 80 134
Master Class Single Battles: Team D
0212 Scizor Scizor Technician Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Bullet Punch Thief Roost Swords Dance 175 200 123 54 100 85
0448 Lucario Lucario Inner Focus Focus Sash Focus Sash Aura Sphere Flash Cannon Dark Pulse Vacuum Wave 146 103 90 183 90 142
0003 Venusaur Venusaur Overgrow Black Sludge Black Sludge Giga Drain Sludge Bomb Earth Power Sleep Powder 187 78 104 167 120 100


# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Master Class Single Battles: Team A
0009 Blastoise Blastoise Rain Dish Quick Claw Quick Claw Hydro Pump Ice Beam Focus Blast Rain Dance 155 79 120 150 125 130
0136 Flareon Flareon Flash Fire White Herb White Herb Overheat Giga Impact Iron Tail Quick Attack 172 200 81 115 130 76
0378 Regice Regice Clear Body Leftovers Leftovers Ice Beam Thunderbolt Protect Focus Blast 187 63 167 121 220 70
Master Class Single Battles: Team B
0428 Lopunny Lopunny Limber Focus Band Focus Band Mirror Coat Cosmic Power Charm Drain Punch 172 96 104 66 162 126
0214 Heracross Heracross Moxie Scope Lens Scope Lens Close Combat Aerial Ace Night Slash Bulk Up 156 194 95 40 115 137
0461 Weavile Weavile Pickpocket Chople Berry Chople Berry Night Slash Ice Shard Ice Punch Fake Out 146 172 85 45 105 194
Master Class Single Battles: Team C
0171 Lanturn Lanturn Water Absorb Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Scald Ice Beam Volt Switch Thunderbolt 232 56 78 140 97 87
0476 Probopass Probopass Sturdy Custap Berry Custap Berry Flash Cannon Dazzling Gleam Volt Switch Power Gem 167 54 165 139 170 61
0485 Heatran Heatran Flash Fire Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Magma Storm Flash Cannon Earth Power Dragon Pulse 167 85 126 200 126 129
Master Class Single Battles: Team D
0350 Milotic Milotic Competitive Life Orb Life Orb Scald Ice Beam Hydro Pump Dragon Pulse 171 58 99 152 145 146
0248 Tyranitar Tyranitar Sand Stream Lum Berry Lum Berry Earthquake Stone Edge Crunch Dragon Dance 176 186 130 90 120 124
0381 Latios Latios Levitate Choice Specs Choice Specs Draco Meteor Surf Thunderbolt Psychic 156 85 100 182 130 178

Battle Tower Trainers

Ace TrainerAroma LadyBattle GirlBeautyBird KeeperBlack BeltBug CatcherCameraman
CamperClownCollectorCowgirlCyclistDragon TamerFisherGentleman
GuitaristHikerIdolJoggerLadyLassMadameNinja BoyParasol LadyPIPicnicker
Poké FanPoké KidPokémon BreederPokémon RangerPolice OfficerPsychicRancher
ReporterRich BoyRoughneckRuin ManiacSailorSchool KidScientist
Master Class Double Battles (1234)