List of Battle Tower Trainers in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl/School Kid

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Main article: List of Battle Tower Trainers in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

This is the list of Pokémon that can be used by each School Kid in the Battle Tower in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.


# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Single Battles Set 1: Team A
0048 Venonat Venonat Compound Eyes Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Psybeam Supersonic Stun Spore Skill Swap 149 60 92 45 60 45
0440 Happiny Happiny Serene Grace Lucky Punch Lucky Punch Sweet Kiss Psychic Flamethrower Shadow Ball 160 9 39 53 70 35
0086 Seel Seel Thick Fat Aspear Berry Aspear Berry Aurora Beam Dive Encore Surf 154 50 60 50 75 79
Single Battles Set 1: Team B
0341 Corphish Corphish Adaptability Mystic Water Mystic Water Crabhammer Water Pulse Knock Off Protect 132 125 70 55 40 36
0322 Numel Numel Oblivious Lax Incense Lax Incense Ember Earth Power Rock Tomb Sandstorm 120 94 45 99 50 40
0449 Hippopotas Hippopotas Sand Stream Passho Berry Passho Berry Bite Sand Attack Sand Tomb Yawn 157 116 83 43 47 33
Single Battles Set 1: Team C
0246 Larvitar Larvitar Guts Persim Berry Persim Berry Thrash Rock Slide Dig Bite 110 98 55 45 55 82
0387 Turtwig Turtwig Overgrow Leftovers Leftovers Razor Leaf Curse Leech Seed Synthesis 144 73 107 45 60 36
0329 Vibrava Vibrava Levitate Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Dragon Breath Dig Screech Rock Tomb 139 75 55 55 55 104
Single Battles Set 2: Team A
0108 Lickitung Lickitung Own Tempo Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Slam Brick Break Lick Screech 179 97 80 58 80 35
0075 Graveler Graveler Sturdy Focus Band Focus Band Rollout Rock Throw Defense Curl Brick Break 115 141 120 45 50 69
0312 Minun Minun Minus Salac Berry Salac Berry Spark Charm Encore Helping Hand 120 74 55 80 90 129
Double Battles Set 1: Team A
0001 Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Overgrow Bright Powder Bright Powder Razor Leaf Take Down Sleep Powder Leech Seed 134 91 54 63 70 50
0447 Riolu Riolu Prankster Focus Sash Focus Sash Force Palm Counter Copycat Screech 100 114 45 36 45 94
0459 Snover Snover Snow Warning Icy Rock Icy Rock Razor Leaf Icy Wind Blizzard Ice Shard 149 67 92 67 65 40
0397 Staravia Staravia Intimidate Charti Berry Charti Berry Endeavor Aerial Ace Whirlwind Quick Attack 115 119 55 40 45 114
Double Battles Set 1: Team B
0084 Doduo Doduo Early Bird Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Fury Attack Uproar Quick Attack Rest 95 119 50 36 40 119
0396 Starly Starly Reckless Muscle Band Muscle Band Wing Attack Quick Attack Thief Take Down 100 89 35 31 35 103
0456 Finneon Finneon Swift Swim Wave Incense Wave Incense Water Pulse Gust Attract Aqua Ring 138 48 61 91 66 71
0170 Chinchou Chinchou Volt Absorb Lax Incense Lax Incense Spark Bubble Beam Confuse Ray Take Down 164 43 43 61 61 101
Double Battles Set 1: Team C
0399 Bidoof Bidoof Simple Leftovers Leftovers Curse Headbutt Pluck Yawn 148 86 45 36 45 36
0401 Kricketot Kricketot Shed Skin Sticky Barb Sticky Barb Struggle Bug Bug Bite Growl Pound 126 30 82 27 46 30
0083 Farfetch'd Farfetch'd Defiant Leek Leek Slash Knock Off Swords Dance Agility 112 136 60 56 67 94
0102 Exeggcute Exeggcute Chlorophyll Persim Berry Persim Berry Confusion Giga Drain Leech Seed Light Screen 149 40 85 103 50 45
Double Battles Set 2: Team A
0401 Kricketot Kricketot Shed Skin Sticky Barb Sticky Barb Struggle Bug Bug Bite Growl Pound 126 30 82 27 46 30
0393 Piplup Piplup Torrent Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Brine Ice Beam Grass Knot Scald 113 50 58 95 61 81
0427 Buneary Buneary Limber Black Belt Black Belt Bounce Quick Attack Charm Splash 115 110 49 44 61 119
0104 Cubone Cubone Battle Armor Soft Sand Soft Sand Bonemerang Headbutt Brick Break Aerial Ace 139 92 100 40 55 40


# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Single Battles Set 1: Team A
0209 Snubbull Snubbull Intimidate Scope Lens Scope Lens Bite Charm Swagger Scary Face 149 125 55 45 45 31
0152 Chikorita Chikorita Overgrow Leftovers Leftovers Magical Leaf Reflect Synthesis Poison Powder 134 48 108 54 70 50
0088 Grimer Grimer Stench Black Sludge Black Sludge Sludge Rock Tomb Acid Armor Minimize 169 125 55 40 55 30
Single Battles Set 1: Team B
0066 Machop Machop No Guard Scope Lens Scope Lens Seismic Toss Revenge Rock Tomb Scary Face 159 125 55 36 40 40
0001 Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Overgrow Leftovers Leftovers Giga Drain Toxic Synthesis Leech Seed 134 48 54 108 70 50
0271 Lombre Lombre Swift Swim Yache Berry Yache Berry Water Pulse Fake Out Brick Break Absorb 149 55 55 65 75 84
Single Battles Set 2: Team A
0012 Butterfree Butterfree Compound Eyes Leftovers Leftovers Sleep Powder Quiver Dance Substitute Bug Buzz 149 45 55 95 85 114
0240 Magby Magby Flame Body Lax Incense Lax Incense Fire Punch Smokescreen Confuse Ray Smog 134 119 42 67 60 88
0140 Kabuto Kabuto Battle Armor Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Mega Drain Ancient Power Sand Attack Protect 119 85 95 89 50 60
Double Battles Set 1: Team A
0401 Kricketot Kricketot Shed Skin Sticky Barb Sticky Barb Struggle Bug Bug Bite Growl Pound 126 30 82 27 46 30
0066 Machop Machop No Guard Scope Lens Scope Lens Seismic Toss Revenge Rock Tomb Scary Face 159 125 55 36 40 40
0086 Seel Seel Thick Fat Aspear Berry Aspear Berry Aurora Beam Dive Encore Surf 154 50 60 50 75 79
0304 Aron Aron Sturdy Metal Coat Metal Coat Metal Claw Aerial Ace Metal Sound Roar 139 114 105 40 45 35
Double Battles Set 1: Team B
0252 Treecko Treecko Overgrow Big Root Big Root Mega Drain Aerial Ace Flash Double Team 100 79 40 99 60 75
0255 Torchic Torchic Blaze Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Will-O-Wisp Feather Dance Double Team Flamethrower 105 58 45 104 55 86
0058 Growlithe Growlithe Intimidate Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Flame Wheel Bite Roar Agility 115 114 50 67 55 94
0329 Vibrava Vibrava Levitate Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Dragon Breath Dig Screech Rock Tomb 139 75 55 55 55 104
Double Battles Set 1: Team C
0001 Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Overgrow Bright Powder Bright Powder Razor Leaf Take Down Sleep Powder Leech Seed 134 91 54 63 70 50
0393 Piplup Piplup Torrent Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Brine Ice Beam Grass Knot Scald 113 50 58 95 61 81
0422 Shellos Shellos Storm Drain Lax Incense Lax Incense Water Pulse Mud-Slap Harden Rain Dance 165 53 90 62 67 35
0325 Spoink Spoink Thick Fat Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Psychic Bounce Magic Coat Confuse Ray 149 30 75 75 85 58
Double Battles Set 2: Team A
0138 Omanyte Omanyte Shell Armor Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Mud Shot Water Gun Ancient Power Tickle 124 74 105 95 60 40
0216 Teddiursa Teddiursa Pickup Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Lick Fake Tears Brick Break Rest 149 85 92 55 55 40
0269 Dustox Dustox Shield Dust Silver Powder Silver Powder Bug Buzz Toxic Psybeam Whirlwind 149 49 75 92 95 70
0104 Cubone Cubone Battle Armor Soft Sand Soft Sand Bonemerang Headbutt Brick Break Aerial Ace 139 92 100 40 55 40


# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Single Battles Set 1: Team A
0443 Gible Gible Rough Skin Soft Sand Soft Sand Dragon Claw Dig Sand Tomb Sand Attack 147 114 50 45 50 42
0420 Cherubi Cherubi Chlorophyll Occa Berry Occa Berry Magical Leaf Leech Seed Sunny Day Take Down 105 36 50 105 58 69
0449 Hippopotas Hippopotas Sand Stream Passho Berry Passho Berry Bite Sand Attack Sand Tomb Yawn 157 116 83 43 47 33
Single Battles Set 1: Team B
0027 Sandshrew Sandshrew Sand Rush Soft Sand Soft Sand Dig Rock Tomb Sandstorm Sand Attack 139 119 90 22 35 45
0358 Chimecho Chimecho Levitate Grip Claw Grip Claw Wrap Yawn Uproar Astonish 164 55 85 90 95 108
0456 Finneon Finneon Swift Swim Wave Incense Wave Incense Water Pulse Gust Attract Aqua Ring 138 48 61 91 66 71
Single Battles Set 1: Team C
0387 Turtwig Turtwig Overgrow Occa Berry Occa Berry Grass Knot Bite Curse Withdraw 144 112 69 50 60 32
0007 Squirtle Squirtle Torrent Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Water Pulse Brine Ice Beam Protect 133 47 70 92 69 48
0081 Magnemite Magnemite Sturdy Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Shock Wave Supersonic Metal Sound Reflect 114 36 75 141 60 50
Single Battles Set 2: Team A
0012 Butterfree Butterfree Compound Eyes Leftovers Leftovers Sleep Powder Quiver Dance Substitute Bug Buzz 149 45 55 95 85 114
0267 Beautifly Beautifly Swarm Mental Herb Mental Herb Bug Buzz Mega Drain Attract Quiver Dance 120 67 55 147 55 99
0240 Magby Magby Flame Body Lax Incense Lax Incense Fire Punch Smokescreen Confuse Ray Smog 134 119 42 67 60 88
Double Battles Set 1: Team A
0396 Starly Starly Keen Eye Sharp Beak Sharp Beak Wing Attack Quick Attack Growl Endeavor 100 97 35 31 35 94
0341 Corphish Corphish Adaptability Mystic Water Mystic Water Crabhammer Water Pulse Knock Off Protect 132 125 70 55 40 36
0271 Lombre Lombre Swift Swim Yache Berry Yache Berry Water Pulse Fake Out Brick Break Absorb 149 55 55 65 75 84
0325 Spoink Spoink Thick Fat Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Psychic Bounce Magic Coat Confuse Ray 149 30 75 75 85 58
Double Battles Set 1: Team B
0447 Riolu Riolu Prankster Focus Sash Focus Sash Force Palm Counter Copycat Screech 100 114 45 36 45 94
0001 Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Overgrow Leftovers Leftovers Giga Drain Toxic Synthesis Leech Seed 134 48 54 108 70 50
0177 Natu Natu Magic Bounce Twisted Spoon Twisted Spoon Night Shade Future Sight Psychic Flash 129 55 86 75 50 67
0449 Hippopotas Hippopotas Sand Stream Passho Berry Passho Berry Bite Sand Attack Sand Tomb Yawn 157 116 83 43 47 33
Double Battles Set 1: Team C
0358 Chimecho Chimecho Levitate Grip Claw Grip Claw Extrasensory Yawn Uproar Shadow Ball 135 49 85 129 95 108
0292 Shedinja Shedinja Wonder Guard Choice Band Choice Band Shadow Claw Metal Claw X-Scissor Aerial Ace 1 124 50 31 35 81
0083 Farfetch'd Farfetch'd Defiant Leek Leek Slash Knock Off Swords Dance Agility 112 136 60 56 67 94
0133 Eevee Eevee Adaptability Salac Berry Salac Berry Charm Attract Take Down Endure 144 89 55 50 70 60
Double Battles Set 2: Team A
0033 Nidorino Nidorino Poison Point Focus Band Focus Band Double Kick Water Pulse Toxic Spikes Flatter 121 106 62 89 60 70
0458 Mantyke Mantyke Swift Swim Bright Powder Bright Powder Bubble Beam Agility Aqua Ring Air Slash 105 22 55 103 125 84
0184 Azumarill Azumarill Huge Power Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Waterfall Facade Play Rough Aqua Jet 189 92 85 58 85 55
0225 Delibird Delibird Vital Spirit Never-Melt Ice Never-Melt Ice Present Ice Beam Aerial Ace Hail 134 60 50 70 50 109


# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Single Battles Set 1: Team A
0025 Pikachu Pikachu Lightning Rod Light Ball Light Ball Spark Brick Break Iron Tail Quick Attack 102 89 52 49 62 136
0318 Carvanha Carvanha Rough Skin Shell Bell Shell Bell Bite Screech Scary Face Swagger 134 95 25 108 25 63
0079 Slowpoke Slowpoke Oblivious Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Confusion Disable Water Pulse Yawn 179 63 70 81 45 20
Single Battles Set 1: Team B
0341 Corphish Corphish Adaptability Mystic Water Mystic Water Crabhammer Water Pulse Knock Off Protect 132 125 70 55 40 36
0353 Shuppet Shuppet Insomnia Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Will-O-Wisp Shadow Sneak Grudge Knock Off 133 119 40 61 38 50
0109 Koffing Koffing Levitate Poison Barb Poison Barb Sludge Smokescreen Torment Haze 129 108 100 58 50 40
Single Battles Set 1: Team C
0399 Bidoof Bidoof Simple Leftovers Leftovers Curse Headbutt Pluck Yawn 148 86 45 36 45 36
0252 Treecko Treecko Overgrow Focus Sash Focus Sash Mega Drain Endeavor Brick Break Rock Slide 100 79 40 63 60 114
0274 Nuzleaf Nuzleaf Chlorophyll Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Extrasensory Fake Out Razor Leaf Rock Tomb 159 75 45 65 45 94
Single Battles Set 2: Team A
0417 Pachirisu Pachirisu Volt Absorb Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Discharge Sweet Kiss Quick Attack Nuzzle 149 45 75 55 95 129
0239 Elekid Elekid Static Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Thunder Punch Quick Attack Swift Light Screen 105 97 42 70 54 141
0067 Machoke Machoke Guts Focus Band Focus Band Low Kick Rock Tomb Facade Scary Face 140 147 75 49 65 79
Double Battles Set 1: Team A
0066 Machop Machop No Guard Scope Lens Scope Lens Seismic Toss Revenge Rock Tomb Scary Face 159 125 55 36 40 40
0255 Torchic Torchic Blaze Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Will-O-Wisp Feather Dance Double Team Flamethrower 105 58 45 104 55 86
0456 Finneon Finneon Swift Swim Wave Incense Wave Incense Water Pulse Gust Attract Aqua Ring 138 48 61 91 66 71
0418 Buizel Buizel Swift Swim Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Aqua Jet Quick Attack Brick Break Growl 115 99 40 58 35 130
Double Battles Set 1: Team B
0255 Torchic Torchic Blaze Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Flame Charge Quick Attack Sand Attack Double Team 134 103 45 67 55 50
0238 Smoochum Smoochum Oblivious Bright Powder Bright Powder Sweet Kiss Sing Confusion Ice Beam 134 35 20 119 70 70
0408 Cranidos Cranidos Mold Breaker King's Rock King's Rock Headbutt Rock Slide Scary Face Leer 127 174 45 31 35 92
0054 Psyduck Psyduck Cloud Nine Persim Berry Persim Berry Confusion Fury Swipes Aerial Ace Disable 110 57 47 99 55 97
Double Battles Set 1: Team C
0343 Baltoy Baltoy Levitate Twisted Spoon Twisted Spoon Psybeam Ancient Power Light Screen Mud-Slap 129 40 60 81 75 60
0453 Croagunk Croagunk Poison Touch Black Sludge Black Sludge Poison Jab Mud-Slap Taunt Swagger 137 104 45 59 45 55
0079 Slowpoke Slowpoke Oblivious Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Confusion Disable Water Pulse Yawn 179 63 70 81 45 20
0418 Buizel Buizel Swift Swim Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Aqua Jet Quick Attack Brick Break Growl 115 99 40 58 35 130
Double Battles Set 2: Team A
0047 Parasect Parasect Effect Spore Sticky Barb Sticky Barb Slash Psybeam Spore Flash 149 100 85 71 76 64
0025 Pikachu Pikachu Lightning Rod Light Ball Light Ball Spark Brick Break Iron Tail Quick Attack 102 89 52 49 62 136
0075 Graveler Graveler Sturdy Focus Band Focus Band Rollout Rock Throw Defense Curl Brick Break 115 141 120 45 50 69
0267 Beautifly Beautifly Swarm Mental Herb Mental Herb Bug Buzz Mega Drain Attract Quiver Dance 120 67 55 147 55 99


# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Single Battles Set 1: Team A
0252 Treecko Treecko Overgrow Big Root Big Root Mega Drain Aerial Ace Flash Double Team 100 79 40 99 60 75
0066 Machop Machop No Guard Scope Lens Scope Lens Seismic Toss Revenge Rock Tomb Scary Face 159 125 55 36 40 40
0418 Buizel Buizel Swift Swim Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Aqua Jet Quick Attack Brick Break Growl 115 99 40 58 35 130
Single Battles Set 1: Team B
0390 Chimchar Chimchar Blaze Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Fire Spin Double Team Nasty Plot Grass Knot 104 56 49 92 49 104
0438 Bonsly Bonsly Sturdy Passho Berry Passho Berry Fake Tears Rock Throw Copycat Low Kick 139 85 100 13 86 15
0225 Delibird Delibird Vital Spirit Never-Melt Ice Never-Melt Ice Present Ice Beam Aerial Ace Hail 134 60 50 70 50 109
Single Battles Set 1: Team C
0007 Squirtle Squirtle Torrent Focus Band Focus Band Aqua Tail Bite Withdraw Protect 133 90 70 49 69 48
0443 Gible Gible Rough Skin Soft Sand Soft Sand Dragon Claw Dig Sand Tomb Sand Attack 147 114 50 45 50 42
0225 Delibird Delibird Vital Spirit Never-Melt Ice Never-Melt Ice Present Ice Beam Aerial Ace Hail 134 60 50 70 50 109
Single Battles Set 2: Team A
0180 Flaaffy Flaaffy Static Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Shock Wave Thunder Wave Cotton Spore Light Screen 159 60 54 125 65 50
0240 Magby Magby Flame Body Lax Incense Lax Incense Fire Punch Smokescreen Confuse Ray Smog 134 119 42 67 60 88
0294 Loudred Loudred Scrappy Focus Band Focus Band Hyper Voice Howl Astonish Supersonic 173 68 48 115 48 53
Double Battles Set 1: Team A
0084 Doduo Doduo Early Bird Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Fury Attack Uproar Quick Attack Rest 95 119 50 36 40 119
0147 Dratini Dratini Shed Skin Persim Berry Persim Berry Outrage Thunder Wave Dragon Dance Water Pulse 101 98 50 84 55 55
0096 Drowzee Drowzee Insomnia Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Confusion Headbutt Disable Shadow Ball 149 53 50 48 95 76
0329 Vibrava Vibrava Levitate Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Dragon Breath Dig Screech Rock Tomb 139 75 55 55 55 104
Double Battles Set 1: Team B
0027 Sandshrew Sandshrew Sand Rush Soft Sand Soft Sand Dig Rock Tomb Sandstorm Sand Attack 139 119 90 22 35 45
0152 Chikorita Chikorita Overgrow Leftovers Leftovers Magical Leaf Reflect Synthesis Poison Powder 134 48 108 54 70 50
0329 Vibrava Vibrava Levitate Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Dragon Breath Dig Screech Rock Tomb 139 75 55 55 55 104
0231 Phanpy Phanpy Pickup Lax Incense Lax Incense Rollout Defense Curl Rock Tomb Sandstorm 150 103 65 40 45 74
Double Battles Set 1: Team C
0074 Geodude Geodude Sturdy Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Bulldoze Rock Blast Strength Protect 129 125 105 35 35 22
0158 Totodile Totodile Torrent Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Waterfall Aerial Ace Slash Screech 139 108 69 44 53 48
0451 Skorupi Skorupi Battle Armor Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Poison Sting Bite Scary Face Toxic Spikes 129 55 136 31 60 70
0228 Houndour Houndour Flash Fire Charcoal Charcoal Crunch Ember Roar Protect 134 65 35 85 55 99
Double Battles Set 2: Team A
0007 Squirtle Squirtle Torrent Focus Band Focus Band Aqua Tail Bite Withdraw Protect 133 90 70 49 69 48
0333 Swablu Swablu Cloud Nine Mental Herb Mental Herb Take Down Dream Eater Sing Attract 105 81 58 45 80 84
0096 Drowzee Drowzee Insomnia Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Confusion Headbutt Disable Shadow Ball 149 53 50 48 95 76
0271 Lombre Lombre Swift Swim Yache Berry Yache Berry Water Pulse Fake Out Brick Break Absorb 149 55 55 65 75 84


# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Single Battles Set 1: Team A
0223 Remoraid Remoraid Sniper Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Bubble Beam Aurora Beam Psybeam Protect 124 63 40 108 40 70
0147 Dratini Dratini Shed Skin Persim Berry Persim Berry Outrage Thunder Wave Dragon Dance Water Pulse 101 98 50 84 55 55
0043 Oddish Oddish Chlorophyll Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Acid Stun Spore Sweet Scent Moonlight 134 55 97 80 70 31
Single Battles Set 1: Team B
0318 Carvanha Carvanha Rough Skin Shell Bell Shell Bell Bite Screech Scary Face Swagger 134 95 25 108 25 63
0048 Venonat Venonat Compound Eyes Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Psybeam Supersonic Stun Spore Skill Swap 149 60 92 45 60 45
0458 Mantyke Mantyke Swift Swim Bright Powder Bright Powder Bubble Beam Agility Aqua Ring Air Slash 105 22 55 103 125 84
Single Battles Set 1: Team C
0333 Swablu Swablu Cloud Nine Mental Herb Mental Herb Take Down Dream Eater Sing Attract 105 81 58 45 80 84
0343 Baltoy Baltoy Levitate Twisted Spoon Twisted Spoon Psybeam Ancient Power Light Screen Mud-Slap 129 49 60 74 67 60
0133 Eevee Eevee Adaptability Salac Berry Salac Berry Charm Attract Take Down Endure 144 89 55 50 70 60
Single Battles Set 2: Team A
0313 Volbeat Volbeat Swarm Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Bug Buzz Confuse Ray Quick Attack Helping Hand 154 78 80 81 90 90
0064 Kadabra Kadabra Inner Focus Twisted Spoon Twisted Spoon Confusion Role Play Future Sight Disable 100 36 35 169 75 139
0198 Murkrow Murkrow Prankster Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Dark Pulse Fly Torment Taunt 120 130 47 81 47 125
Double Battles Set 1: Team A
0318 Carvanha Carvanha Rough Skin Shell Bell Shell Bell Bite Screech Scary Face Swagger 134 95 25 108 25 63
0420 Cherubi Cherubi Chlorophyll Occa Berry Occa Berry Magical Leaf Leech Seed Sunny Day Take Down 105 36 50 105 58 69
0459 Snover Snover Snow Warning Icy Rock Icy Rock Razor Leaf Icy Wind Blizzard Ice Shard 149 67 92 67 65 40
0410 Shieldon Shieldon Sturdy Focus Sash Focus Sash Take Down Protect Iron Defense Metal Sound 119 47 152 47 102 31
Double Battles Set 1: Team B
0341 Corphish Corphish Adaptability Mystic Water Mystic Water Crabhammer Water Pulse Knock Off Protect 132 125 70 55 40 36
0371 Bagon Bagon Rock Head Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Dragon Breath Headbutt Brick Break Scary Face 105 119 65 45 31 84
0439 Mime Jr. Mime Jr. Soundproof Lax Incense Lax Incense Copycat Confusion Reflect Light Screen 109 27 86 75 95 65
0458 Mantyke Mantyke Swift Swim Bright Powder Bright Powder Bubble Beam Agility Aqua Ring Air Slash 105 22 55 103 125 84
Double Battles Set 1: Team C
0387 Turtwig Turtwig Overgrow Occa Berry Occa Berry Grass Knot Bite Curse Withdraw 144 112 69 50 60 32
0246 Larvitar Larvitar Guts Persim Berry Persim Berry Thrash Rock Slide Dig Bite 110 107 55 50 49 75
0449 Hippopotas Hippopotas Sand Stream Passho Berry Passho Berry Bite Sand Attack Sand Tomb Yawn 157 116 83 43 47 33
0434 Stunky Stunky Aftermath Poison Barb Poison Barb Poison Gas Fury Swipes Screech Smokescreen 152 68 52 46 46 108
Double Battles Set 2: Team A
0202 Wobbuffet Wobbuffet Shadow Tag Leftovers Leftovers Counter Mirror Coat Encore Safeguard 279 38 63 34 101 38
0327 Spinda Spinda Own Tempo Silk Scarf Silk Scarf Flail Teeter Dance Psybeam Icy Wind 149 65 103 65 65 58
0095 Onix Onix Sturdy Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Rock Slide Bind Dragon Breath Sandstorm 124 86 165 31 50 75
0070 Weepinbell Weepinbell Gluttony Aguav Berry Aguav Berry Razor Leaf Acid Wrap Sweet Scent 154 95 55 130 50 54


# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Single Battles Set 5: Team A
0395 Empoleon Empoleon Torrent Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Aqua Ring Double Team Whirlpool Rest 178 89 101 150 154 73
0354 Banette Banette Cursed Body Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Night Shade Will-O-Wisp Spite Knock Off 158 120 104 88 112 63
0323 Camerupt Camerupt Solid Rock Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Eruption Protect Sandstorm Rock Slide 164 110 80 144 85 79
Single Battles Set 5: Team B
0105 Marowak Marowak Battle Armor Thick Club Thick Club Brick Break Earthquake Rock Tomb Iron Head 154 119 123 56 93 92
0260 Swampert Swampert Torrent Quick Claw Quick Claw Ancient Power Muddy Water Avalanche Focus Blast 194 123 129 98 141 65
0227 Skarmory Skarmory Sturdy Leftovers Leftovers Stealth Rock Roar Drill Peck Roost 159 93 179 47 119 83
Single Battles Set 6: Team A
0094 Gengar Gengar Cursed Body Focus Sash Focus Sash Shadow Ball Psychic Energy Ball Focus Blast 143 63 75 176 90 171
0031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Sheer Force Life Orb Life Orb Sludge Bomb Ice Beam Thunderbolt Flamethrower 173 87 102 133 100 122
0208 Steelix Steelix Sturdy Occa Berry Occa Berry Thunder Fang Fire Fang Ice Fang Crunch 176 81 270 83 80 45
Double Battles Set 5: Team A
0049 Venomoth Venomoth Shield Dust Persim Berry Persim Berry Bug Buzz Psybeam Sleep Powder Skill Swap 164 70 65 129 80 129
0398 Staraptor Staraptor Intimidate Choice Band Choice Band Brave Bird Close Combat U-turn Facade 179 174 83 56 73 139
0227 Skarmory Skarmory Sturdy Leftovers Leftovers Stealth Rock Roar Drill Peck Roost 159 93 179 47 119 83
0317 Swalot Swalot Sticky Hold Black Sludge Black Sludge Stockpile Ice Beam Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb 194 74 93 123 93 94
Double Battles Set 5: Team B
0308 Medicham Medicham Pure Power Focus Band Focus Band High Jump Kick Thunder Punch Ice Punch Fire Punch 154 99 88 65 88 130
0359 Absol Absol Pressure White Herb White Herb Slash Night Slash Double Team Taunt 159 169 73 79 108 88
0045 Vileplume Vileplume Chlorophyll Big Root Big Root Poison Powder Sleep Powder Stun Spore Giga Drain 169 93 107 149 116 63
0416 Vespiquen Vespiquen Pressure Razor Claw Razor Claw Attack Order Slash Defend Order - 164 130 115 83 115 79
Double Battles Set 6: Team A
0359 Absol Absol Pressure White Herb White Herb Slash Night Slash Double Team Taunt 159 169 73 79 108 88
0282 Gardevoir Gardevoir Synchronize Lum Berry Lum Berry Psychic Shadow Ball Thunder Wave Confuse Ray 151 63 80 171 130 138
0073 Tentacruel Tentacruel Liquid Ooze Leftovers Leftovers Acupressure Rest Sleep Talk Surf 181 67 80 108 182 115
0157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Blaze Wide Lens Wide Lens Will-O-Wisp Focus Blast Double Team Fire Blast 172 96 90 148 97 139


# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Single Battles Set 5: Team A
0335 Zangoose Zangoose Toxic Boost Persim Berry Persim Berry Slash Double Kick Roar Quick Attack 167 154 70 70 70 129
0087 Dewgong Dewgong Thick Fat Razor Fang Razor Fang Aqua Jet Ice Shard Fake Out Protect 184 119 93 74 108 109
0340 Whiscash Whiscash Hydration Leftovers Leftovers Earthquake Water Pulse Tickle Sandstorm 204 91 123 115 84 65
Single Battles Set 5: Team B
0340 Whiscash Whiscash Hydration Leftovers Leftovers Earthquake Water Pulse Tickle Sandstorm 204 91 123 115 84 65
0308 Medicham Medicham Pure Power Focus Band Focus Band High Jump Kick Thunder Punch Ice Punch Fire Punch 154 99 88 65 88 130
0026 Raichu Raichu Lightning Rod Wide Lens Wide Lens Thunderbolt Quick Attack Slam Iron Tail 154 103 68 129 93 149
Single Battles Set 6: Team A
0157 Typhlosion Typhlosion Blaze Wide Lens Wide Lens Will-O-Wisp Focus Blast Double Team Fire Blast 172 96 90 148 97 139
0062 Poliwrath Poliwrath Water Absorb Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Hydro Pump Ice Beam Focus Blast Mind Reader 191 90 110 127 105 98
0214 Heracross Heracross Moxie Focus Band Focus Band Close Combat Stone Edge Megahorn Earthquake 163 171 90 40 110 144
Double Battles Set 5: Team A
0340 Whiscash Whiscash Hydration Leftovers Leftovers Earthquake Water Pulse Tickle Sandstorm 204 91 123 115 84 65
0042 Golbat Golbat Inner Focus Scope Lens Scope Lens Poison Fang Confuse Ray Wing Attack Steel Wing 169 119 75 63 80 141
0260 Swampert Swampert Torrent Quick Claw Quick Claw Ancient Power Muddy Water Avalanche Focus Blast 194 123 129 98 141 65
0171 Lanturn Lanturn Volt Absorb Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Scald Shock Wave Ice Beam Double Team 219 63 106 115 89 80
Double Battles Set 5: Team B
0164 Noctowl Noctowl Keen Eye Persim Berry Persim Berry Air Slash Aerial Ace Psychic Reflect 194 55 97 125 101 67
0275 Shiftry Shiftry Early Bird Leftovers Leftovers Double Team Leech Seed Swagger Synthesis 184 101 108 129 73 93
0076 Golem Golem Sturdy Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Endure Earthquake Flail Rock Tomb 174 159 143 61 78 92
0323 Camerupt Camerupt Solid Rock Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Eruption Protect Sandstorm Rock Slide 164 110 80 144 85 79
Double Battles Set 6: Team A
0121 Starmie Starmie Natural Cure Focus Sash Focus Sash Hydro Pump Thunderbolt Ice Beam Psychic 142 72 100 146 100 183
0055 Golduck Golduck Cloud Nine Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Psychic Disable Surf Brick Break 150 110 93 141 85 144
0034 Nidoking Nidoking Sheer Force Life Orb Life Orb Sludge Bomb Ice Beam Thunderbolt Flamethrower 164 96 92 144 90 131
0199 Slowking Slowking Own Tempo Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Scald Trick Room Ice Beam 196 72 108 160 125 35


# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Single Battles Set 5: Team A
0122 Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Filter Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Psychic Reflect Light Screen Mimic 134 52 114 139 133 103
0224 Octillery Octillery Moody Leftovers Leftovers Octazooka Ice Beam Psychic Protect 169 103 85 158 85 84
0317 Swalot Swalot Sticky Hold Black Sludge Black Sludge Stockpile Ice Beam Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb 194 74 93 123 93 94
Single Battles Set 5: Team B
0051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Arena Trap Focus Sash Focus Sash Shadow Claw Earthquake Rock Slide Thief 129 139 63 56 83 174
0432 Purugly Purugly Thick Fat Silk Scarf Silk Scarf Slash U-turn Attract Fake Out 165 133 69 62 98 117
0099 Kingler Kingler Hyper Cutter Scope Lens Scope Lens Crabhammer Metal Claw Knock Off Protect 149 185 125 54 60 114
Single Battles Set 6: Team A
0181 Ampharos Ampharos Static Toxic Orb Toxic Orb Thunder Wave Facade Fling Rest 191 90 101 143 136 60
0241 Miltank Miltank Thick Fat Muscle Band Muscle Band Defense Curl Rollout Milk Drink Seismic Toss 196 126 146 40 85 115
0229 Houndoom Houndoom Flash Fire Focus Sash Focus Sash Counter Flame Charge Crunch Thunder Fang 158 136 65 103 95 155
Double Battles Set 5: Team A
0097 Hypno Hypno Insomnia Leftovers Leftovers Thunder Punch Zen Headbutt Headbutt Drain Punch 179 86 119 112 128 72
0126 Magmar Magmar Flame Body Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Flamethrower Smokescreen Brick Break Psychic 159 134 73 139 95 92
0392 Infernape Infernape Blaze Coba Berry Coba Berry Fake Out Mach Punch U-turn Overheat 170 143 84 117 84 147
0036 Clefable Clefable Magic Guard Life Orb Life Orb Moonblast Flamethrower Thunderbolt Moonlight 189 72 83 147 100 99
Double Battles Set 5: Team B
0139 Omastar Omastar Swift Swim Shell Bell Shell Bell Bubble Beam Rock Blast Tickle Ancient Power 164 99 135 154 80 65
0195 Quagsire Quagsire Water Absorb Leftovers Leftovers Body Slam Rock Slide Ice Beam Brick Break 189 136 124 78 78 43
0124 Jynx Jynx Dry Skin Bright Powder Bright Powder Mean Look Perish Song Protect Lovely Kiss 159 56 81 154 108 108
0291 Ninjask Ninjask Speed Boost Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Baton Pass Swords Dance Endure Dig 155 129 49 66 60 199
Double Battles Set 6: Team A
0078 Rapidash Rapidash Flame Body Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Sunny Day Fire Blast Solar Beam Rest 148 94 85 138 95 151
0423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Storm Drain Leftovers Leftovers Mirror Coat Recover Waterfall Earthquake 205 122 81 94 133 52
0229 Houndoom Houndoom Flash Fire Focus Sash Focus Sash Counter Flame Charge Crunch Thunder Fang 158 136 65 103 95 155
0065 Alakazam Alakazam Magic Guard Life Orb Life Orb Psyshock Psychic Focus Blast Energy Ball 138 49 60 199 110 166


# Pokémon Ability Item Moves Stats
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Single Battles Set 5: Team A
0227 Skarmory Skarmory Sturdy Leftovers Leftovers Stealth Rock Roar Drill Peck Roost 159 93 179 47 119 83
0045 Vileplume Vileplume Chlorophyll Big Root Big Root Poison Powder Sleep Powder Stun Spore Giga Drain 169 93 107 149 116 63
0071 Victreebel Victreebel Gluttony Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Leaf Blade Poison Jab Leech Life Strength Sap 174 158 78 101 83 109
Single Battles Set 5: Team B
0455 Carnivine Carnivine Levitate Rose Incense Rose Incense Power Whip Crunch Sweet Scent Leech Seed 168 105 111 95 122 45
0257 Blaziken Blaziken Blaze Shell Bell Shell Bell Aerial Ace Flare Blitz Will-O-Wisp Bulk Up 174 174 83 110 83 119
0275 Shiftry Shiftry Early Bird Leftovers Leftovers Double Team Leech Seed Swagger Synthesis 184 101 108 129 73 93
Single Battles Set 6: Team A
0038 Ninetales Ninetales Drought Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Solar Beam Disable Will-O-Wisp Flamethrower 156 72 90 127 115 160
0110 Weezing Weezing Levitate Leftovers Leftovers Will-O-Wisp Double Team Sludge Bomb Substitute 159 92 133 124 119 73
0210 Granbull Granbull Intimidate Razor Claw Razor Claw Thunder Wave Bite Rock Slide Giga Impact 184 174 114 73 73 52
Double Battles Set 5: Team A
0080 Slowbro Slowbro Oblivious Leftovers Leftovers Calm Mind Slack Off Psychic Surf 189 79 163 139 93 43
0189 Jumpluff Jumpluff Chlorophyll Lax Incense Lax Incense Aerial Ace Swagger Psych Up Synthesis 169 60 75 94 100 149
0087 Dewgong Dewgong Thick Fat Razor Fang Razor Fang Aqua Jet Ice Shard Fake Out Protect 184 119 93 74 108 109
0171 Lanturn Lanturn Volt Absorb Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Scald Shock Wave Ice Beam Double Team 219 63 106 115 89 80
Double Battles Set 5: Team B
0087 Dewgong Dewgong Thick Fat Razor Fang Razor Fang Aqua Jet Ice Shard Fake Out Protect 184 119 93 74 108 109
0435 Skuntank Skuntank Aftermath Bright Powder Bright Powder Explosion Night Slash Poison Jab Play Rough 197 132 80 75 74 135
0254 Sceptile Sceptile Overgrow Leftovers Leftovers Leech Seed Double Team Dragon Pulse Giga Drain 164 88 114 144 98 133
0395 Empoleon Empoleon Torrent Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Aqua Ring Double Team Whirlpool Rest 178 89 101 150 154 73
Double Battles Set 6: Team A
0213 Shuckle Shuckle Sturdy Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Wrap Power Split Toxic Rest 121 32 250 13 303 20
0260 Swampert Swampert Torrent Quick Claw Quick Claw Ancient Power Muddy Water Avalanche Focus Blast 194 123 129 98 141 65
0055 Golduck Golduck Cloud Nine Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Psychic Disable Surf Brick Break 150 110 93 141 85 144
0454 Toxicroak Toxicroak Dry Skin Black Glasses Black Glasses Poison Jab Drain Punch Sucker Punch Flatter 166 167 80 81 80 131

Battle Tower Trainers

Ace TrainerAroma LadyBattle GirlBeautyBird KeeperBlack BeltBug CatcherCameraman
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GuitaristHikerIdolJoggerLadyLassMadameNinja BoyParasol LadyPIPicnicker
Poké FanPoké KidPokémon BreederPokémon RangerPolice OfficerPsychicRancher
ReporterRich BoyRoughneckRuin ManiacSailorSchool KidScientist
Master Class Double Battles (1234)